Пример #1
 public function testPop3MessageSourceFetchAll()
     $transport = new ezcMailPop3Transport("mta1.ez.no");
     $transport->authenticate("*****@*****.**", "ezcomponents");
     $parser = new ezcMailParser();
     $set = new ezcMailStorageSet($transport->fetchAll(), $this->tempDir);
     $mail = $parser->parseMail($set);
     $files = $set->getSourceFiles();
     $source = file_get_contents($files[0]);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$sizes[0], strlen($source));
Пример #2

require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
// Create a new POP3 transport with a plain connection (default port is 110,
// you can specify a different one using the second parameter of the constructor).
// A timeout option is specified to be 10 seconds (default is 5).
// Another option to be specified is the authenticationMethod as APOP (default is plain text)
$options = new ezcMailPop3TransportOptions();
$options->timeout = 10;
$options->authenticationMethod = ezcMailPop3Transport::AUTH_APOP;
$pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport("pop3.example.com", null, $options);
// Authenticate to the POP3 server
$pop3->authenticate("user", "password");
Пример #3
 public function testServerSSL()
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport('openssl')) {
     $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport(self::$serverSSL, null, array('ssl' => true));
     $pop3->authenticate(self::$userSSL, self::$passwordSSL);
     $set = $pop3->fetchAll();
     $parser = new ezcMailParser();
     $mail = $parser->parseMail($set);
     $mail = $mail[0];
     $this->assertEquals(240, $mail->size);

require_once "extension/jaj_newsletter/lib/bounce_handler/bounce_driver.class.php";
$server = "zmail-01.hikt.no";
$username = "******";
$password = "******";
$bouncehandler = new Bouncehandler();
$pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport($server);
$pop3->authenticate($username, $password);
$pop3->status($num, $size);
$cli->output('Bounce messages to check: ' . $num);
$messages = $pop3->listMessages();
foreach ($messages as $index => $size) {
    $set = $pop3->fetchByMessageNr($index);
    do {
        $raw_message = "";
        $line = "";
        while (($line = $set->getNextLine()) !== null) {
            $raw_message .= $line;
        $result = $bouncehandler->get_the_facts($raw_message);
        $result = $result[0];
        $status = $result['status'];
        $action = $result['action'];
        $recipient = trim($result['recipient']);
        if (!in_array($action, array("delayed", "failed", "autoreply"))) {
            $cli->output("Message index: {$index}, unknown action: {$action}, skipping...");
        if ($action == 'delayed' || $action == 'autoreply') {
            $cli->output("Deleting message: {$index}, action: {$action}");
Пример #5
  * connect with mailaccount
  * @return object / boolean
 public function connect()
     // current mailbox id
     $mailboxId = $this->attribute('id');
     // current mailbox type, for pop3-/imap switch
     $mailboxType = $this->attribute('type');
     // login data
     $server = $this->attribute('server');
     $userName = $this->attribute('user_name');
     $password = $this->attribute('password');
     $port = $this->attribute('port');
     $ssl = (bool) $this->attribute('is_ssl');
     $deleteMailsFromServer = (bool) $this->attribute('delete_mails_from_server');
     if ($port > 0) {
         $serverPort = $port;
     } else {
         // let choose ezc the right port if not set
         $serverPort = null;
     $ezcTransportObject = null;
     $settingArray = array('mailbox_id' => $mailboxId, 'type' => $mailboxType, 'server' => $server, 'user_name' => $userName, 'password' => $password, 'port' => $port, 'is_ssl' => $ssl, 'delete_mails_from_server' => $deleteMailsFromServer);
     try {
         // create transport object
         switch ($mailboxType) {
             case 'imap':
                 $options = new ezcMailImapTransportOptions();
                 $options->ssl = $ssl;
                 $options->timeout = 3;
                 $ezcTransportObject = new ezcMailImapTransport($server, $serverPort, $options);
             case 'pop3':
                 $options = new ezcMailPop3TransportOptions();
                 $options->ssl = $ssl;
                 $options->timeout = 3;
                 // $options->authenticationMethod = ezcMailPop3Transport::AUTH_APOP;
                 $ezcTransportObject = new ezcMailPop3Transport($server, $serverPort, $options);
                 CjwNewsletterLog::writeError('CjwNewsletterMailbox::connect', 'mailbox', 'connect-failed', array('error-code' => $e->getMessage()));
                 return $e->getMessage();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CjwNewsletterLog::writeError('authenticate ezcMailTransport CjwNewsletterMailbox::connect', 'mailbox', 'connect-failed', array('error-code' => $e->getMessage()));
         return $e->getMessage();
     try {
         // authenticate twise is not allowed
         $ezcTransportObject->authenticate($userName, $password);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CjwNewsletterLog::writeError('CjwNewsletterMailbox::connect', 'mailbox', 'authenticate-failed', array_merge(array('error-code' => $e->getMessage()), $settingArray));
         return $e->getMessage();
     try {
         switch ($mailboxType) {
             case 'imap':
         $this->TransportObject = $ezcTransportObject;
         // set connect time
         $this->setAttribute('last_server_connect', time());
         CjwNewsletterLog::writeDebug('CjwNewsletterMailbox::connect', 'mailbox', 'connect-ok', $settingArray);
         return $ezcTransportObject;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CjwNewsletterLog::writeError('CjwNewsletterMailbox::connect', 'mailbox', 'selectBox-failed', array('error-code' => $e->getMessage()));
         return $e->getMessage();