function onAuthenticate($credentials, $options = null) { $ftp_login = $credentials['username']; $ftp_pass = $credentials['password']; if ($ftp_login != '' || $ftp_pass != '') { $ftp_host = empty($_SESSION['ftp_host']) ? extGetParam($_POST, 'ftp_host', 'localhost:21') : $_SESSION['ftp_host']; $url = @parse_url('ftp://' . $ftp_host); if (empty($url)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', false, 'Unable to parse the specified Host Name. Please use a hostname in this format: hostname:21'); } $port = empty($url['port']) ? 21 : $url['port']; $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION'] = new Net_FTP($url['host'], $port, 20); $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->connect(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', false, ext_Lang::msg('ftp_connection_failed') . ' (' . $url['host'] . ')'); } else { $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->login($ftp_login, $ftp_pass); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', false, ext_Lang::msg('ftp_login_failed')); } $_SESSION['credentials_ftp']['username'] = $ftp_login; $_SESSION['credentials_ftp']['password'] = $ftp_pass; $_SESSION['ftp_host'] = $ftp_host; $_SESSION['file_mode'] = 'ftp'; $_SESSION['ftp_login'] = $ftp_login; return true; } } return false; }
function onAuthenticate($credentials, $options = null) { $ssh2_user = $credentials['username']; $ssh2_pass = $credentials['password']; if ($ssh2_user != '' || $ssh2_pass != '') { $ssh2_host = empty($_SESSION['ssh2_host']) ? extGetParam($_POST, 'ssh2_host', 'localhost:22') : $_SESSION['ssh2_host']; $url = @parse_url('ssh2.sftp://' . $ssh2_host); if (empty($url)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ssh2_authentication', false, 'Unable to parse the specified Host Name. Please use a hostname in this format: hostname:22'); } $port = empty($url['port']) ? 22 : $url['port']; $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION'] = new SFTPConnection(); $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->connect($url['host'], $port); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->login($ssh2_user, $ssh2_pass); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $_SESSION['credentials_ssh2']['username'] = $ssh2_user; $_SESSION['credentials_ssh2']['password'] = $ssh2_pass; $_SESSION['ssh2_host'] = $ssh2_host; $_SESSION['file_mode'] = 'ssh2'; return true; } return false; }
function execAction($dir, $item) { if (!ext_isArchive($item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $item . ': ' . ext_Lang::err('extract_noarchive')); } else { // CSRF Security Check if (!ext_checkToken($GLOBALS['__POST']["token"])) { ext_Result::sendResult('tokencheck', false, 'Request failed: Security Token not valid.'); } $archive_name = realpath(get_abs_item($dir, $item)); if (empty($dir)) { $extract_dir = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']); } else { $extract_dir = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir'] . "/" . $dir); } require_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/archive.php'; $res = extArchive::extract($archive_name, $extract_dir); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('extract', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_failure') . ' - ' . $res->getMessage()); } if ($res === false) { ext_Result::sendResult('extract', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_failure')); } else { ext_Result::sendResult('extract', true, ext_Lang::msg('extract_success')); } ext_Result::sendResult('extract', true, ext_Lang::msg('extract_success')); } }
function execAction($dir, $item, $unlink = false) { // download file global $action, $mosConfig_cache_path; // Security Fix: $item = basename($item); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } ob_start(); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = $dir . '/' . $item; } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); //if( !strstr( $abs_item, $GLOBALS['home_dir']) ) // $abs_item = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']).$abs_item; } if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]); } if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($abs_item); $unlink = true; } $browser = id_browser(); header('Content-Type: ' . ($browser == 'IE' || $browser == 'OPERA' ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream')); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(realpath($abs_item))); //header("Content-Encoding: none"); if ($browser == 'IE') { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $item . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $item . '"'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } @set_time_limit(0); @readFileChunked(utf8_decode($abs_item)); if ($unlink == true) { unlink(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } ob_end_flush(); ext_exit(); }
/** * @version $Id: search.php 201 2011-06-27 09:45:09Z soeren $ * @package eXtplorer * @copyright soeren 2007-2013 * @author The eXtplorer project ( * @author The The QuiX project ( * * @license * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms * of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in * which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of * those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and * other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file * under either the MPL or the GPL." * * File-Search Functions */ function find_item($dir, $pat, &$list, $recur, $content) { // find items $homedir = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']); $opendir = $dir; if (!is_dir($dir)) { $opendir = get_abs_dir($dir); } $handle = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->opendir($opendir); if ($handle === false && $dir == "") { $handle = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->opendir($homedir . $GLOBALS['separator']); } if ($handle === false) { ext_Result::sendResult('search', false, $opendir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["opendir"]); } while (($new_item = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->readdir($handle)) !== false) { if (is_array($new_item)) { $abs_new_item = $new_item; } else { $abs_new_item = get_abs_item($dir, $new_item); } //if(!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_new_item)) continue; if (!get_show_item($dir, $new_item)) { continue; } $isDir = get_is_dir($abs_new_item); // match? if (@preg_match('@' . $pat . '@is', $new_item) > 0) { $list[] = array($dir, $new_item); } else { if (!$isDir) { if ($content && $GLOBALS['ext_File']->filesize($abs_new_item) < 524288) { $data = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_get_contents($abs_new_item); //$data = fread($handle, 524288); // Only read first 512kb if (preg_match('@' . $pat . '@is', $data) > 0) { $list[] = array($dir, $new_item); } } } } // search sub-directories if ($isDir && $recur) { find_item($abs_new_item, $pat, $list, $recur, $content); } } $GLOBALS['ext_File']->closedir($handle); }
function &getAdapter($type) { static $adapters; if (!isset($adapters)) { $adapters = array(); } if (!isset($adapters[$type])) { // Try to load the adapter object $class = 'xfileArchive' . ucfirst($type); if (!class_exists($class)) { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/adapter/' . strtolower($type) . '.php'; if (file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; } else { echo 'Unknown Archive Type: ' . $class; ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Unable to load archive'); } } $adapters[$type] = new $class(); } return $adapters[$type]; }
function execAction($dir, $item) { if (!ext_isArchive($item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $item . ': ' . ext_Lang::err('extract_noarchive')); } else { $archive_name = realpath(get_abs_item($dir, $item)); if (empty($dir)) { $extract_dir = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']); } else { $extract_dir = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir'] . "/" . $dir); } require_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/archive.php'; $res = extArchive::extract($archive_name, $extract_dir); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('extract', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_failure') . ' - ' . $res->getMessage()); } if ($res === false) { ext_Result::sendResult('extract', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_failure')); } else { ext_Result::sendResult('extract', true, ext_Lang::msg('extract_success')); } ext_Result::sendResult('extract', true, ext_Lang::msg('extract_success')); } }
