Пример #1
  * Generates the parameters form required for configuring a prebuilt form.
  * Fieldsets are given classes which define that they are collapsible and normally initially
  * collapsed, though the css for handling this must be defined elsewhere. For Drupal usage this
  * css is normally handled by default in the template.
  * @param array $options Options array with the following possibilities:<ul>
  * <li><b>form</b>
  * Name of the form file without the .php extension, e.g. mnhnl_dynamic_1.</li>
  * <li><b>currentSettings</b>
  * Associative array of default values to load into the form controls.</li>
  * <li><b>expandFirst</b>
  * Optional. If set to true, then the first fieldset on the form is initially expanded.</li>
  * <li><b>siteSpecific</b>
  * Optional. Defaults to false. If true then only parameters marked as specific to a site
  * are loaded. Used to provide a reduced version of the params form after migrating a
  * form between sites (e.g. when installing a Drupal feature).</li>
  * </ul>
 public static function prebuilt_form_params_form($options)
     require_once 'data_entry_helper.php';
     // temporarily disable caching because performance is not as important as reflecting
     // the latest available parameters, surveys etc. in the drop downs
     $oldnocache = self::$nocache;
     if (!isset($options['siteSpecific'])) {
         $options['siteSpecific'] = false;
     self::$nocache = true;
     $formparams = self::get_form_parameters($options['form']);
     $fieldsets = array();
     $r = '';
     foreach ($formparams as $control) {
         // skip hidden controls or non-site specific controls when displaying the reduced site specific
         // version of the form
         if (isset($control['visible']) && !$control['visible'] || $options['siteSpecific'] && !(isset($control['siteSpecific']) && $control['siteSpecific'])) {
         $fieldset = isset($control['group']) ? $control['group'] : 'Other IForm Parameters';
         // apply default options to the control
         $ctrlOptions = array_merge(array('id' => $control['fieldname'], 'sep' => '<br/>', 'class' => '', 'blankText' => '<' . lang::get('please select') . '>', 'extraParams' => array(), 'readAuth' => $options['readAuth']), $control);
         $type = self::map_type($control);
         // current form settings will overwrite the default
         if (isset($options['currentSettings']) && isset($options['currentSettings'][$control['fieldname']])) {
             $ctrlOptions['default'] = $options['currentSettings'][$control['fieldname']];
         $ctrlOptions['extraParams'] = array_merge($ctrlOptions['extraParams'], $options['readAuth']);
         // standardise the control width unless specified already in the control options
         if (strpos($ctrlOptions['class'], 'control-width') == false && $type != 'checkbox') {
             $ctrlOptions['class'] .= ' control-width-6';
         if (!isset($fieldsets[$fieldset])) {
             $fieldsets[$fieldset] = '';
         // form controls can specify the report helper class
         if (substr($type, 0, 15) == 'report_helper::') {
             $type = substr($type, 15);
             require_once 'report_helper.php';
             $fieldsets[$fieldset] .= report_helper::$type($ctrlOptions);
         } else {
             $fieldsets[$fieldset] .= data_entry_helper::$type($ctrlOptions);
     $class = isset($options['expandFirst']) && $options['expandFirst'] ? 'collapsible' : 'collapsible collapsed';
     foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $content) {
         $r .= "<fieldset class=\"{$class}\"><legend>{$fieldset}</legend>\n";
         $r .= $fieldsets[$fieldset];
         $r .= "\n</fieldset>\n";
         // any subsequent fieldset should be collapsed
         if (isset($options['expandFirst']) && $options['expandFirst']) {
             $class .= ' collapsed';
     self::$nocache = $oldnocache;
     return $r;
Пример #2
  * Generates the parameters form required for configuring a prebuilt form.
  * Fieldsets are given classes which define that they are collapsible and normally initially
  * collapsed, though the css for handling this must be defined elsewhere. For Drupal usage this
  * css is normally handled by default in the template.
