Пример #1
  * Generates sitemap by all modules that implement isitemap interface.
  * @return array All sitemap entries.
  * @static
  * @since Version 1.0
 public static function generateSitemap()
     $modules = frontend::loadAllModules();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($modules as $m) {
         $obj = new $m();
         if ($obj instanceof \frontend\isitemap) {
             $map = $obj->getSitemap();
             if (isset($map['loc'])) {
                 array_push($data, $map);
             } else {
                 foreach ($map as $link) {
                     array_push($data, $link);
     return $data;
Пример #2
* @filesource      $HeadURL: https://localhost:8443/svn/wb283Sp4/SP4/branches/wb/account/signup2.php $
* @lastmodified    $Date: 2015-04-27 10:02:19 +0200 (Mo, 27. Apr 2015) $
print '<pre  class="mod-pre rounded">function <span>'.__FUNCTION__.'( '.''.' );</span>  filename: <span>'.basename(__FILE__).'</span>  line: '.__LINE__.' -> <br />'; 
print_r( $_POST ); print '</pre>'; flush (); //  ob_flush();;sleep(10); die(); 
// Must include code to stop this file being access directly
if (defined('WB_PATH') == false) {
    die("Cannot access this file directly");
// Create new frontend object
if (!isset($wb) || !$wb instanceof frontend) {
    if (!class_exists('wb', false)) {
        require WB_PATH . "/framework/class.wb.php";
    $wb = new frontend();
if (!$wb->checkFTAN())
    $error[] =  $MESSAGE['GENERIC_SECURITY_ACCESS']."\n";
// Get details entered
$groups_id = FRONTEND_SIGNUP;
$active = 1;
$username = strtolower(strip_tags($wb->get_post('username')));
$display_name = strip_tags($wb->get_post('display_name'));
$email = $wb->get_post('email');
$oneforall_frequency = "weekly";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include config file
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php";
// Check if the config file has been set-up
if (!defined("WB_PATH")) {
    die("Website not configured");
// Include class frontend
require_once WB_PATH . "/framework/class.frontend.php";
// Create new frontend object
$wb = new frontend();
// Collect general website settings
// Vars
$counter = 0;
$ts = time();
$public = array();
$modules = array();
$debug_info = array();
// Functions
// *********
// Function check_link
function check_link($link, $exclude)
    static $listed = array();
    // Check for unwanted words in the url
Пример #4

 * All requests on *.js files will be redirected to this file. This is inteded
 * to create a minified js file instead of delivering the original js file, 
 * which usually is 50% size bigger than the minified.
 * Creation of the minified js file will only occur if the main js file has
 * changed since last minification.
 * Felix Honer
 * 2015/01/23
require "../config.php";
require "../core/frontend.php";
// name of the original js file (and also the requested file name)
$jsfile = BASEDIR . "js/" . $_GET['filename'] . ".js";
// name of the minified js file
$minJsfile = BASEDIR . "js/" . str_replace(".js", ".min.js", $_GET['filename'] . ".js");
if (!file_exists($minJsfile) || filemtime($jsfile) > filemtime($minJsfile)) {
    $js = frontend::minifyJs(file_get_contents($jsfile));
    // invoke minifier framework
    file_put_contents($minJsfile, $js);
    // create file
header('Content-Type: application/javascript');
// some http headers
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($minJsfile));
print file_get_contents($minJsfile);
// print output
Пример #5
require_once BASEDIR . "core/isidebar.php";
require_once BASEDIR . "core/isitemap.php";
require_once BASEDIR . "core/izoomableImages.php";
require_once BASEDIR . "core/template.php";
require_once BASEDIR . "core/frontend.php";
$set = new SimpleXMLElement('<urlset/>');
$set->addAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9");
function addChildren($set, $link)
    $url = $set->addChild("url");
    $url->addChild("loc", URL . "/" . $link['loc']);
    if (isset($link['changefreq'])) {
        $url->addChild("changefreq", $link['changefreq']);
    if (isset($link['lastmod'])) {
        $url->addChild("lastmod", $link['lastmod']->format("Y-m-d"));
    if (isset($link['children'])) {
        foreach ($link['children'] as $child) {
            addChildren($set, $child);
foreach (frontend::generateSitemap() as $link) {
    addChildren($set, $link);
Header('Content-type: text/xml');
$dom = dom_import_simplexml($set)->ownerDocument;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
$dom->encoding = "UTF-8";
echo $dom->saveXML();
Пример #6
         jNews_Tools::redirect($redirectlink, $message);
     } else {
         $showPanel = true;
 case 'list':
     if (empty($listId)) {
         $listId = JRequest::getVar('list_id');
