Пример #1
||																																||
||										AIMSys - Aircraft Inventory & Maintenance System										||
||										Jeremy Bloomstrom																		||
||										Ingenious Design																		||
||										jeremy@in.genio.us																		||
||										March 27, 2013																			||
||																																||
||																																||
||																																||
||										popup.php																				||
||										VIEW																					||
||																																||
// Do Some Logic stuff
$table = req::_('table');
$rowid = req::_('rowid', 'new');
$editing = true;
// Initialize table by getting params and populating with data.
$oEditor = new editor($table, $rowid);
$editor_html = $oEditor->_html();
// Get View
$oView = new view($view);
// Display View Script and View HTML
echo document::_addScript($oView->_script());
echo document::_addScript("ready.js");
include_once $oView->_html();
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';