public function is_available()
     if ($this->get_enabled() == "no") {
         return false;
     if (isset(fflcommerce_cart::$cart_contents_total_ex_dl) && isset($this->min_amount) && $this->min_amount && apply_filters('fflcommerce_shipping_min_amount', $this->min_amount, $this) > fflcommerce_cart::$cart_contents_total_ex_dl - fflcommerce_cart::$discount_total) {
         return false;
     if (is_array($this->get_ship_to_countries()) && !in_array(fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_country(), $this->get_ship_to_countries())) {
         $this->set_error_message('Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods to your location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.');
         return false;
     return !$this->has_error;
Пример #2
function fflcommerce_cart($atts)
    // Process Discount Codes
    if (isset($_POST['apply_coupon']) && $_POST['apply_coupon'] && fflcommerce::verify_nonce('cart')) {
        $coupon_code = sanitize_title($_POST['coupon_code']);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['calc_shipping']) && $_POST['calc_shipping'] && fflcommerce::verify_nonce('cart')) {
        // Update Shipping
        $country = $_POST['calc_shipping_country'];
        $state = $_POST['calc_shipping_state'];
        $postcode = $_POST['calc_shipping_postcode'];
        if ($postcode && !fflcommerce_validation::is_postcode($postcode, $country)) {
            fflcommerce::add_error(__('Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP.', 'fflcommerce'));
            $postcode = '';
        } elseif ($postcode) {
            $postcode = fflcommerce_validation::format_postcode($postcode, $country);
        if ($country) {
            // Update customer location
            fflcommerce_customer::set_location($country, $state, $postcode);
            fflcommerce_customer::set_shipping_location($country, $state, $postcode);
            fflcommerce::add_message(__('Shipping costs updated.', 'fflcommerce'));
        } else {
            fflcommerce_customer::set_shipping_location('', '', '');
            fflcommerce::add_message(__('Shipping costs updated.', 'fflcommerce'));
    } elseif (isset($_POST['shipping_rates'])) {
        $rates_params = explode(":", $_POST['shipping_rates']);
        $available_methods = fflcommerce_shipping::get_available_shipping_methods();
        $shipping_method = $available_methods[$rates_params[0]];
        if ($rates_params[1] != null) {
            fflcommerce_session::instance()->selected_rate_id = $rates_params[1];
        // chooses the method selected by user.
    // Re-Calc prices. This needs to happen every time the cart page is loaded and after checking post results.
    $result = fflcommerce_cart::check_cart_item_stock();
    if (is_wp_error($result)) {
    fflcommerce_render('shortcode/cart', array('cart' => fflcommerce_cart::get_cart(), 'coupons' => fflcommerce_cart::get_coupons()));
     * Outputs a form field
     * @param array $args contains a list of args for showing the field, merged with defaults (below)
     * @return string
    public static function address_form_field($args)
        $defaults = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => '', 'label' => '', 'placeholder' => '', 'required' => false, 'class' => array(), 'label_class' => array(), 'rel' => '', 'return' => false, 'options' => array(), 'value' => '');
        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        if ($args['required']) {
            $required = ' <span class="required">*</span>';
            $input_required = ' input-required';
        } else {
            $required = '';
            $input_required = '';
        if (in_array('form-row-last', $args['class'])) {
            $after = '<div class="clear"></div>';
        } else {
            $after = '';
        switch ($args['type']) {
            case "country":
                $current_c = self::get_value($args['name']);
                $is_shipping_c = strpos($args['name'], 'shipping');
                if (!$current_c) {
                    if ($is_shipping_c === false) {
                        $current_c = fflcommerce_customer::get_country();
                    } else {
                        $current_c = fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_country();
                // Remove 'Select a Country' option from drop-down menu for countries.
                // There is no need to have it, because was assume when user hasn't selected
                // a country that they are from the shop base country.
