function modify($tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters)
     switch ($operatorName) {
         case 'ngurl':
             if (empty($namedParameters['siteaccess'])) {
             $ini = eZSiteAccess::getIni($namedParameters['siteaccess'], 'site.ini');
             $destinationLocale = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale');
             $siteLanguageList = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'SiteLanguageList');
             $nodeID = eZURLAliasML::fetchNodeIDByPath($operatorValue);
             $destinationElement = eZURLAliasML::fetchByAction('eznode', $nodeID, $destinationLocale, false);
             if (empty($destinationElement) || !isset($destinationElement[0]) && !$destinationElement[0] instanceof eZURLAliasML) {
                 if ($this->isModuleUrl($operatorValue) || $this->isCurrentLocaleAvailable($siteLanguageList)) {
                     $destinationUrl = $operatorValue;
                 } else {
                     $destinationUrl = '';
             } else {
                 $destinationUrl = $destinationElement[0]->getPath($destinationLocale, $siteLanguageList);
             $siteaccessUrlMapping = eZINI::instance('nglanguageswitcher.ini')->variable('LanguageSwitcher', 'SiteAccessUrlMapping');
             $destinationUrl = eZURI::encodeURL($destinationUrl);
             $operatorValue = rtrim($siteaccessUrlMapping[$namedParameters['siteaccess']], '/') . '/' . ltrim($destinationUrl, '/');
Пример #2
 public static function changeAccess(array $access)
  * Get instance siteaccess specific site.ini
  * @param string $sa
  * @return void
 protected function getSiteAccessIni()
     if ($this->destinationSiteAccessIni === null) {
         $this->destinationSiteAccessIni = eZSiteAccess::getIni($this->destinationSiteAccess, 'site.ini');
     return $this->destinationSiteAccessIni;
Пример #4
 * Checks if the installation is valid and returns a module redirect if required.
 * If CheckValidity in SiteAccessSettings is false then no check is done.
 * @deprecated As of 4.4, moved to index.php for now
 * @param array $siteBasics
 * @param eZURI $uri
function eZCheckValidity( array &$siteBasics, eZURI $uri )
    eZDebug::writeStrict( 'Function eZCheckValidity() has been deprecated in 4.4', 'Deprecation' );
    $ini = eZINI::instance();
    $checkValidity = ( $ini->variable( "SiteAccessSettings", "CheckValidity" ) == "true" );
    $check = null;
    if ( $checkValidity )
        $check = array( "module" => "setup",
                        'function' => 'init' );
        // Turn off some features that won't bee needed yet
//        $siteBasics['policy-check-required'] = false;
        $siteBasics['policy-check-omit-list'][] = 'setup';
        $siteBasics['url-translator-allowed'] = false;
        $siteBasics['show-page-layout'] = $ini->variable( 'SetupSettings', 'PageLayout' );
        $siteBasics['validity-check-required'] = true;
        $siteBasics['user-object-required'] = false;
        $siteBasics['session-required'] = false;
        $siteBasics['db-required'] = false;
        $siteBasics['no-cache-adviced'] = false;
        $siteBasics['site-design-override'] = $ini->variable( 'SetupSettings', 'OverrideSiteDesign' );
        $access = array( 'name' => 'setup',
                         'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_URI );
        $access = eZSiteAccess::change( $access );

    return $check;
Пример #5
  * Test findPathToSiteAccess
 public function testFindPathToSiteAccess()
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $siteAccessList = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList');
     $ini->setVariable('SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList', array('eng'));
     $path = eZSiteAccess::findPathToSiteAccess('plain');
     $ini->setVariable('SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList', array('plain'));
     $path = eZSiteAccess::findPathToSiteAccess('plain');
     self::assertEquals('settings/siteaccess/plain', $path);
     $ini->setVariable('SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList', $siteAccessList);
  * Executes multivatriate test secnarios
  * @param int $nodeID
  * @return int
 public function execute($nodeID)
     $currentSiteAccess = eZSiteAccess::current();
     $testScenario = ezpMultivariateTestScenario::fetchEnabledByNodeID($nodeID);
     if ($testScenario instanceof ezpMultivariateTestScenario && in_array($currentSiteAccess['name'], eZINI::instance('content.ini')->variable('TestingSettings', 'EnabledForSiteAccessList'))) {
         $node = $testScenario->getRandomNode();
         if ($node instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode) {
             $nodeID = $node->attribute('node_id');
     return $nodeID;
Пример #7
 public function __construct(array $settings = array())
     $this->settings = $settings + array('use-cache-headers' => true, 'max-age' => 86400, 'siteaccess' => null, 'use-exceptions' => false);
     require_once __DIR__ . '/treemenu_functions.php';
     header('X-Powered-By: ' . eZPublishSDK::EDITION . ' (index_treemenu)');
     if ($this->settings['use-cache-headers'] === true) {
         define('MAX_AGE', $this->settings['max-age']);
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) {
             header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 304 Not Modified');
             header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + MAX_AGE) . ' GMT');
             header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . MAX_AGE);
             header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) . ' GMT');
             header('Pragma: ');
     // Tweaks ini filetime checks if not defined!
     // This makes ini system not check modified time so
     // that index_treemenu.php can assume that index.php does
     // this regular enough, set in config.php to override.
     if (!defined('EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK')) {
         define('EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK', false);
     eZExecution::addFatalErrorHandler(function () {
         header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
     // Trick to get eZSys working with a script other than index.php (while index.php still used in generated URLs):
     $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = str_replace('/index_treemenu.php', '/index.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = str_replace('/index_treemenu.php', '/index.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $timezone = $ini->variable('TimeZoneSettings', 'TimeZone');
     if ($timezone) {
     // init uri code
     $GLOBALS['eZGlobalRequestURI'] = eZSys::serverVariable('REQUEST_URI');
     eZSys::init('index.php', $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'ForceVirtualHost') === 'true');
     $this->uri = eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI());
     $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] = $this->uri;
     // Check for extension
     // load siteaccess
     // Use injected siteaccess if available or match it internally.
     $this->access = isset($this->settings['siteaccess']) ? $this->settings['siteaccess'] : eZSiteAccess::match($this->uri, eZSys::hostname(), eZSys::serverPort(), eZSys::indexFile());
     // Check for new extension loaded by siteaccess
  * Test for eZContentObject::versions(), fetching all of them
  * @dataProvider providerForTestMatchHostUri
 public function testMatchHostUri( $uri, $name, $type, $uriPart )
             "name" => $name,
             "type" => $type,
             "uri_part" => $uriPart,
             new eZURI( $uri ),
  * Handles redirection to the mobile optimized interface
 public function redirect()
     $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
     $currentSiteAccess = eZSiteAccess::current();
     if ($http->hasGetVariable('notmobile')) {
         setcookie('eZMobileDeviceDetect', 1, time() + (int) eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'MobileDeviceDetectCookieTimeout'), '/');
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['eZMobileDeviceDetect']) && !in_array($currentSiteAccess['name'], eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'MobileSiteAccessList'))) {
         $http->redirect(eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'MobileSiteAccessURL'));
Пример #10
 public function getSettings()
     // Copied from settings/view
     $rootDir = 'settings';
     $iniFiles = eZDir::recursiveFindRelative($rootDir, '', '.ini');
     // find all .ini files in active extensions
     // Note: is this the same algorithm used by ezini? mmm...
     foreach (eZINI::globalOverrideDirs() as $iniDataSet) {
         $iniPath = $iniDataSet[1] ? $iniDataSet[0] : 'settings/' . $iniDataSet[0];
         $iniFiles = array_merge($iniFiles, eZDir::recursiveFindRelative($iniPath, '', '.ini'));
         $iniFiles = array_merge($iniFiles, eZDir::recursiveFindRelative($iniPath, '', '.ini.append.php'));
     // extract all .ini files without path
     $iniFiles = preg_replace('%.*/%', '', $iniFiles);
     // remove *.ini[.append.php] from file name
     $iniFiles = preg_replace('%\\.ini.*%', '.ini', $iniFiles);
     $iniFiles = array_unique($iniFiles);
     $siteIni = null;
     foreach ($iniFiles as $key => $ini) {
         if ($this->currentSiteAccess != '' && $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name'] !== $this->currentSiteAccess) {
             // create a site ini instance using $useLocalOverrides
             if ($siteIni === null) {
                 $siteIni = eZSiteAccess::getIni($this->currentSiteAccess, 'site.ini');
             // load settings file with $useLocalOverrides = true
             $iniFile = new eZINI($ini, 'settings', null, false, true, false, false, false);
         } else {
             $iniFile = new eZINI($ini);
         $iniFiles[$ini] = $iniFile->groups();
     return $iniFiles;
     * Parses command line arguments and kicks off the processing if required
     * arguments are passed.
    public function process()
        catch ( ezcConsoleOptionException $e )
            if ( $this->helpOption->value === true )

            echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";

        if ( $this->helpOption->value === true )

        if ( $this->siteAccessOption->value )
            $access = array( 'name' => $this->siteAccessOption->value,
                             'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_STATIC );
            eZSiteAccess::change( $access );

Пример #12
    // The file settings/override/site.ini.append.php is updated like this:
    // - take the existing list of extensions from site.ini.append.php (to preserve their order)
    // - remove from the list the extensions that the user unchecked in the admin interface
    // - add to the list the extensions checked by the user in the admin interface, but to the end of the list
    $intersection = array_intersect( $selectedExtensions, $selectedExtensionArray );
    $difference = array_diff( $selectedExtensionArray, $selectedExtensions );
    $toSave = array_merge( $intersection, $difference );
    $toSave = array_unique( $toSave );

    // open settings/override/site.ini.append[.php] for writing
    $writeSiteINI = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini.append', 'settings/override', null, null, false, true );
    $writeSiteINI->setVariable( "ExtensionSettings", "ActiveExtensions", $toSave );
    $writeSiteINI->save( 'site.ini.append', '.php', false, false );
    eZCache::clearByTag( 'ini' );


    $ini = eZINI::instance( 'module.ini' );
    $currentModules = $ini->variable( 'ModuleSettings', 'ModuleList' );
    if ( $currentModules != $oldModules )
        // ensure that evaluated policy wildcards in the user info cache
        // will be up to date with the currently activated modules
        eZCache::clearByID( 'user_info_cache' );

    updateAutoload( $tpl );

