public function gui() { if ($this->status) { echo '<p class="message">' . __('Content successfully imported.') . '</p>'; } echo '<h3>' . __('Import from a feed') . '</h3>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('This will import a feed (RSS or Atom) a as new content in the current blog: %s.'), '<strong>' . html::escapeHTML($this->core->blog->name) . '</strong>') . '</p>' . '<form action="' . $this->getURL(true) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset>' . $this->core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('do'), 1) . '<p><label>' . __('Feed URL:') . ' ' . form::field('feed_url', 40, 300, html::escapeHTML($this->feed_url)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Send') . '" /></p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; }
public function gui() { if ($this->status) { dcPage::success(__('Content successfully imported.')); } echo '<form action="' . $this->getURL(true) . '" method="post">' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('Add a feed content to the current blog: <strong>%s</strong>.'), html::escapeHTML($this->core->blog->name)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="feed_url">' . __('Feed URL:') . '</label>' . form::field('feed_url', 50, 300, html::escapeHTML($this->feed_url)) . '</p>' . '<p>' . $this->core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('do'), 1) . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Import') . '" /></p>' . '</form>'; }
/** * Generates an opening HTML form tag. * * @param string form action attribute * @param array extra attributes * @param array hidden fields to be created immediately after the form tag * @return string */ public static function open($action = NULL, $attr = array(), $hidden = NULL) { // Make sure that the method is always set empty($attr['method']) and $attr['method'] = 'post'; if ($attr['method'] !== 'post' and $attr['method'] !== 'get') { // If the method is invalid, use post $attr['method'] = 'post'; } if ($action === NULL) { // Use the current URL as the default action $action = url::site(Router::$complete_uri); } elseif (strpos($action, '://') === FALSE) { // Make the action URI into a URL $action = url::site($action); } // Set action $attr['action'] = $action; // Only show the CSRF field when form method is POST $hidden_field = $attr['method'] === 'post' ? form::hidden('form_auth_token', csrf::token()) . "\n" : ''; // Form opening tag $form = '<form' . form::attributes($attr) . '>' . "\n" . $hidden_field; // Add hidden fields immediate after opening tag empty($hidden) or $form .= form::hidden($hidden); return $form; }
public static function adminPostAfterForm($post) { if ($post !== null) { $core =& $GLOBALS['core']; echo '<form action="' . $core->adminurl->get('') . '" id="attachment-remove-hide" method="post">' . '<div>' . form::hidden(array('post_id'), $post->post_id) . form::hidden(array('media_id'), '') . form::hidden(array('remove'), 1) . $core->formNonce() . '</div></form>'; } }
public function __toString() { if ($this->args->value_exec != null) { $value = $this->field_value; eval("\$value = {$this->args->value_exec};"); $this->field_value = $value; } return $this->field_value . form::hidden($this->field_name, $this->field_value); }
function parse_array($arr) { foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $db = DB::select()->from('categories')->where('id', '=', $key)->execute(); echo '<ul><li>'; echo '<b>Название:</b> ' . form::input('name[]', $db[0]['name'], array('onkeyup' => 'translit(\'name[]\', \'url[]\');')) . form::hidden('cid[]', $db[0]['id']) . ' '; echo '<b>URL:</b> ' . form::input('url[]', $db[0]['url']) . ' '; echo '<b>Удалить?</b> ' . form::checkbox('delete[]', $db[0]['id']); echo '</li>'; if (is_array($value)) { parse_array($value); } echo '</ul>'; } }
