Пример #1
  * Begin gather up scripts or css files so that they can be combined into a single request.
  * @param $types  a comma separated list of types to combine, eg "script,css"
 public function start_combining($types)
     if (gallery::allow_css_and_js_combining()) {
         foreach (explode(",", $types) as $type) {
             $this->combine_queue[$type] = array();
Пример #2
  * Combine a series of files into a single one and cache it in the database.
  * @param $type  the data type (script or css)
  * @param $group the group of scripts or css we want (null will combine all groups)
 public function get_combined($type, $group = null)
     if (is_null($group)) {
         $groups = array_keys($this->combine_queue[$type]);
     } else {
         $groups = array($group);
     $buf = "";
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         if (empty($this->combine_queue[$type][$group])) {
         // Include the url in the cache key so that if the Gallery moves, we don't use old cached
         // entries.
         $key = array(url::abs_file(""));
         foreach (array_keys($this->combine_queue[$type][$group]) as $path) {
             $stats = stat($path);
             // 7 == size, 9 == mtime, see http://php.net/stat
             $key[] = "{$path} {$stats['7']} {$stats['9']}";
         $key = md5(join(" ", $key)) . ($type == "css" ? ".css" : ".js");
         if (gallery::allow_css_and_js_combining()) {
             // Combine enabled - if we're at the start of the buffer, add a comment.
             if (!$buf) {
                 $type_text = $type == "css" ? "CSS" : "JS";
                 $buf .= "<!-- LOOKING FOR YOUR {$type_text}? It's all been combined into the link(s) below -->\n";
             $cache = Cache::instance();
             $contents = $cache->get($key);
             if (empty($contents)) {
                 $combine_data = new stdClass();
                 $combine_data->type = $type;
                 $combine_data->contents = $this->combine_queue[$type][$group];
                 module::event("before_combine", $combine_data);
                 $contents = "";
                 foreach (array_keys($this->combine_queue[$type][$group]) as $path) {
                     if ($type == "css") {
                         $contents .= "/* {$path} */\n" . $this->process_css($path) . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $contents .= "/* {$path} */\n" . file_get_contents($path) . "\n";
                 $combine_data = new stdClass();
                 $combine_data->type = $type;
                 $combine_data->contents = $contents;
                 module::event("after_combine", $combine_data);
                 $cache->set($key, $combine_data->contents, array($type), 30 * 84600);
                 $use_gzip = function_exists("gzencode") && (int) ini_get("zlib.output_compression") === 0;
                 if ($use_gzip) {
                     $cache->set("{$key}_gz", gzencode($combine_data->contents, 9, FORCE_GZIP), array($type, "gzip"), 30 * 84600);
             if ($type == "css") {
                 $buf .= html::stylesheet("combined/css/{$key}", "screen,print,projection", true);
             } else {
                 $buf .= html::script("combined/javascript/{$key}", true);
         } else {
             // Don't combine - just return the CSS and JS links (with the key as a cache buster).
             $key_base = substr($key, 0, $type == "css" ? -4 : -3);
             // key without extension
             foreach (array_keys($this->combine_queue[$type][$group]) as $path) {
                 if ($type == "css") {
                     $buf .= html::stylesheet("{$path}?m={$key_base}", "screen,print,projection", false);
                 } else {
                     $buf .= html::script("{$path}?m={$key_base}", false);
         if (empty($this->combine_queue[$type])) {
     return $buf;