     * Test for the sort feature of country list
    public function testFetchTranslatedNamesSort()
        $translatedCountriesList = array(
            'FR' => 'France',
            'GB' => 'Royaume-uni',
            'DE' => 'Allemagne',
            'NO' => 'Norvège' );

        ezpINIHelper::setINISetting( array( 'fre-FR.ini', 'share/locale' ), 'CountryNames', 'Countries', $translatedCountriesList );
        ezpINIHelper::setINISetting( 'site.ini', 'RegionalSettings', 'Locale', 'fre-FR' );

        $countries = eZCountryType::fetchCountryList();
        $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $countries, "eZCountryType::fetchCountryList() didn't return an array" );

        $countryListIsSorted = true;
        foreach( $countries as $country )
            if ( !isset( $previousCountry ) )
                $previousCountry = $country;

            if ( strcoll( $previousCountry['Name'], $country['Name'] ) > 0 )
                $countryListIsSorted = false;

        $this->assertTrue( $countryListIsSorted, "Country list isn't sorted" );
Пример #2
function getCountryList($ret = false, $debug = false)
    if ( $debug )
        ezDebug::writeNotice( 'call', 'getCountryList:fetch' );
    $countryType = new eZCountryType();
    $countries = $countryType->fetchCountryList();
    include_once( 'extension/ezdbug/autoloads/ezdbug.php' );
    $d = new eZDBugOperators();
    $d->ezdbugDump( $countries );
    $ret =& $countries;
    if ($debug) {
        ezDebug::writeNotice($ret, 'getXMLString:ret');
    return $ret;
 public static function fetchCountryList($filter, $value)
     // Fetch country list
     if (!$filter and !$value) {
         $country = eZCountryType::fetchCountryList();
     } else {
         $country = eZCountryType::fetchCountry($value, $filter);
     return array('result' => $country);
Пример #4
    function classAttributeContent( $classAttribute )
        $defaultCountry = $classAttribute->attribute( self::DEFAULT_LIST_FIELD );
        $multipleChoice = $classAttribute->attribute( self::MULTIPLE_CHOICE_FIELD );
        $defaultCountryList = explode( ',', $defaultCountry );
        $resultList = array();
        foreach ( $defaultCountryList as $alpha2 )
            $eZCountry = eZCountryType::fetchCountry( $alpha2, 'Alpha2' );
            if ( $eZCountry )
                $resultList[$alpha2] = $eZCountry;
        $content = array( 'default_countries' => $resultList,
                          'multiple_choice' => $multipleChoice );