  * @param array $options Options array with the following possibilities:<ul>
  * <li><b>form</b>
  * Name of the form file without the .php extension, e.g. mnhnl_dynamic_1.</li>
  * <li><b>currentSettings</b>
  * Associative array of default values to load into the form controls.</li>
  * <li><b>expandFirst</b>
  * Optional. If set to true, then the first fieldset on the form is initially expanded.</li>
  * <li><b>siteSpecific</b>
  * Optional. Defaults to false. If true then only parameters marked as specific to a site
  * are loaded. Used to provide a reduced version of the params form after migrating a
  * form between sites (e.g. when installing a Drupal feature).</li>
  * <li><b>generator</b>
  * Optional. A string which, if it contains 'Drupal 7' is used to output
  * html specific to that CMS. </li>
  * </ul>
 public static function prebuilt_form_params_form($options)
     if (function_exists('hostsite_add_library')) {
     require_once 'data_entry_helper.php';
     // temporarily disable caching because performance is not as important as reflecting
     // the latest available parameters, surveys etc. in the drop downs
     $oldnocache = self::$nocache;
     if (!isset($options['siteSpecific'])) {
         $options['siteSpecific'] = false;
     self::$nocache = true;
     $formparams = self::get_form_parameters($options['form']);
     $fieldsets = array();
     $r = '';
     foreach ($formparams as $control) {
         // skip hidden controls or non-site specific controls when displaying the reduced site specific
         // version of the form
         if (isset($control['visible']) && !$control['visible'] || $options['siteSpecific'] && !(isset($control['siteSpecific']) && $control['siteSpecific'])) {
         $fieldset = isset($control['group']) ? $control['group'] : 'Other IForm Parameters';
         // apply default options to the control
         $ctrlOptions = array_merge(array('id' => $control['fieldname'], 'sep' => '<br/>', 'class' => '', 'blankText' => '<' . lang::get('please select') . '>', 'extraParams' => array(), 'readAuth' => $options['readAuth']), $control);
         $type = self::map_type($control);
         // current form settings will overwrite the default
         if (isset($options['currentSettings']) && isset($options['currentSettings'][$control['fieldname']])) {
             $ctrlOptions['default'] = $options['currentSettings'][$control['fieldname']];
         $ctrlOptions['extraParams'] = array_merge($ctrlOptions['extraParams'], $options['readAuth']);
         // standardise the control width unless specified already in the control options
         if (strpos($ctrlOptions['class'], 'control-width') == false && $type != 'checkbox' && $type != 'report_helper::report_picker') {
             $ctrlOptions['class'] .= ' control-width-6';
         if (!isset($fieldsets[$fieldset])) {
             $fieldsets[$fieldset] = '';
         // form controls can specify the report helper class
         if (substr($type, 0, 15) == 'report_helper::') {
             $type = substr($type, 15);
             require_once 'report_helper.php';
             $fieldsets[$fieldset] .= report_helper::$type($ctrlOptions);
         } else {
             $fieldsets[$fieldset] .= data_entry_helper::$type($ctrlOptions);
     $class = isset($options['expandFirst']) && $options['expandFirst'] ? 'collapsible' : 'collapsible collapsed';
     foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset => $content) {
         $r .= "<fieldset class=\"{$class}\">\n";
         // In Drupal 7 the fieldset output includes an extra span
         // When called from within Drupal, DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY can determine
         // version. When called by Ajax version has to be sent in $options.
         if (defined('DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY') && DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY === '7.x' || isset($options['generator']) && stristr($options['generator'], 'Drupal 7')) {
             $legendContent = "<span class=\"fieldset-legend\">{$fieldset}</span>";
         } else {
             $legendContent = $fieldset;
         $r .= "<legend>{$legendContent}</legend>\n";
         $r .= "<div class=\"fieldset-wrapper\">\n";
         $r .= $fieldsets[$fieldset];
         $r .= "</div>\n";
         $r .= "\n</fieldset>\n";
         // any subsequent fieldset should be collapsed
         $class = 'collapsible collapsed';
     self::$nocache = $oldnocache;
     return $r;