function install( $package, $installType, $parameters,
                   $name, $os, $filename, $subdirectory,
                   $content, &$installParameters,
                   &$installData )
     $collectionName = $parameters['collection'];
     $installVariables = array();
     if ( isset( $installParameters['variables'] ) )
         $installVariables = $installParameters['variables'];
     $iniFileVariables = false;
     if ( isset( $installParameters['ini'] ) )
         $iniFileVariables = $installParameters['ini'];
     $fileList = $package->fileList( $collectionName );
     if ( $fileList )
         foreach ( $fileList as $fileItem )
             $newFilePath = false;
             if ( $fileItem['type'] == 'thumbnail' )
                 $filePath = $package->fileItemPath( $fileItem, $collectionName );
                 if ( is_dir( $filePath ) )
                     $newFilePath = $package->fileStorePath( $fileItem, $collectionName, $installParameters['path'], $installVariables );
                     eZDir::mkdir( $newFilePath, false, true );
                     $newFilePath = $package->fileStorePath( $fileItem, $collectionName, $installParameters['path'], $installVariables );
                     if ( preg_match( "#^(.+)/[^/]+$#", $newFilePath, $matches ) )
                         eZDir::mkdir( $matches[1], false, true );
                     eZFileHandler::copy( $filePath, $newFilePath );
             if ( $fileItem['type'] == 'ini' and $iniFileVariables and $newFilePath )
                 $fileRole = $fileItem['role'];
                 $fileRoleValue = $fileItem['role-value'];
                 $fileVariableName = $fileItem['variable-name'];
                 $fileName = $fileItem['name'];
                 if ( $fileVariableName and
                      isset( $installParameters['variables'][$fileVariableName] ) )
                     $fileRoleValue = $installParameters['variables'][$fileVariableName];
                 if ( isset( $iniFileVariables[$fileRole][$fileRoleValue][$fileName] ) )
                     $variables = $iniFileVariables[$fileRole][$fileRoleValue][$fileName];
                     $ini = eZINI::fetchFromFile( $newFilePath );
                     $ini->setVariables( $variables );
                     $ini->save( false, false, false, false, false );
     return true;
 public function archiveFile($path, $seeds, $prefix = null, $realm = null)
     $archiveFileName = $this->getArchiveFileName($path, $seeds, $prefix, $realm);
     if (eZFileHandler::copy($path, $archiveFileName)) {
         return array('archive_file_name' => $archiveFileName, 'seeds' => $seeds, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'realm' => $realm);
     } else {
         return false;
 function createInstallNode($package, $installNode, $installItem, $installType)
     $installNode->setAttribute('original-path', $installItem['path']);
     $installNode->setAttribute('database-type', $installItem['database-type']);
     $originalPath = $installItem['path'];
     $installDirectory = $package->path() . '/' . eZDBPackageHandler::sqlDirectory();
     if ($installItem['database-type']) {
         $installDirectory .= '/' . $installItem['database-type'];
     if (!file_exists($installDirectory)) {
         eZDir::mkdir($installDirectory, false, true);
     eZFileHandler::copy($originalPath, $installDirectory . '/' . $installItem['filename']);
    function installTemplates( $templateList, $package, $subdirectory, &$installParameters )
        if ( !$templateList )
            return true;
        $siteAccessDesignPathArray = array();
        $templateRootPath = $package->path() . '/' . $subdirectory;
        foreach( $templateList->getElementsByTagName( 'file' ) as $fileNode )
            $originalSiteAccess = $fileNode->getAttribute( 'site-access' );
            if ( isset( $installParameters['site_access_map'][$originalSiteAccess] ) )
                $newSiteAccess = $installParameters['site_access_map'][$originalSiteAccess];
                $newSiteAccess = $installParameters['site_access_map']['*'];

            if ( !isset( $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] ) )
                $ini = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini', 'settings', null, null, true );
                $ini->prependOverrideDir( "siteaccess/$newSiteAccess", false, 'siteaccess' );

                if ( isset( $installParameters['design_map'] ) )
                    $designMap = $installParameters['design_map'];
                    if ( isset( $designMap[$originalSiteAccess] ) )
                        $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath() . '/' . $designMap[$originalSiteAccess];
                        $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath() . '/' . $designMap['*'];
                    $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath() . '/' . $ini->variable( "DesignSettings", "StandardDesign" );