// open site.ini for reading (need to do it again to take into account the changes made to site.ini after clicking "Apply changes" button above
$siteINI = eZINI::instance();
Пример #13
  * Creates an array of corresponding language switcher links and logical names.
  * This mapping is set up in site.ini.[RegionalSettings].TranslationSA.
  * The purpose of this method is to assist creation of language switcher
  * links into the available translation siteaccesses on the system.
  * This is used by the language_switcher template operator.
  * @param string $url
  * @return void
 public static function setupTranslationSAList($url = null)
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     if (!$ini->hasVariable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationSA')) {
         return array();
     $ret = array();
     $translationSiteAccesses = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationSA');
     foreach ($translationSiteAccesses as $siteAccessName => $translationName) {
         $switchLanguageLink = "/switchlanguage/to/{$siteAccessName}/";
         if ($url !== null && (is_string($url) || is_numeric($url))) {
             $switchLanguageLink .= $url;
         $ret[$siteAccessName] = array('url' => $switchLanguageLink, 'text' => $translationName, 'locale' => eZSiteAccess::getIni($siteAccessName)->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale'));
     return $ret;
Пример #14
  * @param array $settings
  * @param null $responseWriterClass Name of the ezpRestHttpResponseWriter implementation to use during request
 public function __construct(array $settings = array(), $responseWriterClass = null)
     $this->responseWriterClass = $responseWriterClass;
     if (isset($settings['injected-settings'])) {
         $injectedSettings = array();
         foreach ($settings['injected-settings'] as $keySetting => $injectedSetting) {
             list($file, $section, $setting) = explode('/', $keySetting);
             $injectedSettings[$file][$section][$setting] = $injectedSetting;
         // Those settings override anything else in local .ini files and their overrides
     if (isset($settings['injected-merge-settings'])) {
         $injectedSettings = array();
         foreach ($settings['injected-merge-settings'] as $keySetting => $injectedSetting) {
             list($file, $section, $setting) = explode('/', $keySetting);
             $injectedSettings[$file][$section][$setting] = $injectedSetting;
         // Those settings override anything else in local .ini files and their overrides
     $this->settings = $settings + array('use-cache-headers' => true, 'max-age' => 86400, 'siteaccess' => null, 'use-exceptions' => false);
     unset($settings, $injectedSettings, $file, $section, $setting, $keySetting, $injectedSetting);
     // lazy loaded database driver
     include __DIR__ . '/lazy.php';
     // Tweaks ini filetime checks if not defined!
     // This makes ini system not check modified time so
     // that index_treemenu.php can assume that index.php does
     // this regular enough, set in config.php to override.
     if (!defined('EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK')) {
         define('EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK', false);
     eZExecution::addFatalErrorHandler(function () {
         if (!headers_sent()) {
             header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
     // Trick to get eZSys working with a script other than index.php (while index.php still used in generated URLs):
     $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = str_replace('/index_rest.php', '/index.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = str_replace('/index_rest.php', '/index.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $timezone = $ini->variable('TimeZoneSettings', 'TimeZone');
     if ($timezone) {
     $GLOBALS['eZGlobalRequestURI'] = eZSys::serverVariable('REQUEST_URI');
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     eZSys::init('index_rest.php', $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'ForceVirtualHost') == 'true');
     $uri = eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI());
     $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] = $uri;
     // load extensions
     require_once __DIR__ . '/restkernel_functions.php';
     // set siteaccess from X-Siteaccess header if given and exists
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SITEACCESS']) && eZSiteAccess::exists($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SITEACCESS'])) {
         $access = array('name' => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SITEACCESS'], 'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_STATIC);
     } else {
         $access = eZSiteAccess::match($uri, eZSys::hostname(), eZSys::serverPort(), eZSys::indexFile());
     // load siteaccess extensions
     // Now that all extensions are activated and siteaccess has been changed, reset
     // all eZINI instances as they may not take into account siteaccess specific settings.
     if (ezpRestDebug::isDebugEnabled()) {
         $debug = ezpRestDebug::getInstance();
Пример #15
$contentObject = $node->attribute('object');
$nodeResult = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $node, $contentObject, $languageCode, 'full', 0);
// Generate a unique cache key for use in cache-blocks in pagelayout.tpl.
// This should be looked as a temporary fix as ideally all cache-blocks
// should be disabled by this view.
$cacheKey = "timeline-" + time();
$nodeResult["title_path"] = array(array("text" => "Timeline Preview"), array("text" => $node->attribute('name')));
$httpCharset = eZTextCodec::httpCharset();
$locale = eZLocale::instance();
$languageCode = $locale->httpLocaleCode();
$nodeResult['content_info']['persistent_variable']['extra_template_list'] = array('timeline.tpl');
$nodeResult['content_info']['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes'] = array('yui-skin-sam', 'yui-skin-ezflow');
$site = array('title' => $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'SiteName'), 'design' => $ini->variable('DesignSettings', 'SiteDesign'), 'uri' => eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI()), 'http_equiv' => array('Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $httpCharset, 'Content-language' => $languageCode));
$currentUser = eZUser::currentUser();
$tpl->setVariable("current_user", $currentUser);
$tpl->setVariable('ui_context', "");
$uri = eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI());
$GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] = $uri;
$access = eZSiteAccess::match($uri, eZSys::hostname(), eZSys::serverPort(), eZSys::indexFile());
$tpl->setVariable('access_type', $access);
$tpl->setVariable('uri_string', $uri->uriString());
$tpl->setVariable("site", $site);
$tpl->setVariable("extra_cache_key", $cacheKey);
$tpl->setVariable("module_result", $nodeResult);
$tpl->setVariable("node", $node);
$tpl->setVariable("display_timeline_sider", true);
$pagelayoutResult = $tpl->fetch('design:pagelayout.tpl');
// Stop execution at this point, if we do not we'll have the
// pagelayout.tpl inside another pagelayout.tpl.
  * Sets the current site.
  * From eZ Publish.
  * @param string $site Eg. 'plain_site_user'
  * @todo remove or move in another class?
 public function setCurrentSite($site)
     eZWebDAVContentBackend::appendLogEntry(__FUNCTION__ . '1:' . $site);
     $access = array('name' => $site, 'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_STATIC);
     $access = eZSiteAccess::change($access);
     eZWebDAVContentBackend::appendLogEntry(__FUNCTION__ . '2:' . $site);
     eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-siteaccess', $access, 'current siteaccess');
     // Clear/flush global database instance.
     $nullVar = null;
Пример #17
    function setCurrentSite( $site )
        $access = array( 'name' => $site,
                         'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_STATIC );

        $access = eZSiteAccess::change( $access );
        eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-siteaccess', $access, 'current siteaccess' );

