static function removeClassName($contentClassID, $contentClassVersion) { $db = eZDb::instance(); $db->begin(); $sql = "DELETE FROM ezcontentclass_name WHERE contentclass_id = {$contentClassID} AND contentclass_version = {$contentClassVersion}"; $db->query($sql); $db->commit(); }
function getClassAttributes($attribute_names = array()) { $debug = false; $db = eZDb::instance(); $ret = array(); $result = array(); $result2 = array(); if (count($attribute_names) > 1) { foreach ($attribute_names as $key => $attribute_name) { $sql = "SELECT, tmp.identifier from (select, ezcontentclass.identifier from ezcontentclass,ezcontentclass_attribute where ( AND ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier='servizio')) as tmp, ezcontentclass_attribute where AND ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier='argomento'"; $ret[] = $db->arrayQuery($sql); } } else { foreach ($attribute_names as $key => $attribute_name) { $sql = "SELECT, ezcontentclass.identifier \n FROM ezcontentclass_attribute, ezcontentclass \n WHERE \n AND ezcontentclass_attribute.identifier='" . $attribute_name . "'"; $ret[] = $db->arrayQuery($sql); } } if ($debug) { ezDebug::writeNotice($ret[0], 'getClassAttributes: risultato per ' . implode(',', $attribute_names)); } return $ret[0]; }
function checkApproveCollaboration( $process, $event ) { $db = eZDb::instance(); $taskResult = $db->arrayQuery( 'select workflow_process_id, collaboration_id from ezapprove_items where workflow_process_id = ' . $process->attribute( 'id' ) ); $collaborationID = $taskResult[0]['collaboration_id']; $collaborationItem = eZCollaborationItem::fetch( $collaborationID ); $contentObjectVersion = eZApproveCollaborationHandler::contentObjectVersion( $collaborationItem ); $approvalStatus = eZApproveCollaborationHandler::checkApproval( $collaborationID ); if ( $approvalStatus == eZApproveCollaborationHandler::STATUS_WAITING ) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-workflow-approve', $event, 'approval still waiting' ); return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_DEFERRED_TO_CRON_REPEAT; } else if ( $approvalStatus == eZApproveCollaborationHandler::STATUS_ACCEPTED ) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-workflow-approve', $event, 'approval was accepted' ); $status = eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED; } else if ( $approvalStatus == eZApproveCollaborationHandler::STATUS_DENIED or $approvalStatus == eZApproveCollaborationHandler::STATUS_DEFERRED ) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-workflow-approve', $event, 'approval was denied' ); $contentObjectVersion->setAttribute( 'status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT ); $status = eZWorkflowType::STATUS_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED; } else { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-workflow-approve', $event, "approval unknown status '$approvalStatus'" ); $contentObjectVersion->setAttribute( 'status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_REJECTED ); $status = eZWorkflowType::STATUS_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED; } $contentObjectVersion->sync(); if ( $approvalStatus != eZApproveCollaborationHandler::STATUS_DEFERRED ) $db->query( 'DELETE FROM ezapprove_items WHERE workflow_process_id = ' . $process->attribute( 'id' ) ); return $status; }
static function fetchAllClasses($asObject = true, $includeFilter = true, $groupList = false) { $filterTableSQL = ''; $filterSQL = ''; if (is_array($groupList)) { $filterTableSQL = ', ezcontentclass_classgroup ccg'; $filterSQL = " AND" . " = ccg.contentclass_id AND" . " ccg.group_id "; $groupText = implode(', ', $groupList); if ($includeFilter) { $filterSQL .= "IN ( {$groupText} )"; } else { $filterSQL .= "NOT IN ( {$groupText} )"; } } $classNameFilter = eZContentClassName::sqlFilter('cc'); $classList = array(); $db = eZDb::instance(); // If $asObject is true we fetch all fields in class $fields = $asObject ? "cc.*" : ", {$classNameFilter['nameField']}"; $rows = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT DISTINCT {$fields} " . "FROM ezcontentclass cc{$filterTableSQL}, {$classNameFilter['from']} " . "WHERE cc.version = " . eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_DEFINED . "{$filterSQL} AND {$classNameFilter['where']}" . "ORDER BY {$classNameFilter['nameField']} ASC"); $classList = eZPersistentObject::handleRows($rows, 'eZContentClass', $asObject); return $classList; }
$dbImpl = $options['db-driver'] ? $options['db-driver'] : false; $showSQL = $options['sql'] ? true : false; $siteAccess = $options['siteaccess'] ? $options['siteaccess'] : false; if ($siteAccess) { changeSiteAccessSetting($siteAccess); } function changeSiteAccessSetting($siteAccess) { $cli = eZCLI::instance(); if (in_array($siteAccess, eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList'))) { $cli->output("Using siteaccess {$siteAccess} for nice url update"); } else { $cli->notice("Siteaccess {$siteAccess} does not exist, using default siteaccess"); } } $db = eZDb::instance(); if ($dbHost or $dbName or $dbUser or $dbImpl) { $params = array(); if ($dbHost !== false) { $params['server'] = $dbHost; } if ($dbUser !== false) { $params['user'] = $dbUser; $params['password'] = ''; } if ($dbPassword !== false) { $params['password'] = $dbPassword; } if ($dbName !== false) { $params['database'] = $dbName; }