            $path = '';
            foreach( $fileNode->childNodes as $pathNode )
                if ( $pathNode->nodeName == 'path' )
                    $path = $pathNode->nodeValue;

            $sourcePath = $templateRootPath . $path;
            $destinationPath = $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] . $path;

            eZDir::mkdir( eZDir::dirpath( $destinationPath ), false, true );
            if ( !eZFileHandler::copy( $sourcePath, $destinationPath ) )
                return false;

//             eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Copied: "' . $sourcePath . '" to: "' . $destinationPath . '"', __METHOD__ );
        return true;
Пример #5
  * Retrieve list of packages available to download.
  * Example of return value:
  * array(
  *  'packages' => array(
  *                      '<package_name1>' => array( "name" =>... , "version" =>... , "summary" => ... "url" =>... ),
  *                      '<package_name2>' => array( "name" =>... , "version" =>... , "summary" => ... "url" =>... )
  *                     )
  *      );
 function retrieveRemotePackagesList($onlySitePackages = false)
     // Download index file.
     $idxFileName = $this->downloadFile($this->XMLIndexURL, eZStepSiteTypes::tempDir(), 'index.xml');
     if ($idxFileName === false) {
         // Searching for a local index.xml file to use for offline installation
         $destIndexPath = eZStepSiteTypes::tempDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.xml';
         $repo = eZPackage::systemRepositoryInformation();
         if ($repo) {
             $sourceIndexPath = $repo['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.xml';
             if (file_exists($sourceIndexPath)) {
                 eZFileHandler::copy($sourceIndexPath, $destIndexPath);
                 $idxFileName = $destIndexPath;
                 // Removing error message from downloadFile
                 $this->ErrorMsg = false;
     if ($idxFileName === false) {
         $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Retrieving remote site packages list failed. ' . 'You may upload packages manually.');
         eZDebug::writeNotice("Cannot download remote packages index file from '{$this->XMLIndexURL}'.");
         return false;
     // Parse it.
     $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $success = $dom->load(realpath($idxFileName));
     if (!$success) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Unable to open index file.");
         return false;
     $root = $dom->documentElement;
     if ($root->localName != 'packages') {
         eZDebug::writeError("Malformed index file.");
         return false;
     $packageList = array();
     foreach ($root->childNodes as $packageNode) {
         if ($packageNode->localName != 'package') {
             // skip unwanted chilren
         if ($onlySitePackages && $packageNode->getAttribute('type') != 'site') {
             // skip non-site packages
         $packageAttributes = array();
         foreach ($packageNode->attributes as $attributeNode) {
             $packageAttributes[$attributeNode->localName] = $attributeNode->value;
         $packageList[$packageAttributes['name']] = $packageAttributes;
     return $packageList;
Пример #6
 function appendSimpleFile($key, $filepath)
     if (!isset($this->Parameters['simple-file-list'])) {
         $this->Parameters['simple-file-list'] = array();
     $suffix = eZFile::suffix($filepath);
     //$sourcePath = $fileInfo['original-path'];
     $packagePath = eZPackage::simpleFilesDirectory() . '/' . substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8) . '.' . $suffix;
     $destinationPath = $this->path() . '/' . $packagePath;
     eZDir::mkdir(eZDir::dirpath($destinationPath), false, true);
     //SP DBfile
     $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
     eZFileHandler::copy($filepath, $destinationPath);
     $this->Parameters['simple-file-list'][$key] = array('original-path' => $filepath, 'package-path' => $packagePath);
Пример #7
  * Clears or purges the cache item $cacheItem.
  * If $purge is true then the system will ensure the entries are removed from
  * local storage or database backend, otherwise it will use possible optimizations
  * which might only invalidate the cache entry directly or use global expiry values.
  * @param $cacheItem Cache item array taken from fetchList()
  * @param $purge     Controls whether clearing/invalidation or purge is used.
  * @param $reporter  Callback which is called when the system has purged files from the system, called with filename and purge count as parameters.
  * @param $iterationSleep The amount of microseconds to sleep between each purge iteration, false means no sleep.
  * @param $iterationMax   The maximum number of items to purge in one iteration, false means use default limit.
  * @param $expiry         A timestamp which is matched against all cache items, if the modification of the cache is older than the expiry the cache is purged, false means no expiry checking.
 static function clearItem($cacheItem, $purge = false, $reporter = false, $iterationSleep = false, $iterationMax = false, $expiry = false)
     // Get the global expiry value if one is set and compare it with supplied $expiry value.
     // Use the largest value of the two.
     if (isset($cacheItem['expiry-key'])) {
         $key = $cacheItem['expiry-key'];
         $expiryHandler = eZExpiryHandler::instance();
         $keyValue = $expiryHandler->getTimestamp($key);
         if ($keyValue !== false) {
             if ($expiry !== false) {
                 $expiry = max($expiry, $keyValue);
             } else {
                 $expiry = $keyValue;
     $cacheItem['purge'] = $purge;
     $cacheItem['reporter'] = $reporter;
     $cacheItem['iterationSleep'] = $iterationSleep;
     $cacheItem['iterationMax'] = $iterationMax;
     $cacheItem['expiry'] = $expiry;
     $functionName = false;
     if ($purge && isset($cacheItem['purge-function'])) {
         $functionName = 'purge-function';