        // Clear/flush global database instance.
        $nullVar = null;
        eZDB::setInstance( $nullVar );
Пример #18
  * Get ini file for a specific siteaccess (not incl extesnions or overrides)
  * use {@link eZSiteAccess::getIni()} instead if you want to have full ini env.
  * @param string $siteAccess
  * @param string $iniFile
  * @return eZINI
 static function getSiteAccessIni($siteAccess, $iniFile)
     $saPath = eZSiteAccess::findPathToSiteAccess($siteAccess);
     return self::fetchFromFile("{$saPath}/{$iniFile}");
     * Get the Sitemap's root node
    $rootNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($sitemapRootNodeID, $siteaccess['locale']);
     * Test for content object fetch (above) failure to return a valid object.
     * Alert the user and terminate execution of script
    if (!is_object($rootNode)) {
        $cli->output("Invalid SitemapRootNodeID in configuration block GeneralSettings; OR SitemapRootNodeID does not not have language translation for current siteaccess language.\n");
     * Change siteaccess
    eZSiteAccess::change(array("name" => $siteaccess["siteaccess"], "type" => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_URI));
     * Fetch the content tree nodes (children) of the above root node (in a given locale)
    $nodeArray[] = $rootNode->subTree(array('Language' => $siteaccess['siteaccessLanguages'], 'ClassFilterType' => $classFilterType, 'ClassFilterArray' => $classFilterArray));
// BC: End foreach( $siteaccesses as $siteaccess )
 * Prepare new xml document
$xmlRoot = "urlset";
$xmlNode = "url";
 * Define XML Child Nodes
$xmlSubNodes = array('loc', 'lastmod', 'changefreq', 'priority');
Пример #20
            $valueArray[] = "[{$param}]={$key}";
        } else {
            $valueArray[] = "={$key}";
    $value = implode($separator, $valueArray);
    return $value;
function getVariable($block, $settingName, $iniFile, $path)
    $ini = new eZINI($iniFile, $path, null, null, null, true, true);
    $result = $ini->hasVariable($block, $settingName) ? $ini->variable($block, $settingName) : false;
    $result = parseArrayToStr($result, '<br>');
    return $result;
$ini = eZSiteAccess::getIni($siteAccess, $iniFile);
$value = $settingName != '' ? $ini->variable($block, $settingName) : '';
// Do modifications to the value before it's sent to the template
if (is_array($value) || $value and !isset($settingType)) {
    $settingType = $ini->settingType($value);
    if ($settingType == 'array') {
        $value = parseArrayToStr($value, "\n");
// Init value from ini (default\override\extensions\siteaccess)
$values = array();
$values['default'] = getVariable($block, $settingName, $iniFile, 'settings/');
$values['siteaccess'] = getVariable($block, $settingName, $iniFile, "settings/siteaccess/{$siteAccess}");
$values['override'] = getVariable($block, $settingName, $iniFile, "settings/override/");
// Get values from extensions
$ini = eZINI::instance();
Пример #21
function removeRelatedCache($siteAccess)
    // Delete compiled template
    $ini = eZINI::instance();
    $iniPath = eZSiteAccess::findPathToSiteAccess($siteAccess);
    $siteINI = eZINI::instance('site.ini.append', $iniPath);
    if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir')) {
        $cacheDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir');
        if ($cacheDir[0] == "/") {
            $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($cacheDir));
        } else {
            if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) {
                $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir');
                $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir));
    } else {
        if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) {
            $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir');
            $cacheDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir');
            $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir));
        } else {
            $cacheDir = eZSys::cacheDirectory();
    $compiledTemplateDir = $cacheDir . "/template/compiled";
    eZDir::unlinkWildcard($compiledTemplateDir . "/", "*pagelayout*.*");
    // Expire content view cache
Пример #22
            $Module->redirectToView('view', array('full', $node->attribute('parent_node_id')));
        } else {
            $Module->redirectToView('view', array('sitemap', 2));
$contentObject->setAttribute('current_version', $EditVersion);
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$siteaccess = false;
if ($Module->hasActionParameter('SiteAccess')) {
    $siteaccess = $Module->actionParameter('SiteAccess');
// Find ContentObjectLocale for all site accesses in RelatedSiteAccessList
foreach ($ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'RelatedSiteAccessList') as $relatedSA) {
    $relatedSALocale = eZSiteAccess::getIni($relatedSA, 'site.ini')->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale');
    $siteaccessLocaleMap[$relatedSA] = $relatedSALocale;
    if (!$siteaccess && $LanguageCode && $LanguageCode === $relatedSALocale) {
        $siteaccess = $relatedSA;
if (!$siteaccess) {
    $siteaccess = $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'DefaultAccess');
// Try to find a version that has the language we want, by going backwards in the version history
// Also, gether unique list of translations in all versions up until this one
$foundTranslationList = array();
$viewVersion = $EditVersion;
$viewVersionObject = false;
foreach (array_reverse($contentObject->versions(false)) as $versionHash) {
    $viewVersion = $versionHash['version'];
Пример #23
 private function setSiteAccess( $accessName )
     eZSiteAccess::change( array( 'name' => $accessName,
                                  'type' => eZSiteAccess::TYPE_URI,
                                  'uri_part' => array( $accessName ) ) );
  * A helper method used to create directory parts array
  * @param string $dir
  * @param string $siteAccess
  * @return array
 private function buildCacheDirPart( $dir, $siteAccess )
     return array( 'dir' => $dir,
                   'access_name' => $siteAccess,
                   'site_url' => eZSiteAccess::getIni( $siteAccess, 'site.ini' )->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'SiteURL' ) );
  * Get an array of all the current templates and overrides for them.
  * The current siteaccess is used if none is specified.
  * @static
  * @return array
 static function overrideArray($siteAccess = false)
     if ($siteAccess === false and self::$overrideArrayCache !== null) {
         return self::$overrideArrayCache;
     $bases = eZTemplateDesignResource::allDesignBases($siteAccess);
     // fetch the override array from a specific siteacces
     if ($siteAccess) {
         $overrideINI = eZSiteAccess::getIni($siteAccess, 'override.ini');
     } else {
         $overrideINI = eZINI::instance('override.ini');
     $designStartPath = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath();
     // Generate match cache for all templates
     // Build arrays of available files, start with standard design and end with most prefered design
     $matchFileArray = array();
     $reverseBases = array_reverse($bases);
     foreach ($reverseBases as $base) {
         $templateResource = $base . '/templates';
         $sourceFileArray = eZDir::recursiveFindRelative($templateResource, "", "tpl");
         foreach ($sourceFileArray as $source) {
             $matchFileArray[$source]['base_dir'] = $templateResource;
             $matchFileArray[$source]['template'] = $source;
     // Load override templates
     $overrideSettingGroups = $overrideINI->groups();
     if (isset($GLOBALS['eZDesignOverrides'])) {
         $overrideSettingGroups = array_merge($overrideSettingGroups, $GLOBALS['eZDesignOverrides']);
     foreach ($overrideSettingGroups as $overrideName => $overrideSetting) {
         if (!isset($overrideSetting['Source'])) {
         $overrideSource = "/" . $overrideSetting['Source'];
         $overrideMatchFile = $overrideSetting['MatchFile'];
         // Find the matching file in the available resources
         $triedFiles = array();
         $fileInfo = eZTemplateDesignResource::fileMatch($bases, 'override/templates', $overrideMatchFile, $triedFiles);
         $resourceInUse = is_array($fileInfo) ? $fileInfo['resource'] : false;
         $overrideMatchFilePath = is_array($fileInfo) ? $fileInfo['path'] : false;
         // if the override template is not found
         // then we probably shouldn't use it
         // there should be added a check around the following code
         // if ( $overrideMatchFilePath )
         // {
         $customMatchArray = array();
         $customMatchArray['conditions'] = isset($overrideSetting['Match']) ? $overrideSetting['Match'] : null;
         $customMatchArray['match_file'] = $overrideMatchFilePath;
         $customMatchArray['override_name'] = $overrideName;
         $matchFileArray[$overrideSource]['custom_match'][] = $customMatchArray;
         // }
         // if overriding a non-existing template
         // then we use the override template as main template
         // this code should probably be removed
         // because we should not allow an override if the main template is missing
         if ($resourceInUse && !isset($matchFileArray[$overrideSource]['base_dir'])) {
             $matchFileArray[$overrideSource]['base_dir'] = $resourceInUse;
             $matchFileArray[$overrideSource]['template'] = $overrideSource;
         if (!$overrideMatchFilePath) {
             eZDebug::writeError("Custom match file: path '{$overrideMatchFile}' not found in any resource. Check the template settings in settings/override.ini", __METHOD__);
             eZDebug::writeError(implode(', ', $triedFiles), __METHOD__ . ' tried files');
     if ($siteAccess === false) {
         self::$overrideArrayCache = $matchFileArray;
     return $matchFileArray;
Пример #26
    function modify( $tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters )
        switch ( $operatorName )
            // note: these functions are not cache-block safe
            // as in: if called inside a cache-block then they will not be called when cache is used.
            case 'ezpagedata_set':
            case 'ezpagedata_append':
                self::setPersistentVariable( $namedParameters['key'], $namedParameters['value'], $tpl, $operatorName === 'ezpagedata_append' );
            case 'ezpagedata':
                $currentNodeId = 0;
                $pageData      = array();
                $parameters    = $namedParameters['params'];

