Пример #1
  * Gets a cookie value from `$_COOKIE`, while allowing a default value to be provided
  * @param  string $name           The name of the cookie to retrieve
  * @param  mixed  $default_value  If there is no cookie with the name provided, return this value instead
  * @return mixed  The value
 public static function get($name, $default_value = NULL)
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) {
         $value = fUTF8::clean($_COOKIE[$name]);
         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
             $value = stripslashes($value);
         return $value;
     return $default_value;
Пример #2
  * Gets a value from the `DELETE`/`PUT` post data, `$_POST` or `$_GET` superglobals (in that order)
  * A value that exactly equals `''` and is not cast to a specific type will
  * become `NULL`.
  * Valid `$cast_to` types include:
  *  - `'string'`,
  *  - `'int'`
  *  - `'integer'`
  *  - `'bool'`
  *  - `'boolean'`
  *  - `'array'`
  *  - `'date'`
  *  - `'time'`
  *  - `'timestamp'`
  * It is also possible to append a `?` to a data type to return `NULL`
  * whenever the `$key` was not specified in the request, or if the value
  * was a blank string.
  * All text values are interpreted as UTF-8 string and appropriately
  * cleaned.
  * @param  string $key            The key to get the value of
  * @param  string $cast_to        Cast the value to this data type - see method description for details
  * @param  mixed  $default_value  If the parameter is not set in the `DELETE`/`PUT` post data, `$_POST` or `$_GET`, use this value instead. This value will get cast if a `$cast_to` is specified.
  * @return mixed  The value
 public static function get($key, $cast_to = NULL, $default_value = NULL)
     $value = $default_value;
     $array_dereference = NULL;
     if (strpos($key, '[')) {
         $bracket_pos = strpos($key, '[');
         $array_dereference = substr($key, $bracket_pos);
         $key = substr($key, 0, $bracket_pos);
     if (isset(self::$put_delete[$key])) {
         $value = self::$put_delete[$key];
     } elseif (isset($_POST[$key])) {
         $value = $_POST[$key];
     } elseif (isset($_GET[$key])) {
         $value = $_GET[$key];
     if ($array_dereference) {
         preg_match_all('#(?<=\\[)[^\\[\\]]+(?=\\])#', $array_dereference, $array_keys, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         $array_keys = array_map('current', $array_keys);
         foreach ($array_keys as $array_key) {
             if (!is_array($value) || !isset($value[$array_key])) {
                 $value = $default_value;
             $value = $value[$array_key];
     // This allows for data_type? casts to allow NULL through
     if ($cast_to !== NULL && substr($cast_to, -1) == '?') {
         if ($value === NULL || $value === '') {
             return $value;
         $cast_to = substr($cast_to, 0, -1);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && (self::isPost() || self::isGet())) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = array_map('stripslashes', $value);
         } else {
             $value = stripslashes($value);
     // This normalizes an empty element to NULL
     if ($cast_to === NULL && $value === '') {
         $value = NULL;
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'date') {
         try {
             $value = new fDate($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fDate();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'time') {
         try {
             $value = new fTime($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fTime();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'timestamp') {
         try {
             $value = new fTimestamp($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fTimestamp();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'array' && is_string($value) && strpos($value, ',') !== FALSE) {
         $value = explode(',', $value);
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'array' && ($value === NULL || $value === '')) {
         $value = array();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'bool' || $cast_to == 'boolean') {
         if (strtolower($value) == 'f' || strtolower($value) == 'false' || strtolower($value) == 'no' || !$value) {
             $value = FALSE;
         } else {
             $value = TRUE;
     } elseif (($cast_to == 'int' || $cast_to == 'integer') && preg_match('#^-?\\d+$#D', $value)) {
         // If the cast is an integer and the value is digits, don't cast to prevent
         // truncation due to 32 bit integer limits
     } elseif ($cast_to) {
         settype($value, $cast_to);
     // Clean values coming in to ensure we don't have invalid UTF-8
     if (($cast_to === NULL || $cast_to == 'string' || $cast_to == 'array') && $value !== NULL) {
         $value = fUTF8::clean($value);
     return $value;
Пример #3
  * Prints out a piece of a template
  * @param string $template  The name of the template to print
  * @param string $piece     The piece of the template to print