                $field = '<p class="form-row ' . implode(' ', $args['class']) . '">
        <label for="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . esc_attr(implode(' ', $args['label_class'])) . '">' . $args['label'] . $required . '</label>
        <select name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="country_to_state" rel="' . esc_attr($args['rel']) . '">';
                foreach (fflcommerce_countries::get_allowed_countries() as $key => $value) {
                    $field .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '"';
                    if (self::get_value($args['name']) == $key) {
                        $field .= ' selected="selected"';
                    } elseif (self::get_value($args['name']) && $current_c == $key) {
                        $field .= ' selected="selected"';
                    $field .= '>' . __($value, 'fflcommerce') . '</option>';
                $field .= '</select></p>' . $after;
            case "state":
                $field = '<p class="form-row ' . implode(' ', $args['class']) . '">
					<label for="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . implode(' ', $args['label_class']) . '">' . $args['label'] . $required . '</label>';
                $is_shipping_s = strpos($args['name'], 'shipping');
                $current_cc = self::get_value($args['rel']);
                if (!$current_cc) {
                    if ($is_shipping_s === false) {
                        $current_cc = fflcommerce_customer::get_country();
                    } else {
                        $current_cc = fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_country();
                $current_r = self::get_value($args['name']);
                if (!$current_r) {
                    if ($is_shipping_s === false) {
                        $current_r = fflcommerce_customer::get_state();
                    } else {
                        $current_r = fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_state();
                $states = fflcommerce_countries::get_states($current_cc);
                if (!empty($states)) {
                    // Dropdown
                    $field .= '<select name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . esc_attr($input_required) . '"><option value="">' . __('Select a state&hellip;', 'fflcommerce') . '</option>';
                    foreach ($states as $key => $value) {
                        $field .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '"';
                        if ($current_r == $key) {
                            $field .= ' selected="selected"';
                        $field .= '>' . __($value, 'fflcommerce') . '</option>';
                    $field .= '</select>';
                } else {
                    // Input
                    $field .= '<input type="text" class="input-text" value="' . esc_attr($current_r) . '" placeholder="' . __('State/Province', 'fflcommerce') . '" name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" />';
                $field .= '</p>' . $after;
            case "postcode":
                $current_pc = self::get_value($args['name']);
                $is_shipping_pc = strpos($args['name'], 'shipping');
                if (!$current_pc) {
                    if ($is_shipping_pc === false) {
                        $current_pc = fflcommerce_customer::get_postcode();
                    } else {
                        $current_pc = fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_postcode();
                $field = '<p class="form-row ' . implode(' ', $args['class']) . '">
					<label for="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . implode(' ', $args['label_class']) . '">' . $args['label'] . $required . '</label>
					<input type="text" class="input-text" name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" placeholder="' . $args['placeholder'] . '" value="' . esc_attr($current_pc) . '" />
				</p>' . $after;
            case "textarea":
                $field = '<p class="form-row ' . implode(' ', $args['class']) . '">
					<label for="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . implode(' ', $args['label_class']) . '">' . $args['label'] . $required . '</label>
					<textarea name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="input-text' . esc_attr($input_required) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" placeholder="' . $args['placeholder'] . '" cols="5" rows="2">' . esc_textarea(self::get_value($args['name'])) . '</textarea>
				</p>' . $after;
                //Adds a drop down custom type
            //Adds a drop down custom type
            case "select":
                $field = '<p class="form-row ' . implode(' ', $args['class']) . '">
						  <label for="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . implode(' ', $args['label_class']) . '">' . $args['label'] . $required . '</label>';
                $field .= '<select name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . esc_attr($input_required) . '">';
                foreach ($args['options'] as $value => $label) {
                    $field .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($value) . '"';
                    if (self::get_value($args['name']) == $value) {
                        $field .= ' selected="selected"';
                    $field .= '>' . __($label, 'fflcommerce') . '</option>';
                $field .= '</select></p>' . $after;
                $field = '<p class="form-row ' . implode(' ', $args['class']) . '">