                // Get module_result for later use
                if ( $tpl->hasVariable('module_result') )
                   $moduleResult = $tpl->variable('module_result');
                    $moduleResult = array();

                if ( isset( $moduleResult['content_info'] ) )
                    $contentInfo = $moduleResult['content_info'];
                    $contentInfo = array();

                // Get persistent_variable
                if ( isset( $contentInfo['persistent_variable'] ) && is_array( $contentInfo['persistent_variable'] ) )
                    $pageData['persistent_variable'] = $contentInfo['persistent_variable'];
                     $pageData['persistent_variable'] = self::getPersistentVariable();
                     if ( $pageData['persistent_variable'] === null )
                         $pageData['persistent_variable'] = array();

                // Merge parameters with persistent_variable
                $parameters = array_merge( $parameters, $pageData['persistent_variable'] );

                // Figgure out current node id
                if ( isset( $parameters['current_node_id'] ) )
                   $currentNodeId = (int) $parameters['current_node_id'];

                   // Allow parameters to set current path
                   if ( isset( $parameters['set_current_node_path'] ) && $parameters['set_current_node_path'] )
                       if ( $setPath = self::getNodePath( $currentNodeId ) )
                           $moduleResult['path'] = $setPath['path'];
                           $moduleResult['title_path'] = $setPath['title_path'];
                           $tpl->setVariable( 'module_result', $moduleResult );
                           eZDebug::writeWarning( "Could not fetch 'current_node_id'", 'eZPageData::getNodePath()' );
                else if ( $tpl->hasVariable('current_node_id') )
                   $currentNodeId = (int) $tpl->variable('current_node_id');
                else if ( isset( $moduleResult['node_id'] ) )
                   $currentNodeId = (int) $moduleResult['node_id'];
                else if ( isset( $moduleResult['path'][count( $moduleResult['path'] ) - 1]['node_id'] ) )
                   $currentNodeId = (int) $moduleResult['path'][count( $moduleResult['path'] ) - 1]['node_id'];

                // Init variables and return values
                $ini                      = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' );
                $menuIni                  = eZINI::instance( 'menu.ini' );
                $contentIni               = eZINI::instance( 'content.ini' );
                $uiContext                = $tpl->variable('ui_context');
                $uriString                = $tpl->variable('uri_string');
                $pageData['main_node_id'] = isset( $contentInfo['main_node_id'] ) ? $contentInfo['main_node_id'] : $currentNodeId;
                $pageData['show_path']           = 'path';
                $pageData['website_toolbar']     = false;
                $pageData['node_id']             = $currentNodeId;
                $pageData['is_edit']             = false;
                $pageData['page_root_depth']     = 0;
                $pageData['page_depth']          = count( $moduleResult['path'] );
                $pageData['root_node']           = (int) $contentIni->variable( 'NodeSettings', 'RootNode' );
                $pageData['canonical_url']       = false;
                $pageData['canonical_language_url'] = false;

                // is_edit if not on user/edit and not on content/action when
                // you get info collector warning about missing attributes
                if ( $uiContext === 'edit'
                  && strpos( $uriString, 'user/edit' ) === false
                  && ( empty( $contentInfo ) || strpos( $uriString, 'content/action' ) === false ) )
                    $pageData['is_edit'] = true;

                if ( isset( $contentInfo['viewmode'] ) )
                    $viewMode = $contentInfo['viewmode'];
                    $viewMode = '';

