Пример #1
     * Search on the Solr search server
     * @todo: add functionality not to call the DB to recreate objects : $asObjects == false
     * @param string search term
     * @param array parameters. @see ezfeZPSolrQueryBuilder::buildSearch()
     * @see ezfeZPSolrQueryBuilder::buildSearch()
     * @param array search types. Reserved.
     * @return array List of eZFindResultNode objects.
    function search( $searchText, $params = array(), $searchTypes = array() )
        eZDebug::createAccumulator( 'Search', 'eZ Find' );
        eZDebug::accumulatorStart( 'Search' );
        $error = 'Server not running';
        $searchCount = 0;

        $asObjects = isset( $params['AsObjects'] ) ? $params['AsObjects'] : true;

        //distributed search: fields to return can be specified in 2 parameters
        $fieldsToReturn = isset( $params['FieldsToReturn'] ) ? $params['FieldsToReturn'] : array();
        if ( isset( $params['DistributedSearch']['returnfields'] ) )
            $fieldsToReturn = array_merge( $fieldsToReturn, $params['DistributedSearch']['returnfields'] );


        $coreToUse = null;
        $shardQueryPart = null;
        if ( $this->UseMultiLanguageCores === true )
            $languages = $this->SiteINI->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'SiteLanguageList' );
            if ( array_key_exists ( $languages[0], $this->SolrLanguageShards ) )
                $coreToUse = $this->SolrLanguageShards[$languages[0]];
                if ( $this->FindINI->variable( 'LanguageSearch', 'SearchMainLanguageOnly' ) <> 'enabled' )
                    $shardQueryPart = array( 'shards' => implode( ',', $this->SolrLanguageShardURIs ) );
            //eZDebug::writeNotice( $languages, __METHOD__ . ' languages' );
            eZDebug::writeNotice( $shardQueryPart, __METHOD__ . ' shards' );
            //eZDebug::writeNotice( $this->SolrLanguageShardURIs, __METHOD__ . ' this languagesharduris' );
            $coreToUse = $this->Solr;

        if ( $this->SiteINI->variable( 'SearchSettings', 'AllowEmptySearch' ) == 'disabled' &&
             trim( $searchText ) == '' )
            $error = 'Empty search is not allowed.';
            eZDebug::writeNotice( $error, __METHOD__ );
            $resultArray = null;

            eZDebug::createAccumulator( 'Query build', 'eZ Find' );
            eZDebug::accumulatorStart( 'Query build' );
            $queryBuilder = new ezfeZPSolrQueryBuilder( $this );
            $queryParams = $queryBuilder->buildSearch( $searchText, $params, $searchTypes );
            if ( !$shardQueryPart == null )
                $queryParams = array_merge( $shardQueryPart, $queryParams );
            eZDebug::accumulatorStop( 'Query build' );
            eZDebug::writeDebug( $queryParams, 'Final query parameters sent to Solr backend' );

            eZDebug::createAccumulator( 'Engine time', 'eZ Find' );
            eZDebug::accumulatorStart( 'Engine time' );
            $resultArray = $coreToUse->rawSearch( $queryParams );
            eZDebug::accumulatorStop( 'Engine time' );

        if ( !$resultArray )
            eZDebug::accumulatorStop( 'Search' );
            return array(
                'SearchResult' => false,
                'SearchCount' => 0,
                'StopWordArray' => array(),
                'SearchExtras' => new ezfSearchResultInfo( array( 'error' => ezpI18n::tr( 'ezfind', $error ) ) ) );

        $highLights = array();
        if ( !empty( $resultArray['highlighting'] ) )
            foreach ( $resultArray['highlighting'] as $id => $highlight )
                $highLightStrings = array();
                //implode apparently does not work on associative arrays that contain arrays
                //$element being an array as well
                foreach ( $highlight as $key => $element )
                    $highLightStrings[] = implode( ' ', $element);
                $highLights[$id] = implode( ' ...  ', $highLightStrings);

        if ( !empty( $resultArray ) )
            $result = $resultArray['response'];
            $searchCount = $result['numFound'];
            $maxScore = $result['maxScore'];
            $docs = $result['docs'];
            $localNodeIDList = array();
            $objectRes = array();
            $nodeRowList = array();

            // Loop through result, and get eZContentObjectTreeNode ID
            foreach ( $docs as $idx => $doc )
                if ( $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'installation_id' )] == self::installationID() )
                    $localNodeIDList[] = $this->getNodeID( $doc );

            if ( !empty( $localNodeIDList ) )
                $tmpNodeRowList = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $localNodeIDList, false, false );
                // Workaround for eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch behaviour
                if ( count( $localNodeIDList ) === 1 )
                    $tmpNodeRowList = array( $tmpNodeRowList );
                if ( $tmpNodeRowList )
                    foreach ( $tmpNodeRowList as $nodeRow )
                        $nodeRowList[$nodeRow['node_id']] = $nodeRow;
                unset( $tmpNodeRowList );