private function _DropDown() { $tabla_conectora = substr($this->args->model, 4); if (@$_SESSION['PKID_OTM'] != "") { try { $arrOTMnew = array($this->FFirstM => $this->PkID, $this->FSecondM => $_SESSION['PKID_OTM']); $this->db->insert($tabla_conectora, $arrOTMnew); unset($_SESSION['PKID_OTM']); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } /* Construyendo el Query */ $Model = "fpp_" . $this->secondM . '_Model'; $input = null; $Model = new $Model(); $list = $Model->Get_ListOfMeta(); $key = $Model->_FirstPrimary; $this->args->db_table = $this->secondM; //compatibilidad para obtener el Link AJAX fpp_tdp #34 $k1 = '`' . $tabla_conectora . "`.`" . $this->FFirstM . '`'; $k2 = '`' . $tabla_conectora . "`.`" . $this->FSecondM . '`'; $f2 = '`' . $this->secondM . "`.`" . $key . '`'; $idfpp = $this->PkID; try { // echo $k1; $one_to_one = $this->db->from($this->secondM, $tabla_conectora)->select($list)->where("{$k1} = {$idfpp} AND {$k2} = {$f2}")->get(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } /* Construyendo el Array del Dropdown */ $table = "<table>"; foreach ($one_to_one as $row) { $table .= "<tr>"; $input .= form::hidden($this->field_name . '[]', $row->{$key}); foreach ($row as $kr => $kv) { $table .= "<td>{$kv}</td>"; } $table .= "</tr>"; } $table .= "</table>" . $input; $table = $this->AjaxConstruct(" ") . '<br/>' . $table; return $table; }
/** * Add a many to many select list * @developer Brandon Hansen * @date Oct 27, 2010 */ public static function many_to_many($primary_model, $secondary_models, $property, $display_field_name = 'name', $type = 'inline') { $return = ''; $return .= form::hidden($property, 'NULL'); if ($type == 'table') { $return .= '<table >'; } foreach ($secondary_models as $secondary_model) { if ($type == 'table') { $return .= '<tr><td>'; } $return .= form::checkbox($property . '[]', $secondary_model->id, in_array($secondary_model->id, $primary_model->{$property}->primary_key_array())); $return .= $secondary_model->{$display_field_name}; if ($type == 'table') { $return .= '</td></tr>'; } } if ($type == 'table') { $return .= '</table>'; } return $return; }
public function render(&$render_variables, $errors = array()) { // Load base template and attributes $result = parent::render($render_variables, $errors); // Discover the type switch ($this->type) { case 'input': $result['template']->element = form::input($result['attributes'], $this->value); break; case 'password': $result['template']->element = form::password($result['attributes'], $this->value); break; case 'submit': $result['template']->element = form::submit($result['attributes'], $this->value); $render_variables['submit'] = TRUE; break; case 'radio': $result['template']->element = form::radio($result['attributes'], $this->value); break; case 'checkbox': $result['attributes']['value'] = $this->value; if ($this->value = Input::instance()->post($this->name)) { $result['template']->element = form::checkbox($result['attributes'], $this->value, TRUE); } else { $result['template']->element = form::checkbox($result['attributes'], $this->value); } break; case 'hidden': $result['template']->element = form::hidden($this->name, $this->value); break; case 'file': $result['template']->element = form::upload($result['attributes'], $this->value); $render_variables['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'; break; } // Return the resulting output return (string) $result['template']->render(); }
/** * Generates an opening HTML form tag. * * @param string form action attribute * @param array extra attributes * @param array hidden fields to be created immediately after the form tag * @param string non-default protocol, eg: https * @return string */ public static function open($action = NULL, $attr = array(), $hidden = NULL, $protocol = NULL) { // Make sure that the method is always set empty($attr['method']) and $attr['method'] = 'post'; if ($attr['method'] !== 'post' and $attr['method'] !== 'get') { // If the method is invalid, use post $attr['method'] = 'post'; } if ($action === NULL) { // Use the current URL as the default action $action = url::site(Router::$complete_uri, $protocol); } elseif (strpos($action, '://') === FALSE) { // Make the action URI into a URL $action = url::site($action, $protocol); } // Set action $attr['action'] = $action; // Form opening tag $form = '<form' . form::attributes($attr) . '>' . "\n"; // Add hidden fields immediate after opening tag empty($hidden) or $form .= form::hidden($hidden); return $form; }
</td> <td class="<?php echo $td_class; ?> "><?php echo $f->hasGUI() ? '<a href="' . html::escapeHTML($f->guiURL()) . '">' . __('m_antispam_Filter_configuration') . '</a>' : ' '; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody></table> <p><?php echo form::hidden('filters_order', '') . form::hidden('m', 'antispam') . adminPage::formtoken(); ?> <input type="submit" name="filters_upd" value="<?php _e('c_c_action_Save'); ?> " /></p> </fieldset></form> <?php } ?> <?php # Pied-de-page require OKT_ADMIN_FOOTER_FILE;