                // canonical url, to let search engines know about main location on content with multiple locations
                if ( isset( $parameters['canonical_url'] ) )
                    $pageData['canonical_url'] = $parameters['canonical_url'];
                elseif ( isset( $contentInfo['main_node_url_alias'] ) && $contentInfo['main_node_url_alias'] )
                    $pageData['canonical_url'] = $contentInfo['main_node_url_alias'];
                elseif ( isset( $contentInfo['current_language'] )
                      && $contentInfo['current_language'] !== $ini->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale' ) )
                    $siteaccess = eZSiteAccess::saNameByLanguage( $contentInfo['current_language'] );
                    if ( $siteaccess !== null )
                        $lang = eZContentLanguage::fetchByLocale( $ini->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale' ) );
                        if ( ( $contentInfo['language_mask'] & $lang->attribute('id') ) < 1 )
                            $handlerOptions = new ezpExtensionOptions();
                            $handlerOptions->iniFile = 'site.ini';
                            $handlerOptions->iniSection = 'RegionalSettings';
                            $handlerOptions->iniVariable = 'LanguageSwitcherClass';
                            $handlerOptions->handlerParams = array( array( 'Parameters' => array( 'sa', $currentNodeId ),
                                                                           'UserParameters' => array() ) );
                            $langSwitch = eZExtension::getHandlerClass( $handlerOptions );

                            $langSwitch->setDestinationSiteAccess( $siteaccess );
                            $pageData['canonical_language_url'] = $langSwitch->destinationUrl();

                  RootNodeDepth is a setting for letting you have a very simple multisite, single database and singe siteaccess setup.
                  The content of the menues will be the same on all system pages like user/login, content/edit
                  and so on, and also when you surf bellow the defined page_root_depth.
                  The sites will also share siteaccess and thus also the same ez publish design and templates.
                  You can however custimize the design with css using the class on div#page html output:
                  subtree_level_x_node_id_y class

                  Note: It is recommended to turn it of by setting it to 0 for normal sites!

                  Example having 2 or more 'sub-sites' with RootNodeDepth=2:
                    root (menu shows sub sites as menu choices like it will on system pages)
                    - sub site 1 (menu show content of this sub site)
                    - sub site 2 (-- " --)
                    - sub site 3 (-- " --)
                    - sub site 4 (-- " --)
                    - sub site 5 (-- " --)
                if ( $currentNodeId &&
                     isset( $moduleResult['path'][0]['node_id'] ) &&
                     $moduleResult['path'][0]['node_id'] == '2' &&
                     $ini->hasVariable( 'SiteSettings', 'RootNodeDepth' ) &&
                     $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'RootNodeDepth' ) !== '0' )
                    $pageData['page_root_depth']  = $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'RootNodeDepth' ) -1;

                    if ( isset( $moduleResult['path'][ $pageData['page_root_depth'] ]['node_id'] ))
                        $pageData['root_node'] = $moduleResult['path'][$pageData['page_root_depth'] ]['node_id'];

                // Get class identifier for easier access in tempaltes
                $pageData['class_identifier'] = '';
                if ( isset( $contentInfo['class_identifier'] ) )
                    $pageData['class_identifier'] = $contentInfo['class_identifier'];

                // Use custom path template. bool|string ( default: path )
                if ( isset( $parameters['show_path'] ) )
                    $pageData['show_path'] = $parameters['show_path'] === true ? 'path' : $parameters['show_path'];
                else if ( $viewMode === 'sitemap' || $viewMode === 'tagcloud' )
                    $pageData['show_path'] = false;

                // See if we should show website toolbar. bool ( default: false )
                if ( isset( $parameters['website_toolbar'] ) )
                    $pageData['website_toolbar'] = $parameters['website_toolbar'];
                else if ( $viewMode === 'sitemap' || $viewMode === 'tagcloud' || strpos( $uriString, 'content/versionview' ) === 0 )
                    $pageData['website_toolbar'] = false;
                else if ( $tpl->hasVariable('current_user') )
                    $currentUser = $tpl->variable('current_user');
                    $pageData['website_toolbar'] = ( $currentNodeId && $currentUser->attribute('is_logged_in') );

                // Init default menu settings
                $pageData['top_menu']     = $menuIni->variable('SelectedMenu', 'TopMenu');
                $pageData['left_menu']    = $menuIni->variable('SelectedMenu', 'LeftMenu');
                $pageData['current_menu'] = $menuIni->variable('SelectedMenu', 'CurrentMenu');
                $pageData['extra_menu']   = 'extra_info';
                $pageData['extra_menu_node_id']    = $currentNodeId;
                $pageData['extra_menu_subitems']   = 0;
                $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] = array( 'infobox' );

                // BC: Setting to hide left and extra menu by class identifier
                if ( $menuIni->hasVariable('MenuSettings', 'HideLeftMenuClasses') )
                    $hideMenuClasses = in_array( $pageData['class_identifier'], $menuIni->variable('MenuSettings', 'HideLeftMenuClasses') );
                    $hideMenuClasses = false;

                // Use custom top menu template. bool|string ( default: from menu.ini[SelectedMenu]TopMenu )
                if ( isset( $parameters['top_menu'] ) && $parameters['top_menu'] !== true )
                    $pageData['top_menu'] = $parameters['top_menu'];

                // Use custom left menu template. bool|string ( default: from menu.ini[SelectedMenu]LeftMenu )
                if ( isset( $parameters['left_menu'] ) )
                    if ( $parameters['left_menu'] !== true )
                        $pageData['left_menu'] = $parameters['left_menu'];
                else if ( $hideMenuClasses )
                    $pageData['left_menu'] = false;

                // Use custom extra menu template. bool|string (default: extra_info)
                if ( isset( $parameters['extra_menu'] ) )
                   if ( $parameters['extra_menu'] !== true )
                        $pageData['extra_menu'] = $parameters['extra_menu'];
                else if ( $hideMenuClasses )
                    $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;

                // Use custom node id. int|array (default: current node id)
                if ( isset( $parameters['extra_menu_node_id'] ) )
                    $pageData['extra_menu_node_id'] = $parameters['extra_menu_node_id'];

