// $flight->putFlightToDB(1); // 1== UPDATE } if ($CONF_use_validation) { if ($flight->grecord==0) $flight->validate(1); if ($flight->grecord<0) { $vImg="icon_valid_nok.gif"; $vStr="Invalid or N/A"; } else if ($flight->grecord==0) { $vImg="icon_valid_unknown.gif"; $vStr="Not yet processed"; } else if ($flight->grecord==1) {$vImg="icon_valid_ok.gif"; $vStr="Valid"; } $valiStr=" ".leoHtml::img($vImg,12,12,'absmiddle',$vStr,'icons1 listIcons'); } if ($CONF_airspaceChecks) { if ($flight->airspaceCheck==0 || $flight->airspaceCheckFinal==0) $flight->checkAirspace(1); if ($flight->airspaceCheckFinal==-1) { $vImg="icon_att4.gif"; $vStr="Airspace Violation: ".$flight->airspaceCheckMsg; } else if ($flight->airspaceCheckFinal==1) { $vImg="icon_ok.gif"; $vStr="No Airspace Violations"; } $valiStr.=" ".leoHtml::img($vImg,12,12,'absmiddle',$vStr,'icons1 listIcons','',0); } if ($flight->autoScore) { // means that there is manual optimization present if (!$valiStr) $valiStr=" "; $vStr='This flight was optimized manually.';
</script> <?php // $firstPoint=new gpsPoint($flight->FIRST_POINT,$flight->timezone); $firstPoint = new gpsPoint('', $flight->timezone); $firstPoint->setLat($flight->firstLat); $firstPoint->setLon($flight->firstLon); $firstPoint->gpsTime = $flight->firstPointTM; $takeoffLink = "<div align='center' id='attentionLinkPos' class='attentionLink box'><img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_att3.gif' border=0 align=absmiddle> \nThe takeoff/launch of your flight is not registered in Leonardo. <img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_att3.gif' border=0 align=absmiddle><br>\nThis is nothing to worry about, but you can easily provide this info <br>by clicking on the 'Register Takeoff' link below.\n<br> If you are not sure about some of the information is OK to skip this step. <br><BR> <a\n\t\t\t\t href=\"javascript:user_add_takeoff(" . $firstPoint->lat . "," . $firstPoint->lon . "," . $flight->takeoffID . ")\">Register Takeoff</a><div id='takeoffAddPos'></div></div>"; echo $takeoffLink; } //New 18.08.2013 P.Wild - Airspace warning before flight_show $flight->checkAirspace(1); if (strpos($flight->airspaceCheckMsg, "HorDist")) { // problem $checkLines = explode("\n", $flight->airspaceCheckMsg); //if (strrchr($flight->airspaceCheckMsg,"Punkte")){ // $adminPanel.="<br><strong>Deutschland Pokal</strong><BR>"; if (strpos($flight->airspaceCheckMsg, "HorDist")) { $adminPanel .= "<br><strong>Airspace PROBLEM</strong><BR>"; for ($i = 1; $i < count($checkLines); $i++) { $adminPanel .= $checkLines[$i] . "<br>"; } echo "<div align='center' id='attentionLinkPos' class='attentionLink box'><img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_att3.gif' border=0 align=absmiddle>\n\t\t\t\t\t{$adminPanel}<img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_att3.gif' border=0 align=absmiddle><br></div>"; $warningtext = "<br><br><b>Der DHV-XC Server meldet ein Luftraumproblem f�r diesen Flug.</b><br><br>Wenn diese Meldung erfolgt sein sollte, obwohl eine Freigabe vorlag (z.B. wegen einer zeitlichen Deaktivierung eines kontrollierten Luftraumes (HX, EDR), einem aktiven Segelflugsektor oder einer Freigabe durch die Flugsicherung), kann der Flug mit dem unten stehenden Button �Freigabe best�tigen� durch dich frei gegeben werden. <br><br><i>Au�erdem muss der das Problem aufhebende Grund zwingend im Pilotenkommentar beschrieben werden.</i><br><br>Luftraumverletzungen sind verboten. Wenn die aufgezeichneten Positionsdaten mehr als 100 m horizontal oder vertikal in einem gesperrten Luftraum liegen, gilt eine Luftraumverletzung als nachgewiesen. In diesem Fall bitten wir mit dem unten stehenden zweiten Button �Flug l�schen� um die sofortige L�schung dieses Fluges vom Server.<br><br>Mit dem Abschicken dieser Daten best�tige ich, dass ich die f�r den eingereichten Flug geltenden luftrechtlichen Bestimmungen eingehalten habe. <br> "; echo "<div align='center' id='attentionLinkPos' class='attentionLink box'><img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_att3.gif' border=0 align=absmiddle>\n\t\t\t\t\t{$warningtext}<img src='{$moduleRelPath}/img/icon_att3.gif' border=0 align=absmiddle><br></div>"; } ?>