     } else {
         if (!$purge && isset($cacheItem['function'])) {
             $functionName = 'function';
     if ($functionName) {
         $function = $cacheItem[$functionName];
         if (is_callable($function)) {
             call_user_func_array($function, array($cacheItem));
         } else {
             eZDebug::writeError("Could not call cache item {$functionName} for id '{$cacheItem['id']}', is it a static public function?", __METHOD__);
     } else {
         if (!isset($cacheItem['path']) || strlen($cacheItem['path']) < 1) {
             eZDebug::writeError("No path specified for cache item '{$cacheItem['name']}', can not clear cache.", __METHOD__);
         $cachePath = eZSys::cacheDirectory() . "/" . $cacheItem['path'];
         if (isset($cacheItem['is-clustered'])) {
             $isClustered = $cacheItem['is-clustered'];
         } else {
             $isClustered = false;
         if ($isClustered) {
             $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($cachePath);
             if ($purge) {
                 $fileHandler->purge($reporter, $iterationSleep, $iterationMax, $expiry);
             } else {
         if (is_file($cachePath)) {
             $handler = eZFileHandler::instance(false);
         } else {
Пример #8
  * Downloads and imports package.
  * Sets $this->ErrorMsg in case of an error.
  * \param $forceDownload  download even if this package already exists.
  * \private
  * \return false on error, package object otherwise.
 function downloadAndImportPackage($packageName, $packageUrl, $forceDownload = false)
     $package = eZPackage::fetch($packageName, false, false, false);
     if (is_object($package)) {
         if ($forceDownload) {
         } else {
             eZDebug::writeNotice("Skipping download of package '{$packageName}': package already exists.");
             return $package;
     $archiveName = $this->downloadFile($packageUrl, eZStepSiteTypes::tempDir());
     if ($archiveName === false) {
         eZDebug::writeWarning("Download of package '{$packageName}' from '{$packageUrl}' failed: {$this->ErrorMsg}");
         $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Download of package \'%pkg\' failed. You may upload the package manually.', false, array('%pkg' => $packageName));
         return false;
     $package = eZPackage::import($archiveName, $packageName, false);
     // Remove downloaded ezpkg file
     if (!$package instanceof eZPackage) {
         if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_INVALID_NAME) {
             eZDebug::writeNotice("The package name {$packageName} is invalid");
         } else {
             eZDebug::writeNotice("Invalid package");
         $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Invalid package');
         return false;
     return $package;
  * Move file.
  * \public
 function move($dstPath)
     $srcPath = $this->filePath;
     eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "fs::move( '{$srcPath}', '{$dstPath}' )", __METHOD__);
     eZDebug::accumulatorStart('dbfile', false, 'dbfile');
     eZFileHandler::move($srcPath, $dstPath);
Пример #10
 function initializeFromFile($filename, $imageAltText = false, $originalFilename = false)
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         $contentObjectID = isset($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['contentobject_id']) ? $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['contentobject_id'] : 0;
         $contentObjectAttributeID = isset($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id']) ? $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id'] : 0;
         $version = isset($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version']) ? $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version'] : 0;
         $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch($contentObjectID);
         $contentObjectAttribute = eZContentObjectAttribute::fetch($contentObjectAttributeID, $version);
         $contentObjectAttributeName = '';
         $contentObjectName = '';
         if ($contentObject instanceof eZContentObject) {
             $contentObjectName = $contentObject->attribute('name');
         if ($contentObjectAttribute instanceof eZContentObjectAttribute) {
             $contentObjectAttributeName = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('contentclass_attribute_name');
         eZDebug::writeError("The image '{$filename}' does not exist, cannot initialize image attribute: '{$contentObjectAttributeName}' (id: {$contentObjectAttributeID}) for content object: '{$contentObjectName}' (id: {$contentObjectID})", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     if (!$originalFilename) {
         $originalFilename = basename($filename);
     $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($filename);
     if (!$mimeData['is_valid'] and $originalFilename != $filename) {
         $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($originalFilename);
     $attr = false;
     $this->setOriginalAttributeDataValues($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id'], $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version'], $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['language_code']);
     $contentVersion = eZContentObjectVersion::fetchVersion($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version'], $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['contentobject_id']);
     $objectName = $this->imageName($this->ContentObjectAttributeData, $contentVersion);
     $objectPathString = $this->imagePath($this->ContentObjectAttributeData, $contentVersion, true);
     eZMimeType::changeBaseName($mimeData, $objectName);
     eZMimeType::changeDirectoryPath($mimeData, $objectPathString);
     if (!file_exists($mimeData['dirpath'])) {
         eZDir::mkdir($mimeData['dirpath'], false, true);
     eZFileHandler::copy($filename, $mimeData['url']);
     return $this->initialize($mimeData, $originalFilename, $imageAltText);
