Пример #1
 function determineIDs($IDs, $IDType, $TVs, $orderBy, $depth, $showPublishedOnly, $seeThruUnpub, $hideFolders, $hidePrivate, $showInMenuOnly, $myWhere, $keywords, $dateSource, $limit, $summarize, $filter, $paginate, $randomize)
     global $modx;
     if ($summarize == 0 && $summarize != "all" || count($IDs) == 0 || $IDs == false && $IDs != "0") {
         return array();
     // Get starting IDs;
     switch ($IDType) {
         case "parents":
             $IDs = explode(",", $IDs);
             $documentIDs = $this->getChildIDs($IDs, $depth);
         case "documents":
             $documentIDs = explode(",", $IDs);
     if ($this->advSort == false && $hideFolders == 0 && $showInMenuOnly == 0 && $myWhere == "" && $filter == false && $hidePrivate == 1 && $keywords == 0) {
         $this->prefetch = false;
         $documents = $this->getDocumentsIDs($documentIDs, $showPublishedOnly);
         $documentIDs = array();
         if ($documents) {
             foreach ($documents as $null => $doc) {
                 $documentIDs[] = $doc["id"];
         return $documentIDs;
     } else {
         $this->prefetch = true;
     // Create where clause
     $where = array();
     if ($myWhere != '') {
         $where[] = $myWhere;
     if ($hideFolders) {
         $where[] = 'isfolder = 0';
     if ($showInMenuOnly) {
         $where[] = 'hidemenu = 0';
     $where = implode(" AND ", $where);
     $limit = $limit == 0 ? "" : $limit;
     // set limit
     $customReset = $this->customReset;
     if ($keywords) {
         $this->addField("haskeywords", "*", "db");
         $this->addField("hasmetatags", "*", "db");
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->addField("pagetitle", "backend", "db");
     if (count($customReset) > 0) {
         $this->addField("createdon", "backend", "db");
     $resource = $this->getDocuments($documentIDs, $this->fields["backend"]["db"], $TVs, $orderBy, $showPublishedOnly, 0, $hidePrivate, $where, $limit, $keywords, $randomize, $dateSource);
     if ($resource !== false) {
         $resource = array_values($resource);
         // remove #'s from keys
         $recordCount = count($resource);
         // count number of records
         if (!$seeThruUnpub) {
             $parentList = $this->getParentList();
             // get parent list
         for ($i = 0; $i < $recordCount; $i++) {
             if (!$seeThruUnpub) {
                 $published = $parentList[$resource[$i]["parent"]];
                 if ($published == "0") {
             if (count($customReset) > 0) {
                 foreach ($customReset as $field) {
                     if ($resource[$i][$field] === "0") {
                         $resource[$i][$field] = $resource[$i]["createdon"];
         if ($this->debug) {
             $dbg_resource = $resource;
         if ($filter != false) {
             $filterObj = new filter();
             $resource = $filterObj->execute($resource, $filter);
         if (count($resource) < 1) {
             return array();
         if ($this->advSort == true && $randomize == 0) {
             $resource = $this->multiSort($resource, $orderBy);
         if (count($orderBy['custom']) > 0) {
             $resource = $this->userSort($resource, $orderBy);
         $fields = array_intersect($this->fields["backend"], $this->fields["display"]);
         $readyFields = array();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $readyFields = array_merge($readyFields, $field);
         $processedIDs = array();
         $keep = array();
         foreach ($resource as $key => $value) {
             $processedIDs[] = $value['id'];
             $iKey = '#' . $value['id'];
             foreach ($value as $key => $v) {
                 if (in_array($key, $readyFields)) {
                     $keep[$iKey][$key] = $v;
                 if ($this->getDocVarType($key) == "tv:prefix") {
                     if (in_array(substr($key, 2), $readyFields)) {
                         $keep[$iKey][$key] = $v;
         $this->prefetch = array("resource" => $keep, "fields" => $fields);
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->prefetch["dbg_resource"] = $dbg_resource;
             $this->prefetch["dbg_IDs_pre"] = $documentIDs;
             $this->prefetch["dbg_IDs_post"] = $processedIDs;
         if (count($processedIDs) > 0) {
             if ($randomize != 0) {
             $this->sortOrder = array_flip($processedIDs);
             // saves the order of the documents for use later
         return $processedIDs;
     } else {
         return array();
Пример #2
  * @return array
 function getProducts($prodIds = '')
     $is_parents = $prodIds || strlen($this->config['products']) > 0 ? false : true;
     $tv_sorting = !in_array($this->config['sortBy'], $this->config['content_fields']) && strlen($this->config['orderBy']) == 0 ? true : false;
     if (strlen($this->config['filter']) > 0) {
         $filter = $this->parseFilters($this->config['filter'], $this->config['globalFilterDelimiter'], $this->config['localFilterDelimiter']);
     } else {
         $filter = array("basic" => array(), "custom" => array());
     if (!$prodIds) {
         $prodIds = $is_parents ? $this->config['parents'] : $this->config['products'];
     if (strlen($prodIds) == 0) {
         return array(0, array(), array());
     if (strlen($this->config['orderBy']) == 0) {
         $this->config['orderBy'] = count($filter['basic']) == 0 ? $this->config['sortBy'] . " " . $this->config['sortDir'] : 'sc.id desc';
     //create query
     $query = '';
     $q_sort = '';
     if ($tv_sorting && count($filter['basic']) == 0) {
