static function install($source, $filename) { $target = SIMPLE_EXT . substr($filename, 0, -3); setup::out("{t}Download{/t}: " . $source . " ..."); if ($fz = gzopen($source, "r") and $fp = fopen($target, "w")) { $i = 0; while (!gzeof($fz)) { $i++; setup::out(".", false); if ($i % 160 == 0) { setup::out(); } fwrite($fp, gzread($fz, 16384)); } gzclose($fz); fclose($fp); } else { sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: gzopen [2] " . $source); } setup::out(); if (!file_exists($target) or filesize($target) == 0 or filesize($target) % 10240 != 0) { sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: file-check [3] Filesize: " . filesize($target) . " " . $target); } setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", basename($target))); $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($target); $tar_object->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); $tar_object->extract(SIMPLE_EXT); $file_list = $tar_object->ListContent(); if (!is_array($file_list) or !isset($file_list[0]["filename"]) or !is_dir(SIMPLE_EXT . $file_list[0]["filename"])) { sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: tar [4] " . $target); } self::update_modules_list(); $ext_folder = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "id", "anchor=@anchor@", array("anchor" => "extensions")); foreach ($file_list as $file) { sys_chmod(SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"]); setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"])); if (basename($file["filename"]) == "install.php") { setup::out(""); require SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"]; setup::out(""); } if (basename($file["filename"]) == "readme.txt") { $data = file_get_contents(SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"]); setup::out(nl2br("\n" . q($data) . "\n")); } if (!empty($ext_folder) and basename($file["filename"]) == "folders.xml") { setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "folder structure")); folders::create_default_folders(SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"], $ext_folder, false); } } }
function install() { setup::out(' <html> <head> <title>Simple Groupware & CMS</title> <style> body { width:526px; margin:10px auto; } body, a { color: #666666; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; } a { color: #0000FF; } </style> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <div style="border-bottom: 1px solid #666666; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;">Simple Groupware ' . CORE_VERSION_STRING . '</div> '); $_SESSION["groups"] = array(); $_SESSION["username"] = "******"; $_SESSION["password"] = ""; $_SESSION["permission_sql"] = "1=1"; $_SESSION["permission_sql_read"] = "1=1"; $_SESSION["permission_sql_write"] = "1=1"; define("SETUP_DB_TYPE", $_REQUEST["db_type"]); $update = sgsml_parser::table_column_exists("simple_sys_tree", "id"); setup::out('<img src="' . CORE_VERSION . '/' . SETUP_DB_TYPE . '/' . PHP_VERSION . '/' . (int) $update . '" style="width:1px; height:1px;">', false); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "schema updates")); setup_update::change_database_pre(); if (SETUP_DB_TYPE == "sqlite") { sql_query("begin"); admin::rebuild_schema(false); sql_query("commit"); } else { admin::rebuild_schema(false); } setup_update::change_database_post(); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "sessions")); db_delete("simple_sys_session", array(), array()); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "default groups")); $groups = array("admin_calendar", "admin_news", "admin_projects", "admin_bookmarks", "admin_contacts", "admin_inventory", "admin_helpdesk", "admin_organisation", "admin_files", "admin_payroll", "admin_surveys", "admin_hr", "admin_intranet", "users_self_registration"); foreach ($groups as $group) { trigger::creategroup($group); } setup_update::database_triggers(); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "folder structure")); $count = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "id", array()); if (empty($count)) { $folders = "modules/core/folders.xml"; if (!empty($_REQUEST["folders"]) and file_exists(sys_custom($_REQUEST["folders"]))) { $folders = $_REQUEST["folders"]; } if (SETUP_DB_TYPE == "sqlite") { sql_query("begin"); folders::create_default_folders($folders, 0, true); sql_query("commit"); } else { folders::create_default_folders($folders, 0, true); } } setup_update::database_folders(); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "css")); admin::build_css(); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "js")); admin::build_js(); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "icons")); admin::build_icons(); setup::out(t("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "config.php")); $vars = array("SETUP_DB_TYPE" => "'" . $_REQUEST["db_type"] . "'", "SETUP_DB_HOST" => "'" . $_REQUEST["db_host"] . "'", "SETUP_DB_NAME" => "'" . $_REQUEST["db_name"] . "'", "SETUP_DB_USER" => "'" . $_REQUEST["db_user"] . "'", "SETUP_DB_PW" => "'" . sys_encrypt($_REQUEST["db_pw"], sha1($_REQUEST["admin_user"])) . "'", "SETUP_ADMIN_USER" => "'" . $_REQUEST["admin_user"] . "'", "SETUP_ADMIN_PW" => "'" . (isset($_REQUEST["auto_update"]) ? $_REQUEST["admin_pw"] : sha1($_REQUEST["admin_pw"])) . "'"); setup::save_config($vars); setup::install_footer(); db_optimize_tables(); }
function folder_build_selfolder($tfolder, $tview) { if (!is_numeric($tfolder)) { $url = sys_parse_folder($tfolder); $handler = $url["handler"]; $mfolder = $url["mfolder"]; $level = substr_count($url["path"], "/") - 1; $sel_folder = db_select_first("simple_sys_tree", array("fmountpoint", "flevel"), array("id=@id@", $_SESSION["permission_sql_read"]), "", array("id" => (int) $mfolder)); if (!empty($sel_folder["flevel"])) { $level += $sel_folder["flevel"] - substr_count($sel_folder["fmountpoint"], "/") + 1; $mp = $sel_folder["fmountpoint"]; } else { $mp = ""; } $sel_folder = array("id" => $tfolder, "ftitle" => basename($tfolder), "fdescription" => "", "children" => array(), "lft" => 1, "rgt" => 2, "ftype" => "sys_nodb_" . $handler, "fcount" => 0, "fsizecount" => 0, "fchcount" => 0, "fchsizecount" => 0, "ffcount" => 0, "flevel" => $level, "quota" => 0, "anchor" => "", "folders" => "", "icon" => "", "notification" => "", "fmountpoint" => $mp, "rights" => db_get_rights($mfolder, $tview)); } else { if (db_get_right($tfolder, "read")) { $sel_folder = db_select_first("simple_sys_tree", "*", array("id=@id@"), "", array("id" => $tfolder)); } else { $sel_folder = db_select_first("simple_sys_tree", "*", $_SESSION["permission_sql_read"], "lft asc"); if (DEBUG and empty($sel_folder)) { folders::create_default_folders("modules/core/folders.xml", 0, true); sys_die("tree created."); } if (!empty($_REQUEST["iframe"]) and $tfolder != 1) { sys_die("{t}Access denied.{/t}"); } } if (!is_array($sel_folder)) { sys_die("ERROR " . sql_error()); } if (count($sel_folder) == 0) { sys_die("{t}Access denied.{/t} <a href='index.php?logout'>{t}Login/-out{/t}</a>"); } $sel_folder["quota"] = db_get_quota($sel_folder); $sel_folder["rights"] = db_get_rights($sel_folder["id"], $tview); } return $sel_folder; }
static function runxml($id, $data, $params) { list($file, $parent_anchor) = $params; $home = folder_from_path("^" . $parent_anchor); if (!empty($home) and file_exists(sys_custom($file))) { sys_notification(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", $file)); $folder = folders::create_default_folders($file, $home, false, $data); sys_notification(sprintf("{t}Folder structure created.{/t} (%s)", modify::getpath($folder) . " / ")); } return ""; }