                // Use custom extra menu identifier list. false|array (default: infobox)
                if ( isset( $parameters['extra_menu_class_list'] ) )
                    $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] = $parameters['extra_menu_class_list'];
                else if ( $menuIni->hasVariable('MenuContentSettings', 'ExtraIdentifierList') )
                    $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] = $menuIni->variable('MenuContentSettings', 'ExtraIdentifierList');

                if ( $menuIni->variable( 'MenuSettings', 'AlwaysAvailable' ) === 'false' )
                    // A set of cases where left/extra menu's are hidden unless set by parameters
                    if ( $pageData['is_edit'] || strpos( $uriString, 'content/versionview' ) === 0 )
                        if ( !isset( $parameters['left_menu'] ) ) $pageData['left_menu']  = false;
                        if ( !isset( $parameters['extra_menu'] ) ) $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
                    else if ( !$currentNodeId || $uiContext === 'browse' )
                        if ( !isset( $parameters['left_menu'] ) ) $pageData['left_menu']  = false;
                        if ( !isset( $parameters['extra_menu'] ) ) $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;

                // Count extra menu objects if all extra menu settings are present
                if ( isset( $parameters['extra_menu_subitems'] ) )
                    $pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] = $parameters['extra_menu_subitems'];
                    if ( !$pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] ) $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;
                else if ( $pageData['extra_menu'] && $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] && $pageData['extra_menu_node_id'] )
                    if ( $menuIni->variable( 'MenuContentSettings', 'ExtraMenuSubitemsCheck' ) === 'enabled' )
                        $pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeCountByNodeID( array( 'Depth' => 1,
                                                                                                                 'DepthOperator'    => 'eq',
                                                                                                                 'ClassFilterType'  => 'include',
                                                                                                                 'ClassFilterArray' => $pageData['extra_menu_class_list'] ),
                                                                                                          $pageData['extra_menu_node_id'] );
                        if ( !$pageData['extra_menu_subitems'] ) $pageData['extra_menu'] = false;

                // Init path parameters
                $pageData['path_array']      = array();
                $pageData['path_id_array']   = array();
                $pageData['path_normalized'] = '';

                // Creating menu css classes for div#page
                $pageData['css_classes']     = '';

                // Add section css class for div#page
                if ( isset( $moduleResult['section_id'] ))
                    $pageData['css_classes'] .= ' section_id_' . $moduleResult['section_id'];

                // Generate relative path array as well full path id array and path css classes for div#page
                $path = ( isset( $moduleResult['path'] ) && is_array( $moduleResult['path'] ) ) ? $moduleResult['path'] : array();
                foreach ( $path as $key => $item )
                    if ( $key >= $pageData['page_root_depth'])
                        $pageData['path_array'][] = $item;
                    if ( isset( $item['node_id'] ) )
                        $pageData['path_normalized'] .= ' subtree_level_' . $key . '_node_id_' . $item['node_id'];
                        $pageData['path_id_array'][] = $item['node_id'];
                $pageData['css_classes'] .= $pageData['path_normalized'];

                if ( isset( $pageData['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes'] )
                        && is_array( $pageData['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes'] ) )
                    $pageData['css_classes'] .= ' ' . implode( ' ', $pageData['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes'] );

                $pageData['inner_column_size'] = 8;
                if ( $pageData['left_menu'] && $pageData['extra_menu'] )
                    $pageData['inner_column_size'] = 6;
                if ( !$pageData['left_menu'] && !$pageData['extra_menu'] )
                    $pageData['inner_column_size'] = 12;

                $pageData['outer_column_size'] = 4;
                if ( $pageData['left_menu'] && $pageData['extra_menu'] )
                    $pageData['outer_column_size'] = 3;

                $operatorValue = $pageData;
            } break;
Пример #27
            // if eZINI::instance() is called twice instance will be fetched from GLOBAL variable.
            // Without reference there will be a inconsistency with GLOBAL instance and stored ini file.
            $iniTemp = eZINI::create( $settingFile . '.append.php', $path, null, null, null );
            $iniTemp->removeSetting( $block, $setting );

if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'ChangeINIFile' ) or
     ( $Params['SiteAccess'] and $Params['INIFile'] ) )
    if ( $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name'] !== $currentSiteAccess )
        // create a site ini instance using $useLocalOverrides
        $siteIni = eZSiteAccess::getIni( $currentSiteAccess, 'site.ini' );