function addFlightFromFile($filename, $calledFromForm, $userIDstr, $argArray = array()) { global $CONF_default_cat_add, $CONF_photosPerFlight, $CONF; global $CONF_NAC_list, $CONF_use_NAC, $CONF_use_validation, $CONF_airspaceChecks, $CONF_server_id; global $userID, $CONF_new_flights_submit_window; global $flightsTable; set_time_limit(120); global $CONF_server_id; list($thisServerID, $userIDforFlight) = splitServerPilotStr($userIDstr); if (!$thisServerID) { $thisServerID = $CONF_server_id; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_actionLogger.php'; $log = new Logger(); $log->userID = $userID + 0; // the userId that is logged in , not the one that the flight will be atrributed to $log->ItemType = 1; // flight; $log->ItemID = 0; // 0 at start will fill in later if successfull $log->ServerItemID = $thisServerID; $log->ActionID = 1; //1 => add 2 => edit; $log->ActionXML = ''; $log->Modifier = 0; $log->ModifierID = 0; $log->ServerModifierID = 0; $log->Result = 0; $log->ResultDescription = ""; if (!$filename) { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_YOU_HAVENT_SUPPLIED_A_FLIGHT_FILE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_YOU_HAVENT_SUPPLIED_A_FLIGHT_FILE, 0); } // now is the time to remove bad chars from the filename! $newFilename = str_replace("'", " ", $filename); $newFilename = toLatin1($newFilename); if ($newFilename != $filename) { rename($filename, $newFilename); $filename = $newFilename; } if (!is_file($filename)) { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE, 0); } if (strtolower(substr($filename, -4)) != ".igc") { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_FILE_DOESNT_END_IN_IGC, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_FILE_DOESNT_END_IN_IGC, 0); } $tmpIGCPath = $filename; $flight = new flight(); if ($thisServerID != $CONF_server_id) { $flight->userServerID = $thisServerID; } $flight->userID = $userIDforFlight; /* $flight->cat=$gliderCat; $flight->private=$is_private; $flight->category=$category; $flight->comments=$comments; $flight->glider=$glider; $flight->linkURL=$linkURL; */ foreach ($argArray as $varName => $varValue) { if ($varName == 'NACclubID' || $varName == 'NACid' || $varName == 'comments') { continue; } $flight->{$varName} = $varValue; } $comments = $argArray['comments']; if ($comments) { $flight->commentsNum = 1; } if (strtolower(substr($flight->linkURL, 0, 7)) == "http://") { $flight->linkURL = substr($flight->linkURL, 7); } if ($flight->cat == -1) { $flight->cat = $CONF_default_cat_add; } # martin jursa 22.06.2008: # in case the glider is not given otherwise, try to extract it from the IGC file if (empty($flight->glider)) { $flight->glider = extractGlider($lines); } // if no brand was given , try to detect $flight->checkGliderBrand(); // we must cope with some cases here // 1. more flights in the igc // 2. garmin saved paths -> zero time difference -> SOLVED! if (!$flight->getFlightFromIGC($tmpIGCPath)) { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_THIS_ISNT_A_VALID_IGC_FILE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_THIS_ISNT_A_VALID_IGC_FILE, 0); } // Compute hash now $lines = file($tmpIGCPath); $hash = md5(implode('', $lines)); $flight->hash = $hash; unset($lines); // check for mac newlines -> NOT USED NOW // we now use auto_detect_line_endings=true; /* if ( count ($lines)==1) { if ($lines[0]=preg_replace("/\r([^\n])/","\r\n\\1",$lines[0])) { DEBUG('addFlightFromFile',1,"addFlightFromFile: MAC newlines found<BR>"); if (!$handle = fopen($tmpIGCPath, 'w')) { print "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } if (!fwrite($handle, $lines[0])) { print "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; exit; } fclose($handle); } } */ // echo $flight->DATE ." > ". date("Y-m-d",time()+3600*10) ."<BR>"; // check for dates in the furure if ($flight->DATE > date("Y-m-d", time() + 3600 * 10)) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_DATE_IN_THE_FUTURE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_DATE_IN_THE_FUTURE, 0); } // Two week time limit check - P.Wild /// Modification martin jursa 08.05.2007 cancel the upload if flight is too old if ($CONF_new_flights_submit_window > 0) { if (!L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) { if ($flight->DATE < date("Y-m-d", time() - $CONF_new_flights_submit_window * 24 * 3600)) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_OUTSIDE_SUBMIT_WINDOW, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_OUTSIDE_SUBMIT_WINDOW, 0); } } } // end martin / peter $sameFilenameID = $flight->findSameFilename(basename($filename)); if ($sameFilenameID > 0) { if ($flight->allowDuplicates) { while (is_file($flight->getIGCFilename())) { $flight->filename = '_' . $flight->filename; } } else { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_FILENAME_FLIGHT, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_FILENAME_FLIGHT, $sameFilenameID); } } $sameFlightsArray = $flight->findSameTime(); if (count($sameFlightsArray) > 0) { if ($flight->allowDuplicates) { // we allow duplicates if they are from another server $dupFound = 0; foreach ($sameFlightsArray as $k => $fArr) { if ($fArr['serverID'] == $flight->serverID) { // if a same flight from this server is present we dont re-insert $dupFound = 1; break; } else { // fill in ids of flights to 'disable' $disableFlightsList[$fArr['ID']]++; } } } else { $dupFound = 1; } if ($dupFound) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } // return array( ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT,$sameFlightsArray[0]['serverID'].'