     frontEnd::showLists($subscriberId, $listId, $lisType, $action, $task);
 case 'statistics':
     if (empty($listType)) {
         $listType = 1;
     frontend::statisticsFE($action, $task, $listId, $listType, $mailingId, $message, $Itemid);
 case 'token':
 case 'fwdtofriend':
     frontEnd::fwdtofriend($action, $task);
 case 'templates':
     $showPanel = false;
 case 'tags':
     frontEnd::assignTag($action, $task);
     $showPanel = false;
Пример #7
        $subscriberId = 0;
global $mainframe;
$mainframe->addCustomHeadTag('<link rel="stylesheet" href="components/com_acajoom/css/acajoom.css" type="text/css" >');
$d['subscriberId'] = $subscriberId;
$d['cle'] = $cle;
if ($userId > 0 && empty($cle)) {
    $validated = true;
    $subscriberId = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromUserId($userId);
$showPanel = false;
echo '<!--  Beginning : ' . acajoom::version() . '   -->' . "\n\r";
switch ($action) {
    case 'confirm':
        $message = acajoom::printYN(frontend::confirmRegistration($d), _ACA_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMED, _ACA_VERIFY_INFO);
        $showPanel = true;
        if (!empty($GLOBALS[ACA . 'redirectconfirm'])) {
            compa::redirect($GLOBALS[ACA . 'redirectconfirm'], $message);
    case 'sublist':
        frontEnd::showSubscriberLists($subscriberId, 'subscribeAll');
    case 'mailing':
        frontEnd::mailingOptions($action, $task, $listId, $mailingId, $subscriberId, $lisType);
    case 'savemailing':
        $message = acajoom::printYN(xmailing::saveMailing($mailingId, $listId), _ACA_MAILING_SAVED, _ACA_ERROR);
        $showPanel = true;
Пример #8
     *	Anmerkung:  HTTP/1.1 verlangt einen absoluten URI inklusive dem Schema,
     *	Hostnamen und absoluten Pfad als Argument von Location:, manche, aber nicht alle
     *	Clients akzeptieren jedoch auch relative URIs.
    $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/\\');
    $file = 'install/index.php';
    $target_url = 'http://' . $host . $uri . '/' . $file;
    header('Location: ' . $target_url);
    // make sure that the code below will not be executed
require_once LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
// Create new frontend object
$wb = new frontend();
// Figure out which page to display
// Stop processing if intro page was shown
$wb->page_select() or die;
// Collect info about the currently viewed page
// and check permissions
// Collect general website settings
// Load functions available to templates, modules and code sections
// also, set some aliases for backward compatibility
require LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/summary.frontend_functions.php';
// redirect menu-link
$this_page_id = PAGE_ID;
$sql = 'SELECT `module`, `block` FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'sections` ';
$sql .= 'WHERE `page_id` = ' . (int) $this_page_id . ' AND `module` = "menu_link"';
Пример #9
Файл: rss.php Проект: WBCE/news
// Check that GET values have been supplied
if (isset($_GET['page_id']) and is_numeric($_GET['page_id'])) {
    $page_id = $_GET['page_id'];
} else {
    header('Location: /');
if (isset($_GET['group_id']) and is_numeric($_GET['group_id'])) {
    $group_id = $_GET['group_id'];
    define('GROUP_ID', $group_id);
// Include WB files
require_once '../../config.php';
require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
$wb = new frontend();
$wb->page_id = $page_id;
//checkout if a charset is defined otherwise use UTF-8
if (defined('DEFAULT_CHARSET')) {
    $charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
} else {
    $charset = 'utf-8';
// Sending XML header
header("Content-type: text/xml; charset={$charset}");
// Header info
// Required by CSS 2.0
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>';
Пример #10
$page_id = !empty($_SESSION['PAGE_ID']) ? $_SESSION['PAGE_ID'] : 0;
// Required page details
// $page_id = 0;
$page_description = '';
$page_keywords = '';
define('PAGE_ID', $page_id);
define('ROOT_PARENT', 0);
define('PARENT', 0);
define('LEVEL', 0);
define('VISIBILITY', 'public');
// Set the page content include file
define('PAGE_CONTENT', WB_PATH . '/account/login_form.php');
// Create new frontend object
$wb = new frontend();
// Create new login app
$requestMethod = '_' . strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
$redirect = strip_tags(isset(${$requestMethod}['redirect']) ? ${$requestMethod}['redirect'] : '');
$redirect = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && empty($redirect) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $redirect;
$_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] = str_replace(WB_URL, '', $redirect);
$loginUrl = WB_URL . '/account/login.php';