Пример #11
  * Clears (removes) active extension cache files from the cache folder.
  * @return void
 public static function clearActiveExtensionsCache()
     $filesList = glob(self::CACHE_DIR . 'active_extensions_*.php');
     foreach ($filesList as $path) {
         if (is_file($path)) {
             $handler = eZFileHandler::instance(false);
Пример #12
         $newSuffix = $suffix;
         $contentVersion = eZContentObjectVersion::fetchVersion($attributeVersion, $objectID);
         if ($contentVersion) {
             $objectName = $imageAliasHandler->imageName($contentObjectAttribute, $contentVersion);
             $objectPathString = $imageAliasHandler->imagePath($contentObjectAttribute, $contentVersion);
             $newDirPath = $objectPathString;
             $newFileName = $objectName . '.' . $mimeInfo['suffix'];
             $newSuffix = $mimeInfo['suffix'];
             $newFilePath = $newDirPath . '/' . $newFileName;
             $newBaseName = $objectName;
         if ($newFilePath != $filePath) {
             if (!file_exists($newDirPath)) {
                 eZDir::mkdir($newDirPath, false, true);
             eZFileHandler::copy($filePath, $newFilePath);
             $filePath = $newFilePath;
             $fileName = $newFileName;
             $suffix = $newSuffix;
             $dirPath = $newDirPath;
             $baseName = $newBaseName;
 $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($fileName);
 $imageNode->setAttribute('serial_number', false);
 $imageNode->setAttribute('is_valid', $isValid);
 $imageNode->setAttribute('filename', $fileName);
 $imageNode->setAttribute('suffix', $suffix);
 $imageNode->setAttribute('basename', $baseName);
Пример #13
 function unserializeContentObjectAttribute($package, $objectAttribute, $attributeNode)
     $mediaNode = $attributeNode->getElementsByTagName('media-file')->item(0);
     if (!$mediaNode) {
         // No media type data found.
     $mediaFile = eZMedia::create($objectAttribute->attribute('id'), $objectAttribute->attribute('version'));
     $sourcePath = $package->simpleFilePath($mediaNode->getAttribute('filekey'));
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $mimeType = $mediaNode->getAttribute('mime-type');
     list($mimeTypeCategory, $mimeTypeName) = explode('/', $mimeType);
     $destinationPath = eZSys::storageDirectory() . '/original/' . $mimeTypeCategory . '/';
     if (!file_exists($destinationPath)) {
         if (!eZDir::mkdir($destinationPath, false, true)) {
             return false;
     $basename = basename($mediaNode->getAttribute('filename'));
     while (file_exists($destinationPath . $basename)) {
         $basename = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8) . '.' . eZFile::suffix($mediaNode->getAttribute('filename'));
     eZFileHandler::copy($sourcePath, $destinationPath . $basename);
     eZDebug::writeNotice('Copied: ' . $sourcePath . ' to: ' . $destinationPath . $basename, __METHOD__);
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('contentobject_attribute_id', $objectAttribute->attribute('id'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('filename', $basename);
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('original_filename', $mediaNode->getAttribute('original-filename'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('mime_type', $mediaNode->getAttribute('mime-type'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('width', $mediaNode->getAttribute('width'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('height', $mediaNode->getAttribute('height'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('has_controller', $mediaNode->getAttribute('has-controller'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('controls', $mediaNode->getAttribute('controls'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('is_autoplay', $mediaNode->getAttribute('is-autoplay'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('pluginspage', $mediaNode->getAttribute('plugins-page'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('quality', $mediaNode->getAttribute('quality'));
     $mediaFile->setAttribute('is_loop', $mediaNode->getAttribute('is-loop'));
     $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
     $fileHandler->fileStore($destinationPath . $basename, 'mediafile', true);
Пример #14
 static function unlink($filename = false)
     if (!$filename) {
         if ($this->isOpen()) {
         $filename = $this->FileName;
     $result = eZFileHandler::doUnlink($filename);
     if (!$result) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Failed unlinking file " . $filename, 'eZFileHandler::unlink');
     return $result;
Пример #15
     if ($attributeStringContent != '') {
         switch ($datatypeString = $attribute->attribute('data_type_string')) {
             case 'ezimage':
                 $imagePathParts = explode('/', $attributeStringContent);
                 $imageFile = array_pop($imagePathParts);
                 // here it would be nice to add a check if such file allready exists
                 $success = eZFileHandler::copy($attributeStringContent, $storageDir . '/' . $imageFile);
                 if (!$success) {
                     $status = false;
                 $attributeStringContent = $imageFile;
             case 'ezbinaryfile':
             case 'ezmedia':
                 $binaryData = explode('|', $attributeStringContent);
                 $success = eZFileHandler::copy($binaryData[0], $storageDir . '/' . $binaryData[1]);
                 if (!$success) {
                     $status = false;
                 $attributeStringContent = $binaryData[1];
     $objectData[] = $attributeStringContent;
 if (!$fp) {
     $cli->error("Can not open output file");
 if (!fputcsv($fp, $objectData, ';')) {
    function unserializeContentObjectAttribute( $package, $objectAttribute, $attributeNode )
        $fileNode = $attributeNode->getElementsByTagName( 'binary-file' )->item( 0 );
        if ( !is_object( $fileNode ) or !$fileNode->hasAttributes() )

