function __construct($item_type, $item_dir, $view = "Default") { include_once SMARTY_PATH . 'Smarty.class.php'; // Set up the Smarty template variable we wrap around. $this->tpl = new Smarty(); $this->tpl->error_reporting = error_reporting() & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING; //FIXME this disables bad template code reporting 3.x $this->tpl->error_unassigned = true; // display notice when accessing unassigned variable, if warnings turned on // $this->tpl->debugging = DEVELOPMENT; // Opens up the debug console //Some (crappy) wysiwyg editors use php as their default initializer //FJD - this might break some editors...we'll see. $this->tpl->php_handling = SMARTY::PHP_REMOVE; $this->tpl->caching = false; $this->tpl->cache_dir = BASE . 'tmp/cache'; $this->tpl->setPluginsDir(array(SMARTY_PATH . 'plugins', BASE . 'framework/plugins')); //autoload filters $this->tpl->autoload_filters = array('post' => array('includemiscfiles')); $this->viewfile = expTemplate::getViewFile($item_type, $item_dir, $view); $this->viewdir = realpath(dirname($this->viewfile)); $this->module = $item_dir; $this->view = substr(basename($this->viewfile), 0, -4); //fix for the wamp/lamp issue //checks necessary in case a file from /views/ is used //should go away, the stuff should be put into a CoreModule //then this can be simplified //TODO: generate this through $this->viewfile using find BASE/THEME_ABSOLUTE and replace with "" // if($item_type != "") { // $this->langdir .= $item_type . "/"; // } // if($item_dir != "") { // $this->langdir .= $item_dir . "/"; // } // $this->langdir .= "views/"; $this->tpl->template_dir = $this->viewdir; $this->tpl->compile_dir = BASE . 'tmp/views_c'; $this->tpl->compile_id = md5($this->viewfile); $this->tpl->assign("__view", $this->view); $this->tpl->assign("__redirect", expHistory::getLastNotEditable()); }
function controlToHTML($name) { if ($this->next . $this->back . $this->cancel == "") { return ""; } $html = ""; if ($this->back != "") { $html .= '<input type="submit" name="nextback" value="' . $this->back . '"'; //if ($this->disabled) $html .= " disabled"; $html .= ' onclick="if (checkRequired(this.form)) '; if ($this->validateJS != "") { $html .= '{ if (' . $this->validateJS . ') { return true; } else { return false; } }'; } else { $html .= '{ return true; }'; } $html .= ' else { return false; }"'; $html .= ' />'; } if ($this->next != "") { $html .= '<input type="submit" name="nextback" value="' . $this->next . '"'; if ($this->disabled) { $html .= " disabled"; } $html .= ' onclick="if (checkRequired(this.form)) '; if ($this->validateJS != "") { $html .= '{ if (' . $this->validateJS . ') { return true; } else { return false; } }'; } else { $html .= '{ return true; }'; } $html .= ' else { return false; }"'; $html .= ' />'; } if ($this->cancel != "") { $html .= '<input type="button" value="' . $this->cancel . '"'; $html .= ' onclick="document.location.href=\'' . expHistory::getLastNotEditable() . '\'"'; $html .= ' />'; } return $html; }
function controlToHTML($name) { if ($this->submit . $this->reset . $this->cancel == "") { return ""; } if (empty($this->id)) { $this->id = $name; } $html = ""; if ($this->submit != "") { $html .= '<button type="submit" id="' . $this->id . 'Submit" class="submit button awesome ' . BTN_SIZE . ' ' . BTN_COLOR; if ($this->disabled) { $html .= " disabled"; } $html .= '" type="submit" value="' . $this->submit . '"'; if ($this->disabled) { $html .= " disabled"; } $html .= ' onclick="if (checkRequired(this.form)'; if (isset($this->onclick)) { $html .= ' ' . $this->onclick; } $html .= ') '; if ($this->validateJS != "") { $html .= '{ if (' . $this->validateJS . ') { return true; } else { return false; } }'; } else { $html .= '{ return true; }'; } $html .= ' else { return false; }"'; $html .= ' />'; $html .= $this->submit; $html .= ' </button>'; } //if ($this->reset != "") $html .= '<input class="button" type="reset" value="' . $this->reset . '"' . ($this->disabled?" disabled":"") . ' />'; if ($this->cancel != "") { if ($this->returntype == "") { $html .= '<button type="cancel" class="cancel button awesome ' . BTN_SIZE . ' ' . BTN_COLOR . '" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . expHistory::getLastNotEditable() . '\'; return false;"'; } else { $html .= '<button type="cancel" class="cancel button awesome ' . BTN_SIZE . ' ' . BTN_COLOR . '" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . expHistory::getLast($this->returntype) . '\'; return false;"'; } $html .= '>'; $html .= $this->cancel; $html .= '</button>'; } expCSS::pushToHead(array("unique" => "button", "corecss" => "button")); return $html; }
// $buttons = "<input name=\"submitSubmit\" class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\" onclick=\"if (checkRequired(this.form)) { if (validate(this.form)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; }\" /> "; $buttons = '<button name="submitSubmit" type="submit" id="' . $_GET['id'] . 'Submit" class="submit button awesome ' . BTN_SIZE . ' ' . BTN_COLOR; $buttons .= '" type="submit" value="' . "Save" . '"'; $buttons .= ' onclick="if (checkRequired(this.form)) { if (validate(this.form)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; }"'; $buttons .= ' />'; $buttons .= "Save"; $buttons .= ' </button>'; // $buttons .= "<input name=\"submitNew\" class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Save as New Event\" onclick=\"if (checkRequired(this.form)) { if (validate(this.form)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; }\" /> "; $buttons .= '<button name="submitNew" type="submit" id="' . $_GET['id'] . 'Submit" class="submit button awesome ' . BTN_SIZE . ' ' . BTN_COLOR; $buttons .