_'. $sameFlightsArray[0]['ID']); return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT, $sameFlightsArray[0]['ID']); } else { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: Duplicate DATE/TIME flight will be inserted<br>"); } } $sameFlightsArray = $flight->findSameHash($hash); if (count($sameFlightsArray) > 0) { if ($flight->allowDuplicates) { // we allow duplicates if they are from another server //echo "searching in dups "; //print_r($sameFlightsArray); $dupFound = 0; $flightPilot = new pilot($flight->userServerID + 0, $flight->userID + 0); $flightPilotMapTable = $flightPilot->pilotMapping(); // print_r($flightPilotMapTable); foreach ($sameFlightsArray as $k => $fArr) { if ($fArr['serverID'] == $flight->serverID) { // if a same flight from this server is present we dont re-insert $dupFound = 1; break; } else { // check that the existing flight belongs to a pilot that is 'mapped' to // $flight->userID + $flight->userServerID if (!$flightPilotMapTable[$fArr['userServerID']][$fArr['userID']]) { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: Same hash from external Server BUT from the pilot was not mapped into local <br>"); // We allow the flight to be submitted but then we must check and disable all duplicates but one //$dupFound=1; //break; } // fill in ids of flights to 'disable' $disableFlightsList[$fArr['ID']]++; } } } else { // echo "no dups allowesd"; $dupFound = 1; } if ($dupFound) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT, $sameFlightsArray[0]['ID']); } else { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: Duplicate HASH flight will be inserted<br>"); // echo "addFlightFromFile: Duplicate HASH flight will be inserted<br>"; } } // print_r($disableFlightsList); /* if ( ! $flight->allowDuplicates ) { $sameHashIDArray=$flight->findSameHash( $hash ); if (count($sameHashIDArray)>0) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath.".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription=getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT,0); if (!$log->put()) echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT,$sameHashIDArray[0]['serverID'].'_'.$sameHashIDArray[0]['ID']); } } */ //****************************************************** // PASSED ALL TESTS , NOW DO SOME WORK WITH OUR FLIGHT //****************************************************** // move the flight to corresponding year $flight->checkDirs(); //$yearPath=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/flights/".$flight->getYear(); //$maps_dir=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/maps/".$flight->getYear(); //$charts_dir=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/charts/".$flight->getYear(); //$photos_dir=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/photos/".$flight->getYear(); //if (!is_dir($yearPath)) mkdir($yearPath,0755); //if (!is_dir($maps_dir)) mkdir($maps_dir,0755); //if (!is_dir($charts_dir)) mkdir($charts_dir,0755); //if (!is_dir($photos_dir)) mkdir($photos_dir,0755); /** * Martin Jursa; to avoid error log flooding */ if (file_exists($tmpIGCPath)) { @rename($tmpIGCPath, $flight->getIGCFilename()); } // in case an olc file was created too if (file_exists($tmpIGCPath . ".olc")) { @rename($tmpIGCPath . ".olc", $flight->getIGCFilename() . ".olc"); } // these commands seem redundant: //@unlink($tmpIGCPath.".olc"); //@unlink($tmpIGCPath); /*old: @rename($tmpIGCPath, $flight->getIGCFilename() ); // in case an olc file was created too @rename($tmpIGCPath.".olc", $flight->getIGCFilename().".olc" ); @unlink($tmpIGCPath.".