function execAction($dir, $item, $unlink = false) { // Security Fix: $item = basename($item); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } ob_start(); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = $dir . '/' . $item; } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); //if( !strstr( $abs_item, $GLOBALS['home_dir']) ) // $abs_item = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']).$abs_item; } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]); return false; } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('download', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]); return false; } @set_time_limit(0); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = ext_ftp_make_local_copy($abs_item); $unlink = true; } $browser = id_browser(); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(realpath($abs_item))); //header("Content-Encoding: none"); if (isset($_GET['action2']) && $_GET['action2'] == 'view') { $content_disposition = 'inline'; include_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/file.php'; $extension = extFile::getExt($item); switch (strtolower($extension)) { case 'doc': case 'dot': $extension = 'msword'; break; case 'docx': case 'dotx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template'; break; case 'docm': $extension = ''; break; case 'docm': $extension = ''; break; case 'xls': case 'xlt': case 'xla': $extension = ''; break; case 'xlsx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'; break; case 'xltx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template'; break; case 'xlsm': $extension = ''; break; case 'xltm': $extension = ''; break; case 'xlam': $extension = ''; break; case 'xlsb': $extension = ''; break; case 'ppt': case 'pot': case 'pps': case 'ppa': $extension = ''; break; case 'pptx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'; break; case 'potx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template'; break; case 'ppsx': $extension = 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow'; break; case 'ppam': $extension = ''; break; case 'pptm': $extension = ''; break; case 'potm': $extension = ''; break; case 'ppsm': $extension = ''; break; case 'rtf': $extension = 'application/rtf'; break; } header('Content-Type: application/' . $extension . '; Charset=' . $GLOBALS["system_charset"]); } else { $content_disposition = 'attachment'; if ($browser == 'IE' || $browser == 'OPERA') { header('Content-Type: application/octetstream; Charset=' . $GLOBALS["system_charset"]); } else { header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream; Charset=' . $GLOBALS["system_charset"]); } } if ($browser == 'IE') { // header('Content-Disposition: ' . $content_disposition . '; filename="' . urlencode($item) . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: ' . $content_disposition . '; filename="' . $item . '"'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } if ($GLOBALS['use_mb']) { if (mb_detect_encoding($abs_item) == 'ASCII') { @readFileChunked(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } else { @readFileChunked($abs_item); } } else { @readFileChunked(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } if ($unlink == true) { unlink(utf8_decode($abs_item)); } ob_end_flush(); ext_exit(); }
function savefile($file_name) { // save edited file if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $code = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["code"]); } else { $code = $GLOBALS['__POST']["code"]; } $langs = $GLOBALS["language"]; if ($langs == "japanese") { $_encoding = $GLOBALS['__POST']["file_encoding"]; if ($_encoding != "UTF-8") { $code = mb_convert_encoding($code, $_encoding, "UTF-8"); } } $res = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_put_contents($file_name, $code); if ($res == false || PEAR::isError($res)) { $err = basename($file_name) . ": " . ext_Lang::err('savefile'); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $err .= $res->getMessage(); } ext_Result::sendResult('edit', false, $err); } }
function execAction($dir) { if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (!$GLOBALS["zip"] && !$GLOBALS["tgz"]) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnofunc"]); } $allowed_types = array('zip', 'tgz', 'tbz', 'tar'); // If we have something to archive, let's do it now if (extGetParam($_POST, 'confirm') == 'true') { $saveToDir = utf8_decode($GLOBALS['__POST']['saveToDir']); if (!file_exists(get_abs_dir($saveToDir))) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('archive_dir_notexists')); } if (!is_writable(get_abs_dir($saveToDir))) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('archive_dir_unwritable')); } require_once _EXT_PATH . '/libraries/Archive/archive.php'; if (!in_array(strtolower($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]), $allowed_types)) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, ext_Lang::err('extract_unknowntype') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"])); } // This controls how many files are processed per Step (it's split up into steps to prevent time-outs) $files_per_step = 2000; $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); $abs_dir = get_abs_dir($dir); $name = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["name"])); if ($name == "") { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]); } $startfrom = extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'startfrom', 0); $dir_contents_cache_name = 'ext_' . md5(implode(null, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"])); $dir_contents_cache_file = _EXT_FTPTMP_PATH . '/' . $dir_contents_cache_name . '.txt'; $archive_name = get_abs_item($saveToDir, $name); $fileinfo = pathinfo($archive_name); if (empty($fileinfo['extension'])) { $archive_name .= "." . $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]; $fileinfo['extension'] = $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"]; foreach ($allowed_types as $ext) { if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == $ext && @$fileinfo['extension'] != $ext) { $archive_name .= "." . $ext; } } } if ($startfrom == 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $selitem = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); if ($selitem == 'ext_root') { $selitem = ''; } if (is_dir(utf8_decode($abs_dir . "/" . $selitem))) { $items = extReadDirectory(utf8_decode($abs_dir . "/" . $selitem), '.', true, true); foreach ($items as $item) { if (is_dir($item) || !is_readable($item) || $item == $archive_name) { continue; } $v_list[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $item); } } else { $v_list[] = utf8_decode(str_replace('\\', '/', $abs_dir . "/" . $selitem)); } } if (count($v_list) > $files_per_step) { if (file_put_contents($dir_contents_cache_file, implode("\n", $v_list)) == false) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Failed to create a temporary list of the directory contents'); } } } else { $file_list_string = file_get_contents($dir_contents_cache_file); if (empty($file_list_string)) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, 'Failed to retrieve the temporary list of the directory contents'); } $v_list = explode("\n", $file_list_string); } $cnt_filelist = count($v_list); // Now we go to the right range of files and "slice" the array $v_list = array_slice($v_list, $startfrom, $files_per_step - 1); $remove_path = $GLOBALS["home_dir"]; if ($dir) { $remove_path .= $dir; } $remove_path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($remove_path)) . '/'; $debug = 'Starting from: ' . $startfrom . "\n"; $debug .= 'Files to process: ' . $cnt_filelist . "\n"; $debug .= implode("\n", $v_list); //file_put_contents( 'log.txt', $debug, FILE_APPEND ); // Do some setup stuff ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); @set_time_limit(0); //error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_PARSE ); $result = extArchive::create($archive_name, $v_list, $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"], '', $remove_path); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { ext_Result::sendResult('archive', false, $name . ': ' . ext_Lang::err('archive_creation_failed') . ' (' . $result->getMessage() . $archive_name . ')'); } $classname = class_exists('ext_Json') ? 'ext_Json' : 'Services_JSON'; $json = new $classname(); if ($cnt_filelist > $startfrom + $files_per_step) { $response = array('startfrom' => $startfrom + $files_per_step, 'totalitems' => $cnt_filelist, 'success' => true, 'action' => 'archive', 'message' => sprintf(ext_Lang::msg('processed_x_files'), $startfrom + $files_per_step, $cnt_filelist)); } else { @unlink($dir_contents_cache_file); if ($GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == 'tgz' || $GLOBALS['__POST']["type"] == 'tbz') { chmod($archive_name, 0644); } $response = array('action' => 'archive', 'success' => true, 'message' => ext_Lang::msg('archive_created'), 'newlocation' => ext_make_link('download', $dir, basename($archive_name))); } echo $json->encode($response); ext_exit(); } $default_archive_type = 'zip'; ?> { "xtype": "form", "id": "simpleform", "height": "200", "width": "350", "labelWidth": 125, "url":"<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ", "dialogtitle": "<?php echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["actarchive"]; ?> ", "frame": true, "items": [{ "xtype": "textfield", "fieldLabel": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('archive_name', true); ?> ", "name": "name", "value": "<?php echo $GLOBALS['item'] . '.' . $default_archive_type; ?> ", "width": "200" }, { "xtype": "combo", "fieldLabel": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('typeheader', true); ?> ", "store": [ ['zip', 'Zip (<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('normal_compression', true); ?> )'], ['tgz', 'Tar/Gz (<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('good_compression', true); ?> )'], <?php if (extension_loaded("bz2")) { echo "['tbz', 'Tar/Bzip2 (" . ext_Lang::msg('best_compression', true) . ")'],"; } ?> ['tar', 'Tar (<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('no_compression', true); ?> )'] ], "displayField":"typename", "valueField": "type", "name": "type", "value": "<?php echo $default_archive_type; ?> ", "triggerAction": "all", "hiddenName": "type", "disableKeyFilter": "true", "editable": "false", "mode": "local", "allowBlank": "false", "selectOnFocus":"true", "width": "200", "listeners": { "select": { fn: function(o, record ) { form = Ext.getCmp("simpleform").getForm(); var nameField = form.findField("name").getValue(); if( nameField.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 ) { form.findField('name').setValue( nameField.substring( 0, nameField.indexOf('.')+1 ) + o.getValue() ); } else { form.findField('name').setValue( nameField + '.'+ o.getValue()); } } } } }, { "xtype": "textfield", "fieldLabel": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('archive_saveToDir', true); ?> ", "name": "saveToDir", "value": "<?php echo str_replace("'", "\\'", $dir); ?> ", "width": "200" },{ "xtype": "checkbox", "fieldLabel": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('downlink', true); ?> ?", "name": "download", "checked": "true" } ], "buttons": [{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncreate', true); ?> ", "type": "submit", "handler": function() { Ext.ux.OnDemandLoad.load( "<?php echo $GLOBALS['script_name']; ?> ?option=com_extplorer&action=include_javascript&file=archive.js", function(options) { submitArchiveForm(0) } ); } },{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy() } }] } <?php }