        $binaryFile = eZBinaryFile::create( $objectAttribute->attribute( 'id' ), $objectAttribute->attribute( 'version' ) );

        $sourcePath = $package->simpleFilePath( $fileNode->getAttribute( 'filekey' ) );

        if ( !file_exists( $sourcePath ) )
            eZDebug::writeError( "The file '$sourcePath' does not exist, cannot initialize file attribute with it", __METHOD__ );
            return false;

        $ini = eZINI::instance();
        $mimeType = $fileNode->getAttribute( 'mime-type' );
        list( $mimeTypeCategory, $mimeTypeName ) = explode( '/', $mimeType );
        $destinationPath = eZSys::storageDirectory() . '/original/' . $mimeTypeCategory . '/';
        if ( !file_exists( $destinationPath ) )
            $oldumask = umask( 0 );
            if ( !eZDir::mkdir( $destinationPath, false, true ) )
                umask( $oldumask );
                return false;
            umask( $oldumask );

        $basename = basename( $fileNode->getAttribute( 'filename' ) );
        while ( file_exists( $destinationPath . $basename ) )
            $basename = substr( md5( mt_rand() ), 0, 8 ) . '.' . eZFile::suffix( $fileNode->getAttribute( 'filename' ) );

        eZFileHandler::copy( $sourcePath, $destinationPath . $basename );
        eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Copied: ' . $sourcePath . ' to: ' . $destinationPath . $basename, __METHOD__ );

        $binaryFile->setAttribute( 'contentobject_attribute_id', $objectAttribute->attribute( 'id' ) );
        $binaryFile->setAttribute( 'filename', $basename );
        $binaryFile->setAttribute( 'original_filename', $fileNode->getAttribute( 'original-filename' ) );
        $binaryFile->setAttribute( 'mime_type', $fileNode->getAttribute( 'mime-type' ) );