$loginUrl .= !empty($redirect) ? '?redirect=' . $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
$ThemeUrl = WB_URL . $wb->correct_theme_source('warning.html');
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
$ThemePath = realpath(WB_PATH . $wb->correct_theme_source('login.htt'));
$thisApp = new login(array("MAX_ATTEMPS" => "3", "WARNING_URL" => $ThemeUrl . "/warning.html", "USERNAME_FIELDNAME" => 'username', "PASSWORD_FIELDNAME" => 'password', "REMEMBER_ME_OPTION" => SMART_LOGIN, "MIN_USERNAME_LEN" => "2", "MIN_PASSWORD_LEN" => "3", "MAX_USERNAME_LEN" => "30", "MAX_PASSWORD_LEN" => "30", "LOGIN_URL" => $loginUrl, "DEFAULT_URL" => WB_URL . PAGES_DIRECTORY . "/index.php", "TEMPLATE_DIR" => $ThemePath, "TEMPLATE_FILE" => "login.htt", "FRONTEND" => true, "FORGOTTEN_DETAILS_APP" => WB_URL . "/account/forgot.php", "USERS_TABLE" => TABLE_PREFIX . "users", "GROUPS_TABLE" => TABLE_PREFIX . "groups", "REDIRECT_URL" => $redirect));
// Set extra outsider var
$globals[] = 'thisApp';
// Include the index (wrapper) file
require WB_PATH . '/index.php';
Пример #11
 * @link            http://www.websitebaker2.org/
 * @license         http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @platform        WebsiteBaker 2.8.3
 * @requirements    PHP 5.3.6 and higher
 * @version         $Id: index.php 1625 2012-02-29 00:50:57Z Luisehahne $
 * @filesource      $HeadURL: svn://isteam.dynxs.de/wb_svn/wb280/branches/2.8.x/wb/admin/login/index.php $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2012-02-29 01:50:57 +0100 (Mi, 29. Feb 2012) $
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/config.php";
if (!class_exists('Login', false)) {
    require WB_PATH . "/framework/Login.php";
if (!class_exists('frontend', false)) {
    require WB_PATH . "/framework/class.frontend.php";
$username_fieldname = 'username';
$password_fieldname = 'password';
if (defined('SMART_LOGIN') && SMART_LOGIN == 'true') {
    $sTmp = '_' . substr(md5(microtime()), -8);
    $username_fieldname .= $sTmp;
    $password_fieldname .= $sTmp;
$admin = new frontend();
// Setup template object, parse vars to it, then parse it
$WarnUrl = str_replace(WB_PATH, WB_URL, $admin->correct_theme_source('warning.html'));
$LoginTpl = 'login.htt';
$ThemePath = dirname($admin->correct_theme_source($LoginTpl));
$thisApp = new Login(array('MAX_ATTEMPS' => 3, 'WARNING_URL' => $WarnUrl, 'USERNAME_FIELDNAME' => $username_fieldname, 'PASSWORD_FIELDNAME' => $password_fieldname, 'REMEMBER_ME_OPTION' => SMART_LOGIN, 'MIN_USERNAME_LEN' => 2, 'MIN_PASSWORD_LEN' => 3, 'MAX_USERNAME_LEN' => 100, 'MAX_PASSWORD_LEN' => 100, 'LOGIN_URL' => ADMIN_URL . "/login/index.php", 'DEFAULT_URL' => ADMIN_URL . "/start/index.php", 'TEMPLATE_DIR' => $ThemePath, 'TEMPLATE_FILE' => $LoginTpl, 'FRONTEND' => false, 'FORGOTTEN_DETAILS_APP' => ADMIN_URL . "/login/forgot/index.php", 'USERS_TABLE' => TABLE_PREFIX . "users", 'GROUPS_TABLE' => TABLE_PREFIX . "groups"));
Пример #12
// output-handler for image-captchas to determine size of image
if (!function_exists('captcha_header')) {
    function captcha_header()
        header("Expires: Mon, 1 Jan 1990 05:00:00 GMT");
        header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
        header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate");
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
        header("Content-type: image/png");
global $wb, $admin;
if (!is_object($wb)) {
    if (!is_object($admin)) {
        $wb = new frontend();
    } else {
        $wb =& $admin;
// get list of available CAPTCHAS for the dropdown-listbox in admin-tools
$useable_captchas = array('calc_text' => $wb->lang()->translate('Calculation as text'), 'text' => $wb->lang()->translate('Text-CAPTCHA'));
if (extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('imagepng')) {
    $useable_captchas['calc_image'] = $wb->lang()->translate('Calculation as image');
    $useable_captchas['old_image'] = $wb->lang()->translate('Old style (not recommended)');
    if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
        $useable_captchas['calc_ttf_image'] = $wb->lang()->translate('Calculation as image with varying fonts and backgrounds');
        $useable_captchas['ttf_image'] = $wb->lang()->translate('Image with varying fonts and backgrounds');
if (!function_exists('wb_call_captcha')) {
Пример #13
    $page_id = $_GET['page_id'];
} else {
    header('Location: /');
if (isset($_GET['group_id']) and is_numeric($_GET['group_id'])) {
    $group_id = (int) $_GET['group_id'];
} else {
    $group_id = -1;
    // Keep in mind, that $group_id could be 0 (no group)
define('GROUP_ID', $group_id);
// Include WB files
require_once LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
//$database = new database();
$wb = new frontend();
$wb->page_id = $page_id;