         $tv_id = $this->modx->db->getValue($this->modx->db->select("id", $this->modx->getFullTableName("site_tmplvars"), "name = '" . $this->config['sortBy'] . "'"));
         if (!$tv_id) {
             $tv_id = 0;
         $q_sort = ", (SELECT value FROM " . $this->config['tbl_catalog_tv'] . " WHERE tmplvarid = '{$tv_id}' AND contentid = sc.id LIMIT 1) AS " . str_replace('=', '', $this->config['sortBy']);
     $query .= "\r\n          FROM " . $this->config['tbl_catalog'] . " sc\r\n        ";
     if ($this->config['where'] || count($filter['sql']) > 0) {
         $query .= "\r\n            LEFT JOIN " . $this->config['tbl_catalog_tv'] . " tvc ON sc.id = tvc.contentid\r\n          ";
     $query .= "\r\n            WHERE sc." . ($is_parents ? 'parent' : 'id') . " IN(" . $prodIds . ")\r\n            AND sc.published = '1'\r\n        ";
     if ($this->config['dataType'] == 'documents') {
         $query .= " AND sc.deleted = 0 ";
     if ($this->config['where']) {
         $query .= " AND " . str_replace('@eq', '=', $this->config['where']);
         //sql filter
     } else {
         if (isset($filter['sql'][0]) && count($filter['sql'][0]) == 3) {
             list($f_name, $f_val, $f_mode) = $filter['sql'][0];
             $f_action = isset($this->config['filter_modes'][$f_mode]) ? $this->config['filter_modes'][$f_mode] : '=';
             if ($f_mode == 7 || $f_mode == 8) {
                 $f_val = "'%{$f_val}%'";
             } else {
                 if (!is_numeric($f_val)) {
                     $f_val = "'" . $f_val . "'";
             //if is content field
             if (in_array($f_name, $this->config['content_fields'])) {
                 $query .= " AND sc.{$f_name} {$f_action} {$f_val}";
                 //is TV
             } else {
                 if (!is_numeric($f_name)) {
                     $tv_id = $this->modx->db->getValue($this->modx->db->select('id', $this->modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars'), "name = '{$f_name}'"));
                 } else {
                     $tv_id = $f_name;
                 $q_value = 'tvc.value';
                 //is_numeric($f_val) ? 'CAST(tvc.value AS SIGNED)' : 'tvc.value';
                 if ($tv_id) {
                     $query .= " AND (tvc.tmplvarid = '{$tv_id}' AND {$q_value} {$f_action} {$f_val})";
     $q_orderby = '';
     if (!$this->config['randomize'] && count($filter['basic']) == 0) {
         if ($this->config['sortBy_type'] == 'integer') {
             $sortArr = explode(' ', trim($this->config['orderBy']));
             if (!isset($sortArr[1])) {
                 $sortArr[1] = 'DESC';
             $q_orderby .= "\r\n                    GROUP BY sc.id\r\n                    ORDER BY CAST(" . $sortArr[0] . " AS SIGNED) " . $sortArr[1] . "\r\n                ";
         } else {
             $q_orderby .= "\r\n                    GROUP BY sc.id\r\n                    ORDER BY " . $this->orderByCheck($this->config['orderBy']) . "\r\n                ";
     $q_limit = '';
     if (count($filter['basic']) == 0) {
         //random start
         if ($this->config['randomize']) {
             $total = $this->getSQLTotal($query);
             $start = rand(0, $total > $this->config['display'] ? $total - $this->config['display'] : 0);
             if ($this->config['display']) {
                 $q_limit .= "\r\n                      LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $this->config['display'] . "\r\n                  ";
         } else {
             if ($this->config['display']) {
                 $q_limit .= "\r\n                      LIMIT " . $this->config['start'] . ", " . $this->config['display'] . "\r\n                  ";
     if ($this->config['dataType'] == 'documents' && !$this->config['fetchContent']) {
         $select_fields = 'sc.id, sc.pagetitle, sc.longtitle, sc.menutitle, sc.alias, sc.published, sc.parent, sc.isfolder, sc.introtext, sc.template, sc.menuindex, sc.pub_date, sc.createdon, sc.menuindex';
     } else {
         if ($this->config['dataType'] == 'products' && !$this->config['fetchContent']) {
             $select_fields = 'sc.id, sc.pagetitle, sc.alias, sc.published, sc.parent, sc.isfolder, sc.introtext, sc.template, sc.menuindex, sc.createdon, sc.menuindex';
         } else {
             $select_fields = 'sc.*';
     //var_dump("SELECT $select_fields $q_sort ".$query.$q_orderby.$q_limit);
     $result = $this->modx->db->query("SELECT {$select_fields} {$q_sort} " . $query . $q_orderby . $q_limit);
     $prodIdsArr = array();
     $products = array();
     if ($this->modx->db->getRecordCount($result)) {
         while ($row = $this->modx->db->getRow($result)) {
             $products[] = $row;
             $prodIdsArr[] = $row['id'];
     $tvVars = $this->getTmplVars($prodIdsArr);
     $products = $this->mergeContentAndTV($products, $tvVars);
     if (count($filter['basic']) > 0) {
         if (!class_exists("filter")) {
             include_once strtr(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/filter.class.inc.php", '\\', '/');
         $filterObj = new filter();
         $products = $filterObj->execute($products, $filter);
         $total = count($products);
         if ($total > 0) {
             if (!$this->config['randomize']) {
                 $products = $this->multiSort($products, array($this->config['sortBy'], $this->config['sortDir']));
             } else {
             $products = $this->limitForPage($products);
     } else {
         //random array
         if ($this->config['randomize'] && count($products) > 1) {
         if (!isset($total)) {
             $total = $this->getSQLTotal($query);
     return array($total, $prodIdsArr, $products);