        $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
        $fileHandler->fileStore( $destinationPath . $basename, 'binaryfile', true );
Пример #17
 function unlink( $filename = false )
     if ( !$filename )
         if ( $this->isOpen() )
         $filename = $this->FileName;
     $result = eZFileHandler::doUnlink( $filename );
     if ( !$result )
         eZDebug::writeError( "Failed unlinking file " . $filename, __METHOD__ );
     return $result;
Пример #18
    static function copy( $sourceDirectory, &$destinationDirectory,
                   $asChild = true, $recursive = true, $includeHidden = false, $excludeItems = false )
        if ( !is_dir( $sourceDirectory ) )
            eZDebug::writeError( "Source $sourceDirectory is not a directory, cannot copy from it", __METHOD__ );
            return false;
        if ( !is_dir( $destinationDirectory ) )
            eZDebug::writeError( "Destination $destinationDirectory is not a directory, cannot copy to it", __METHOD__ );
            return false;
        if ( $asChild )
            if ( preg_match( "#^.+/([^/]+)$#", $sourceDirectory, $matches ) )
                eZDir::mkdir( $destinationDirectory . '/' . $matches[1], eZDir::directoryPermission(), false );
                $destinationDirectory .= '/' . $matches[1];
        $items = eZDir::findSubitems( $sourceDirectory, 'df', false, $includeHidden, $excludeItems );
        $totalItems = $items;
        while ( count( $items ) > 0 )
            $currentItems = $items;
            $items = array();
            foreach ( $currentItems as $item )
                $fullPath = $sourceDirectory . '/' . $item;
                if ( is_file( $fullPath ) )
                    eZFileHandler::copy( $fullPath, $destinationDirectory . '/' . $item );
                else if ( is_dir( $fullPath ) )
                    eZDir::mkdir( $destinationDirectory . '/' . $item, eZDir::directoryPermission(), false );
                    $newItems = eZDir::findSubitems( $fullPath, 'df', $item, $includeHidden, $excludeItems );
                    $items = array_merge( $items, $newItems );
                    $totalItems = array_merge( $totalItems, $newItems );
                    unset( $newItems );
//         eZDebugSetting::writeNotice( 'lib-ezfile-copy',
//                                      "Copied directory $sourceDirectory to destination $destinationDirectory",
//                                      'eZDir::copy' );
        return $totalItems;
Пример #19
     * Converts the source image $sourceMimeData into the destination image
     * $destinationMimeData.
     * @param mixed $sourceMimeData Source image, either a mimedata array or the
     *        source image path
     * @param mixed $destinationMimeData
     *        Either a mimedata array or the target image path
     * @param mixed $aliasName
     *        Target alias (small, medium, large...)
     * @param array $parameters
     *        Optional parameters. Known ones so far: (basename)
     * @return bool
    function convert( $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $aliasName = false, $parameters = array() )
        // if the local file doesn't exist, we need to fetch it locally
        if ( !file_exists( $sourceMimeData['url'] ) )
            $sourceFileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $sourceMimeData['url'] );

        if ( is_string( $sourceMimeData ) )
            $sourceMimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents( $sourceMimeData );

        $this->analyzeImage( $sourceMimeData );
        $currentMimeData = $sourceMimeData;
        $handlers = $this->ImageHandlers;
        $supportedMIMEMap = $this->SupportedMIMEMap;
        if ( is_string( $destinationMimeData ) )
            $destinationPath = $destinationMimeData;
            $destinationMimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents( $destinationPath );

        $filters = array();
        $alias = false;
        if ( $aliasName )
            $aliasList = $this->aliasList();
            if ( isset( $aliasList[$aliasName] ) )
                $alias = $aliasList[$aliasName];
                $filters = $alias['filters'];
                if ( $alias['mime_type'] )
                    eZMimeType::changeMIMEType( $destinationMimeData, $alias['mime_type'] );
        $mimeTypeOverride = $this->mimeTypeOverride( $sourceMimeData );
        if ( $mimeTypeOverride )
            $alias['override_mime_type'] = $mimeTypeOverride;

        if ( isset( $parameters['filters'] ) )
            $filters = array_merge( $filters, $parameters['filters'] );