            //need refactoring from the moment Solr has globbing in fl parameter
            foreach ( $docs as $idx => $doc )
                if ( !$asObjects )
                    $emit = array();
                    foreach ( $doc as $fieldName => $fieldValue )
                        list($prefix, $rest) = explode ('_', $fieldName, 2);
                        // get the identifier for meta, binary fields
                        $inner = implode('_', explode('_', $rest, -1));

                        if ( $prefix === 'meta' )
                            $emit[$inner] = $fieldValue;
                        elseif ( $prefix === 'as' )
                            $emit['data_map'][$inner] = ezfSolrStorage::unserializeData( $fieldValue );
                        // it may be a field originating from the explicit fieldlist to return, so it should be added for template consumption
                        // note that the fieldname will be kept verbatim in a substructure 'fields'
                        elseif( in_array( $fieldName, $fieldsToReturn ) )
                            $emit['fields'][$fieldName] = $fieldValue;

                    $objectRes[] = $emit;
                    unset( $emit );


                elseif ( $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'installation_id' )] == self::installationID() )
                    // Search result document is from current installation
                    $nodeID = $this->getNodeID( $doc );

                    // Invalid $nodeID
                    // This can happen if a content has been deleted while Solr was not running, provoking desynchronization
                    if ( !isset( $nodeRowList[$nodeID] ) )
                        eZDebug::writeError( "Node #{$nodeID} (/{$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'main_url_alias' )]}) returned by Solr cannot be found in the database. Please consider reindexing your content", __METHOD__ );

                    $resultTree = new eZFindResultNode( $nodeRowList[$nodeID] );
                    $resultTree->setContentObject( new eZContentObject( $nodeRowList[$nodeID] ) );
                    $resultTree->setAttribute( 'is_local_installation', true );
                    // can_read permission must be checked as they could be out of sync in Solr, however, when called from template with:
                    // limitation, hash( 'accessWord', ... ) this check should not be performed as it has precedence.
                    // See: http://issues.ez.no/15978
                    if ( !isset( $params['Limitation'], $params['Limitation']['accessWord'] ) && !$resultTree->attribute( 'object' )->attribute( 'can_read' ) )
                        eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Access denied for eZ Find result, node_id: ' . $nodeID, __METHOD__ );

                    $urlAlias = $this->getUrlAlias( $doc );
                    $globalURL = $urlAlias . '/(language)/' . $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'language_code' )];
                    eZURI::transformURI( $globalURL );
                    $resultTree = new eZFindResultNode();
                    $resultTree->setAttribute( 'is_local_installation', false );
                    $globalURL = $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'installation_url' )] .
                        $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'main_url_alias' )] .
                        '/(language)/' . $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'language_code' )];

                $resultTree->setAttribute( 'name', $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'name' )] );
                $resultTree->setAttribute( 'published', $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'published' )] );
                $resultTree->setAttribute( 'global_url_alias', $globalURL );
                $resultTree->setAttribute( 'highlight', isset( $highLights[$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'guid' )]] ) ?
                                           $highLights[$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'guid' )]] : null );
                 * $maxScore may be equal to 0 when the QueryElevationComponent is used.
                 * It returns as first results the elevated documents, with a score equal to 0. In case no
                 * other document than the elevated ones are returned, maxScore is then 0 and the
                 * division below raises a warning. If maxScore is equal to zero, we can safely assume
                 * that only elevated documents were returned. The latter have an articifial relevancy of 100%,
                 * which must be reflected in the 'score_percent' attribute of the result node.
                $maxScore != 0 ? $resultTree->setAttribute( 'score_percent', (int) ( ( $doc['score'] / $maxScore ) * 100 ) ) : $resultTree->setAttribute( 'score_percent', 100 );
                $resultTree->setAttribute( 'language_code', $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'language_code' )] );
                $objectRes[] = $resultTree;

        $stopWordArray = array();

