Пример #1
  * Creates a directory on the filesystem and returns an object representing it
  * The directory creation is done recursively, so if any of the parent
  * directories do not exist, they will be created.
  * This operation will be reverted by a filesystem transaction being rolled back.
  * @throws fValidationException  When no directory was specified, or the directory already exists
  * @param  string  $directory  The path to the new directory
  * @param  numeric $mode       The mode (permissions) to use when creating the directory. This should be an octal number (requires a leading zero). This has no effect on the Windows platform.
  * @return fDirectory
 public static function create($directory, $mode = 0777)
     if (empty($directory)) {
         throw new fValidationException('No directory name was specified');
     if (file_exists($directory)) {
         throw new fValidationException('The directory specified, %s, already exists', $directory);
     $parent_directory = fFilesystem::getPathInfo($directory, 'dirname');
     if (!file_exists($parent_directory)) {
         fDirectory::create($parent_directory, $mode);
     if (!is_writable($parent_directory)) {
         throw new fEnvironmentException('The directory specified, %s, is inside of a directory that is not writable', $directory);
     mkdir($directory, $mode);
     $directory = new fDirectory($directory);
     return $directory;
Пример #2
  * Copies a file from the filesystem to the file upload directory and sets it as the file for the specified column
  * This method will perform the fImage calls defined for the column.
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values           The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values       The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records  Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache            The cache array for the record
  * @param  string        $method_name       The method that was called
  * @param  array         $parameters        The parameters passed to the method
  * @return fActiveRecord  The record object, to allow for method chaining
 public static function set($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache, $method_name, $parameters)
     $class = get_class($object);
     list($action, $column) = fORM::parseMethod($method_name);
     $doc_root = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $parameters)) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The method %s requires exactly one parameter', $method_name . '()');
     $file_path = $parameters[0];
     // Handle objects being passed in
     if ($file_path instanceof fFile) {
         $file_path = $file_path->getPath();
     } elseif (is_object($file_path) && is_callable(array($file_path, '__toString'))) {
         $file_path = $file_path->__toString();
     } elseif (is_object($file_path)) {
         $file_path = (string) $file_path;
     if ($file_path !== NULL && $file_path !== '' && $file_path !== FALSE) {
         if (!$file_path || !file_exists($file_path) && !file_exists($doc_root . $file_path)) {
             throw new fEnvironmentException('The file specified, %s, does not exist. This may indicate a missing enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute in form tag.', $file_path);
         if (!file_exists($file_path) && file_exists($doc_root . $file_path)) {
             $file_path = $doc_root . $file_path;
         if (is_dir($file_path)) {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The file specified, %s, is not a file but a directory', $file_path);
         $upload_dir = self::$file_upload_columns[$class][$column];
         try {
             $temp_dir = new fDirectory($upload_dir->getPath() . self::TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $temp_dir = fDirectory::create($upload_dir->getPath() . self::TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         $file = fFilesystem::createObject($file_path);
         $new_file = $file->duplicate($temp_dir);
     } else {
         $new_file = NULL;
     fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $column, $new_file);
     // Perform column inheritance
     if (!empty(self::$column_inheritence[$class][$column])) {
         foreach (self::$column_inheritence[$class][$column] as $other_column) {
             self::set($object, $values, $old_values, $related_records, $cache, 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($other_column, TRUE), array($file));
     if ($new_file) {
         self::processImage($class, $column, $new_file);
     return $object;
Пример #3
 //Pozivanje validacijske klase
 $v = $app->validation;
 //Validacija polja iz forme
 $v->validate(['img_title' => [$img_title, 'required|min(4)'], 'picture' => [$_FILES['picture']['name'], 'required']]);
 //Ako je validacija prosla uspijesno
 if ($v->passes()) {
     $image = $app->image;
     //Dohvatanje Image klase sa start.php fajla iz Slim2 containera
     $allowedMIME = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'];
     //Dozvoljeni niz ekstenzija za upload
     //Folder za smijestanje korisnickih slika od profila
     $userDir = INC_ROOT . "/app/uploads/profile_img/{$app->auth->username}/";
     //Provjera da li korisnicki folder za profilena slike postoji
     if (!is_dir($userDir)) {
         //Stvaranje korisnickog foldera za profilne slike koji ce se zvati kao njihovo username
         $userUploadFolder = fDirectory::create($userDir);
     //Prebacujemo putanju do korisnickog upload foldera u novu var.
     $userUploadFolder = $userDir;
     //Namjestanje dozvoljenog niza estenzija,dozvoljene velicine fajla,dozvoljene dizmenzije slike,i smijestanje u profile_img folder.
     $image->setMime($allowedMIME)->setSize(1000, 1048576)->setDimension(500, 500)->setLocation($userUploadFolder);
     //Provjera da li uplodovana slika postoji
     if ($image['picture']) {
         //Izvrsavanje uploada slike
         $upload = $image->upload();
         //Provjera da li je slika ucitana na zeljenu lokaciju
         if ($upload) {
             //Dohvatanje stare korisnikove slike i njeno brisanje it uploads/profile_img foldera
             //Sistemska putanje do profilene slike korisnika
             //Zato sto file_exists() f. uzima sistemsku putanju,a ne url putanju do file da bi se izvrsila
Пример #4
 } else {
     if ($_POST['type'] == "option") {
         $selectedOption = $_POST['input'] == "Active" ? 1 : 0;
         echo "<select>";
         echo "</select>";
     } else {
         if ($_POST['type'] == "lastCode") {
             $counter = Inv_item::findByClassificationCode($_POST['classific']);
             echo sprintf("%03d", $counter->count() + 1);
         } else {
             if ($_POST['type'] == "upload") {
                 try {
                     $uploadDirectory = new fDirectory('../storage/image/' . $_POST['hiddenId']);
                 } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
                     $uploadDirectory = fDirectory::create('../storage/image/' . $_POST['hiddenId']);
                 try {
                     $uploader = new fUpload();
                     $uploader->setMIMETypes(array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png'), 'The file uploaded is not an image');
                     $file = $uploader->move($uploadDirectory, 'file');
                     $inv_item = new Inv_item($_POST['hiddenId']);
                     $inv_item->setImageUrl('storage/image/' . $_POST['hiddenId'] . '/' . $file->getFilename());
                     echo "Image uploaded";
                 } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
                     echo $e->printMessage();
 public function testMove()
     $dir = fDirectory::create('output/fDirectory2/');
     $dir->move('output/fDirectory/', TRUE);
     $this->assertEquals('fDirectory2', $dir->getName());
     $this->assertEquals(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/output/fDirectory/'), $dir->getParent()->getPath());