        $wantedFilters = $filters;
        $mimeTypeFilters = $this->mimeTypeFilters( $sourceMimeData );
        if ( is_array( $mimeTypeFilters ) )
            $wantedFilters = array_merge( $wantedFilters, $mimeTypeFilters );
        $filters = array();
        foreach ( array_keys( $wantedFilters ) as $wantedFilterKey )
            $wantedFilter = $wantedFilters[$wantedFilterKey];
            if ( !$this->isFilterSupported( $wantedFilter['name'] ) )
                eZDebug::writeWarning( "The filter '" . $wantedFilter['name'] . "' is not supported by any of the image handlers, will ignore this filter", __METHOD__ );
            $filters[] = $wantedFilter;
        if ( !$destinationMimeData['is_valid'] )
            $destinationDirPath = $destinationMimeData['dirpath'];
            $destinationBasename = $destinationMimeData['basename'];
            if ( isset( $supportedMIMEMap[$sourceMimeData['name']] ) )
                $destinationMimeData = $sourceMimeData;
                if ( $alias['mime_type'] )
                    eZMimeType::changeMIMEType( $destinationMimeData, $alias['mime_type'] );
                eZMimeType::changeFileData( $destinationMimeData, $destinationDirPath, $destinationBasename );
                $hasDestination = false;
                foreach ( $handlers as $handler )
                    $gotMimeData = true;
                    while( $gotMimeData )
                        $gotMimeData = false;
                        $outputMimeData = $handler->outputMIMEType( $this, $sourceMimeData, false, $this->SupportedFormats, $aliasName );
                        if ( $outputMimeData and
                             isset( $supportedMIMEMap[$outputMimeData['name']] ) )
                            $destinationMimeData = $outputMimeData;
                            eZMimeType::changeFileData( $destinationMimeData, $destinationDirPath, $destinationBasename );
                            $hasDestination = true;
                            $gotMimeData = true;
                if ( !$hasDestination )
                    if ( isset( $sourceFileHandler ) )
                    return false;

        $wantedFilters = $filters;
        $filters = array();
        foreach ( array_keys( $wantedFilters ) as $wantedFilterKey )
            $wantedFilter = $wantedFilters[$wantedFilterKey];
            if ( !$this->isFilterAllowed( $wantedFilter['name'], $destinationMimeData ) )
            $filters[] = $wantedFilter;
        $result = true;
        $tempFiles = array();
        if ( $currentMimeData['name'] != $destinationMimeData['name'] or
             count( $filters ) > 0 )
            while ( $currentMimeData['name'] != $destinationMimeData['name'] or
                    count( $filters ) > 0 )
                $nextMimeData = false;
                $nextHandler = false;
                foreach ( $handlers as $handler )
                    if ( !$handler )

                    $handlerFilters = array();
                    $leftoverFilters = array();
                    foreach ( $filters as $filter )
                        if ( $handler->isFilterSupported( $filter ) )
                            $handlerFilters[] = $filter;
                            $leftoverFilters[] = $filter;

                    $outputMimeData = $handler->outputMIMEType( $this, $currentMimeData, $destinationMimeData, $this->SupportedFormats, $aliasName );
                    if ( $outputMimeData['name'] == $destinationMimeData['name'] and count( $handlerFilters ) > 0 )
                        $nextMimeData = $outputMimeData;
                        $nextHandler = $handler;
                    if ( $outputMimeData and
                         !$nextMimeData )
                        $nextMimeData = $outputMimeData;
                        $nextHandler = $handler;
                if ( !$nextMimeData )
                    eZDebug::writeError( "None of the handlers can convert MIME-Type " . $currentMimeData['name'], __METHOD__ );
                    if ( isset( $sourceFile ) )
                    return false;

                $useTempImage = false;
                if ( $nextMimeData['name'] == $destinationMimeData['name'] and
                     count( $leftoverFilters ) == 0 )
                    $nextMimeData['dirpath'] = $destinationMimeData['dirpath'];
                    $useTempImage = true;
                    $nextMimeData['dirpath'] = $this->temporaryImageDirPath();
                eZMimeType::changeDirectoryPath( $nextMimeData, $nextMimeData['dirpath'] );

                if ( $nextMimeData['dirpath'] and
                     !file_exists( $nextMimeData['dirpath'] ) )
                    eZDir::mkdir( $nextMimeData['dirpath'], false, true );
                if ( $currentMimeData['name'] == $nextMimeData['name'] and
                     count( $handlerFilters ) == 0 )
                    if ( $currentMimeData['url'] != $nextMimeData['url'] )
                        if ( eZFileHandler::copy( $currentMimeData['url'], $nextMimeData['url'] ) )
                            if ( $useTempImage )
                                $tempFiles[] = $nextMimeData['url'];
                            $result = false;
                    $currentMimeData = $nextMimeData;
                    if ( $nextHandler->convert( $this, $currentMimeData, $nextMimeData, $handlerFilters ) )
                        if ( $useTempImage )
                            $tempFiles[] = $nextMimeData['url'];
                        $result = false;
                    // store the converted file to cluster if the conversion is between mime name
                    $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
                    $fileHandler->fileStore( $nextMimeData['url'], 'image', false, $nextMimeData['name']  );