$GLOBALS["dir"] = $dir = urldecode(stripslashes(extGetParam($_REQUEST, "dir"))); } if ($dir == 'ext_root') { $GLOBALS["dir"] = $dir = ''; } if (ext_isFTPMode() && $dir != '') { $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->cd($dir); } $abs_dir = get_abs_dir($GLOBALS["dir"]); if (!file_exists($GLOBALS["home_dir"])) { if (!file_exists($GLOBALS["home_dir"] . $GLOBALS["separator"])) { if ($GLOBALS["require_login"]) { $extra = "<a href=\"" . make_link("logout", NULL, NULL) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["btnlogout"] . "</a>"; } else { $extra = NULL; } ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["home"] . " (" . $GLOBALS["home_dir"] . ")", $extra); } } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_conf']['symlink_allow_abovehome']) { if (!down_home($abs_dir)) { ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $GLOBALS["dir"] . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["abovehome"]); $dir = ''; } } if (!get_is_dir(utf8_decode($abs_dir)) && !get_is_dir($abs_dir . $GLOBALS["separator"])) { ext_Result::sendResult('', false, '"' . $abs_dir . '" - ' . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["direxist"]); $dir = ''; } $_SESSION['ext_' . $GLOBALS['file_mode'] . 'dir'] = $dir; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
require_once _EXT_PATH . "/include/admin.php"; show_admin($dir); break; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // BOOKMARKS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // BOOKMARKS case 'modify_bookmark': $task = extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'task'); require_once _EXT_PATH . '/include/bookmarks.php'; modify_bookmark($task, $dir); break; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ case 'show_error': ext_Result::sendResult('', false, ''); break; case 'get_about': require_once _EXT_PATH . "/include/system_info.php"; system_info(); break; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DEFAULT: LIST FILES & DIRS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DEFAULT: LIST FILES & DIRS case "getdircontents": require_once _EXT_PATH . "/include/list.php"; $requestedDir = stripslashes(str_replace('_RRR_', '/', extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'node'))); if (empty($requestedDir) || $requestedDir == 'ext_root') { $requestedDir = $dir; }
function execAction($dir) { // make new directory or file if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (extGetParam($_POST, 'confirm') == 'true') { // CSRF Security Check if (!ext_checkToken($GLOBALS['__POST']["token"])) { ext_Result::sendResult('tokencheck', false, 'Request failed: Security Token not valid.'); } $mkname = $GLOBALS['__POST']["mkname"]; $mktype = $GLOBALS['__POST']["mktype"]; $symlink_target = $GLOBALS['__POST']['symlink_target']; $mkname = basename(stripslashes($mkname)); if ($mkname == "") { ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]); } $new = get_abs_item($dir, $mkname); if (@$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($new)) { ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', false, $mkname . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemdoesexist"]); } $err = print_r($_POST, true); if ($mktype == "dir") { $ok = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->mkdir($new, 0777); $err = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["createdir"]; } elseif ($mktype == 'file') { $ok = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->mkfile($new); $err = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["createfile"]; } elseif ($mktype == 'symlink') { if (empty($symlink_target)) { ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', false, 'Please provide a valid <strong>target</strong> for the symbolic link.'); } if (!file_exists($symlink_target) || !is_readable($symlink_target)) { ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', false, 'The file you wanted to make a symbolic link to does not exist or is not accessible by PHP.'); } $ok = symlink($symlink_target, $new); $err = 'The symbolic link could not be created.'; } if ($ok == false || PEAR::isError($ok)) { if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { $err .= $ok->getMessage(); } ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', false, $err); } ext_Result::sendResult('mkitem', true, 'The item ' . $new . ' was created'); return; } ?> { "xtype": "form", "id": "simpleform", "labelWidth": 125, "url":"<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ", "dialogtitle": "Create New File/Directory", "frame": true, "items": [{ "xtype": "textfield", "fieldLabel": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg("nameheader", true); ?> ", "name": "mkname", "width":175, "allowBlank":false },{ "xtype": "combo", "fieldLabel": "Type", "store": [["file", "<?php echo ext_Lang::mime('file', true); ?> "], ["dir", "<?php echo ext_Lang::mime('dir', true); ?> "] <?php if (!ext_isFTPMode() && !$GLOBALS['isWindows']) { ?> ,["symlink", "<?php echo ext_Lang::mime('symlink', true); ?> "] <?php } ?> ], displayField:"type", valueField: "mktype", value: "file", hiddenName: "mktype", disableKeyFilter: true, editable: false, triggerAction: "all", mode: "local", allowBlank: false, selectOnFocus:true },{ "xtype": "textfield", "fieldLabel": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('symlink_target', true); ?> ", "name": "symlink_target", "width":175, "allowBlank":true }], "buttons": [{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncreate', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { statusBarMessage( "Please wait...", true ); Ext.getCmp("simpleform").getForm().submit({ //reset: true, reset: false, success: function(form, action) { statusBarMessage( action.result.message, false, true ); try{ dirTree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode().reload(); } catch(e) {} datastore.reload(); Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy(); }, failure: function(form, action) { if( !action.result ) return; Ext.Msg.alert("Error!", action.result.error); statusBarMessage( action.result.error, false, false ); }, scope: Ext.getCmp("simpleform"), // add some vars to the request, similar to hidden fields params: {option: "com_extplorer", action: "mkitem", dir:, confirm: "true", token: "<?php echo ext_getToken(); ?> " } }) } },{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy(); } }] } <?php }
function list_dir($dir) { // list directory contents global $dir_up, $mosConfig_live_site, $_VERSION; $allow = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) == 01; $admin = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 04) == 04 || ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 02) == 02; $dir_up = dirname($dir); if ($dir_up == ".") { $dir_up = ""; } if (!get_show_item($dir_up, basename($dir))) { ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $dir . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessdir"]); } // make file & dir tables, & get total filesize & number of items make_tables($dir, $dir_list, $file_list, $tot_file_size, $num_items); $dirs = explode("/", $dir); $implode = ""; $dir_links = "<a href=\"" . make_link("list", "", null) . "\">..</a> / "; foreach ($dirs as $directory) { if ($directory != "") { $implode .= $directory . "/"; $dir_links .= "<a href=\"" . make_link("list", $implode, null) . "\">{$directory}</a> / "; } } echo '<div class="componentheading">' . $GLOBALS["messages"]["actdir"] . ": " . $dir_links . '</div>'; // Sorting of items $images = " <img width=\"10\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"" . _EXT_URL . "/images/"; if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") { $_srt = "DESC"; $images .= "_arrowup.gif\" alt=\"^\">"; } else { $_srt = "ASC"; $images .= "_arrowdown.gif\" alt=\"v\">"; } // Toolbar /*echo "<br><table width=\"95%\"><tr><td><table><tr>\n"; // PARENT DIR echo "<td>"; if( $dir != "" ) { echo "<a href=\"".make_link("list",$dir_up,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_up.png\" "; echo "alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uplink"]."\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uplink"]."\"></a>"; } echo "</td>\n"; // HOME DIR echo "<td><a href=\"".make_link("list",NULL,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_home.gif\" "; echo "alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["homelink"]."\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["homelink"]."\"></a></td>\n"; // RELOAD echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:location.reload();\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" "; echo "align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_refresh.