Пример #1
  * Stores the tags to database
  * @param eZContentObjectAttribute $attribute
 function store($attribute)
     if (!($attribute instanceof eZContentObjectAttribute && is_numeric($attribute->attribute('id')))) {
     $attributeID = $attribute->attribute('id');
     $attributeVersion = $attribute->attribute('version');
     $objectID = $attribute->attribute('contentobject_id');
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $currentTime = time();
     //get existing tags for object attribute
     $existingTagIDs = array();
     $existingTags = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT DISTINCT keyword_id FROM eztags_attribute_link WHERE objectattribute_id = {$attributeID} AND objectattribute_version = {$attributeVersion}");
     if (is_array($existingTags)) {
         foreach ($existingTags as $t) {
             $existingTagIDs[] = (int) $t['keyword_id'];
     //get tags to delete from object attribute
     $tagsToDelete = array();
     $tempIDArray = array();
     // if for some reason already existing tags are added with ID = 0 with fromString
     // check to see if they really exist, so we don't delete them by mistake
     foreach (array_keys($this->IDArray) as $key) {
         if ($this->IDArray[$key] == 0) {
             $existing = eZTagsObject::fetchList(array('keyword' => array('like', trim($this->KeywordArray[$key])), 'parent_id' => $this->ParentArray[$key]));
             if (is_array($existing) && !empty($existing)) {
                 $tempIDArray[] = $existing[0]->attribute('id');
         } else {
             $tempIDArray[] = $this->IDArray[$key];
     foreach ($existingTagIDs as $tid) {
         if (!in_array($tid, $tempIDArray)) {
             $tagsToDelete[] = $tid;
     //and delete them
     if (!empty($tagsToDelete)) {
         $dbString = $db->generateSQLINStatement($tagsToDelete, 'keyword_id', false, true, 'int');
         $db->query("DELETE FROM eztags_attribute_link WHERE {$dbString} AND eztags_attribute_link.objectattribute_id = {$attributeID} AND eztags_attribute_link.objectattribute_version = {$attributeVersion}");
     //get tags that are new to the object attribute
     $newTags = array();
     $tagsToLink = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->IDArray) as $key) {
         if (!in_array($this->IDArray[$key], $existingTagIDs)) {
             if ($this->IDArray[$key] == 0) {
                 // We won't allow adding tags to the database that already exist, but instead, we link to the existing tags
                 $existing = eZTagsObject::fetchList(array('keyword' => array('like', trim($this->KeywordArray[$key])), 'parent_id' => $this->ParentArray[$key]));
                 if (is_array($existing) && !empty($existing)) {
                     if (!in_array($existing[0]->attribute('id'), $existingTagIDs)) {
                         $tagsToLink[] = $existing[0]->attribute('id');
                 } else {
                     $newTags[] = array('id' => $this->IDArray[$key], 'keyword' => $this->KeywordArray[$key], 'parent_id' => $this->ParentArray[$key]);
             } else {
                 $tagsToLink[] = $this->IDArray[$key];
     //we need to check if user really has access to tags/add, taking into account policy and subtree limits
     $attributeSubTreeLimit = $attribute->contentClassAttribute()->attribute(eZTagsType::SUBTREE_LIMIT_FIELD);
     $userLimitations = eZTagsTemplateFunctions::getSimplifiedUserAccess('tags', 'add');
     if ($userLimitations['accessWord'] != 'no' && !empty($newTags)) {
         //first we need to fetch all locations user has access to
         $userLimitations = isset($userLimitations['simplifiedLimitations']['Tag']) ? $userLimitations['simplifiedLimitations']['Tag'] : array();
         $allowedLocations = self::getAllowedLocations($attributeSubTreeLimit, $userLimitations);
         foreach ($newTags as $t) {
             //and then for each tag check if user can save in one of the allowed locations
             $parentTag = eZTagsObject::fetch($t['parent_id']);
             $pathString = $parentTag instanceof eZTagsObject ? $parentTag->attribute('path_string') : '/';
             $depth = $parentTag instanceof eZTagsObject ? (int) $parentTag->attribute('depth') + 1 : 1;
             if (self::canSave($pathString, $allowedLocations)) {
                 $db->query("INSERT INTO eztags ( parent_id, main_tag_id, keyword, depth, path_string, modified, remote_id ) VALUES ( " . $t['parent_id'] . ", 0, '" . $db->escapeString(trim($t['keyword'])) . "', {$depth}, '{$pathString}', 0, '" . eZTagsObject::generateRemoteID() . "' )");
                 $tagID = (int) $db->lastSerialID('eztags', 'id');
                 $db->query("UPDATE eztags SET path_string = CONCAT(path_string, CAST({$tagID} AS CHAR), '/') WHERE id = {$tagID}");
                 $pathArray = explode('/', trim($pathString, '/'));
                 array_push($pathArray, $tagID);
                 $db->query("UPDATE eztags SET modified = {$currentTime} WHERE " . $db->generateSQLINStatement($pathArray, 'id', false, true, 'int'));
                 $tagsToLink[] = $tagID;
                 if (class_exists('ezpEvent', false)) {
                     ezpEvent::getInstance()->filter('tag/add', array('tag' => eZTagsObject::fetch($tagID), 'parentTag' => $parentTag));
     //link tags to objects taking into account subtree limit
     if (!empty($tagsToLink)) {
         $dbString = $db->generateSQLINStatement($tagsToLink, 'id', false, true, 'int');
         $tagsToLink = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT id, path_string FROM eztags WHERE {$dbString}");
         if (is_array($tagsToLink) && !empty($tagsToLink)) {
             foreach ($tagsToLink as $t) {
                 if ($attributeSubTreeLimit == 0 || $attributeSubTreeLimit > 0 && strpos($t['path_string'], '/' . $attributeSubTreeLimit . '/') !== false) {
                     $db->query("INSERT INTO eztags_attribute_link ( keyword_id, objectattribute_id, objectattribute_version, object_id ) VALUES ( " . $t['id'] . ", {$attributeID}, {$attributeVersion}, {$objectID} )");