Пример #1
 function siteconfig()
     if (!$this->haveAccessTo('settings')) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     if (bff::$isAjax) {
         switch (func::GET('act')) {
             case 'im-attach-total-update':
                 $nSize = CAttachment::dirSize(PATH_BASE . 'files/im');
                 $this->ajaxResponse(array('view' => func::getfilesize($nSize, true), 'size' => $nSize));
     $sCurrentTab = func::POSTGET('tab');
     if (empty($sCurrentTab)) {
         $sCurrentTab = 'general';
     if (func::isPostMethod() && func::POST('saveconfig') == 1) {
         $conf = func::POST('config', false);
         //set off checkboxes
         $this->setCheckboxes($conf, array('mail_smtp1_on', 'mail_smtp2_on'));
         $this->saveConfig($conf, false);
         //в БД
         $this->saveConfig($conf, true);
         //в файл
         $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESS, 'siteconfig&tab=' . $sCurrentTab);
     $aConfig = config::getAll();
     $aConfig = array_map('stripslashes', $aConfig);
     $aConfig['options'] = array();
     $aConfig['options']['im_attach_maxsize'] = $this->getOptionsSizetype(config::get('im_attach_maxsize', 0));
     $aConfig['options']['items_images_limit'] = range(1, 10, 1);
     $aData = $aConfig;
     $aData['tabs'] = array('general' => array('t' => 'Общие настройки', 'a' => 0), 'mail' => array('t' => 'Почта', 'a' => 0));
     $aData['tabs'][$sCurrentTab]['a'] = 1;
     $this->tplAssign('tab', $sCurrentTab);
     $this->tplAssignByRef('aData', $aData);
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.siteconfig.tpl');
Пример #2
 function sys()
     if (!FORDEV) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     $aData = array();
     $aData['maxmemory'] = @ini_get('memory_limit') != '' ? @ini_get('memory_limit') : 'Неопределено';
     $aData['disabledfunctions'] = strlen(ini_get('disable_functions')) > 1 ? @ini_get('disable_functions') : 'Неопределено';
     $aData['disabledfunctions'] = str_replace(",", ", ", $aData['disabledfunctions']);
     $aData['safemode'] = @ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 ? 'Включен' : 'Выключен';
     if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
         if (array_search('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())) {
             $aData['mod_rewrite'] = 'Включен';
         } else {
             $aData['mod_rewrite'] = '<font color="red">Выключен</font>';
     } else {
         $aData['mod_rewrite'] = 'Неопределено';
     $aData['extension_mcrypt'] = extension_loaded("mcrypt") ? 'Включен' : '<font color="red">Выключен</font>';
     $aData['extension_imap'] = extension_loaded("imap") ? 'Включен' : '<font color="red">Выключен</font>';
     $aData['extension_pdo'] = extension_loaded("pdo") ? 'Включен (' . implode(', ', PDO::getAvailableDrivers()) . ')' : '<font color="red">Выключен</font>';
     $aData['extension_spl'] = extension_loaded("spl") ? 'Включен (autoload, iterators...)' : '<font color="red">Выключен</font>';
     $aData['os_version'] = php_uname("s") . " " . php_uname("r");
     $aData['php_version'] = phpversion();
     //mysql version
     if (extension_loaded('mysql')) {
         if (function_exists('mysql_get_client_info')) {
             $current_version = mysql_get_client_info();
             // Process version
             preg_match('/[0-9.]+/', $current_version, $version_matches);
             $aData['mysql'] = $version_matches[0];
         } else {
             $aData['mysql'] = 'Включено';
     } else {
         $aData['mysql'] = '<font color="red">Выключено</font>';
     //gd version
     static $gd_version_number = null;
     if ($gd_version_number === null) {
         $module_info = ob_get_contents();
         if (preg_match("/\\bgd\\s+version\\b[^\\d\n\r]+?([\\d\\.]+)/i", $module_info, $matches)) {
             $gdversion_h = $matches[1];
         } else {
             $gdversion_h = 0;
     $aData['gd_version'] = $gdversion_h;
     $aData['mbstring'] = extension_loaded('mbstring') ? 'Включено' : '<font color="red">Выключено</font>';
     $aData['maxexecution'] = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
     $aData['maxupload'] = str_replace(array('M', 'm'), '', @ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
     $aData['maxupload'] = func::getfilesize($aData['maxupload'] * 1024 * 1024);
     $aData['maxpost'] = str_replace(array('M', 'm'), '', @ini_get('post_max_size'));
     $aData['maxpost'] = func::getfilesize($aData['maxpost'] * 1024 * 1024);
     //Can we find Imagemagick anywhere on the system?
     $exe = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? '\\' : '/') == '\\' ? '.exe' : '';
     $magic_home = getenv('MAGICK_HOME');
     $aData['img_imagick'] = '';
     if (empty($magic_home)) {
         $locations = array('C:/WINDOWS/', 'C:/WINNT/', 'C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM/', 'C:/WINNT/SYSTEM/', 'C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/', 'C:/WINNT/SYSTEM32/', '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/', '/usr/local/bin/', '/usr/local/sbin/', '/opt/', '/usr/imagemagick/', '/usr/bin/imagemagick/');
         $path_locations = str_replace('\\', '/', explode($exe ? ';' : ':', getenv('PATH')));
         $locations = array_merge($path_locations, $locations);
         foreach ($locations as $location) {
             // The path might not end properly, fudge it
             if (substr($location, -1, 1) !== '/') {
                 $location .= '/';
             if (@file_exists($location) && @is_readable($location . 'mogrify' . $exe) && @filesize($location . 'mogrify' . $exe) > 3000) {
                 $aData['img_imagick'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $location);
     } else {
         $aData['img_imagick'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $magic_home);
     $this->tplAssign('aData', $aData);
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.system.tpl');