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["reloadlink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["reloadlink"]."\"></A></td>\n"; // SEARCH echo "<td><a href=\"".make_link("search",$dir,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_search.gif\" "; echo "alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["searchlink"]."\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["searchlink"]; echo "\"></a></td>\n"; echo "<td><img src=\"images/menu_divider.png\" height=\"22\" width=\"2\" border=\"0\" alt=\"|\" /></td>"; // Joomla Sysinfo echo "<td><a href=\"".make_link("sysinfo",$dir,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/systeminfo.gif\" "; echo "alt=\"" . $GLOBALS['messages']['mossysinfolink'] . "\" title=\"" .$GLOBALS['messages']['mossysinfolink'] . "\"></a></td>\n"; echo "<td><img src=\"images/menu_divider.png\" height=\"22\" width=\"2\" border=\"0\" alt=\"|\" /></td>"; if($allow) { // COPY echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:Copy();\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" "; echo "align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_copy.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["copylink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["copylink"]."\"></a></td>\n"; // MOVE echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:Move();\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" "; echo "align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_move.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["movelink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["movelink"]."\"></A></td>\n"; // DELETE echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:Delete();\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" "; echo "align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_delete.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["dellink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["dellink"]."\"></A></td>\n"; // CHMOD echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:Chmod();\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" "; echo "align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_chmod.gif\" alt=\"chmod\" title=\"" . $GLOBALS['messages']['chmodlink'] . "\"></a></td>\n"; // UPLOAD if(ini_get("file_uploads")) { echo "<td><a href=\"".make_link("upload",$dir,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_upload.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uploadlink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uploadlink"]."\"></A></td>\n"; } else { echo "<td><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_upload_.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uploadlink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uploadlink"]."\"></td>\n"; } // ARCHIVE if($GLOBALS["zip"] || $GLOBALS["tar"] || $GLOBALS["tgz"]) { echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:Archive();\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" "; echo "align=\"absmiddle\" src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_archive.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["comprlink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["comprlink"]."\"></A></td>\n"; } } else { // COPY echo "<td><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_copy_.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["copylink"]."\" title=\""; echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["copylink"]."\"></td>\n"; // MOVE echo "<td><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_move_.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["movelink"]."\" title=\""; echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["movelink"]."\"></td>\n"; // DELETE echo "<td><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_delete_.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["dellink"]."\" title=\""; echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["dellink"]."\"></td>\n"; // UPLOAD echo "<td><img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_upload_.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uplink"]; echo "\" title=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["uplink"]."\"></td>\n"; } // ADMIN & LOGOUT if($GLOBALS["require_login"]) { echo "<td>::</td>"; // ADMIN if($admin) { echo "<td><a href=\"".make_link("admin",$dir,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_admin.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["adminlink"]."\" title=\""; echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["adminlink"]."\"></A></td>\n"; } // LOGOUT echo "<td><a href=\"".make_link("logout",NULL,NULL)."\">"; echo "<img border=\"0\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" align=\"absmiddle\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/_logout.gif\" alt=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["logoutlink"]."\" title=\""; echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["logoutlink"]."\"></a></td>\n"; } // Logo echo "<td style=\"padding-left:10px;\">"; //echo "<div style=\"margin-left:10px;float:right;\" width=\"305\" >"; echo "<a href=\"".$GLOBALS['ext_home']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"joomlaXplorer Project\"><img border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" id=\"ext_logo\" style=\"filter:alpha(opacity=10);-moz-opacity:.10;opacity:.10;\" onmouseover=\"opacity('ext_logo', 60, 99, 500);\" onmouseout=\"opacity('ext_logo', 100, 60, 500);\" "; echo "src=\""._EXT_URL."/images/logo.gif\" align=\"right\" alt=\"" . $GLOBALS['messages']['logolink'] . "\"></a>"; //echo "</div>"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr></table></td>\n"; // Create File / Dir if($allow && is_writable($GLOBALS['home_dir'].'/'.$dir)) { echo "<td align=\"right\"><table><form action=\"".make_link("mkitem",$dir,NULL)."\" method=\"post\">\n<tr><td>"; echo "<select name=\"mktype\"><option value=\"file\">".$GLOBALS["mimes"]["file"]."</option>"; echo "<option value=\"dir\">".$GLOBALS["mimes"]["dir"]."</option></select>\n"; echo "<input name=\"mkname\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\">"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$GLOBALS["messages"]["btncreate"]; echo "\"></td></tr></form></table></td>\n"; } echo "</tr></table>\n"; */ // End Toolbar // Begin Table + Form for checkboxes echo "<table width=\"95%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tr class=\"sectiontableheader\">\n"; echo "<th width=\"44%\"><b>\n"; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "name") { $new_srt = $_srt; } else { $new_srt = "yes"; } echo "<a href=\"" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL, "name", $new_srt) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["nameheader"]; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "name") { echo $images; } echo "</a></b></td>\n<th width=\"10%\"><b>"; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "size") { $new_srt = $_srt; } else { $new_srt = "yes"; } echo "<a href=\"" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL, "size", $new_srt) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["sizeheader"]; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "size") { echo $images; } echo "</a></b></th>\n<th width=\"12%\" ><b>"; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "type") { $new_srt = $_srt; } else { $new_srt = "yes"; } echo "<a href=\"" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL, "type", $new_srt) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["typeheader"]; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "type") { echo $images; } echo "</a></b></th>\n<th width=\"12%\"><b>"; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "mod") { $new_srt = $_srt; } else { $new_srt = "yes"; } echo "<a href=\"" . make_link("list", $dir, NULL, "mod", $new_srt) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["modifheader"]; if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "mod") { echo $images; } echo "</a></b></th></tr>\n"; // make & print Table using lists print_table($dir, make_list($dir_list, $file_list), $allow); // print number of items & total filesize echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr>\n<td> </td>"; echo "<td>" . $num_items . " " . $GLOBALS["messages"]["miscitems"] . " " . parse_file_size($tot_file_size) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td> </td><td> </td>"; echo "</tr>\n<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr></table>\n"; }
function find_item($dir, $pat, &$files, $subdir, $content) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { $dir = get_abs_dir($dir); } if (!$subdir) { $files = glob($dir . '/' . $pat); } else { $files = glob_recursive($dir . '/' . $pat); } if ($files === false) { ext_Result::sendResult('search', false, $dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["opendir"]); } if ($content) { $newList = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $contents = file_get_contents($file); $pattern = preg_quote($content, '/'); // finalise the regular expression, matching the whole line $pattern = "/^.*{$pattern}.*\$/m"; // search, and store all matching occurences in $matches if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)) { $newList[] = $file; } } $files = $newList; } if (!empty($_POST['mdate_start'])) { $mdate_start = strtotime($_POST['mdate_start']); if (empty($_POST['mdate_end'])) { $mdate_end = time(); } else { $mdate_end = strtotime($_POST['mdate_end']); } if ($mdate_start && $mdate_end) { $newList = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $filemtime = filemtime($file); if ($filemtime > $mdate_start && $filemtime < $mdate_end) { $newList[] = $file; } } $files = $newList; } } if (!empty($_POST['age_value'])) { $age_value = (int) $_POST['age_value']; $age_units = array("minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"); if (in_array($_POST['age_unit'], $age_units)) { $age_unit = $_POST['age_unit']; } else { $age_unit = "days"; } $age_time = strtotime("-" . $age_value . " " . $age_unit); if ($age_time) { $newList = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $filemtime = filemtime($file); if ($filemtime > $age_time) { $newList[] = $file; } } $files = $newList; } } $newList = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $newList[] = array(dirname($file), basename($file)); } $files = $newList; }