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * @package Core * @subpackage Views * @author Indicia Team * @license GPL * @link */ if (function_exists('dbase_open') && function_exists('zip_open')) { print form::open($controllerpath . '/upload_shp', array('ENCTYPE' => 'multipart/form-data')); if ($staticFields != null) { foreach ($staticFields as $a => $b) { print form::hidden($a, $b); } } ?> <fieldset> <label for="zip_upload" class="auto">Upload a Zipped up SHP fileset into this list:</label> <input type="file" name="zip_upload" id="zip_upload" size="40" /> <input type="submit" value="Upload ZIP File" /> </fieldset> </form> <?php } else { print "<p><i>"; if (!function_exists('dbase_open')) { print "PHP dBase Library is not loaded. "; }
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access."); ?> <html> <body> <?php echo form::open(""); ?> <?php foreach ($order_params as $key => $value) { ?> <?php echo form::hidden($key, $value); ?> <?php } ?> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].submit(); </script> </body> </html>
?> </a></li> <?php if ($id) { echo "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"btn_delete btns_red\">" . strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.delete_report')) . "</a></li>"; } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url::site() . 'admin/reports/'; ?> " class="btns_red"><?php echo strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.cancel')); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php print form::close(); ?> <?php if ($id) { // Hidden Form to Perform the Delete function print form::open(url::site() . 'admin/reports/', array('id' => 'reportMain', 'name' => 'reportMain')); $array = array('action' => 'd', 'incident_id[]' => $id); print form::hidden($array); print form::close(); } ?> </div>
<?php /************************************************** Coppermine 1.5.x Plugin - forum ************************************************* Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu ************************************************* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ******************************************** $HeadURL$ $Revision$ $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ **************************************************/ pageheader($fr_title ? $fr_title : Config::item('fr_title')); print html::spacer(); print table::open(0); print table::tds(array(array('text' => $fr_title ? $fr_title : Config::item('fr_title')), array('align' => 'right', 'text' => ($authorizer->is_user() ? html::button('forum.php?c=profile', Lang::item('home.fr_profile')) : '') . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=search', Lang::item(''))))); print table::close(); print html::spacer(); print table::open(); print form::hidden('c', 'search'); print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => html::span(forum::nagavitor($nagavitor))))); print table::close(); print html::spacer(); print $fr_contents; pagefooter();
public function gui() { if ($this->status == 'single') { echo '<p class="message">' . __('Single blog successfully imported.') . '</p>'; return; } if ($this->status == 'full') { echo '<p class="message">' . __('Content successfully imported.') . '</p>'; return; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA[\n" . dcPage::jsVar('dotclear.msg.confirm_full_import', __('Are you sure you want to import a full backup file?')) . "\$(function() {" . "\$('#up_single_file').change(function() { " . "if (this.value != '') { \$('#public_single_file').val(''); } " . "}); " . "\$('#public_single_file').change(function() { " . "if (this.value != '') { \$('#up_single_file').val(''); } " . "}); " . "\$('#up_full_file').change(function() { " . "if (this.value != '') { \$('#public_full_file').val(''); } " . "}); " . "\$('#public_full_file').change(function() { " . "if (this.value != '') { \$('#up_full_file').val(''); } " . "}); " . "\$('#formfull').submit(function() { " . "return window.confirm(dotclear.msg.confirm_full_import); " . "}); " . "});\n" . "//]]>\n" . "</script>\n"; echo '<h3>' . __('Import a single blog') . '</h3>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('This will import a single blog backup as new content in the current blog: %s.'), '<strong>' . html::escapeHTML($this->core->blog->name) . '</strong>') . '</p>' . '<form action="' . $this->getURL(true) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<fieldset>' . $this->core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('do'), 1) . form::hidden(array('MAX_FILE_SIZE'), DC_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) . '<p><label>' . __('Upload a backup file') . ' ' . '<input type="file" id="up_single_file" name="up_single_file" size="20" />' . '</label></p>'; $public_files = $this->getPublicFiles(); $empty = empty($public_files); $public_files = array_merge(array('-' => ''), $public_files); echo '<p><label>' . __('or pick up a local file in your public directory') . ' ' . form::combo('public_single_file', $public_files, '', '', '', $empty) . '</label></p>'; echo '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Send') . '" /></p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; if ($this->core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { echo '<h3>' . __('Import a full backup file') . '</h3>' . '<form action="' . $this->getURL(true) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="formfull">' . '<div>' . form::hidden(array('MAX_FILE_SIZE'), DC_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) . '</div>' . '<fieldset>' . $this->core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('do'), 1) . form::hidden(array('MAX_FILE_SIZE'), DC_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) . '<p><label>' . __('Upload a backup file') . ' ' . '<input type="file" id="up_full_file" name="up_full_file" size="20" />' . '</label></p>'; echo '<p><label>' . __('or pick up a local file in your public directory') . ' ' . form::combo('public_full_file', $public_files, '', '', '', $empty) . '</label></p>'; echo '<p><strong>' . __('Warning: This will reset all the content of your database, except users.') . '</strong></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Your password:'******'your_pwd', 20, 255) . '</label></p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Send') . '" /></p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; } }
<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access."); ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo url::site("admin/identity/change"); ?> "> <?php echo access::csrf_form_field(); ?> <?php echo form::hidden("provider", $new_provider); ?> <p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float: left; margin:0 7px 20px 0;"></span> <?php echo t("Are you sure you want to change your Identity Provider? Continuing will delete all existing users."); ?> </p> </form>
public function formNonce() { if (!session_id()) { return; } return form::hidden(array('xd_check'), $this->getNonce()); }
} ?> </select></p> </div> <div id="uploader"><p><?php _e('m_galleries_plupload_update_or_change_browser'); ?> </p></div> <p><?php echo form::hidden('m', 'galleries'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden('action', 'add_multiples'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden('sended', 1); ?> <?php echo adminPage::formtoken(); ?> <input type="submit" class="lazy-load" value="<?php _e('c_c_action_add'); ?> " /></p> </form> <?php # Pied-de-page require OKT_ADMIN_FOOTER_FILE;
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); /** * @version SVN: $Id:$ */ echo Ext::form_begin($action, $attributes); echo form::hidden($hash_input_name, $hash);
} } $option = trim($option); $html .= "<span class=\"custom-field-option\">"; $html .= form::checkbox("custom_field[" . $field_id . '-' . $cnt . ']', $option, $set_default, $id_name); $html .= form::label("custom_field[" . $field_id . ']', " " . $option); $html .= "</span>"; $html .= "</td>"; if ($cnt % 2 == 1 or $cnt == count($options) - 1) { $html .= "</tr>"; } $cnt++; } // XXX Hack to deal with required checkboxes that are submitted with nothing checked $html .= "</table>"; $html .= form::hidden("custom_field[" . $field_id . "-BLANKHACK]", '', $id_name); break; case 7: $ddoptions = array(); // Semi-hack to deal with dropdown boxes receiving a range like 0-100 if (preg_match("/[0-9]+-[0-9]+/", $defaults[0]) and count($options == 1)) { $dashsplit = explode('-', $defaults[0]); $start = $dashsplit[0]; $end = $dashsplit[1]; for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { $ddoptions[$i] = $i; } } else { foreach ($options as $op) { $op = trim($op); $ddoptions[$op] = $op;
