Пример #1
  * Filter an image's URL to enforce restrictions on its dimensions
  * @see bbcode_firstpass::bbcode_img()
  * @param  string  $url        Original URL
  * @param  array   $url_config Config used by the URL filter
  * @param  Logger  $logger
  * @param  integer $max_height Maximum height allowed
  * @param  integer $max_width  Maximum width allowed
  * @return string|bool         Original value if valid, FALSE otherwise
 public static function filter_img_url($url, array $url_config, Logger $logger, $max_height, $max_width)
     // Validate the URL
     $url = BuiltInFilters::filterUrl($url, $url_config, $logger);
     if ($url === false) {
         return false;
     if ($max_height || $max_width) {
         $imagesize = new \fastImageSize\fastImageSize();
         $size_info = $imagesize->getImageSize($url);
         if ($size_info === false) {
             return false;
         if ($max_height && $max_height < $size_info['height']) {
             $logger->err('MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED', array('max_height' => $max_height));
             return false;
         if ($max_width && $max_width < $size_info['width']) {
             $logger->err('MAX_IMG_WIDTH_EXCEEDED', array('max_width' => $max_width));
             return false;
     return $url;
Пример #2
  * Parse img tag
 function bbcode_img($in)
     global $user, $config;
     if (!$this->check_bbcode('img', $in)) {
         return $in;
     $in = trim($in);
     $error = false;
     $in = str_replace(' ', '%20', $in);
     // Checking urls
     if (!preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('url') . '$#iu', $in) && !preg_match('#^' . get_preg_expression('www_url') . '$#iu', $in)) {
         return '[img]' . $in . '[/img]';
     // Try to cope with a common user error... not specifying a protocol but only a subdomain
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+://#i', $in)) {
         $in = 'http://' . $in;
     if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] || $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']) {
         $imagesize = new \fastImageSize\fastImageSize();
         $size_info = $imagesize->getImageSize(htmlspecialchars_decode($in));
         if ($size_info === false) {
             $error = true;
             $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang['UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE'];
         } else {
             if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height'] < $size_info['height']) {
                 $error = true;
                 $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_IMG_HEIGHT_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_height']);
             if ($config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] && $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width'] < $size_info['width']) {
                 $error = true;
                 $this->warn_msg[] = $user->lang('MAX_IMG_WIDTH_EXCEEDED', (int) $config['max_' . $this->mode . '_img_width']);
     if ($error || $this->path_in_domain($in)) {
         return '[img]' . $in . '[/img]';
     return '[img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']' . $this->bbcode_specialchars($in) . '[/img:' . $this->bbcode_uid . ']';
Пример #3
  * Move file to destination folder
  * The phpbb_root_path variable will be applied to the destination path
  * @param string $destination Destination path, for example $config['avatar_path']
  * @param bool $overwrite If set to true, an already existing file will be overwritten
  * @param bool $skip_image_check If set to true, the check for the file to be a valid image is skipped
  * @param string $chmod Permission mask for chmodding the file after a successful move. The mode entered here reflects the mode defined by {@link phpbb_chmod()}
  * @access public
 function move_file($destination, $overwrite = false, $skip_image_check = false, $chmod = false)
     global $user, $phpbb_root_path;
     if (sizeof($this->error)) {
         return false;
     $chmod = $chmod === false ? CHMOD_READ | CHMOD_WRITE : $chmod;
     // We need to trust the admin in specifying valid upload directories and an attacker not being able to overwrite it...
     $this->destination_path = $phpbb_root_path . $destination;
     // Check if the destination path exist...
     if (!file_exists($this->destination_path)) {
         return false;
     $upload_mode = @ini_get('open_basedir') || @ini_get('safe_mode') || strtolower(@ini_get('safe_mode')) == 'on' ? 'move' : 'copy';
     $upload_mode = $this->local ? 'local' : $upload_mode;
     $this->destination_file = $this->destination_path . '/' . utf8_basename($this->realname);
     // Check if the file already exist, else there is something wrong...
     if (file_exists($this->destination_file) && !$overwrite) {
         $this->error[] = $user->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'GENERAL_UPLOAD_ERROR', $this->destination_file);
         $this->file_moved = false;
         return false;
     } else {
         if (file_exists($this->destination_file)) {
         switch ($upload_mode) {
             case 'copy':
                 if (!@copy($this->filename, $this->destination_file)) {
                     if (!@move_uploaded_file($this->filename, $this->destination_file)) {
                         $this->error[] = sprintf($user->lang[$this->upload->error_prefix . 'GENERAL_UPLOAD_ERROR'], $this->destination_file);
             case 'move':
                 if (!@move_uploaded_file($this->filename, $this->destination_file)) {
                     if (!@copy($this->filename, $this->destination_file)) {
                         $this->error[] = sprintf($user->lang[$this->upload->error_prefix . 'GENERAL_UPLOAD_ERROR'], $this->destination_file);
             case 'local':
                 if (!@copy($this->filename, $this->destination_file)) {
                     $this->error[] = sprintf($user->lang[$this->upload->error_prefix . 'GENERAL_UPLOAD_ERROR'], $this->destination_file);
         // Remove temporary filename
         if (sizeof($this->error)) {
             return false;
         try {
             $this->filesystem->phpbb_chmod($this->destination_file, $chmod);
         } catch (\phpbb\filesystem\exception\filesystem_exception $e) {
             // Do nothing
     // Try to get real filesize from destination folder
     $this->filesize = @filesize($this->destination_file) ? @filesize($this->destination_file) : $this->filesize;
     // Get mimetype of supplied file
     $this->mimetype = $this->get_mimetype($this->destination_file);
     if ($this->is_image() && !$skip_image_check) {
         $this->width = $this->height = 0;
         // Get imagesize class
         $imagesize = new \fastImageSize\fastImageSize();
         $this->image_info = $imagesize->getImageSize($this->destination_file, $this->mimetype);
         if ($this->image_info !== false) {
             $this->width = $this->image_info['width'];
             $this->height = $this->image_info['height'];
             // Check image type
             $types = fileupload::image_types();
             if (!isset($types[$this->image_info['type']]) || !in_array($this->extension, $types[$this->image_info['type']])) {
                 if (!isset($types[$this->image_info['type']])) {
                     $this->error[] = $user->lang('IMAGE_FILETYPE_INVALID', $this->image_info['type'], $this->mimetype);
                 } else {
                     $this->error[] = $user->lang('IMAGE_FILETYPE_MISMATCH', $types[$this->image_info['type']][0], $this->extension);
             // Make sure the dimensions match a valid image
             if (empty($this->width) || empty($this->height)) {
                 $this->error[] = $user->lang['ATTACHED_IMAGE_NOT_IMAGE'];
         } else {
             $this->error[] = $user->lang['UNABLE_GET_IMAGE_SIZE'];
     $this->file_moved = true;
     return true;