function versionLanguageName( $version, $lang = false ) { $name = false; if ( !$version > 0 ) { eZDebug::writeNotice( "There is no object name for version($version) of the content object ($contentObjectID) in language($lang)", __METHOD__ ); return $name; } $db = eZDb::instance(); $contentObjectID = $this->attribute( 'id' ); if ( !$lang ) { // If $lang not given we will use the initial language of the object $query = "SELECT initial_language_id FROM ezcontentobject WHERE id='$contentObjectID'"; $rows = $db->arrayQuery( $query ); if ( $rows ) { $languageID = $rows[0]['initial_language_id']; $language = eZContentLanguage::fetch( $languageID ); if ( $language ) { $lang = $language->attribute( 'locale' ); } else { return $name; } } else { return $name; } } $lang = $db->escapeString( $lang ); $version = (int) $version; $languageID = $this->attribute( 'initial_language_id' ); if ( $this->attribute( 'always_available' ) ) { $languageID = (int) $languageID | 1; } $query= "SELECT name, content_translation FROM ezcontentobject_name WHERE contentobject_id = '$contentObjectID' AND content_version = '$version' AND ( content_translation = '$lang' OR language_id = '$languageID' )"; $result = $db->arrayQuery( $query ); $resCount = count( $result ); if( $resCount < 1 ) { eZDebug::writeNotice( "There is no object name for version($version) of the content object ($contentObjectID) in language($lang)", __METHOD__ ); } else if( $resCount > 1 ) { // we have name in requested language => find and return it foreach( $result as $row ) { if( $row['content_translation'] == $lang ) { $name = $row['name']; break; } } } else { // we don't have name in requested language(or requested language is the same as initial language) => use name in initial language $name = $result[0]['name']; } return $name; }
function checkApproveCollaboration($process, $event, $collaborationID = 0) { $db = eZDb::instance(); if ($collaborationID > 0) { $taskResult = $db->arrayQuery('select workflow_process_id, collaboration_id, target_node_ids from ezxapprovelocation_items where collaboration_id = ' . $collaborationID); } else { $taskResult = $db->arrayQuery('select workflow_process_id, collaboration_id, target_node_ids from ezxapprovelocation_items where workflow_process_id = ' . $process->attribute('id')); } $collaborationID = $taskResult[0]['collaboration_id']; $collaborationItem = eZCollaborationItem::fetch($collaborationID); $approvalStatus = approveLocationCollaborationHandler::checkApproval($collaborationID); $targetNodeIDs = json_decode($taskResult[0]['target_node_ids']); if ($approvalStatus == approveLocationCollaborationHandler::STATUS_WAITING) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('ezworkflowcollection-workflow-approve-location', $event, 'approval still waiting'); return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_DEFERRED_TO_CRON_REPEAT; } elseif ($approvalStatus == approveLocationCollaborationHandler::STATUS_ACCEPTED) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('ezworkflowcollection-workflow-approve-location', $event, 'approval was accepted'); eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('ezworkflowcollection-workflow-approve-location', $targetNodeIDs, 'add new location(s)'); return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED; } elseif ($approvalStatus == approveLocationCollaborationHandler::STATUS_DENIED or $approvalStatus == approveLocationCollaborationHandler::STATUS_DEFERRED) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('ezworkflowcollection-workflow-approve-location', $event, 'approval was denied'); $status = eZWorkflowType::STATUS_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED; } else { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('ezworkflowcollection-workflow-approve-location', $event, "approval unknown status '{$approvalStatus}'"); $status = eZWorkflowType::STATUS_WORKFLOW_CANCELLED; } if ($approvalStatus != approveLocationCollaborationHandler::STATUS_DEFERRED) { $db->query('DELETE FROM ezxapprovelocation_items WHERE workflow_process_id = ' . $process->attribute('id')); } return $status; }
function content($collaborationItem) { $db = eZDb::instance(); $taskResult = $db->arrayQuery('select target_node_ids from ezxapprovelocation_items where collaboration_id = ' . $collaborationItem->attribute('id')); return array("content_object_id" => $collaborationItem->attribute("data_int1"), "content_object_version" => $collaborationItem->attribute("data_int2"), "approval_status" => $collaborationItem->attribute("data_int3"), "target_node_ids" => json_decode($taskResult[0]['target_node_ids'], true)); }