</div> <div id="l10n-client-string-editor"> <div class="source"> <p class="source-text"></p> <p id="source-text-tmp-space" style="display:none"></p> </div> <div class="translation"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo url::site("l10n_client/save"); ?> " id="g-l10n-client-save-form"> <?php echo access::csrf_form_field(); ?> <?php echo form::hidden("l10n-message-key"); ?> <?php echo form::textarea("l10n-edit-translation", "", ' rows="5" class="translationField"'); ?> <div id="plural-zero" class="translationField hidden"> <label for="l10n-edit-plural-translation-zero">[zero]</label> <?php echo form::textarea("l10n-edit-plural-translation-zero", "", ' rows="2"'); ?> </div> <div id="plural-one" class="translationField hidden"> <label for="l10n-edit-plural-translation-one">[one]</label> <?php echo form::textarea("l10n-edit-plural-translation-one", "", ' rows="2"'); ?>
foreach ($locales_content as $v) { $c = $v == '.' || $v == '..' || $v == 'en' || !is_dir(DC_L10N_ROOT . '/' . $v) || !isset($iso_codes[$v]); if (!$c) { $tmp[$v] = DC_L10N_ROOT . '/' . $v; } } $locales_content = $tmp; if (empty($locales_content)) { echo '<p><strong>' . __('No additional language is installed.') . '</strong></p>'; } else { echo '<table class="clear plugins"><tr>' . '<th>' . __('Language') . '</th>' . '<th class="nowrap">' . __('Action') . '</th>' . '</tr>'; foreach ($locales_content as $k => $v) { $is_deletable = $is_writable && is_writable($v); echo '<tr class="line wide">' . '<td class="maximal nowrap">(' . $k . ') ' . '<strong>' . html::escapeHTML($iso_codes[$k]) . '</strong></td>' . '<td class="nowrap action">'; if ($is_deletable) { echo '<form action="langs.php" method="post">' . '<div>' . $core->formNonce() . form::hidden(array('locale_id'), html::escapeHTML($k)) . '<input type="submit" class="delete" name="delete" value="' . __('Delete') . '" /> ' . '</div>' . '</form>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } echo '<h3>' . __('Install or upgrade languages') . '</h3>'; if (!$is_writable) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('You can install or remove a language by adding or ' . 'removing the relevant directory in your %s folder.'), '<strong>locales</strong>') . '</p>'; } if (!empty($dc_langs) && $is_writable) { $dc_langs_combo = array(); foreach ($dc_langs as $k => $v) { if ($v->link && isset($iso_codes[$v->title])) { $dc_langs_combo[html::escapeHTML('(' . $v->title . ') ' . $iso_codes[$v->title])] = html::escapeHTML($v->link); }
</div><!-- #tab_siblings --> <p><?php echo form::hidden(array('m'), 'news'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden(array('action'), 'categories'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden(array('do'), 'edit'); ?> <?php echo !empty($iCategoryId) ? form::hidden('category_id', $iCategoryId) : ''; ?> <?php echo form::hidden('order_categories', 1); ?> <?php echo adminPage::formtoken(); ?> <input type="submit" id="save_order" value="<?php _e('c_c_action_save_order'); ?> " /></p> </form> <?php } ?> <?php
echo '<p>' . __('No detail') . '</p>'; } else { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($file->media_meta as $k => $v) { if ((string) $v) { echo '<li><strong>' . $k . ':</strong> ' . html::escapeHTML($v) . '</li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; } } if ($file->editable && $core_media_writable) { if ($file->media_type == 'image') { echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Update thumbnails') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . __('This will create or update thumbnails for this image.') