Пример #1
if ($connection) {
    mysql_select_db($database, $connection);
$form = new form_class();
$form->NAME = 'auto_complete_form';
$form->METHOD = 'POST';
$form->ACTION = '';
$form->debug = 'error_log';
$form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'text', 'ID' => 'location', 'NAME' => 'location', 'LABEL' => '<u>L</u>ocation', 'ACCESSKEY' => 'L', 'VALUE' => '', 'ExtraAttributes' => array('autocomplete' => 'off', 'title' => 'Type just the first letters of a location.')));
$form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'button', 'NAME' => 'show_locations', 'ID' => 'show_locations', 'VALUE' => '...', 'ExtraAttributes' => array('title' => 'Click to show all locations.')));
$form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'custom', 'ID' => 'complete_location', 'NAME' => 'complete_location', 'CustomClass' => 'form_mysql_auto_complete_class', 'CompleteInput' => 'location', 'CompleteMinimumLength' => 1, 'Dynamic' => 1, 'ShowButton' => 'show_locations', "Connection" => $connection, "CompleteValuesQuery" => "SELECT nazwa FROM sl_bloz WHERE nazwa {BEGINSWITH} ORDER BY nazwa", "CompleteValuesLimit" => 10, 'FeedbackElement' => 'complete_location_feedback', 'SubmitFeedback' => ' <img src="indicator.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Looking up for locations" title="Looking up for locations" /> ', 'CompleteFeedback' => ' <img src="indicator.gif" width="16" height="16" style="visibility: hidden;" /> ', 'MenuClass' => 'groovymenu', 'MenuStyle' => '', 'ItemClass' => 'groovyitem', 'ItemStyle' => '', 'SelectedItemClass' => 'groovyselecteditem', 'SelectedItemStyle' => ''));
 * This code is necessary to handle the requests for fetching
 * auto-complete values.
if ($processed) {
$form->ConnectFormToInput('location', 'ONLOAD', 'Focus', array());
$onload = HtmlSpecialChars($form->PageLoad());
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class using the auto-complete plug-in input and MySQL database queries</title>
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