  * @param array  $data      The data to replace the variables with
  * @return void
 private static function printPiece($template, $name, $data)
     if (!isset(self::$templates[$template]['pieces'][$name])) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The template piece, %s, was not specified when defining the %s template', $name, $template);
     $piece = self::$templates[$template]['pieces'][$name];
     preg_match_all('#\\{\\{ (\\w+)((?:\\|\\w+)+)? \\}\\}#', $piece, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $variable = $match[1];
         $value = !isset($data[$variable]) ? NULL : $data[$variable];
         if (isset($match[2])) {
             $filters = array_slice(explode('|', $match[2]), 1);
             foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                 if (!in_array($filter, self::$filters)) {
                     throw new fProgrammerException('The filter specified, %1$s, is invalid. Must be one of: %2$s.', $filter, join(', ', self::$filters));
                 if (!strlen($value)) {
                 if ($filter == 'inflect') {
                     $value = fGrammar::inflectOnQuantity($data['total_records'], $value);
                 } elseif ($filter == 'lower') {
                     $value = fUTF8::lower($value);
                 } elseif ($filter == 'url_encode') {
                     $value = urlencode($value);
                 } elseif ($filter == 'humanize') {
                     $value = fGrammar::humanize($value);
         $piece = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($match[0], '#') . '#', fHTML::encode($value), $piece, 1);
     echo $piece;
Пример #4
  * Allows adding a custom header to the email
  * If the method is called multiple times with the same name, the last
  * value will be used.
  * Please note that this class will properly format the header, including
  * adding the `:` between the name and value and wrapping values that are
  * too long for a single line.
  * @param  string $name      The name of the header
  * @param  string $value     The value of the header
  * @param  array  :$headers  An associative array of `{name} => {value}`
  * @return fEmail  The email object, to allow for method chaining
 public function addCustomHeader($name, $value = NULL)
     if ($value === NULL && is_array($name)) {
         foreach ($name as $key => $value) {
             $this->addCustomHeader($key, $value);
     $lower_name = fUTF8::lower($name);
     $this->custom_headers[$lower_name] = array($name, $value);
     return $this;
Пример #5
  * A usort callback to sort by methods on records
  * @param fActiveRecord $a  The first record to compare
  * @param fActiveRecord $b  The second record to compare
  * @return integer  < 0 if `$a` is less than `$b`, 0 if `$a` = `$b`, > 0 if `$a` is greater than `$b`
 private function sortCallback($a, $b)
     if ($this->sort_direction == 'asc') {
         return fUTF8::inatcmp($a->{$this->sort_method}(), $b->{$this->sort_method}());
     return fUTF8::inatcmp($b->{$this->sort_method}(), $a->{$this->sort_method}());
Пример #6
  * Checks to see if a record matches a condition
  * @internal
  * @param  string $operator  The record to check
  * @param  mixed  $value     The value to compare to
  * @param  mixed $result     The result of the method call(s)
  * @return boolean  If the comparison was successful
 private static function checkCondition($operator, $value, $result)
     $was_array = is_array($value);
     if (!$was_array) {
         $value = array($value);
     foreach ($value as $i => $_value) {
         if (is_object($_value)) {
             if ($_value instanceof fActiveRecord) {
             if (method_exists($_value, '__toString')) {
                 $value[$i] = $_value->__toString();
     if (!$was_array) {
         $value = $value[0];
     $was_array = is_array($result);
     if (!$was_array) {
         $result = array($result);
     foreach ($result as $i => $_result) {
         if (is_object($_result)) {
             if ($_result instanceof fActiveRecord) {
             if (method_exists($_result, '__toString')) {
                 $result[$i] = $_result->__toString();
     if (!$was_array) {
         $result = $result[0];
     $match_all = $operator == '&~';
     $negate_like = $operator == '!~';
     switch ($operator) {
         case '&~':
         case '!~':
         case '~':
             if (!$match_all && !$negate_like && !is_array($value) && is_array($result)) {
                 $value = fORMDatabase::parseSearchTerms($value, TRUE);
             settype($value, 'array');
             settype($result, 'array');
             if (count($result) > 1) {
                 foreach ($value as $_value) {
                     $found = FALSE;
                     foreach ($result as $_result) {
                         if (fUTF8::ipos($_result, $_value) !== FALSE) {
                             $found = TRUE;
                     if (!$found) {
                         return FALSE;
             } else {
                 $found = FALSE;