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" name="thumbs" value="' . __('update thumbnails') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } if ($file->type == 'application/zip') { $inflate_combo = array(__('Extract in a new directory') => 'new', __('Extract in current directory') => 'current'); echo '<form class="clear" id="file-unzip" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Extract archive') . '</legend>' . '<ul>' . '<li><strong>' . __('Extract in a new directory') . '</strong> : ' . __('This will extract archive in a new directory that should not exists yet.') . '</li>' . '<li><strong>' . __('Extract in current directory') . '</strong> : ' . __('This will extract archive in current directory and will overwrite existing files or directory.') . '</li>' . '</ul>' . '<p><label class="classic">' . __('Extract mode:') . ' ' . form::select('inflate_mode', $inflate_combo, 'new') . '</label> ' . '<input type="submit" name="unzip" value="' . __('c_c_action_extract') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Change media properties') . '</legend>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('File name:') . '</label>' . form::text('media_file', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($file->basename)) . '</p>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('File title:') . '</label>' . form::text('media_title', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($file->media_title)) . '</p>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('File date:') . '</label>' . form::text('media_dt', 16, 16, html::escapeHTML($file->media_dtstr)) . '</p>' . '<p class="field"><label class="classic">' . form::checkbox('media_private', 1, $file->media_priv) . ' ' . __('Private') . '</label></p>' . '<p class="field"><label>' . __('New directory:') . '</label>' . form::select('media_path', $dirs_combo, dirname($file->relname)) . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_save') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; echo '<form class="clear" action="' . html::escapeURL($page_url) . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Change file') . '</legend>' . '<div>' . form::hidden(array('MAX_FILE_SIZE'), OKT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) . '</div>' . '<p class="field"><label for="upfile">' . __('Choose a file:') . '</label>' . '<input type="file" id="upfile" name="upfile" size="35" /></p>' . '<p class="note">' . sprintf(__('c_c_maximum_file_size_%s'), util::l10nFileSize(OKT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('c_c_action_send') . '" />' . form::hidden(array('id'), $id) . adminPage::formtoken() . '</p>' . '</fieldset></form>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; # Pied-de-page if ($popup) { require OKT_ADMIN_FOOTER_SIMPLE_FILE; } else { require OKT_ADMIN_FOOTER_FILE; }
public function render() { return form::hidden($this->data['name'], $this->data['value']); }
if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) { dcPage::success(__('Selected comments have been successfully updated.')); } elseif (!empty($_GET['del'])) { dcPage::success(__('Selected comments have been successfully deleted.')); } if (!$core->error->flag()) { if (isset($_SESSION['comments_del_spam'])) { dcPage::message(__('Spam comments have been successfully deleted.')); unset($_SESSION['comments_del_spam']); } $spam_count = $core->blog->getComments(array('comment_status' => -2), true)->f(0); if ($spam_count > 0) { echo '<form action="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.comments") . '" method="post" class="fieldset">'; if (!$with_spam || $status != -2) { if ($spam_count == 1) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('You have one spam comment.'), '<strong>' . $spam_count . '</strong>') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.comments", array('status' => -2)) . '">' . __('Show it.') . '</a></p>'; } elseif ($spam_count > 1) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('You have %s spam comments.'), '<strong>' . $spam_count . '</strong>') . ' ' . '<a href="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.comments", array('status' => -2)) . '">' . __('Show them.') . '</a></p>'; } } echo '<p>' . $core->formNonce() . '<input name="delete_all_spam" class="delete" type="submit" value="' . __('Delete all spams') . '" /></p>'; # --BEHAVIOR-- adminCommentsSpamForm $core->callBehavior('adminCommentsSpamForm', $core); echo '</form>'; } echo '<form action="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.comments") . '" method="get" id="filters-form">' . '<h3 class="hidden">' . __('Filter comments and trackbacks list') . '</h3>' . '<div