					<label for="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" class="' . implode(' ', $args['label_class']) . '">' . $args['label'] . $required . '</label>
					<input type="' . $args['type'] . '" class="input-text' . esc_attr($input_required) . '" name="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" id="' . esc_attr($args['name']) . '" placeholder="' . $args['placeholder'] . '" value="' . self::get_value($args['name']) . '" />
				</p>' . $after;
        $field = apply_filters('fflcommerce_address_field_types', $field, $args);
        if ($args['return']) {
            return $field;
        } else {
            echo $field;
            return null;
Пример #4
function fflcommerce_pay_action()
    if (!is_fflcommerce_single_page(FFLCOMMERCE_PAY)) {
    if (isset($_GET['pay_for_order']) && isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['order_id'])) {
        // Pay for existing order
        $order_key = urldecode($_GET['order']);
        $order_id = (int) $_GET['order_id'];
        $order = new fflcommerce_order($order_id);
        if ($order->id == $order_id && $order->order_key == $order_key && $order->status == 'pending') {
            // Set customer location to order location
            if ($order->billing_country) {
            if ($order->billing_state) {
            if ($order->billing_postcode) {
            // Pay form was posted - process payment
            if (isset($_POST['pay']) && fflcommerce::verify_nonce('pay')) {
                // Update payment method
                if ($order->order_total > 0) {
                    $payment_method = fflcommerce_clean($_POST['payment_method']);
                    $data = (array) maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($order_id, 'order_data', true));
                    $data['payment_method'] = $payment_method;
                    update_post_meta($order_id, 'order_data', $data);
                    $available_gateways = fflcommerce_payment_gateways::get_available_payment_gateways();
                    $result = $available_gateways[$payment_method]->process_payment($order_id);
                    // Redirect to success/confirmation/payment page
                    if ($result['result'] == 'success') {
                } else {
                    // No payment was required for order
                    // filter redirect page
                    $checkout_redirect = apply_filters('fflcommerce_get_checkout_redirect_page_id', fflcommerce_get_page_id('thanks'));
        } elseif ($order->status != 'pending') {
            fflcommerce::add_error(__('Your order has already been paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance.', 'fflcommerce'));
        } else {
            fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid order.', 'fflcommerce'));
    } else {
        // Pay for order after checkout step
        if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
            $order_id = $_GET['order'];
        } else {
            $order_id = 0;
        if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
            $order_key = $_GET['key'];
        } else {
            $order_key = '';
        if ($order_id > 0) {
            $order = new fflcommerce_order($order_id);
            if ($order->order_key != $order_key || $order->status != 'pending') {
                wp_safe_redirect(apply_filters('fflcommerce_get_myaccount_page_id', get_permalink(fflcommerce_get_page_id('myaccount'))));
        } else {
            wp_safe_redirect(apply_filters('fflcommerce_get_myaccount_page_id', get_permalink(fflcommerce_get_page_id('myaccount'))));
 function fflcommerce_eu_b2b_vat_message()
     if (fflcommerce_countries::is_eu_country(fflcommerce_customer::get_country()) && FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_eu_vat_reduction_message') == 'yes') {
         echo '<div class="clear"></div><div class="payment_message">' . __('If you have entered an EU VAT Number, it will be looked up when you <strong>Place</strong> your Order and verified.  At that time <strong><em>Only</em></strong>, will VAT then be removed from the final Order and totals adjusted.  You may enter your EU VAT Number either with, or without, the 2 character EU country code in front.', 'fflcommerce') . '</div>';
  * Validate the checkout
 public function validate_checkout()
     if (fflcommerce_cart::is_empty()) {
         fflcommerce::add_error(sprintf(__('Sorry, your session has expired. <a href="%s">Return to homepage &rarr;</a>', 'fflcommerce'), home_url()));
     // Process Discount Codes
     if (!empty($_POST['coupon_code'])) {
         $coupon = sanitize_title($_POST['coupon_code']);
     foreach (fflcommerce_cart::get_coupons() as $coupon) {
     // Checkout fields
     $this->posted['shipping_method'] = '';
     $this->posted['shipping_service'] = '';
     if (isset($_POST['shipping_method'])) {
         $shipping_method = fflcommerce_clean($_POST['shipping_method']);
         $shipping_data = explode(':', $shipping_method);
         $this->posted['shipping_method'] = $shipping_data[0];
         $this->posted['shipping_service'] = $shipping_data[1];
     $this->posted['shiptobilling'] = isset($_POST['shiptobilling']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['shiptobilling']) : '';
     $this->posted['payment_method'] = isset($_POST['payment_method']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['payment_method']) : '';
     $this->posted['order_comments'] = isset($_POST['order_comments']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['order_comments']) : '';
     $this->posted['terms'] = isset($_POST['terms']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['terms']) : '';