                 foreach ($value as $_value) {
                     if (fUTF8::ipos($result[0], $_value) !== FALSE) {
                         $found = TRUE;
                     } elseif ($match_all) {
                         return FALSE;
                 if (!$negate_like && !$found || $negate_like && $found) {
                     return FALSE;
         case '=':
             if ($value instanceof fActiveRecord && $result instanceof fActiveRecord) {
                 if (get_class($value) != get_class($result) || !$value->exists() || !$result->exists() || self::hash($value) != self::hash($result)) {
                     return FALSE;
             } elseif (is_array($value) && !in_array($result, $value)) {
                 return FALSE;
             } elseif (!is_array($value) && $result != $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '!':
             if ($value instanceof fActiveRecord && $result instanceof fActiveRecord) {
                 if (get_class($value) == get_class($result) && $value->exists() && $result->exists() && self::hash($value) == self::hash($result)) {
                     return FALSE;
             } elseif (is_array($value) && in_array($result, $value)) {
                 return FALSE;
             } elseif (!is_array($value) && $result == $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '<':
             if ($result >= $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '<=':
             if ($result > $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '>':
             if ($result <= $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '>=':
             if ($result < $value) {
                 return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Пример #7
  * Changes a string into a URL-friendly string
  * @param  string   $string      The string to convert
  * @param  interger $max_length  The maximum length of the friendly URL
  * @return string  The URL-friendly version of the string
 public static function makeFriendly($string, $max_length = NULL)
     $string = fHTML::decode(fUTF8::ascii($string));
     $string = strtolower(trim($string));
     $string = str_replace("'", '', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\\-]+#', '_', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#_{2,}#', '_', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#_-_#', '-', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#(^_+|_+$)#D', '', $string);
     $length = strlen($string);
     if ($max_length && $length > $max_length) {
         $last_pos = strrpos($string, '_', ($length - $max_length - 1) * -1);
         if ($last_pos < ceil($max_length / 2)) {
             $last_pos = $max_length;
         $string = substr($string, 0, $last_pos);
     return $string;
Пример #8
  * Checks to see if a record matches a condition
  * @internal
  * @param  string $operator  The record to check
  * @param  mixed  $value     The value to compare to
  * @param  mixed $result     The result of the method call(s)
  * @return boolean  If the comparison was successful
 private static function checkCondition($operator, $value, $result)
     $was_array = is_array($value);
     if (!$was_array) {
         $value = array($value);
     foreach ($value as $i => $_value) {
         if (is_object($_value)) {
             if ($_value instanceof fActiveRecord) {
             if (method_exists($_value, '__toString')) {
                 $value[$i] = $_value->__toString();
     if (!$was_array) {
         $value = $value[0];
     $was_array = is_array($result);
     if (!$was_array) {
         $result = array($result);
     foreach ($result as $i => $_result) {
         if (is_object($_result)) {
             if ($_result instanceof fActiveRecord) {
             if (method_exists($_result, '__toString')) {
                 $result[$i] = $_result->__toString();
     if (!$was_array) {
         $result = $result[0];
     if ($operator == '~' && !is_array($value) && is_array($result)) {
         $value = fORMDatabase::parseSearchTerms($value, TRUE);
     if (in_array($operator, array('~', '&~', '!~', '^~', '$~'))) {
         settype($value, 'array');
         settype($result, 'array');
     switch ($operator) {
         case '&~':
             foreach ($value as $_value) {
                 if (fUTF8::ipos($result[0], $_value) === FALSE) {
                     return FALSE;
         case '~':
             // Handles fuzzy search on multiple method calls
             if (count($result) > 1) {
                 foreach ($value as $_value) {
                     $found = FALSE;
                     foreach ($result as $_result) {
                         if (fUTF8::ipos($_result, $_value) !== FALSE) {
                             $found = TRUE;
                     if (!$found) {
                         return FALSE;
             // No break exists since a ~ on a single method call acts
             // similar to the other LIKE operators
         // No break exists since a ~ on a single method call acts
         // similar to the other LIKE operators
