$content[] = '<label for=category_can_reply>{LNG_CAN_REPLY}</label>'; $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-comments"><select name=category_can_reply id=category_can_reply title="{LNG_CANREPLY_SETTING}">'; foreach ($lng['LNG_CAN_REPLIES'] as $i => $item) { $sel = $index['can_reply'] == $i ? ' selected' : ''; $content[] = '<option value=' . $i . $sel . '>' . $item . '</option>'; } $content[] = '</select></span>'; $content[] = '</div>'; $content[] = '</div>'; $content[] = '<div class=comment>{LNG_CATEGORY_CAN_PUBLISHED_REPLY_COMMENT}</div>'; $content[] = '</div>'; $content[] = '</fieldset>'; // topic,detail,icon $topic = gcms::ser2Array($index, 'topic'); $detail = gcms::ser2Array($index, 'detail'); $icon = gcms::ser2Array($index, 'icon'); $multi_language = sizeof($config['languages']) > 1; foreach ($config['languages'] as $item) { $content[] = '<fieldset>'; $content[] = '<legend><span>{LNG_CATEGORY_DETAIL} <img src="' . ($item == '' ? "../skin/img/blank.gif" : DATA_URL . 'language/' . $item . '.gif') . '" alt="' . $item . '"></span></legend>'; // topic $content[] = '<div class=item>'; $content[] = '<label for=category_topic_' . $item . '>{LNG_CATEGORY}</label>'; $t = isset($topic[$item]) ? $topic[$item] : (isset($topic['']) && (!$multi_language || $item == LANGUAGE && !isset($topic[LANGUAGE])) ? $topic[''] : ''); $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-edit"><input type=text id=category_topic_' . $item . ' name=category_topic[' . $item . '] maxlength=64 title="{LNG_CATEGORY_COMMENT}" value="' . $t . '"></span>'; $content[] = '<div class=comment id=result_category_topic_' . $item . '>{LNG_CATEGORY_COMMENT}</div>'; $content[] = '</div>'; // detail $content[] = '<div class=item>'; $content[] = '<div>'; $content[] = '<label for=category_detail_' . $item . '>{LNG_DESCRIPTION}</label>';
$content[] = '<th id=c9 scope=col></th>'; $content[] = '</tr>'; $content[] = '</thead>'; $content[] = '<tbody>'; // เรียกหมวดหมู่ทั้งหมด $categories = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`"; foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { $save = array(); gcms::r2config($item['config'], $save); $save['category_id'] = $item['category_id']; $save['published'] = $item['published']; $save['c1'] = $item['c1']; $topics = gcms::ser2Array($item, 'topic'); $details = gcms::ser2Array($item, 'detail'); $icons = gcms::ser2Array($item, 'icon'); foreach ($topics as $k => $v) { $save['topic'] = empty($topics[$k]) ? isset($topics[LANGUAGE]) ? $topics[LANGUAGE] : '' : $topics[$k]; $save['detail'] = empty($details[$k]) ? isset($details[LANGUAGE]) ? $details[LANGUAGE] : '' : $details[$k]; $save['icon'] = empty($icons[$k]) ? isset($icons[LANGUAGE]) ? $icons[LANGUAGE] : '' : $icons[$k]; $categories[$item['id']][$k] = $save; } if (sizeof($categories[$item['id']]) == 1) { foreach ($categories[$item['id']] as $k => $v) { if ($k != '') { $categories[$item['id']][''] = $v; unset($categories[$item['id']][$k]); } } } }
$index = $db->getRec(DB_MODULES, $module); if ($index) { if (in_array($index['owner'], array('document', 'board'))) { // config gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index); $admin = gcms::canConfig($index, 'can_config'); } else { $admin = gcms::canConfig($config, $index['owner'] . '_can_config'); } if ($admin && $action == 'delete') { // ลบหมวดหมู่, ตรวจสอบรายการที่เลือก และลบ icon ของหมวด $ids = array(); $categories = array(); $sql = "SELECT `id`,`icon` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'"; foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { foreach (gcms::ser2Array($item, 'icon') as $icon) { if (is_file(DATA_PATH . "{$index['owner']}/{$icon}")) { // ลบไอคอนของหมวด unlink(DATA_PATH . "{$index['owner']}/{$icon}"); } } // รายการที่ลบ category_detail $ids[] = $item['id']; } if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { // ลบ category $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")"); } } elseif ($admin && $action == 'categoryid') { // เปลี่ยน category_id ที่หน้า category $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' AND `category_id`='{$value}'";