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); */ // if we use NACclubs // get the NACclubID for userID // and see if the flight is in the current year (as defined in the NAclist array if ($CONF_use_NAC) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CL_NACclub.php"; list($pilotNACID, $pilotNACclubID) = NACclub::getPilotClub($userIDforFlight); DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: pilotNACID:{$pilotNACID}, pilotNACclubID: {$pilotNACclubID}<br>"); if ($CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['use_clubs']) { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: use_clubs is on<br>"); if ($argArray['NACclubID'] > 0 && $argArray['NACid'] > 0) { $flight->NACclubID = $argArray['NACclubID']; $flight->NACid = $argArray['NACid']; DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: using arguments NACclubID NACid<br>"); } else { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: calculating NACclubID NACid<br>"); // check year -> we only put the club for the current season , so that results for previous seasons cannot be affected $currSeasonYear = $CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['current_year']; DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: currSeasonYear: {$currSeasonYear}<br>"); if ($CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['periodIsNormal']) { $seasonStart = $currSeasonYear - 1 . "-12-31"; $seasonEnd = $currSeasonYear . "-12-31"; } else { $seasonStart = $currSeasonYear - 1 . $CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['periodStart']; $seasonEnd = $currSeasonYear . $CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['periodStart']; } DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: seasonStart:{$seasonStart} , seasonEnd:{$seasonEnd}<br>"); if ($flight->DATE > $seasonStart && $flight->DATE <= $seasonEnd) { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: inside Season !!<br>"); $flight->NACclubID = $pilotNACclubID; $flight->NACid = $pilotNACID; } } } } if ($CONF_use_validation) { $ok = $flight->validate(0); // dont update DB } if ($CONF_airspaceChecks) { $flight->checkAirspace(0); // dont update DB } $flight->putFlightToDB(0); // now do the photos if ($calledFromForm) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CL_flightPhotos.php"; $flightPhotos = new flightPhotos($flight->flightID); // $flightPhotos->getFromDB(); $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $CONF_photosPerFlight; $i++) { $var_name = "photo" . $i . "Filename"; $photoName = $_FILES[$var_name]['name']; $photoFilename = $_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name']; if ($photoName) { if (CLimage::validJPGfilename($photoName) && CLimage::validJPGfile($photoFilename)) { // $newPhotoName=toLatin1($photoName); // Fix for same photo filenames 2009.02.03 //global $flightsAbsPath; global $CONF; $newPhotoName = flightPhotos::getSafeName(LEONARDO_ABS_PATH . '/' . str_replace("%PILOTID%", $flight->getPilotID(), str_replace("%YEAR%", $flight->getYear(), $CONF['paths']['photos'])), $photoName); //$flightsAbsPath.'/'.$flight->getPilotID()."/photos/".$flight->getYear() , //$photoName ) ; $phNum = $flightPhotos->addPhoto($j, $flight->getPilotID() . "/photos/" . $flight->getYear(), $newPhotoName, $description); $photoAbsPath = $flightPhotos->getPhotoAbsPath($j); if (move_uploaded_file($photoFilename, $photoAbsPath)) { CLimage::resizeJPG($CONF['photos']['thumbs']['max_width'], $CONF['photos']['thumbs']['max_height'], $photoAbsPath, $photoAbsPath . ".icon.jpg", $CONF['photos']['compression']); CLimage::resizeJPG($CONF['photos']['normal']['max_width'], $CONF['photos']['normal']['max_height'], $photoAbsPath, $photoAbsPath, $CONF['photos']['compression']); $flight->hasPhotos++; $j++; } else { //upload not successfull $flightPhotos->deletePhoto($j); } } } } // also try to get geotag info $flightPhotos->computeGeoInfo(); } // took care of photos // tkae care of comments if ($comments) { global $lang2isoGoogle, $currentlang; $flightComments = new flightComments($flight->flightID); $commentInsertResult = $flightComments->addComment(array('parentID' => 0, 'userID' => $flight->userID + 0, 'userServerID' => $flight->userServerID + 0, 'guestName' => '', 'guestPass' => '', 'guestEmail' => '', 'text' => $comments, 'languageCode' => $lang2isoGoogle[$currentlang]), 0); } // now is a good time to disable duplicate flights we have found from other servers // AND are from the same user (using pilot's mapping table to find that out) global $db; if (0) { foreach ($disableFlightsList as $dFlightID => $num) { $query = "UPDATE {$flightsTable} SET private = private | 0x02 WHERE ID={$dFlightID} "; $res = $db->sql_query($query); # Error checking if ($res <= 0) { echo "<H3> Error in query: {$query}</H3>\n"; } } } //or $flight->hideSameFlights(); set_time_limit(200); $flight->computeScore(); $flight->updateTakeoffLanding(); // echo "TakeoffID:".$flight->takeoffID."<BR>"; if (in_array($flight->takeoffID, $CONF['takeoffs']['private'])) { $flight->private = 1; } $flight->putFlightToDB(1); // update return array(1, $flight->flightID); // ALL OK; }