function execAction($dir) { // delete files/dirs if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('delete', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } // CSRF Security Check if (!ext_checkToken($GLOBALS['__POST']["token"])) { ext_Result::sendResult('tokencheck', false, 'Request failed: Security Token not valid.'); } $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); $err = false; // delete files & check for errors for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $items[$i] = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i])); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs = get_item_info($dir, $items[$i]); } else { $abs = get_abs_item($dir, $items[$i]); } if (!@$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemexist"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!get_show_item($dir, $items[$i])) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessitem"]; $err = true; continue; } // Delete if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs = str_replace('\\', '/', get_abs_item($dir, $abs)); } $ok = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->remove($abs); if ($ok === false || PEAR::isError($ok)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["delitem"]; if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { $error[$i] .= ' [' . $ok->getMessage() . ']'; } $err = true; continue; } $error[$i] = NULL; } if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if ($error[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $error[$i] . ".\n"; } ext_Result::sendResult('delete', false, $err_msg); } ext_Result::sendResult('delete', true, $GLOBALS['messages']['success_delete_file']); }
} } else { $GLOBALS["dir"] = $dir = urldecode(stripslashes(extGetParam($_REQUEST, "dir"))); } if ($dir == 'ext_root') { $GLOBALS["dir"] = $dir = ''; } if (ext_isFTPMode() && $dir != '') { $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->cd($dir); } $abs_dir = get_abs_dir($GLOBALS["dir"]); if (!file_exists($GLOBALS["home_dir"])) { if (!file_exists($GLOBALS["home_dir"] . $GLOBALS["separator"])) { if ($GLOBALS["require_login"]) { $extra = "<a href=\"" . make_link("logout", NULL, NULL) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["btnlogout"] . "</a>"; } else { $extra = NULL; } ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["home"] . " (" . $GLOBALS["home_dir"] . ")", $extra); } } if (!down_home($abs_dir)) { ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $GLOBALS["dir"] . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["abovehome"]); $dir = ''; } if (!get_is_dir(utf8_decode($abs_dir)) && !get_is_dir($abs_dir . $GLOBALS["separator"])) { ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $abs_dir . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["direxist"]); $dir = ''; } $_SESSION['ext_' . $GLOBALS['file_mode'] . 'dir'] = $dir; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function execAction() { $ftp_login = extGetParam($_POST, 'ftp_login_name', ''); $ftp_pass = extGetParam($_POST, 'ftp_login_pass', ''); global $dir, $mosConfig_live_site; if ($ftp_login != '' || $ftp_pass != '') { $ftp_host = extGetParam($_POST, 'ftp_hostname_port', 'localhost:21'); $url = @parse_url('ftp://' . $ftp_host); if (empty($url)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', false, 'Unable to parse the specified Host Name. Please use a hostname in this format: hostname:21'); } $port = empty($url['port']) ? 21 : $url['port']; $ftp = new Net_FTP($url['host'], $port, 20); $res = $ftp->connect(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', false, $GLOBALS['messages']['ftp_connection_failed'] . ' (' . $url['host'] . ')'); } else { $res = $ftp->login($ftp_login, $ftp_pass); $ftp->disconnect(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', false, $GLOBALS['messages']['ftp_login_failed']); } $_SESSION['ftp_login'] = $ftp_login; $_SESSION['ftp_pass'] = $ftp_pass; $_SESSION['ftp_host'] = $ftp_host; $_SESSION['file_mode'] = 'ftp'; session_write_close(); ext_Result::sendResult('ftp_authentication', true, ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_success')); } } else { ?> <div style="width:auto;"> <div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div> <div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc"> <h3 style="margin-bottom:5px;"><?php echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["ftp_header"]; ?> </h3> <strong><?php echo $GLOBALS["messages"]["ftp_login_lbl"]; ?> </strong><br /> <br /> <div id="adminForm"> </div> </div></div></div> <div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var simple = new Ext.form.Form({ labelWidth: 175, // label settings here cascade unless overridden url:'<?php echo make_link("rename", $dir, $item); ?> ' }); simple.add( new Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('ftp_login_name', true); ?> ', name: 'ftp_login_name', width:175, allowBlank:false }), new Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('ftp_login_pass', true); ?> ', name: 'ftp_login_pass', inputType: 'password', width:175, allowBlank:false }), new Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('ftp_hostname_port', true); ?> ', name: 'ftp_hostname_port', value: '<?php echo extGetParam($_SESSION, 'ftp_host', 'localhost:21'); ?> ', width:175, allowBlank:false }) ); simple.addButton({text: '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btnlogin', true); ?> ', type: 'submit' }, function() { statusBarMessage( '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('ftp_login_check', true); ?> ', true ); simple.submit({ //reset: true, reset: false, success: function(form, action) { location.reload() }, failure: function(form, action) { if( !action.result ) return; Ext.MessageBox.alert('<?php echo ext_Lang::err('error', true); ?> ', action.result.error); statusBarMessage( action.result.error, false, false ); }, scope: simple, // add some vars to the request, similar to hidden fields params: {option: 'com_extplorer', action: 'ftp_authentication' } }); }); simple.addButton('<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true); ?> ', function() { dialog.destroy(); } ); simple.render('adminForm'); </script> <br/> <?php } }
function show_admin($dir) { // Execute Admin Action $pwd = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 2) == 2; $admin = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 4) == 4; if (!$GLOBALS["require_login"]) { ext_Result::sendResult('admin', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnofunc"]); } if (!$pwd && !$admin) { ext_Result::sendResult('admin', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (isset($GLOBALS['__GET']["action2"])) { $action2 = $GLOBALS['__GET']["action2"]; } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["action2"])) { $action2 = $GLOBALS['__POST']["action2"]; } else { $action2 = ""; } switch ($action2) { case "chpwd": changepwd($dir); break; case "adduser": if (!$admin) { ext_Result::sendResult('admin', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } adduser($dir); break; case "edituser": if (!$admin) { ext_Result::sendResult('admin', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } edituser($dir); break; case "rmuser": if (!$admin) { ext_Result::sendResult('admin', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } removeuser($dir); break; default: admin($admin, $dir); } }
function execAction($dir) { // list directory contents global $dir_up, $mosConfig_live_site, $_VERSION; $allow = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) == 01; $admin = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 04) == 04 || ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 02) == 02; $dir_up = dirname($dir); if ($dir_up == ".") { $dir_up = ""; } if (!get_show_item($dir_up, basename($dir))) { ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, $dir . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessdir"]); } // Sorting of items if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") { $_srt = "no"; } else { $_srt = "yes"; } show_header(); $scriptTag = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="' . _EXT_URL . '/fetchscript.php?' . '&subdir[]=scripts/editarea/&file[]=edit_area_full_with_plugins.js' . '&subdir[]=scripts/extjs/&file[]=yui-utilities.js' . '&subdir[]=scripts/extjs/&file[]=ext-yui-adapter.js' . '&subdir[]=scripts/extjs/&file[]=ext-all.js&gzip=1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $GLOBALS['script_name'] . '?option=com_extplorer&action=include_javascript&file=functions.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . _EXT_URL . '/fetchscript.php?subdir[0]=scripts/extjs/css/&file[0]=ext-all.css&subdir[1]=scripts/extjs/css/&file[1]=xtheme-aero.css&gzip=1" />'; if (defined('EXT_STANDALONE')) { $GLOBALS['mainframe']->addcustomheadtag($scriptTag); } else { echo $scriptTag; } ?> <div id="dirtree"></div> <div id="dirtree-panel"></div> <div id="item-grid"></div> <div id="ext_statusbar" class="ext_statusbar"></div> <?php // That's the main javascript file to build the Layout & App Logic include _EXT_PATH . '/scripts/application.js.php'; }