         case '!~':
         case '^~':
         case '$~':
             if ($operator == '$~') {
                 $result_len = fUTF8::len($result[0]);
             foreach ($value as $_value) {
                 $pos = fUTF8::ipos($result[0], $_value);
                 if ($operator == '^~' && $pos === 0) {
                     return TRUE;
                 } elseif ($operator == '$~' && $pos === $result_len - fUTF8::len($_value)) {
                     return TRUE;
                 } elseif ($pos !== FALSE) {
                     return $operator != '!~';
             if ($operator != '!~') {
                 return FALSE;
         case '=':
             if ($value instanceof fActiveRecord && $result instanceof fActiveRecord) {
                 if (get_class($value) != get_class($result) || !$value->exists() || !$result->exists() || self::hash($value) != self::hash($result)) {
                     return FALSE;
             } elseif (is_array($value) && !in_array($result, $value)) {
                 return FALSE;
             } elseif (!is_array($value) && $result != $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '!':
             if ($value instanceof fActiveRecord && $result instanceof fActiveRecord) {
                 if (get_class($value) == get_class($result) && $value->exists() && $result->exists() && self::hash($value) == self::hash($result)) {
                     return FALSE;
             } elseif (is_array($value) && in_array($result, $value)) {
                 return FALSE;
             } elseif (!is_array($value) && $result == $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '<':
             if ($result >= $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '<=':
             if ($result > $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '>':
             if ($result <= $value) {
                 return FALSE;
         case '>=':
             if ($result < $value) {
                 return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
  * Reorders list items in an html string based on their contents
  * @internal
  * @param  string $class     The class to reorder messages for
  * @param  array  $messages  An array of the messages
  * @return array  The reordered messages
 public static function reorderMessages($class, $messages)
     if (!isset(self::$message_orders[$class])) {
         return $messages;
     $matches = self::$message_orders[$class];
     $ordered_items = array_fill(0, sizeof($matches), array());
     $other_items = array();
     foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
         foreach ($matches as $num => $match_string) {
             $string = is_array($message) ? $message['name'] : $message;
             if (fUTF8::ipos($string, $match_string) !== FALSE) {
                 $ordered_items[$num][$key] = $message;
                 continue 2;
         $other_items[$key] = $message;
     $final_list = array();
     foreach ($ordered_items as $ordered_item) {
         $final_list = array_merge($final_list, $ordered_item);
     return array_merge($final_list, $other_items);
Пример #10
  * @dataProvider ucwordsProvider
 public function testUcwords($input, $output)
     $this->assertEquals($output, fUTF8::ucwords($input));
Пример #11
  * Callback for custom SQLite function; creates a substring
  * @internal
  * @param  string  $string  The string to take a substring of
  * @param  integer $start   The one-based position to start the substring at
  * @param  integer $length  The length of the substring to take
  * @return string  The substring
 public static function sqliteSubstr($string, $start, $length)
     return fUTF8::sub($string, $start - 1, $length);
Пример #12
  * Created a unicode code point from a JS escaped unicode character
  * @param array $match  A regex match containing the 4 digit code referenced by the key `1`
  * @return string  The U+{digits} unicode code point
 private static function makeUnicodeCodePoint($match)
     return fUTF8::chr("U+" . $match[1]);
Пример #13
  * Gets a value from the `DELETE`/`PUT` post data, `$_POST` or `$_GET` superglobals (in that order)
  * A value that exactly equals `''` and is not cast to a specific type will
  * become `NULL`.
  * Valid `$cast_to` types include:
  *  - `'string'`,
  *  - `'int'`
  *  - `'integer'`
  *  - `'bool'`
  *  - `'boolean'`
  *  - `'array'`
  *  - `'date'`
  *  - `'time'`
  *  - `'timestamp'`
  * It is also possible to append a `?` to a data type to return `NULL`
  * whenever the `$key` was not specified in the request, or if the value
  * was a blank string.
  * All text values are interpreted as UTF-8 string and appropriately
  * cleaned.
  * @param  string $key            The key to get the value of
  * @param  string $cast_to        Cast the value to this data type - see method description for details
  * @param  mixed  $default_value  If the parameter is not set in the `DELETE`/`PUT` post data, `$_POST` or `$_GET`, use this value instead. This value will get cast if a `$cast_to` is specified.