     $this->posted['create_account'] = isset($_POST['create_account']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['create_account']) : '';
     $this->posted['account_username'] = isset($_POST['account_username']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['account_username']) : '';
     $this->posted['account_password'] = isset($_POST['account_password']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['account_password']) : '';
     $this->posted['account_password_2'] = isset($_POST['account_password_2']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['account_password_2']) : '';
     if (fflcommerce_cart::get_total(false) == 0) {
         $this->posted['payment_method'] = 'no_payment';
     // establish customer billing and shipping locations
     if (fflcommerce_cart::ship_to_billing_address_only()) {
         $this->posted['shiptobilling'] = 'true';
     $country = isset($_POST['billing_country']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['billing_country']) : '';
     $state = isset($_POST['billing_state']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['billing_state']) : '';
     $allowed_countries = FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_allowed_countries');
     if ($allowed_countries === 'specific') {
         $specific_countries = FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_specific_allowed_countries');
         if (!in_array($country, $specific_countries)) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid billing country.', 'fflcommerce'));
     if (fflcommerce_countries::country_has_states($country)) {
         $states = fflcommerce_countries::get_states($country);
         if (!in_array($state, array_keys($states))) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid billing state.', 'fflcommerce'));
     $postcode = isset($_POST['billing_postcode']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['billing_postcode']) : '';
     $ship_to_billing = FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_ship_to_billing_address_only') == 'yes';
     fflcommerce_customer::set_location($country, $state, $postcode);
     if (FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_calc_shipping') == 'yes') {
         if ($ship_to_billing || !empty($_POST['shiptobilling'])) {
             fflcommerce_customer::set_shipping_location($country, $state, $postcode);
         } else {
             $country = isset($_POST['shipping_country']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['shipping_country']) : '';
             $state = isset($_POST['shipping_state']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['shipping_state']) : '';
             $postcode = isset($_POST['shipping_postcode']) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST['shipping_postcode']) : '';
             if ($allowed_countries === 'specific') {
                 $specific_countries = FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_specific_allowed_countries');
                 if (!in_array($country, $specific_countries)) {
                     fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid shipping country.', 'fflcommerce'));
             if (fflcommerce_countries::country_has_states($country)) {
                 $states = fflcommerce_countries::get_states($country);
                 if (!in_array($state, array_keys($states))) {
                     fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid shipping state.', 'fflcommerce'));
             fflcommerce_customer::set_shipping_location($country, $state, $postcode);
     // Billing Information
     foreach ($this->billing_fields as $field) {
         $field = apply_filters('fflcommerce_billing_field', $field);
         $this->posted[$field['name']] = isset($_POST[$field['name']]) ? fflcommerce_clean($_POST[$field['name']]) : '';
         // Format
         if (isset($field['format'])) {
             switch ($field['format']) {
                 case 'postcode':
                     $this->posted[$field['name']] = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $this->posted[$field['name']]));
         // Required
         if ($field['name'] == 'billing_state' && fflcommerce_customer::has_valid_shipping_state()) {
             $field['required'] = false;
         if (isset($field['required']) && $field['required'] && empty($this->posted[$field['name']])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (billing) is a required field.', 'fflcommerce'));
         if ($field['name'] == 'billing_euvatno') {
             $vatno = isset($this->posted['billing_euvatno']) ? $this->posted['billing_euvatno'] : '';
             $vatno = str_replace(' ', '', $vatno);
             $country = fflcommerce_tax::get_customer_country();
             // strip any country code from the beginning of the number
             if (strpos($vatno, $country) === 0) {
                 $vatno = substr($vatno, strlen($country));
             if ($vatno != '') {
                 $url = '' . $country . '/' . $vatno . '/';
                 $httpRequest = curl_init();
                 curl_setopt($httpRequest, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
                 curl_setopt($httpRequest, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                 curl_setopt($httpRequest, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
                 curl_setopt($httpRequest, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                 $result = curl_exec($httpRequest);
                 if ($result === 'false') {