function ext_ftp_make_local_copy($abs_item, $use_filehandle = false) { if (get_is_dir($abs_item)) { $tmp_dir = _EXT_FTPTMP_PATH . '/' . uniqid('ext_tmpdir_') . '/'; $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->getRecursive($abs_item, $tmp_dir, true); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, 'Failed to fetch the directory via FTP: ' . $res->getMessage()); } return $tmp_dir; } $abs_item = str_replace("\\", '/', $abs_item); if ($abs_item[0] != '/') { $abs_item = '/' . $abs_item; } if (!$use_filehandle) { $tmp_file = tempnam(_EXT_FTPTMP_PATH, 'ext_ftp_dl_'); if ($tmp_file == 'false') { ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, 'The /ftp_tmp Directory must be writable in order to use this functionality in FTP Mode.'); } $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->get($abs_item, $tmp_file, true); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, 'Failed to fetch the file via filehandle from FTP: ' . $res->getMessage()); } } else { $tmp_file = tmpfile(); $res = $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->fget('/' . $abs_item, $tmp_file, true); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, 'Failed to fetch the file via FTP: ' . $res->getMessage()); } rewind($tmp_file); } return $tmp_file; }
/** * File/Directory Copy & Move Functions */ function copy_move_items($dir) { // copy/move file/dir $action = extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'action'); if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult($action, false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } // Vars $first = extGetParam($GLOBALS['__POST'], 'first'); if ($first == "y") { $new_dir = $dir; } else { $new_dir = stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["new_dir"]); } if ($new_dir == ".") { $new_dir = ""; } $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); // DO COPY/MOVE // ALL OK? if (!@$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { ext_Result::sendResult($action, false, get_abs_dir($new_dir) . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($new_dir, "")) { ext_Result::sendResult($action, false, $new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accesstarget"]); } if (!down_home(get_abs_dir($new_dir))) { ext_Result::sendResult($action, false, $new_dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetabovehome"]); } // copy / move files $err = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $tmp = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i])); $new = basename(stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i])); if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = get_item_info($dir, $tmp); $abs_new_item = get_item_info('/' . $new_dir, $new); } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $tmp); $abs_new_item = get_abs_item($new_dir, $new); } $items[$i] = $tmp; // Check if ($new == "") { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["miscnoname"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!@$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemexist"]; $err = true; continue; } if (!get_show_item($dir, $tmp)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessitem"]; $err = true; continue; } if (@$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_new_item)) { $error[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["targetdoesexist"]; $err = true; continue; } // Copy / Move if ($action == "copy") { if (@is_link($abs_item) || get_is_file($abs_item)) { // check file-exists to avoid error with 0-size files (PHP 4.3.0) if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = '/' . $dir . '/' . $abs_item['name']; } $ok = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->copy($abs_item, $abs_new_item); //||@file_exists($abs_new_item); } elseif (@get_is_dir($abs_item)) { $copy_dir = ext_isFTPMode() ? '/' . $dir . '/' . $abs_item['name'] . '/' : $abs_item; if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_new_item .= '/'; } $ok = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->copy_dir($copy_dir, $abs_new_item); } } else { $ok = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->rename($abs_item, $abs_new_item); } if ($ok === false || PEAR::isError($ok)) { $error[$i] = $action == "copy" ? $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["copyitem"] : $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["moveitem"]; if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { $error[$i] .= ' [' . $ok->getMessage() . ']'; } $err = true; continue; } $error[$i] = NULL; } if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if ($error[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $error[$i] . "\n"; } ext_Result::sendResult($action, false, $err_msg); } ext_Result::sendResult($action, true, 'The File(s)/Directory(s) were successfully ' . ($action == 'copy' ? 'copied' : 'moved') . '.'); }
function execAction($dir, $item) { // change permissions if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"])) { $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); } else { $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][] = $item; $cnt = 1; } if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']['do_recurse'])) { $do_recurse = true; } else { $do_recurse = false; } // Execute if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] == "true") { $bin = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) { $tmp = "r_" . $i . $j; if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST'][$tmp])) { $bin .= '1'; } else { $bin .= '0'; } } } if ($bin == '0') { // Changing permissions to "none" is not allowed ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . ext_Lang::err('chmod_none_not_allowed')); } $old_bin = $bin; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $mode = decoct(bindec($bin)); } else { $mode = bindec($bin); } $item = $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]; if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = get_item_info($dir, $item); } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]); } if ($do_recurse) { $ok = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->chmodRecursive($abs_item, $mode); } else { if (get_is_dir($abs_item)) { // when we chmod a directory we must care for the permissions // to prevent that the directory becomes not readable (when the "execute bits" are removed) $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 2, 1); // set 1st x bit to 1 $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 5, 1); // set 2nd x bit to 1 $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 8, 1); // set 3rd x bit to 1 if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $mode = decoct(bindec($bin)); } else { $mode = bindec($bin); } } //ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->pwd()); $ok = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->chmod($abs_item, $mode); } $bin = $old_bin; } if ($ok === false || PEAR::isError($ok)) { $msg = $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["permchange"]; $msg .= PEAR::isError($ok) ? ' [' . $ok->getMessage() . ']' : ''; ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $msg); } ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', true, ext_Lang::msg('permchange')); return; } if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = get_item_info($dir, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][0]); } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][0]); $abs_item = utf8_decode($abs_item); } $mode = parse_file_perms(get_file_perms($abs_item)); if ($mode === false) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["permread"]); } $pos = "rwx"; $text = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $s_item = get_rel_item($dir, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); if (strlen($s_item) > 50) { $s_item = "..." . substr($s_item, -47); } $text .= $s_item . ($i + 1 < $cnt ? ', ' : ''); } ?> { "xtype": "form", "id": "simpleform", "width": "300", "labelWidth": 125, "url":"<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ", "dialogtitle": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('actperms'); ?> ", "title" : "<?php echo $text; ?> ", "frame": true, "items": [{ "layout": "column", "items": [{ <?php // print table with current perms & checkboxes to change for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) { ?> "width":80, "title":"<?php echo ext_Lang::msg(array('miscchmod' => $i), true); ?> ", "items": [{ <?php for ($j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j) { ?> "xtype": "checkbox", "boxLabel":"<?php echo $pos[$j]; ?> ", <?php if ($mode[3 * $i + $j] != "-") { echo '"checked":true,'; } ?> "name":"<?php echo "r_" . $i . $j; ?> " } <?php if ($j < 2) { echo ',{'; } } ?> ] } <?php if ($i < 2) { echo ',{'; } } ?> ,{ "width":400, "style":"margin-left:10px", "clear":true, "html": " " }] },{ "xtype": "checkbox", "fieldLabel":"<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('recurse_subdirs', true); ?> ", "name":"do_recurse" }], "buttons": [{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btnsave', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { statusBarMessage( '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('permissions_processing', true); ?> ', true ); form = Ext.getCmp("simpleform").getForm(); form.submit({ //reset: true, reset: false, success: function(form, action) { statusBarMessage( action.result.message, false, true ); datastore.reload(); Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy(); }, failure: function(form, action) { statusBarMessage( action.result.error, false, false ); Ext.Msg.alert('<?php echo ext_Lang::err('error', true); ?> ', action.result.error); }, scope: form, params: { "option": "com_extplorer", "action": "chmod", "dir": "<?php echo stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["dir"]); ?> ", "selitems[]": ['<?php echo implode("','", $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); ?> '], confirm: 'true' } }); } },{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy(); } }] } <?php }