= '" type="submit" value="' . "Save as New Event" . '"'; $buttons .= ' onclick="if (checkRequired(this.form)) { if (validate(this.form)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; }"'; $buttons .= ' />'; $buttons .= "Save as New Event"; $buttons .= ' </button>'; // $buttons .= "<input class=\"button\" type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" onclick=\"document.location.href='".expHistory::getLastNotEditable()."'\" /> "; $buttons .= '<button type="cancel" class="cancel button awesome ' . BTN_SIZE . ' ' . BTN_COLOR . '" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . expHistory::getLastNotEditable() . '\'; return false;"'; $buttons .= '>'; $buttons .= "Cancel"; $buttons .= '</button>'; // $buttons .= "</div>"; $form->register(null, '', new htmlcontrol($buttons)); } $form->validationScript = PATH_RELATIVE . 'framework/modules-1/calendarmodule/assets/js/postedit.validate.js'; //FIXME This is not working $template = new template('calendarmodule', '_form_edit', $loc); $template->assign('form_html', $form->toHTML()); $template->assign('is_edit', $item == null ? 0 : 1); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_403_HTML; }
<?php ################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2011 OIC Group, Inc. # Written and Designed by James Hunt # # This file is part of Exponent # # Exponent is free software; you can redistribute # it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # GPL: # ################################################## /** @define "BASE" "." */ // Initialize the Exponent Framework require_once 'exponent.php'; //Fire off the login form via an exponent action. expSession::set('redirecturl', expHistory::getLastNotEditable()); redirect_to(array("controller" => "login", "action" => "showlogin"));
if (empty($from)) { $from = trim(SMTP_FROMADDRESS); } if (empty($from_name)) { $from_name = trim(ORGANIZATION_NAME); } $headers = array("MIME-Version" => "1.0", "Content-type" => "text/html; charset=" . LANG_CHARSET); if (count($emaillist)) { //This is an easy way to remove duplicates $emaillist = array_flip(array_flip($emaillist)); $emaillist = array_map('trim', $emaillist); $mail = new expMail(); $mail->quickSend(array('headers' => $headers, 'html_message' => $emailHtml, "text_message" => $emailText, 'to' => $emaillist, 'from' => array(trim($from) => $from_name), 'subject' => $f->subject)); } } // clear the users post data from the session. expSession::un_set('formmodule_data_' . $f->id); //If is a new post show response, otherwise redirect to the flow. if (!isset($_POST['data_id'])) { $template = new template("formbuilder", "_view_response"); $template->assign("backlink", expHistory::getLastNotEditable()); $template->assign("response_html", $f->response); $template->output(); } else { flash('message', gt('Record was updated!')); // expHistory::back(); expHistory::returnTo('editable'); } } else { echo SITE_403_HTML; }
// Get support flags $mod->supportsSources = $module->hasSources() ? 1 : 0; $mod->supportsViews = $module->hasViews() ? 1 : 0; // Get a list of views $mod->views = expTemplate::listModuleViews($moduleclass); natsort($mod->views); // if (!$haveclass) { // $js_init .= exponent_javascript_class($mod,'Module'); // $js_init .= "var modules = new Array();\r\n"; // $js_init .= "var modnames = new Array();\r\n\r\n"; // $haveclass = true; // } // $js_init .= "modules.push(" . exponent_javascript_object($mod,"Module") . ");\r\n"; // $js_init .= "modnames.push('" . $moduleclass . "');\r\n"; $modules[$moduleclass] = $mod; $mods[$moduleclass] = $module->name(); } //$js_init .= "\r\n</script>"; array_multisort(array_map('strtolower', $mods), $mods); if (!key_exists($container->internal->mod, $mods) && !empty($container->id)) { $template->assign('error', gt('The module you are trying to edit is inactive. Please contact your administrator to activate this module.')); } $template->assign('user', $user); $template->assign('json_obj', json_encode($modules)); $template->assign('modules', $mods); $template->assign('loc', $loc); $template->assign('back', expHistory::getLastNotEditable()); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_403_HTML; }
public function install_extension_finish() { $sessid = session_id(); if (!file_exists(BASE . "tmp/extensionuploads/{$sessid}") || !is_dir(BASE . "tmp/extensionuploads/{$sessid}")) { // $template = new template('administrationmodule','_upload_finalSummary',$loc); // $template->assign('nofiles',1); $nofiles = 1; } else { $success = array(); foreach (array_keys(expFile::listFlat(BASE . "tmp/extensionuploads/{$sessid}", true, null, array(), BASE . "tmp/extensionuploads/{$sessid}")) as $file) { if ($file != '/archive.tar' && $file != '/archive.tar.gz' && $file != 'archive.tar.bz2' && $file != '/') { expFile::makeDirectory(dirname($file)); $success[$file] = copy(BASE . "tmp/extensionuploads/{$sessid}" . $file, BASE . substr($file, 1)); if (basename($file) == 'views_c') { chmod(BASE . substr($file, 1), 0777); } } } $del_return = expFile::removeDirectory(BASE . "tmp/extensionuploads/{$sessid}"); //FIXME shouldn't use echo echo $del_return; // ob_start(); // include(BASE . 'framework/modules-1/administrationmodule/actions/installtables.php'); // ob_end_clean(); self::install_dbtables(); // $template = new template('administrationmodule','_upload_finalSummary',$loc); // $template->assign('nofiles',0); $nofiles = 0; // $template->assign('success',$success); // $template->assign('redirect',expHistory::getLastNotEditable()); } // $template->output(); assign_to_template(array('nofiles' => $nofiles, 'success' => $success, 'redirect' => expHistory::getLastNotEditable())); }