                     fflcommerce_log('EU VAT validation error with URL: ' . $url);
                     fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (billing) is not a valid VAT Number.  Leave it blank to disable VAT validation. (VAT may be charged depending on your location)', 'fflcommerce'));
                 } else {
                     $this->valid_euvatno = fflcommerce_countries::get_base_country() != fflcommerce_tax::get_customer_country() && fflcommerce_countries::is_eu_country(fflcommerce_tax::get_customer_country());
         // Validation
         if (isset($field['validate']) && !empty($this->posted[$field['name']])) {
             switch ($field['validate']) {
                 case 'phone':
                     if (!fflcommerce_validation::is_phone($this->posted[$field['name']])) {
                         fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (billing) is not a valid number.', 'fflcommerce'));
                 case 'email':
                     if (!fflcommerce_validation::is_email($this->posted[$field['name']])) {
                         fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (billing) is not a valid email address.', 'fflcommerce'));
                 case 'postcode':
                     if (!fflcommerce_validation::is_postcode($this->posted[$field['name']], $_POST['billing_country'])) {
                         fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (billing) is not a valid postcode/ZIP.', 'fflcommerce'));
                     } else {
                         $this->posted[$field['name']] = fflcommerce_validation::format_postcode($this->posted[$field['name']], $_POST['billing_country']);
     // Shipping Information
     if (fflcommerce_shipping::is_enabled() && !fflcommerce_cart::ship_to_billing_address_only() && empty($this->posted['shiptobilling'])) {
         foreach ($this->shipping_fields as $field) {
             $field = apply_filters('fflcommerce_shipping_field', $field);
             if (isset($_POST[$field['name']])) {
                 $this->posted[$field['name']] = fflcommerce_clean($_POST[$field['name']]);
             } else {
                 $this->posted[$field['name']] = '';
             // Format
             if (isset($field['format'])) {
                 switch ($field['format']) {
                     case 'postcode':
                         $this->posted[$field['name']] = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $this->posted[$field['name']]));
             // Required
             if ($field['name'] == 'shipping_state' && fflcommerce_customer::has_valid_shipping_state()) {
                 $field['required'] = false;
             if (isset($field['required']) && $field['required'] && empty($this->posted[$field['name']])) {
                 fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (shipping) is a required field.', 'fflcommerce'));
             // Validation
             if (isset($field['validate']) && !empty($this->posted[$field['name']])) {
                 switch ($field['validate']) {
                     case 'postcode':
                         if (!fflcommerce_validation::is_postcode($this->posted[$field['name']], $country)) {
                             fflcommerce::add_error($field['label'] . __(' (shipping) is not a valid postcode/ZIP.', 'fflcommerce'));
                         } else {
                             $this->posted[$field['name']] = fflcommerce_validation::format_postcode($this->posted[$field['name']], $country);
     if ($this->must_register && empty($this->posted['create_account'])) {
         fflcommerce::add_error(__('Sorry, you must agree to creating an account', 'fflcommerce'));
     if ($this->must_register || empty($user_id) && $this->posted['create_account']) {
         if (!$this->show_signup) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Sorry, the shop owner has disabled guest purchases.', 'fflcommerce'));
         if (empty($this->posted['account_username'])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Please enter an account username.', 'fflcommerce'));
         if (empty($this->posted['account_password'])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Please enter an account password.', 'fflcommerce'));
         if ($this->posted['account_password_2'] !== $this->posted['account_password']) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Passwords do not match.', 'fflcommerce'));
         // Check the username
         if (!validate_username($this->posted['account_username'])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid email/username.', 'fflcommerce'));
         } elseif (username_exists($this->posted['account_username'])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another.', 'fflcommerce'));
         // Check the e-mail address
         if (email_exists($this->posted['billing_email'])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('An account is already registered with your email address. Please login.', 'fflcommerce'));
     // Terms
     if (!isset($_POST['update_totals']) && empty($this->posted['terms']) && fflcommerce_get_page_id('terms') > 0) {
         fflcommerce::add_error(__('You must accept our Terms &amp; Conditions.', 'fflcommerce'));
     if (fflcommerce_cart::needs_shipping()) {
         // Shipping Method
         $available_methods = fflcommerce_shipping::get_available_shipping_methods();
         if (!isset($available_methods[$this->posted['shipping_method']])) {
             fflcommerce::add_error(__('Invalid shipping method.', 'fflcommerce'));
Пример #7
 * @var $available_methods array List of available shipping methods.