function execAction($dir) { if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('upload', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } $this->_downloadMethods = array(new CurlDownloader(), new WgetDownloader(), new FopenDownloader(), new FsockopenDownloader()); //DEBUG ext_Result::sendResult('transfer', false, $dir ); // Execute if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] == "true") { $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']['userfile']); $err = false; foreach ($this->_downloadMethods as $method) { if ($method->isSupported()) { $downloader =& $method; break; } } // upload files & check for errors for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $errors[$i] = NULL; $items[$i] = stripslashes(basename($GLOBALS['__POST']['userfile'][$i])); $abs = get_abs_item($dir, $items[$i]); if ($items[$i] == "") { continue; } if (@file_exists($abs) && empty($_REQUEST['overwrite_files'])) { $errors[$i] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["itemdoesexist"]; $err = true; continue; } // Upload $ok = $downloader->download($GLOBALS['__POST']['userfile'][$i], $abs); if ($ok === true) { $mode = ext_isFTPMode() ? 644 : 0644; @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->chmod($abs, $mode); } else { $errors[$i] = $ok; $err = true; continue; } } if ($err) { // there were errors $err_msg = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($errors[$i] == NULL) { continue; } $err_msg .= $items[$i] . " : " . $errors[$i] . "\n"; } ext_Result::sendResult('transfer', false, $err_msg); } ext_Result::sendResult('transfer', true, ext_Lang::msg('transfer_completed')); return; } }
$GLOBALS["direction"] = extGetParam($_REQUEST, 'direction', 'ASC'); // show hidden files in QuiXplorer: (hide files starting with '.', as in Linux/UNIX) $GLOBALS["show_hidden"] = true; // filenames not allowed to access: (uses PCRE regex syntax) $GLOBALS["no_access"] = "^\\.ht"; // user permissions bitfield: (1=modify, 2=password, 4=admin, add the numbers) $GLOBALS["permissions"] = 1; $GLOBALS['file_mode'] = 'file'; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GLOBALS['ext_File'] = new ext_File(); $abs_dir = get_abs_dir($GLOBALS["dir"]); if (!file_exists($GLOBALS["home_dir"])) { if (!file_exists($GLOBALS["home_dir"] . $GLOBALS["separator"])) { if (!empty($GLOBALS["require_login"])) { $extra = "<a href=\"" . ext_make_link("logout", NULL, NULL) . "\">" . $GLOBALS["messages"]["btnlogout"] . "</A>"; } else { $extra = NULL; } $GLOBALS['ERROR'] = $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["home"]; } } if (!down_home($abs_dir)) { ext_Result::sendResult('', false, $GLOBALS["dir"] . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["abovehome"]); $dir = $GLOBALS['dir'] = $_SESSION['ext_dir'] = ''; return false; } if (!is_dir($abs_dir) && !is_dir($abs_dir . $GLOBALS["separator"])) { $GLOBALS['ERROR'] = $abs_dir . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["direxist"]; $dir = $GLOBALS['dir'] = $_SESSION['ext_dir'] = ''; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function execAction($dir) { // list directory contents global $dir_up, $mosConfig_live_site, $_VERSION; $allow = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) == 01; $admin = ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 04) == 04 || ($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 02) == 02; $dir_up = dirname($dir); if ($dir_up == ".") { $dir_up = ""; } if (!get_show_item($dir_up, basename($dir))) { ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, $dir . " : " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessdir"]); } // Sorting of items if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") { $_srt = "no"; } else { $_srt = "yes"; } show_header(); extHTML::loadExtJS(); ?> <div id="dirtree-panel"></div> <div id="locationbar-panel"></div> <div id="item-grid"></div> <div id="ext_statusbar" class="ext_statusbar"></div> <?php // That's the main javascript file to build the Layout & App Logic include _EXT_PATH . '/scripts/application.js.php'; }
function login() { global $auth, $authentication_type; if (!is_object($auth)) { return false; } if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']['username']) || !empty($_SESSION['credentials_' . $authentication_type])) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']['username'])) { $username = $GLOBALS['__POST']['username']; $password = $GLOBALS['__POST']['password']; } else { $username = $_SESSION['credentials_' . $authentication_type]['username']; $password = $_SESSION['credentials_' . $authentication_type]['password']; } $res = $auth->onAuthenticate(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); if (!PEAR::isError($res) && $res !== false) { if (@$GLOBALS['__POST']['action'] == 'login' && ext_isXHR()) { session_write_close(); ext_Result::sendResult('login', true, ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_success')); } return true; } else { if ($authentication_type == 'extplorer') { // Second attempt to authenticate, since we've switched password hashing algorithm // now we fall back to md5 hashing. $password = md5((string) $GLOBALS['__POST']['password']); $res = $auth->onAuthenticate(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); if (!PEAR::isError($res) && $res !== false) { if (@$GLOBALS['__POST']['action'] == 'login' && ext_isXHR()) { session_write_close(); ext_Result::sendResult('login', true, ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_success')); } return true; } } if (ext_isXHR()) { $errmsg = PEAR::isError($res) ? $res->getMessage() : ext_Lang::msg('actlogin_failure'); ext_Result::sendResult('login', false, $errmsg); } return false; } } if (ext_isXHR() && $GLOBALS['action'] != 'login') { echo '<script type="text/javascript>document.location="' . _EXT_URL . '/index.php";</script>'; exit; } session_write_close(); session_id(get_session_id()); session_start(); // Ask for Login $GLOBALS['mainframe']->setPageTitle(ext_Lang::msg('actlogin')); $GLOBALS['mainframe']->addcustomheadtag(' <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/extjs3/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/extjs3/ext-all.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $GLOBALS['script_name'] . '?option=com_extplorer&action=include_javascript&file=functions.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . _EXT_URL . '/scripts/extjs3/resources/css/ext-all.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="scripts/extjs3/resources/css/xtheme-blue.css" />'); ?> <div style="width: 400px;" id="formContainer"> <div id="ext_logo" style="text-align:center;"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="<?php echo _EXT_URL; ?> /images/eXtplorer-horizontal2.png" align="middle" alt="eXtplorer Logo" style="border:none;" /> </a> </div> <noscript> <div style="width:400px;text-align:center;"> <h1>eXtplorer Login</h1> <p style="color:red;">Oh, Javascript is disabled!</p> <p>Find out <a target="_blank" href="">how you can enable Javascript in your browser.</a> </p> </div> </noscript> <div id="adminForm"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady( function() { var simple = new Ext.FormPanel(<?php $auth->onShowLoginForm(); ?> ); Ext.get( 'formContainer').center(); Ext.get( 'formContainer').setTop(100); simple.getForm().findField('username').focus(); Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize( function() { Ext.get( 'formContainer').center();Ext.get( 'formContainer').setTop(100); } ); }); </script><?php define('_LOGIN_REQUIRED', 1); }
function chmod_recursive($item, $mode) { // chmod file / dir $ok = true; if (@is_link($item) || @is_file($item)) { $ok = @chmod($item, $mode); if ($ok) { ext_Result::add_message($GLOBALS['messages']['permchange'] . ' ' . $new_item); } else { ext_Result::add_error($GLOBALS['error_msg']['permchange'] . ' ' . $new_item); } } elseif (@is_dir($item)) { if (($handle = @opendir($item)) === false) { ext_Result::add_error(basename($item) . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["opendir"]); return false; } while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file == ".." || $file == ".") { continue; } $new_item = $item . "/" . $file; if (!@file_exists($new_item)) { ext_Result::add_error(basename($item) . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["readdir"]); continue; } //if(!get_show_item($item, $new_item)) continue; if (@is_dir($new_item)) { $ok = chmod_recursive($new_item, $mode); } else { $ok = @chmod($new_item, $mode); if ($ok) { ext_Result::add_message($GLOBALS['messages']['permchange'] . ' ' . $new_item); } else { ext_Result::add_error($GLOBALS['error_msg']['permchange'] . ' ' . $new_item); } } } closedir($handle); if (@is_dir($item)) { $bin = decbin($mode); // when we chmod a directory we must care for the permissions // to prevent that the directory becomes not readable (when the "execute bits" are removed) $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 2, 1); // set 1st x bit to 1 $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 5, 1); // set 2nd x bit to 1 $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 8, 1); // set 3rd x bit to 1 $mode = bindec($bin); } $ok = @chmod($item, $mode); if ($ok) { ext_Result::add_message($GLOBALS['messages']['permchange'] . ' ' . $item); } else { ext_Result::add_error($GLOBALS['error_msg']['permchange'] . ' ' . $item); } } return $ok; }