  * @return mixed  The value
 public static function get($key, $cast_to = NULL, $default_value = NULL)
     $value = $default_value;
     if (isset(self::$put_delete[$key])) {
         $value = self::$put_delete[$key];
     } elseif (isset($_POST[$key])) {
         $value = $_POST[$key];
     } elseif (isset($_GET[$key])) {
         $value = $_GET[$key];
     // This allows for data_type? casts to allow NULL through
     if ($cast_to !== NULL && substr($cast_to, -1) == '?') {
         if ($value === NULL || $value === '') {
             return $value;
         $cast_to = substr($cast_to, 0, -1);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && (self::isPost() || self::isGet())) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = array_map('stripslashes', $value);
         } else {
             $value = stripslashes($value);
     // This normalizes an empty element to NULL
     if ($cast_to === NULL && $value === '') {
         $value = NULL;
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'date') {
         try {
             $value = new fDate($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fDate();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'time') {
         try {
             $value = new fTime($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fTime();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'timestamp') {
         try {
             $value = new fTimestamp($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fTimestamp();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'array' && is_string($value) && strpos($value, ',') !== FALSE) {
         $value = explode(',', $value);
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'array' && ($value === NULL || $value === '')) {
         $value = array();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'bool' || $cast_to == 'boolean') {
         if (strtolower($value) == 'f' || strtolower($value) == 'false' || strtolower($value) == 'no' || !$value) {
             $value = FALSE;
         } else {
             $value = TRUE;
     } elseif ($cast_to) {
         settype($value, $cast_to);
     // Clean values coming in to ensure we don't have invalid UTF-8
     if (($cast_to === NULL || $cast_to == 'string' || $cast_to == 'array') && $value !== NULL) {
         $value = fUTF8::clean($value);
     return $value;
Пример #14
  * Recursively handles casting values
  * @param string|array $value    The value to be casted 
  * @param string       $cast_to  The data type to cast to
  * @param integer      $level    The nesting level of the call
  * @return mixed  The casted `$value`
 private static function cast($value, $cast_to, $level = 0)
     $strict_array = substr($cast_to, -2) == '[]';
     $array_type = $cast_to == 'array' || $strict_array;
     if ($level == 1 && $array_type) {
         if (is_string($value) && strpos($value, ',') !== FALSE) {
             $value = explode(',', $value);
         } elseif ($value === NULL || $value === '') {
             $value = array();
         } else {
             settype($value, 'array');
     // Iterate through array values and cast them individually
     if (is_array($value) && ($cast_to == 'array' || $cast_to === NULL || $strict_array && $level == 1)) {
         if ($value === array()) {
             return $value;
         foreach ($value as $key => $sub_value) {
             $value[$key] = self::cast($sub_value, $cast_to, $level);
         return $value;
     if ($array_type) {
         $cast_to = preg_replace('#\\[\\]$#D', '', $cast_to);
     if ($cast_to == 'array' && $level > 1) {
         $cast_to = 'string';
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && (self::isPost() || self::isGet())) {
         $value = self::stripSlashes($value);
     // This normalizes an empty element to NULL
     if ($cast_to === NULL && $value === '') {
         $value = NULL;
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'date') {
         try {
             $value = new fDate($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fDate();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'time') {
         try {
             $value = new fTime($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fTime();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'timestamp') {
         try {
             $value = new fTimestamp($value);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $value = new fTimestamp();
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'bool' || $cast_to == 'boolean') {
         if (strtolower($value) == 'f' || strtolower($value) == 'false' || strtolower($value) == 'no' || !$value) {
             $value = FALSE;
         } else {
             $value = TRUE;
     } elseif (($cast_to == 'int' || $cast_to == 'integer') && is_string($value) && preg_match('#^-?\\d+$#D', $value)) {
         // Only explicitly cast integers than can be represented by a real
         // PHP integer to prevent truncation due to 32 bit integer limits
         if (strval(intval($value)) == $value) {
             $value = (int) $value;