        // load settings file with $useLocalOverrides = true & $addArrayDefinition = true
        $ini = new eZINI( /*$fileName =*/ $settingFile,
                          /*$rootDir =*/ 'settings',
                          /*$useTextCodec =*/ null,
                          /*$useCache =*/ false,
                          /*$useLocalOverrides =*/ true,
                          /*$directAccess =*/ false,
                          /*$addArrayDefinition =*/ true,
                          /*$load =*/ false );
        $ini->setOverrideDirs( $siteIni->overrideDirs( false ) );
Пример #28
 static function generateObjectViewCache($objectID)
     // Generate the view cache
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $object = eZContentObject::fetch($objectID);
     $user = eZUser::currentUser();
     eZDebug::accumulatorStart('generate_cache', '', 'Generating view cache');
     if ($ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'PreViewCache') == 'enabled') {
         $preCacheSiteaccessArray = $ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'PreCacheSiteaccessArray');
         $currentSiteAccess = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'];
         // This is the default view parameters for content/view
         $viewParameters = array('offset' => false, 'year' => false, 'month' => false, 'day' => false, 'namefilter' => false);
         if (is_array($preCacheSiteaccessArray) && count($preCacheSiteaccessArray) > 0) {
             foreach ($preCacheSiteaccessArray as $changeToSiteAccess) {
                 $newSiteAccess = $currentSiteAccess;
                 $newSiteAccess['name'] = $changeToSiteAccess;
                 //eZSiteAccess::load() will take care of setting correct one
                 $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
                 // Get the sitedesign and cached view preferences for this siteaccess
                 $siteini = eZINI::instance('site.ini');
                 $cachedViewPreferences = $siteini->variable('ContentSettings', 'CachedViewPreferences');
                 $language = false;
                 // Needs to be specified if you want to generate the cache for a specific language
                 $viewMode = 'full';
                 $assignedNodes = $object->assignedNodes();
                 foreach ($assignedNodes as $node) {
                     // We want to generate the cache for the specified user
                     $previewCacheUsers = $ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'PreviewCacheUsers');
                     foreach ($previewCacheUsers as $previewCacheUserID) {
                         // If the text is 'anon' we need to fetch the Anonymous user ID.
                         if ($previewCacheUserID === 'anonymous') {
                             $previewCacheUserID = $siteini->variable("UserSettings", "AnonymousUserID");
                             $previewCacheUser = eZUser::fetch($previewCacheUserID);
                         } else {
                             if ($previewCacheUserID === 'current') {
                                 $previewCacheUser = $user;
                             } else {
                                 $previewCacheUser = eZUser::fetch($previewCacheUserID);
                         if (!$previewCacheUser) {
                         // Before we generate the view cache we must change the currently logged in user to $previewCacheUser
                         // If not the templates might read in wrong personalized data (preferences etc.)
                         eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser($previewCacheUser, $previewCacheUser->attribute('contentobject_id'), eZUser::NO_SESSION_REGENERATE);
                         // Cache the current node
                         $cacheFileArray = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateViewCacheFile($previewCacheUser, $node->attribute('node_id'), false, false, $language, $viewMode, $viewParameters, $cachedViewPreferences);
                         $tmpRes = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeView($tpl, $node, $node->attribute('object'), $language, $viewMode, false, $cacheFileArray['cache_dir'], $cacheFileArray['cache_path'], true, $viewParameters);
                         // Cache the parent node
                         $parentNode = $node->attribute('parent');
                         $objectID = $parentNode->attribute('contentobject_id');
                         // if parent objectID is null or is 0 we should not create cache.
                         if ($objectID) {
                             $cacheFileArray = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateViewCacheFile($previewCacheUser, $parentNode->attribute('node_id'), 0, false, $language, $viewMode, $viewParameters, $cachedViewPreferences);
                             $tmpRes = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeView($tpl, $parentNode, $parentNode->attribute('object'), $language, $viewMode, 0, $cacheFileArray['cache_dir'], $cacheFileArray['cache_path'], true, $viewParameters);
             // Restore the old user as the current one
             eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser($user, $user->attribute('contentobject_id'), eZUser::NO_SESSION_REGENERATE);
             // restore siteaccess
     if ($ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'StaticCache') == 'enabled') {
         $nodes = array();
         $ini = eZINI::instance();
         $useURLAlias =& $GLOBALS['eZContentObjectTreeNodeUseURLAlias'];
         $pathPrefix = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'PathPrefix');
         // get staticCacheHandler instance
         $optionArray = array('iniFile' => 'site.ini', 'iniSection' => 'ContentSettings', 'iniVariable' => 'StaticCacheHandler');
         $options = new ezpExtensionOptions($optionArray);
         $staticCacheHandler = eZExtension::getHandlerClass($options);
         if (!isset($useURLAlias)) {
             $useURLAlias = $ini->variable('URLTranslator', 'Translation') == 'enabled';
         eZContentCacheManager::nodeListForObject($object, true, self::CLEAR_DEFAULT, $nodes, $handledObjectList);
         // If no nodes returns it means that ClearCacheMethod = self::CLEAR_NO_CACHE
         if (count($nodes)) {
             foreach ($nodes as $nodeID) {
                 if ($useURLAlias) {
                     $oNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($nodeID, false, true);
                     if (!isset($oNode)) {
                     $urlAlias = $oNode->urlAlias();
                     if ($pathPrefix != '') {
                         $tempAlias = substr($pathPrefix, strlen($pathPrefix) - 1) == '/' ? $urlAlias . '/' : $urlAlias;
                         if (strncmp($tempAlias, $pathPrefix, strlen($tempAlias)) == 0) {
                             $urlAlias = substr($tempAlias, strlen($pathPrefix));
                 } else {
                     $urlAlias = 'content/view/full/' . $nodeID;
                 $staticCacheHandler->cacheURL('/' . $urlAlias, $nodeID);
Пример #29
// init uri code
$GLOBALS['eZGlobalRequestURI'] = eZSys::serverVariable( 'REQUEST_URI' );
eZSys::init( 'index.php', $ini->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'ForceVirtualHost' ) === 'true' );
$uri = eZURI::instance( eZSys::requestURI() );

$GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] = $uri;

// Check for extension
eZExtension::activateExtensions( 'default' );

// load siteaccess
$access = eZSiteAccess::match( $uri,
                      eZSys::indexFile() );
$access = eZSiteAccess::change( $access );
$GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'] = $access;

// Check for new extension loaded by siteaccess
eZExtension::activateExtensions( 'access' );

$db = eZDB::instance();
if ( $db->isConnected() )
Пример #30
$siteAccessList = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'RelatedSiteAccessList');
$siteAccess = false;
// Fetch siteaccess settings for the selected override
// Default to first defined siteacces if none are selected
if ($http->hasSessionVariable('eZTemplateAdminCurrentSiteAccess')) {
    $siteAccess = $http->sessionVariable('eZTemplateAdminCurrentSiteAccess');
if (!in_array($siteAccess, $siteAccessList)) {
    $siteAccess = $siteAccessList[0];
if ($http->hasPostVariable('SelectCurrentSiteAccessButton')) {
    $http->setSessionVariable('eZTemplateAdminCurrentSiteAccess', $siteAccess);
// Get path to specified site access.
$pathToSiteAccess = eZSiteAccess::findPathToSiteAccess($siteAccess);
$menuINI = eZINI::instance("menu.ini", "", null, null, true);
$menuINI->prependOverrideDir($pathToSiteAccess, true, 'siteaccess');
/*$iniPath = "settings/siteaccess/$siteAccess";
$menuINI = eZINI::instance( 'menu.ini.append.php', $iniPath, null, false, null, true );*/
if ($module->isCurrentAction('Store')) {
    $menuType = $http->postVariable('MenuType');
    $menuINI->setVariable('SelectedMenu', 'CurrentMenu', $menuType);
    $menuINI->setVariable('SelectedMenu', 'TopMenu', $menuINI->variable($menuType, "TopMenu"));
    $menuINI->setVariable('SelectedMenu', 'LeftMenu', $menuINI->variable($menuType, "LeftMenu"));
    $menuINI->save("menu.ini.append.php", false, false, false, $pathToSiteAccess, true);
    // Delete compiled template
    $iniPath = $pathToSiteAccess;
    $siteINI = eZINI::instance('site.ini.append', $iniPath);
    if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir')) {