                    $currentMimeData = $nextMimeData;
                $filters = $leftoverFilters;
            $useCopy = false;
            if ( $aliasName and
                 $aliasName != 'original' )
                $destinationMimeData['filename'] = $destinationMimeData['basename'] . '_' . $aliasName . '.' . $destinationMimeData['suffix'];
                if ( $destinationMimeData['dirpath'] )
                    $destinationMimeData['url'] = $destinationMimeData['dirpath'] . '/' . $destinationMimeData['filename'];
                    $destinationMimeData['url'] = $destinationMimeData['filename'];
            if ( $sourceMimeData['url'] != $destinationMimeData['url'] )
                if ( $useCopy )
                    eZFileHandler::copy( $sourceMimeData['url'], $destinationMimeData['url'] );
                    eZFileHandler::linkCopy( $sourceMimeData['url'], $destinationMimeData['url'], false );
                $currentMimeData = $destinationMimeData;
        foreach ( $tempFiles as $tempFile )
            if ( !@unlink( $tempFile ) )
                eZDebug::writeError( "Failed to unlink temporary image file $tempFile", __METHOD__ );
        $destinationMimeData = $currentMimeData;

        if ( $aliasName && $aliasName != 'original' )
            if ( $result )
                $destinationFilePath = $destinationMimeData['url'];
                $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
                $fileHandler->fileStore( $destinationFilePath, 'image', true, $destinationMimeData['name'] );

            if ( isset( $sourceFileHandler ) )

        return $result;
Пример #20
  * Converts xhtml to pdf
  * @param $xhtml
  * @return Binary pdf content or false if error
 public function generatePDF($xhtml)
     //check if $tmpdir exists else try to create it
     if (!eZFileHandler::doExists($this->tmpDir)) {
         if (!eZDir::mkdir($this->tmpDir, eZDir::directoryPermission(), true)) {
             eZDebug::writeWarning("ParadoxPDF::generatePDF Error : could not create temporary directory {$this->tmpDir} ", 'ParadoxPDF::generatePDF');
             eZLog::write("ParadoxPDF::generatePDF Error : could not create temporary directory {$this->tmpDir} ", 'paradoxpdf.log');
             return false;
     } elseif (!eZFileHandler::doIsWriteable($this->tmpDir)) {
         //check if $tmpdir is writable
         eZDebug::writeWarning("ParadoxPDF::generatePDF Error : please make {$this->tmpDir} writable ", 'ParadoxPDF::generatePDF');
         eZLog::write("ParadoxPDF::generatePDF Error : please make {$this->tmpDir} writable ", 'paradoxpdf.log');
         return false;
     $rand = md5('paradoxpdf' . getmypid() . mt_rand());
     $tmpXHTMLFile = eZDir::path(array($this->tmpDir, "{$rand}.xhtml"));
     $tmpPDFFile = eZDir::path(array($this->tmpDir, "{$rand}.pdf"));
     //fix relative urls to match ez root directory
     $xhtml = $this->fixURL($xhtml);
     eZFile::create($tmpXHTMLFile, false, $xhtml);
     $pdfContent = '';
     //run jar in headless mode
     $command = $this->javaExec . " -Djava.awt.headless=true";
     if ($this->debugEnabled && $this->debugVerbose) {
         $command .= " -Dxr.util-logging.loggingEnabled=true";
     $command .= " -jar " . $this->paradoxPDFExec . " {$tmpXHTMLFile} {$tmpPDFFile}";
     //fix to get all command output
     $command .= "  2>&1";
     //Enter the Matrix
     exec($command, $output, $returnCode);
     //Cant trust java return code so we test if a plain pdf file is genereated
     if (!(eZFileHandler::doExists($tmpPDFFile) && ($this->size = filesize($tmpPDFFile)))) {
         $this->writeCommandLog($command, $output, false);
         return false;
     $this->writeCommandLog($command, $output, true);
     $pdfContent = file_get_contents($tmpPDFFile);
     //cleanup temporary files
     //if debug enabled preseves the temporary pdf file
     //else remove all temporary files
     if (!$this->debugEnabled) {
     return $pdfContent;