$available_methods = fflcommerce_shipping::get_available_shipping_methods();
	<td colspan="2"><?php 
_e('Shipping', 'fflcommerce');
<br />
echo _x('To: ', 'shipping destination', 'fflcommerce') . __(fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_country_or_state(), 'fflcommerce');
if (count($available_methods) > 0) {
		<select name="shipping_method" id="shipping_method">
    foreach ($available_methods as $method) {
        /** @var fflcommerce_shipping_method $method */
        for ($i = 0; $i < $method->get_rates_amount(); $i++) {
            $service = $method->get_selected_service($i);
Пример #8
 * @var $recent_orders int Number of recent orders to show.
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
    echo sprintf(__('Hello, <strong>%s</strong>. From your account dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses and <a href="%s">change your password</a>.', 'fflcommerce'), $current_user->display_name, apply_filters('fflcommerce_get_change_password_page_id', get_permalink(fflcommerce_get_page_id('change_password'))));


    if ($downloads = fflcommerce_customer::get_downloadable_products()) {
        _e('Available downloads', 'fflcommerce');
	<ul class="digital-downloads">
        foreach ($downloads as $download) {
            if (is_numeric($download['downloads_remaining'])) {
<span class="count"><?php 
                echo $download['downloads_remaining'] . _n(' download Remaining', ' downloads Remaining', 'fflcommerce');
Пример #9
							<div class="payment_box payment_method_<?php 
                echo esc_attr($gateway->id);
" style="display:none;"><?php 
} else {
    if (!fflcommerce_customer::get_country()) {
        echo '<p>' . __('Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods.', 'fflcommerce') . '</p>';
    } else {
        echo '<p>' . __('Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.', 'fflcommerce') . '</p>';
	<div class="form-row">
_e('Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the <em>Update Totals</em> button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so.', 'fflcommerce');
			<br /><input type="submit" class="button-alt" name="update_totals" value="<?php 
_e('Update totals', 'fflcommerce');
 public static function get_cart_shipping_total($for_display = true, $order_exclude_tax = false)
     /* Quit early if there is no shipping label. */
     if (!fflcommerce_shipping::get_label()) {
         return false;
     // Do not display taxes if shipping country is not set
     if (fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_country() == '') {
         return false;
     /* Shipping price is 0.00. */
     if (fflcommerce_shipping::get_total() <= 0) {
         return $for_display ? __('Free!', 'fflcommerce') : 0;
     /* Not calculating taxes. */
     if (self::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_calc_taxes') == 'no') {
         return $for_display ? fflcommerce_price(self::$shipping_total) : number_format(self::$shipping_total, 2, '.', '');
     if (self::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_prices_include_tax') == 'no' || $order_exclude_tax) {
         $return = $for_display ? fflcommerce_price(self::$shipping_total) : number_format(self::$shipping_total, 2, '.', '');
         if (self::$shipping_tax_total > 0 && $for_display) {
             $return .= ' <small>' . __('(ex. tax)', 'fflcommerce') . '</small>';
     } else {
         $return = $for_display ? fflcommerce_price(self::$shipping_total + self::$shipping_tax_total) : number_format(self::$shipping_total + self::$shipping_tax_total, 2, '.', '');
         if (self::$shipping_tax_total > 0 && $for_display) {
             $return .= ' <small>' . __('(inc. tax)', 'fflcommerce') . '</small>';
     return $return;
Пример #11
function fflcommerce_ajax_update_order_review()
    check_ajax_referer('update-order-review', 'security');
    if (!defined('FFLCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT')) {
        define('FFLCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true);
    if (sizeof(fflcommerce_cart::$cart_contents) == 0) {
        echo '<p class="error">' . __('Sorry, your session has expired.', 'fflcommerce') . ' <a href="' . home_url() . '">' . __('Return to homepage &rarr;', 'fflcommerce') . '</a></p>';
    do_action('fflcommerce_checkout_update_order_review', $_POST['post_data']);
    if (isset($_POST['shipping_method'])) {
        $shipping_method = explode(":", $_POST['shipping_method']);
        fflcommerce_session::instance()->chosen_shipping_method_id = $shipping_method[0];
        if (is_numeric($shipping_method[2])) {
            fflcommerce_session::instance()->selected_rate_id = $shipping_method[2];
    if (!empty($_POST['coupon_code'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['country'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['state'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['postcode'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['s_country'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['s_state'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['s_postcode'])) {