//checkout if a charset is defined otherwise use UTF-8
if (defined('DEFAULT_CHARSET')) {
    $charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
} else {
    $charset = 'utf-8';
// Sending XML header
header("Content-type: text/xml; charset={$charset}");
// Header info
// Required by CSS 2.0
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>';
Пример #14
 * @platform        WebsiteBaker 2.8.3
 * @requirements    PHP 5.3.6 and higher
 * @version         $Id: login.php 1605 2012-02-08 07:11:36Z Luisehahne $
 * @filesource      $HeadURL: svn://isteam.dynxs.de/wb_svn/wb280/tags/2.8.3/wb/account/login.php $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2012-02-08 08:11:36 +0100 (Mi, 08. Feb 2012) $
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(__DIR__) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('frontend')) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
// Create new frontend object
if (!isset($wb) || !$wb instanceof frontend) {
    $wb = new frontend();
// Make sure the login is enabled
    if (INTRO_PAGE) {
        header('Location: ' . WB_URL . '/index.php');
    } else {
        header('Location: ' . WB_URL . '/index.php');
        if ($wb->get_user_id() && $wb->ami_group_member('1')) {
        } else {
Пример #15
  * Adds the zoomable images gallery functionality.
  * @return string Page content as html with integrated gallery functionality.
  * @since Version 1.2
 public function getZoomableImagesOutput()
     $output = $this->getOutput();
     return \frontend::addZoomGallery($output);
Пример #16
     * of the host and absolute path as the argument of location. Some, but
     * not all clients will accept relative URIs also.
    $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/\\');
    $file = 'install/index.php';
    $target_url = 'http://' . $host . $uri . '/' . $file;
    $sResponse = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 307 Temporary Redirect';
    header('Location: ' . $target_url);
    // make sure that subsequent code will not be executed
require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
// Create new frontend object
$wb = new frontend();
// Figure out which page to display
// Stop processing if intro page was shown
$wb->page_select() or die;
// Collect info about the currently viewed page
// and check permissions
// Collect general website settings
// Load functions available to templates, modules and code sections
// also, set some aliases for backward compatibility
require WB_PATH . '/framework/frontend.functions.php';
// redirect menu-link
$this_page_id = PAGE_ID;
$php43 = version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3', '>=');
$sql = 'SELECT `module`, `block` FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'sections` ';
Пример #17
if (isset($_GET['group_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['group_id'])) {
    $group_id = $_GET['group_id'];
    define('GROUP_ID', $group_id);
// Include WB files
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('frontend')) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
// Create new frontend object
if (!isset($wb) || !$wb instanceof frontend) {
    $wb = new frontend();
$wb->page_id = $page_id;
//checkout if a charset is defined otherwise use UTF-8
if (defined('DEFAULT_CHARSET')) {
    $charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
} else {
    $charset = 'utf-8';
// Sending XML header
header("Content-type: text/xml; charset={$charset}");
// Header info
// Required by CSS 2.0
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>';
 * @platform        WebsiteBaker 2.8.x
 * @requirements    PHP 5.2.2 and higher
 * @version         $Id: preferences.php 1508 2011-09-07 18:51:47Z Luisehahne $
 * @filesource        $HeadURL: svn://isteam.dynxs.de/wb_svn/wb280/tags/2.8.3/wb/account/preferences.php $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2011-09-07 20:51:47 +0200 (Mi, 07. Sep 2011) $
if (!defined('WB_PATH')) {
    require dirname(__DIR__) . '/config.php';
if (!class_exists('frontend')) {
    require WB_PATH . '/framework/class.frontend.php';
// Create new frontend object
if (!isset($wb) || !$wb instanceof frontend) {
    $wb = new frontend();
    header('Location: ' . WB_URL . '/index.php');
if ($wb->is_authenticated() == false) {
    header('Location: ' . WB_URL . '/account/login.php');
$redirect_url = isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) && $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] != '' ? $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] : WB_URL;
$redirect_url = isset($redirect) && $redirect != '' ? $redirect : $redirect_url;
$page_id = @$_SESSION['PAGE_ID'] ?: 0;
// Required page details
$page_description = '';
$page_keywords = '';