getHierarchyDelimiter() публичный Метод

For more information about the hierarchy delimiter, consult the IMAP RFCs {@link} or {@link}, section 6.3.8. Before calling this method, a connection to the IMAP server must be established and a user must be authenticated successfully. Example of returning the hierarchy delimiter: $imap = new ezcMailImapTransport( '' ); $imap->authenticate( 'username', 'password' ); $delimiter = $imap->getDelimiter(); After running the above code, $delimiter should be something like "/".
public getHierarchyDelimiter ( ) : string
Результат string
Пример #1

require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
// Create a new IMAP transport object by specifying the server name
$imap = new ezcMailImapTransport("");
// Authenticate to the IMAP server
$imap->authenticate("user", "password");
// Select the Inbox mailbox
// List the capabilities of the IMAP server
$capabilities = $imap->capability();
// List existing mailboxes
$mailboxes = $imap->listMailboxes("", "*");
// Fetch the hierarchy delimiter character (usually "/")
$delimiter = $imap->getHierarchyDelimiter();
// Create a new mailbox
$imap->createMailbox("Reports 2006");
// Delete a mailbox
$imap->deleteMailbox("Reports 2005");
// Rename a mailbox
$imap->renameMailbox("Reports 2006", "Reports");
// Copy messages from the selected mailbox (here: Inbox) to another mailbox
$imap->copyMessages("1,2,4", "Reports");
// Set a flag to messages
// See the function description for a list of supported flags
$imap->setFlag("1,2,4", "DELETED");
// Clears a flag from messages
// See the function description for a list of supported flags
$imap->clearFlag("1,2,4", "SEEN");
// Append a message to a mailbox. $mail must contain the mail as text
// Use this with a "Sent" or "Drafts" mailbox
Пример #2
 public function testGetHierarchyDelimiterFail()
     $imap = new ezcMailImapTransport(self::$server, self::$port);
     try {
         $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown.');
     } catch (ezcMailTransportException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals("An error occured while sending or receiving mail. Can't call getDelimiter() when not successfully logged in.", $e->getMessage());