         // This patches PHP bug #53632 for vulnerable versions of PHP - http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53632
     } elseif ($cast_to == 'float' && $value === "2.2250738585072011e-308") {
         static $vulnerable_to_53632 = NULL;
         if ($vulnerable_to_53632 === NULL) {
             $running_version = preg_replace('#^(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*$#D', '\\1', PHP_VERSION);
             $vulnerable_to_53632 = version_compare($running_version, '5.2.17', '<') || version_compare($running_version, '5.3.5', '<') && version_compare($running_version, '5.3.0', '>=');
         if ($vulnerable_to_53632) {
             $value = "2.2250738585072012e-308";
         settype($value, 'float');
     } elseif ($cast_to != 'binary' && $cast_to !== NULL) {
         $cast_to = str_replace('integer!', 'integer', $cast_to);
         settype($value, $cast_to);
     // Clean values coming in to ensure we don't have invalid UTF-8
     if (($cast_to === NULL || $cast_to == 'string' || $cast_to == 'array') && $value !== NULL) {
         $value = self::stripLowOrderBytes($value);
         $value = fUTF8::clean($value);
     return $value;
Пример #15
  * Changes a string into a URL-friendly string
  * @param  string $string  The string to convert
  * @return void
 public static function makeFriendly($string)
     $string = fHTML::decode(fUTF8::ascii($string));
     $string = strtolower(trim($string));
     $string = str_replace("'", '', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\\-]+#', '_', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#_{2,}#', '_', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#_-_#', '-', $string);
     return preg_replace('#(^_+|_+$)#D', '', $string);
Пример #16
  * Reorders an array of messages based on the requested order
  * @param  array  $messages  An array of the messages
  * @return array  The reordered messages
 private function reorderMessages($messages)
     if (!$this->message_order) {
         return $messages;
     $ordered_items = array_fill(0, sizeof($this->message_order), array());
     $other_items = array();
     foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
         foreach ($this->message_order as $num => $match_string) {
             if (fUTF8::ipos($message, $match_string) !== FALSE) {
                 $ordered_items[$num][$key] = $message;
                 continue 2;
         $other_items[$key] = $message;
     $final_list = array();
     foreach ($ordered_items as $ordered_item) {
         $final_list = array_merge($final_list, $ordered_item);
     return array_merge($final_list, $other_items);
Пример #17
  * Resets the configuration of the class
  * @internal
  * @return void
 public static function reset()
     self::$mbstring_available = NULL;
Пример #18
  * Uses the Porter Stemming algorithm to create the stem of a word, which is useful for searching
  * See http://tartarus.org/~martin/PorterStemmer/ for details about the
  * algorithm.
  * @param string $word  The word to get the stem of
  * @return string  The stem of the word
 public static function stem($word)
     $s_v = '^([^aeiou][^aeiouy]*)?[aeiouy]';
     $mgr0 = $s_v . '[aeiou]*[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*';
     $s_v_regex = '#' . $s_v . '#';
     $mgr0_regex = '#' . $mgr0 . '#';
     $meq1_regex = '#' . $mgr0 . '([aeiouy][aeiou]*)?$#';
     $mgr1_regex = '#' . $mgr0 . '[aeiouy][aeiou]*[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*#';
     $word = fUTF8::ascii($word);
     $word = strtolower($word);
     if (strlen($word) < 3) {
         return $word;
     if ($word[0] == 'y') {
         $word = 'Y' . substr($word, 1);
     // Step 1a
     $word = preg_replace('#^(.+?)(?:(ss|i)es|([^s])s)$#', '\\1\\2\\3', $word);
     // Step 1b
     if (preg_match('#^(.+?)eed$#', $word, $match)) {
         if (preg_match($mgr0_regex, $match[1])) {
             $word = substr($word, 0, -1);
     } elseif (preg_match('#^(.+?)(ed|ing)$#', $word, $match)) {
         if (preg_match($s_v_regex, $match[1])) {
             $word = $match[1];
             if (preg_match('#(at|bl|iz)$#', $word)) {
                 $word .= 'e';
             } elseif (preg_match('#([^aeiouylsz])\\1$#', $word)) {
                 $word = substr($word, 0, -1);
             } elseif (preg_match('#^[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*[aeiouy][^aeiouwxy]$#', $word)) {
                 $word .= 'e';
     // Step 1c
     if (substr($word, -1) == 'y') {
         $stem = substr($word, 0, -1);
         if (preg_match($s_v_regex, $stem)) {
             $word = $stem . 'i';
     // Step 2
     if (preg_match('#^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$#', $word, $match)) {
         if (preg_match($mgr0_regex, $match[1])) {
             $word = $match[1] . strtr($match[2], array('ational' => 'ate', 'tional' => 'tion', 'enci' => 'ence', 'anci' => 'ance', 'izer' => 'ize', 'bli' => 'ble', 'alli' => 'al', 'entli' => 'ent', 'eli' => 'e', 'ousli' => 'ous', 'ization' => 'ize', 'ation' => 'ate', 'ator' => 'ate', 'alism' => 'al', 'iveness' => 'ive', 'fulness' => 'ful', 'ousness' => 'ous', 'aliti' => 'al', 'iviti' => 'ive', 'biliti' => 'ble', 'logi' => 'log'));