Пример #12
function fflcommerce_frontend_scripts()
    $options = FFLCommerce_Base::get_options();
    $frontend_css = FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/css/frontend.css';
    $theme_css = file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/fflcommerce/style.css') ? get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/fflcommerce/style.css' : $frontend_css;
    if ($options->get('fflcommerce_disable_css') == 'no') {
        if ($options->get('fflcommerce_frontend_with_theme_css') == 'yes' && $frontend_css != $theme_css) {
            jrto_enqueue_style('frontend', 'fflcommerce_theme_styles', $frontend_css);
        jrto_enqueue_style('frontend', 'fflcommerce_styles', $theme_css);
    wp_register_script('jquery-blockui', '//', array('jquery'), '2.66.0');
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce_global', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/global.js', array('jquery'), array('in_footer' => true));
    if ($options->get('fflcommerce_disable_fancybox') == 'no') {
        jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'prettyPhoto', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js', array('jquery'), array('in_footer' => true));
        jrto_enqueue_style('frontend', 'prettyPhoto', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/css/prettyPhoto.css');
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce-cart', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/cart.js', array('jquery'), array('in_footer' => true, 'page' => FFLCOMMERCE_CART));
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce-checkout', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/checkout.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-blockui'), array('in_footer' => true, 'page' => array(FFLCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT, FFLCOMMERCE_PAY)));
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce-validation', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/validation.js', array(), array('in_footer' => true, 'page' => FFLCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT));
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce-payment', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/pay.js', array('jquery'), array('page' => FFLCOMMERCE_PAY));
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce-single-product', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/single-product.js', array('jquery'), array('in_footer' => true, 'page' => FFLCOMMERCE_PRODUCT));
    jrto_enqueue_script('frontend', 'fflcommerce-countries', FFLCOMMERCE_URL . '/assets/js/countries.js', array(), array('in_footer' => true, 'page' => array(FFLCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT, FFLCOMMERCE_CART, FFLCOMMERCE_EDIT_ADDRESS)));
    /* Script.js variables */
    // TODO: clean this up, a lot aren't even used anymore, do away with it
    $fflcommerce_params = array('ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php', 'fflcommerce'), 'assets_url' => FFLCOMMERCE_URL, 'validate_postcode' => $options->get('fflcommerce_enable_postcode_validating', 'no'), 'checkout_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=fflcommerce-checkout', 'fflcommerce'), 'currency_symbol' => get_fflcommerce_currency_symbol(), 'get_variation_nonce' => wp_create_nonce("get-variation"), 'load_fancybox' => $options->get('fflcommerce_disable_fancybox') == 'no', 'option_guest_checkout' => $options->get('fflcommerce_enable_guest_checkout'), 'select_state_text' => __('Select a state&hellip;', 'fflcommerce'), 'state_text' => __('state', 'fflcommerce'), 'ratings_message' => __('Please select a star to rate your review.', 'fflcommerce'), 'update_order_review_nonce' => wp_create_nonce("update-order-review"), 'billing_state' => fflcommerce_customer::get_state(), 'shipping_state' => fflcommerce_customer::get_shipping_state(), 'is_checkout' => is_page(fflcommerce_get_page_id('checkout')) || is_page(fflcommerce_get_page_id('pay')), 'error_hide_time' => FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_error_disappear_time', 8000), 'message_hide_time' => FFLCommerce_Base::get_options()->get('fflcommerce_message_disappear_time', 4000));
    if (isset(fflcommerce_session::instance()->min_price)) {
        $fflcommerce_params['min_price'] = $_GET['min_price'];
    if (isset(fflcommerce_session::instance()->max_price)) {
        $fflcommerce_params['max_price'] = $_GET['max_price'];
    $fflcommerce_params = apply_filters('fflcommerce_params', $fflcommerce_params);
    jrto_localize_script('fflcommerce_global', 'fflcommerce_params', $fflcommerce_params);
Пример #13
} else {
    _e('Shipping Address', 'fflcommerce');
foreach ($address as $field) {
	<input type="submit" class="button" name="save_address" value="<?php 
_e('Save Address', 'fflcommerce');
" />
	<a class="button-alt" href="<?php 
echo $account_url;