eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template('admin_enter') . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template('footer') . "\";"); echo $enter_html; } else { // This is an array of some generic variables common to most forms $postVars = array('gbsession', 'uid', 'action', 'panel', 'section', 'tbl'); create_variable($postVars); $action = !isset($action) ? '' : $action; $rid = !isset($rid) ? '' : $rid; $admin = new gb_admin($AUTH['session'], $AUTH['uid']); $admin->VARS =& $VARS; $admin->db =& $gb_auth; switch ($action) { case 'accept': $admin->accept_entry($id, $tbl); $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid, $LANG['AdminTopMessAcc']); break; case 'unaccept': $admin->unaccept_entry($id, $tbl); $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid, $LANG['AdminTopMessUnacc']); break; case 'show': $postVars = array('record', 'table'); create_variable($postVars); $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid); break; case 'del': $admin->del_entry($id, $tbl); $topmessage = $tbl == 'pubpics' ? $LANG['AdminTopImageDel'] : $LANG['AdminTopMessDel']; $admin->show_entry($tbl, $rid, $topmessage); break;
$enter_html = ""; if (!$AUTH) { $message = isset($username) || isset($password) ? $LANG["PassMess2"] : $LANG["PassMess1"]; eval("\$enter_html = \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['header']) . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['adm_enter']) . "\";"); eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['footer']) . "\";"); echo $enter_html; } else { $action = !isset($action) ? "" : $action; $admin = new gb_admin($AUTH["session"], $AUTH["uid"]); $admin->VARS =& $VARS; $admin->db =& $gb_auth; $admin->table =& $GB_TBL; switch ($action) { case "show": $admin->show_entry($tbl); break; case "del": $admin->del_entry($id, $tbl); $admin->show_entry($tbl); break; case "edit": $admin->show_form($id, $tbl); break; case "info": $admin->show_panel("info"); break; case "smilies": if (isset($scan_dir)) { $smilie_list = $admin->scan_smilie_dir(); }