     // Step 3
     if (preg_match('#^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$#', $word, $match)) {
         if (preg_match($mgr0_regex, $match[1])) {
             $word = $match[1] . strtr($match[2], array('icate' => 'ic', 'ative' => '', 'alize' => 'al', 'iciti' => 'ic', 'ical' => 'ic', 'ful' => '', 'ness' => ''));
     // Step 4
     if (preg_match('#^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize|(?<=[st])ion)$#', $word, $match) && preg_match($mgr1_regex, $match[1])) {
         $word = $match[1];
     // Step 5
     if (substr($word, -1) == 'e') {
         $stem = substr($word, 0, -1);
         if (preg_match($mgr1_regex, $stem)) {
             $word = $stem;
         } elseif (preg_match($meq1_regex, $stem) && !preg_match('#^[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*[aeiouy][^aeiouwxy]$#', $stem)) {
             $word = $stem;
     if (preg_match('#ll$#', $word) && preg_match($mgr1_regex, $word)) {
         $word = substr($word, 0, -1);
     if ($word[0] == 'Y') {
         $word = 'y' . substr($word, 1);
     return $word;
Пример #19
  * Changes a string into a URL-friendly string
  * @param  string   $string      The string to convert
  * @param  integer  $max_length  The maximum length of the friendly URL
  * @param  string   $delimiter   The delimiter to use between words, defaults to `_`
  * @param  string   |$string
  * @param  string   |$delimiter
  * @return string  The URL-friendly version of the string
 public static function makeFriendly($string, $max_length = NULL, $delimiter = NULL)
     // This allows omitting the max length, but including a delimiter
     if ($max_length && !is_numeric($max_length)) {
         $delimiter = $max_length;
         $max_length = NULL;
     $string = fHTML::decode(fUTF8::ascii($string));
     $string = strtolower(trim($string));
     $string = str_replace("'", '', $string);
     if (!strlen($delimiter)) {
         $delimiter = '_';
     $delimiter_replacement = strtr($delimiter, array('\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$'));
     $delimiter_regex = preg_quote($delimiter, '#');
     $string = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\\-_]+#', $delimiter_replacement, $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#' . $delimiter_regex . '{2,}#', $delimiter_replacement, $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#_-_#', '-', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('#(^' . $delimiter_regex . '+|' . $delimiter_regex . '+$)#D', '', $string);
     $length = strlen($string);
     if ($max_length && $length > $max_length) {
         $last_pos = strrpos($string, $delimiter, ($length - $max_length - 1) * -1);
         if ($last_pos < ceil($max_length / 2)) {
             $last_pos = $max_length;
         $string = substr($string, 0, $last_pos);
     return $string;
Пример #20
  * Encodes a PHP value into a JSON string
  * @param  mixed  $value   The PHP value to encode
  * @return string  The JSON string that is equivalent to the PHP value
 public static function encode($value)
     if (is_resource($value)) {
         return 'null';
     if (function_exists('json_encode')) {
         return json_encode($value);
     if (is_int($value)) {
         return (string) $value;
     if (is_float($value)) {
         return (string) $value;
     if (is_bool($value)) {
         return $value ? 'true' : 'false';
     if (is_null($value)) {
         return 'null';
     if (is_string($value)) {
         if (!preg_match('#^.*$#usD', $value)) {
             return 'null';
         $char_array = fUTF8::explode($value);
         $output = '"';
         foreach ($char_array as $char) {
             if (isset(self::$control_character_map[$char])) {
                 $output .= self::$control_character_map[$char];
             } elseif (strlen($char) < 2) {
                 $output .= $char;
             } else {
                 $output .= '\\u' . substr(strtolower(fUTF8::ord($char)), 2);
         $output .= '"';
         return $output;
     // Detect if an array is associative, which would mean it needs to be encoded as an object
     $is_assoc_array = FALSE;
     if (is_array($value) && $value) {
         $looking_for = 0;
         foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
             if (!is_numeric($key) || $key != $looking_for) {
                 $is_assoc_array = TRUE;
     if (is_object($value) || $is_assoc_array) {
         $output = '{';
         $members = array();
         foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
             $members[] = self::encode((string) $key) . ':' . self::encode($val);
         $output .= join(',', $members);
         $output .= '}';
         return $output;
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $output = '[';
         $members = array();
         foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
             $members[] = self::encode($val);
         $output .= join(',', $members);
         $output .= ']';
         return $output;