        eZDebug::accumulatorStop( 'Search' );
        return array(
            'SearchResult' => $objectRes,
            'SearchCount' => $searchCount,
            'StopWordArray' => $stopWordArray,
            'SearchExtras' => new ezfSearchResultInfo( $resultArray ) );
Пример #2
  * Translates a solr response into result objects or a slightly modified array.
  * The $asObjects parameter controls which of the 2 return formats get send back.
  * @see eZSolrBase::search
  * @see eZSolrBase::moreLikeThis
 protected function buildResultObjects($resultArray, &$searchCount, $asObjects = true, $fieldsToReturn = array())
     $objectRes = array();
     $highLights = array();
     if (!empty($resultArray['highlighting'])) {
         foreach ($resultArray['highlighting'] as $id => $highlight) {
             $highLightStrings = array();
             //implode apparently does not work on associative arrays that contain arrays
             //$element being an array as well
             foreach ($highlight as $key => $element) {
                 $highLightStrings[] = implode(' ', $element);
             $highLights[$id] = implode(' ...  ', $highLightStrings);
     if (!empty($resultArray)) {
         $result = $resultArray['response'];
         $maxScore = $result['maxScore'];
         $docs = $result['docs'];
         $localNodeIDList = array();
         $nodeRowList = array();
         // Loop through result, and get eZContentObjectTreeNode ID
         foreach ($docs as $idx => $doc) {
             if ($doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('installation_id')] == self::installationID()) {
                 $localNodeIDList[] = $this->getNodeID($doc);
         if (!empty($localNodeIDList)) {
             $tmpNodeRowList = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($localNodeIDList, false, false);
             // Workaround for eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch behaviour
             if (count($localNodeIDList) === 1) {
                 $tmpNodeRowList = array($tmpNodeRowList);
             if ($tmpNodeRowList) {
                 foreach ($tmpNodeRowList as $nodeRow) {
                     $nodeRowList[$nodeRow['node_id']] = $nodeRow;
         //need refactoring from the moment Solr has globbing in fl parameter
         foreach ($docs as $idx => $doc) {
             if (!$asObjects) {
                 $emit = array();
                 foreach ($doc as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                     // check if field is not in the explicit field list, to keep explode from generating notices.
                     if (strpos($fieldName, '_') !== false) {
                         list($prefix, $rest) = explode('_', $fieldName, 2);
                         // get the identifier for meta, binary fields
                         $inner = implode('_', explode('_', $rest, -1));
                         if ($prefix === 'meta') {
                             $emit[$inner] = $fieldValue;
                         } elseif ($prefix === 'as') {
                             $emit['data_map'][$inner] = ezfSolrStorage::unserializeData($fieldValue);
                     } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $fieldsToReturn)) {
                         $emit['fields'][$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
                 $emit['highlight'] = isset($highLights[$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('guid')]]) ? $highLights[$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('guid')]] : null;
                 $objectRes[] = $emit;
             } elseif ($doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('installation_id')] == self::installationID()) {
                 // Search result document is from current installation
                 $nodeID = $this->getNodeID($doc);
                 // Invalid $nodeID
                 // This can happen if a content has been deleted while Solr was not running, provoking desynchronization
                 if (!isset($nodeRowList[$nodeID])) {
                     eZDebug::writeError("Node #{$nodeID} (/{$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('main_url_alias')]}) returned by Solr cannot be found in the database. Please consider reindexing your content", __METHOD__);
                 $resultTree = new eZFindResultNode($nodeRowList[$nodeID]);
                 $node = $nodeRowList[$nodeID];
                 $resultTree->setContentObject(new eZContentObject(array("id" => $node["id"], "section_id" => $node["section_id"], "owner_id" => $node["owner_id"], "contentclass_id" => $node["contentclass_id"], "name" => $node["name"], "published" => $node["published"], "modified" => $node["modified"], "current_version" => $node["current_version"], "status" => $node["status"], "remote_id" => $node["object_remote_id"], "language_mask" => $node["language_mask"], "initial_language_id" => $node["initial_language_id"], "class_identifier" => $node["class_identifier"], "serialized_name_list" => $node["class_serialized_name_list"])));
                 $resultTree->setAttribute('is_local_installation', true);
                 // can_read permission must be checked as they could be out of sync in Solr, however, when called from template with:
                 // limitation, hash( 'accessWord', ... ) this check should not be performed as it has precedence.
                 // See: http://issues.ez.no/15978
                 if (!isset($params['Limitation'], $params['Limitation']['accessWord']) && !$resultTree->attribute('object')->attribute('can_read')) {
                     eZDebug::writeNotice('Access denied for eZ Find result, node_id: ' . $nodeID, __METHOD__);
                 $urlAlias = $this->getUrlAlias($doc);
                 $globalURL = $urlAlias . '/(language)/' . $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('language_code')];
             } else {
                 $resultTree = new eZFindResultNode();
                 $resultTree->setAttribute('is_local_installation', false);
                 $globalURL = $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('installation_url')] . $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('main_url_alias')] . '/(language)/' . $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('language_code')];
             $resultTree->setAttribute('name', $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('name')]);
             $resultTree->setAttribute('published', $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('published')]);
             $resultTree->setAttribute('global_url_alias', $globalURL);
             $resultTree->setAttribute('highlight', isset($highLights[$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('guid')]]) ? $highLights[$doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('guid')]] : null);
              * $maxScore may be equal to 0 when the QueryElevationComponent is used.
              * It returns as first results the elevated documents, with a score equal to 0. In case no
              * other document than the elevated ones are returned, maxScore is then 0 and the
              * division below raises a warning. If maxScore is equal to zero, we can safely assume
              * that only elevated documents were returned. The latter have an articifial relevancy of 100%,
              * which must be reflected in the 'score_percent' attribute of the result node.
             $maxScore != 0 ? $resultTree->setAttribute('score_percent', (int) ($doc['score'] / $maxScore * 100)) : $resultTree->setAttribute('score_percent', 100);
             $resultTree->setAttribute('language_code', $doc[ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName('language_code')]);
             $objectRes[] = $resultTree;
     return $objectRes;