class="table">' . '<div class="cell">' . '<h4>' . __('Filters') . '</h4>' . '<p><label for="type" class="ib">' . __('Type:') . '</label> ' . form::combo('type', $type_combo, $type) . '</p> ' . '<p><label for="status" class="ib">' . __('Status:') . '</label> ' . form::combo('status', $status_combo, $status) . '</p>' . '</div>' . '<div class="cell filters-sibling-cell">' . '<p><label for="author" class="ib">' . __('Author:') . '</label> ' . form::field('author', 20, 255, html::escapeHTML($author)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="ip" class="ib">' . __('IP address:') . '</label> ' . form::field('ip', 20, 39, html::escapeHTML($ip)) . '</p>' . '</div>' . '<div class="cell filters-options">' . '<h4>' . __('Display options') . '</h4>' . '<p><label for="sortby" class="ib">' . __('Order by:') . '</label> ' . form::combo('sortby', $sortby_combo, $sortby) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="order" class="ib">' . __('Sort:') . '</label> ' . form::combo('order', $order_combo, $order) . '</p>' . '<p><span class="label ib">' . __('Show') . '</span> <label for="nb" class="classic">' . form::field('nb', 3, 3, $nb_per_page) . ' ' . __('comments per page') . '</label></p>' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Apply filters and display options') . '" />' . '<br class="clear" /></p>' . '</form>'; # Show comments $comment_list->display($page, $nb_per_page, '<form action="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.comments") . '" method="post" id="form-comments">' . '%s' . '<div class="two-cols">' . '<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>' . '<p class="col right"><label for="action" class="classic">' . __('Selected comments action:') . '</label> ' . form::combo('action', $comments_actions_page->getCombo(), $default, '', '', '', 'title="' . __('Actions') . '"') . $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('ok') . '" /></p>' . form::hidden(array('type'), $type) . form::hidden(array('sortby'), $sortby) . form::hidden(array('order'), $order) . form::hidden(array('author'), html::escapeHTML(preg_replace('/%/', '%%', $author))) . form::hidden(array('status'), $status) . form::hidden(array('ip'), preg_replace('/%/', '%%', $ip)) . form::hidden(array('page'), $page) . form::hidden(array('nb'), $nb_per_page) . '</div>' . '</form>', $show_filters, $with_spam || $status == -2); } dcPage::helpBlock('core_comments'); dcPage::close();
<p class="col"><?php echo form::checkbox('p_admin_lang_switcher', 1, $okt->config->admin_lang_switcher); ?> <label for="p_admin_lang_switcher"><?php _e('c_a_config_l10n_enable_switcher'); ?> </label></p> </div> <p><?php echo form::hidden('action', 'languages'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden('config_sent', 1); ?> <?php echo adminPage::formtoken(); ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('c_c_action_save'); ?> " /></p> </form> </div><!-- #tab-config --> </div><!-- #tabered --> <?php # Pied-de-page
<tr> <td><?php echo $form->label('type'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $form->type; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <?php echo form::submit('send', 'Wyślij'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo form::hidden('seed', md5($request->uri() . time())); ?> </fieldset> <?php echo form::close(); ?>
<?php echo form::label('variant[' . $index . '][taxable]', 'Charge Tax'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden('variant[' . $index . '][taxable]', false); ?> <?php echo form::checkbox('variant[' . $index . '][taxable]', true, $variant->taxable); ?> </div> <div class="form-fields"> <?php echo form::label('variant[' . $index . '][require_address]', 'Require Shipping Address'); ?> <?php echo form::hidden('variant[' . $index . '][require_address]', false); ?> <?php echo form::checkbox('variant[' . $index . '][require_address]', true, $variant->require_address); ?> </div> <div class="form-fields"> <?php echo form::label('variant[' . $index . '][track_stock]', 'Track Inventory'); ?> <?php echo form::dropdown(array('name' => 'variant[' . $index . '][track_stock]', 'id' => $index, 'class' => 'track-stock-dropdown'), array(false => 'Don\'t Keep Inventory', true => 'Maintain Stock Level'), $variant->track_stock); ?> </div> <div id="choose-inventory-options-<?php