function execAction($dir, $item) { if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', false, ext_Lang::err('accessfunc')); } $fname = get_abs_item($dir, $item); if (!get_is_file(utf8_decode($fname))) { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', false, $item . ": " . ext_Lang::err('fileexist')); } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', false, $item . ": " . ext_Lang::err('accessfile')); } $cnt = 0; if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"])) { $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); } $item2 = extGetParam($_POST, 'item2'); if ($item2 !== null) { $fname2 = get_abs_item('', utf8_decode($item2)); } elseif ($cnt >= 2) { $item2 = $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][1]; $fname2 = get_abs_item($dir, $item2); } if ($item2 !== null) { if (!get_is_file($fname2)) { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', false, $item2 . ": " . ext_Lang::err('fileexist')); } if (!get_show_item('', $item2)) { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', false, $item2 . ": " . ext_Lang::err('accessfile')); } } elseif (empty($cnt) && extGetParam($_POST, 'confirm') == 'true') { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', false, 'Please select a second file to diff to'); } if ($item2 || $cnt >= 2) { // Show File In TextArea $content = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_get_contents($fname); $content2 = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_get_contents($fname2); //$content = nl2br(str_replace("\t", " ", htmlentities($content))); //$content2 = nl2br(str_replace("\t", " ", htmlentities($content2))); $diff = $this->inline_diff($content, $content2); if (empty($diff)) { ext_Result::sendResult('diff', true, 'Both Files are identical'); } $diff = utf8_encode(nl2br($diff)); echo '{ "xtype": "panel", "dialogtitle": "Diff Result", "html": "' . str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array('', ''), $diff) . '" }'; exit; } ?> { "xtype": "form", "id": "simpleform", "width": "700", "labelWidth": 125, "url":"<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ", "dialogtitle": "Diff <?php echo htmlentities($item); if ($item2) { echo ' and ' . htmlentities($item2); } ?> ", "title": "Diff", "items": [{ xtype: "textfield", fieldLabel: 'File to Compare', name: 'item2', value: "<?php echo $dir; ?> /", width:175, allowBlank:false }], buttons: [{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btndiff', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { statusBarMessage( 'Please wait...', true ); form = Ext.getCmp("simpleform").getForm(); form.submit({ //reset: true, reset: false, success: function(form, action) { Ext.getCmp("dialog").setContent( action.result.message, true ); }, failure: function(form, action) { if( !action.result ) return; Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error!', action.result.error); statusBarMessage( action.result.error, false, true ); }, scope: form, // add some vars to the request, similar to hidden fields params: { "option": "com_extplorer", "action": "diff", "dir": "<?php echo stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["dir"]); ?> ", "item": "<?php echo $item; ?> ", "selitems[]": ['<?php echo implode("','", $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); ?> '], confirm: 'true' } }); } },{ "text": "<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true); ?> ", "handler": function() { Ext.getCmp("dialog").destroy(); } }] } <?php }
function execAction($dir, $item) { // change permissions if (($GLOBALS["permissions"] & 01) != 01) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfunc"]); } if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"])) { $cnt = count($GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); } else { $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][] = $item; $cnt = 1; } if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST']['do_recurse'])) { $do_recurse = true; } else { $do_recurse = false; } // Execute if (isset($GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"]) && $GLOBALS['__POST']["confirm"] == "true") { $bin = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) { $tmp = "r_" . $i . $j; if (!empty($GLOBALS['__POST'][$tmp])) { $bin .= '1'; } else { $bin .= '0'; } } } if ($bin == '0') { // Changing permissions to "none" is not allowed ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . ext_Lang::err('chmod_none_not_allowed')); } $old_bin = $bin; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $mode = decoct(bindec($bin)); } else { $mode = bindec($bin); } $item = $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]; if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = get_item_info($dir, $item); } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $item); } if (!$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["fileexist"]); } if (!get_show_item($dir, $item)) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessfile"]); } if ($do_recurse) { $ok = $GLOBALS['ext_File']->chmodRecursive($abs_item, $mode); } else { if (get_is_dir($abs_item)) { // when we chmod a directory we must care for the permissions // to prevent that the directory becomes not readable (when the "execute bits" are removed) $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 2, 1); // set 1st x bit to 1 $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 5, 1); // set 2nd x bit to 1 $bin = substr_replace($bin, '1', 8, 1); // set 3rd x bit to 1 if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $mode = decoct(bindec($bin)); } else { $mode = bindec($bin); } } //ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $GLOBALS['FTPCONNECTION']->pwd()); $ok = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->chmod($abs_item, $mode); } $bin = $old_bin; } if ($ok === false || PEAR::isError($ok)) { $msg = $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["permchange"]; $msg .= PEAR::isError($ok) ? ' [' . $ok->getMessage() . ']' : ''; ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $msg); } ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', true, ext_Lang::msg('permchange')); return; } if (ext_isFTPMode()) { $abs_item = get_item_info($dir, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][0]); } else { $abs_item = get_abs_item($dir, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][0]); $abs_item = utf8_decode($abs_item); } $mode = parse_file_perms(get_file_perms($abs_item)); if ($mode === false) { ext_Result::sendResult('chmod', false, $item . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["permread"]); } $pos = "rwx"; $text = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $s_item = get_rel_item($dir, $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"][$i]); if (strlen($s_item) > 50) { $s_item = "..." . substr($s_item, -47); } $text .= $s_item . ($i + 1 < $cnt ? ', ' : ''); } ?> <div style="width:auto;"> <div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div> <div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc"> <h3 style="margin-bottom:5px;"><?php echo ext_Lang::msg('actperms'); ?> </h3> <?php echo $text; ?> <div id="adminForm"> </div> </div></div></div> <div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var form = new Ext.form.Form({ labelWidth: 125, // label settings here cascade unless overridden url:'<?php echo basename($GLOBALS['script_name']); ?> ' }); <?php // print table with current perms & checkboxes to change for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) { ?> form.column( {width:70, style:'margin-left:10px', clear:true} ); form.fieldset( {legend:'<?php echo ext_Lang::msg(array('miscchmod' => $i), true); ?> ', hideLabels:true}, <?php for ($j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j) { ?> new Ext.form.Checkbox({ boxLabel:'<?php echo $pos[$j]; ?> ', <?php if ($mode[3 * $i + $j] != "-") { echo 'checked:true,'; } ?> name:'<?php echo "r_" . $i . $j; ?> ' }) <?php if ($j < 2) { echo ','; } } ?> ); form.end(); <?php } ?> form.column( {width:400, style:'margin-left:10px', clear:true} ); form.add(new Ext.form.Checkbox({ fieldLabel:'<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('recurse_subdirs', true); ?> ', name:'do_recurse' })); form.end(); form.addButton('<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btnsave', true); ?> ', function() { statusBarMessage( '<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('permissions_processing', true); ?> ', true ); form.submit({ //reset: true, reset: false, success: function(form, action) { statusBarMessage( action.result.message, false, true ); datastore.reload(); dialog.hide(); dialog.destroy(); }, failure: function(form, action) { statusBarMessage( action.result.error, false, false ); Ext.MessageBox.alert('<?php echo ext_Lang::err('error', true); ?> ', action.result.error); }, scope: form, // add some vars to the request, similar to hidden fields params: {option: 'com_extplorer', action: 'chmod', dir: '<?php echo stripslashes($GLOBALS['__POST']["dir"]); ?> ', 'selitems[]': ['<?php echo implode("','", $GLOBALS['__POST']["selitems"]); ?> '], confirm: 'true'} }); }); form.addButton('<?php echo ext_Lang::msg('btncancel', true); ?> ', function() { dialog.hide();dialog.destroy(); } ); form.render('adminForm'); </script> <?php }