        return $content;
 function execute($process, $event)
     $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
     $siteINI = eZINI::instance('site.ini');
     $shopINI = eZINI::instance('shop.ini');
     $payoneINI = eZINI::instance('xrowpayone.ini');
     $processParams = $process->attribute('parameter_list');
     $errors = array();
     $process_id = $process->ID;
     //get the current order
     $order_id = $processParams['order_id'];
     $order = eZOrder::fetch($order_id);
     //checking if its only a redirect and so the preauthorisation is already finished
     $paymentObj = xrowPaymentObject::fetchByOrderID($order_id);
     if (is_object($paymentObj) && $paymentObj->approved()) {
         //now disapprove again because its 3d CC payment and its only paid when capture is successful
         eZLog::write("SUCCESS in step 2 ('preauthorisation') ::3D Secure Card detected - FINISHED :: for order ID " . $order_id, $logName = 'xrowpayone.log', $dir = 'var/log');
         return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
     //STEP 2: preauthorisation
     if ($http->hasPostVariable('pseudocardpan')) {
         //fetching settings
         $pseudocardpan = $http->postVariable('pseudocardpan');
         $site_url = $siteINI->variable('SiteSettings', 'SiteURL');
         $aid = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'AID');
         $mid = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'MID');
         $portal_id = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'PortalID');
         $mode = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'Mode');
         $key = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'Key');
         $algorithm = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'Algorithm');
         $api_version = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'APIVersion');
         $response_type = $payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'ResponseType');
         $cc_3d_secure_enabled = $payoneINI->variable('CC3DSecure', 'Enabled');
         $error_url = $payoneINI->variable('CC3DSecure', 'ErrorURL');
         $success_url = $payoneINI->variable('CC3DSecure', 'SuccessURL');
         $siteaccess = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'];
         $siteaccess = $siteaccess["name"];
         //prepare some parameter values
         $error_url = "https://" . $site_url . "/" . $siteaccess . "/" . $error_url . "/orderID/" . $order_id;
         $success_url = "https://" . $site_url . "/" . $siteaccess . "/" . $success_url . "/orderID/" . $order_id;
         $order_total_in_cent = (string) $order->totalIncVAT() * 100;
         $currency_code = $order->currencyCode();
         $order_xml = simplexml_load_string($order->DataText1);
         $country_alpha3 = (string) $order_xml->country;
         $country = eZCountryType::fetchCountry($country_alpha3, "Alpha3");
         $country_alpha2 = $country["Alpha2"];
         $last_name = (string) $order_xml->last_name;
         //create hash array
         $hash_array["aid"] = $aid;
         $hash_array["mid"] = $mid;
         $hash_array["portalid"] = $portal_id;
         $hash_array["api_version"] = $api_version;
         $hash_array["mode"] = $mode;
         $hash_array["request"] = "preauthorization";
         $hash_array["responsetype"] = $response_type;
         $hash_array["clearingtype"] = "cc";
         $hash_array["reference"] = $order_id;
         $hash_array["amount"] = $order_total_in_cent;
         $hash_array["currency"] = $currency_code;
         if ($cc_3d_secure_enabled == "true") {
             $hash_array["successurl"] = $success_url;
             $hash_array["errorurl"] = $error_url;
         //please note: country, lastname and pseudocardpan are not needed to be added to the hash because they are not allwoed (p.25 client doc)
         //create param array
         $param_array["aid"] = $aid;
         $param_array["mid"] = $mid;
         $param_array["portalid"] = $portal_id;
         $param_array["api_version"] = $api_version;
         $param_array["mode"] = $mode;
         $param_array["request"] = "preauthorization";
         $param_array["responsetype"] = $response_type;
         $param_array["hash"] = xrowPayoneHelper::generate_hash($algorithm, $hash_array, $key);
         $param_array["clearingtype"] = "cc";
         $param_array["reference"] = $order_id;
         $param_array["amount"] = $order_total_in_cent;
         $param_array["currency"] = $currency_code;
         $param_array["lastname"] = urlencode($last_name);
         $param_array["country"] = $country_alpha2;
         $param_array["pseudocardpan"] = $pseudocardpan;
         if ($cc_3d_secure_enabled == "true") {
             $param_array["successurl"] = $success_url;
             $param_array["errorurl"] = $error_url;
         //sort params in alphabetic order
         $parameter_string = "?";
         foreach ($param_array as $key => $parameter) {
             $parameter_string .= $key . "=" . $parameter . "&";
         $url = "https://secure.pay1.de/client-api" . $parameter_string;
         if ($siteINI->hasVariable('ProxySettings', 'ProxyServer') && $siteINI->variable('ProxySettings', 'ProxyServer') != "") {
             $proxyserver = $siteINI->variable('ProxySettings', 'ProxyServer');
             //now get the proxy url
             if (strpos($proxyserver, "://") !== false) {
                 $proxy_parts = explode("://", $proxyserver);
                 $proxyserver = $proxy_parts[1];
             $context_array = array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'proxy' => $proxyserver));
             $context = stream_context_create($context_array);
             $json_response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
         } else {
             $json_response = file_get_contents($url);
         if ($json_response) {
             $json_response = json_decode($json_response);
             if ($json_response->status != "ERROR" and isset($json_response->txid)) {
                 //get 'txid' from response and keep it
                 $txid = $json_response->txid;
                 //get 'userid' from response and keep it
                 $userid = $json_response->userid;
                 //now store it into the order
                 $db = eZDB::instance();
                 $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
                 $shop_account_element = $doc->getElementsByTagName('shop_account');
                 $shop_account_element = $shop_account_element->item(0);
                 //handle and store the TXID
                 //remove first if exists
                 $txid_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('txid');
                 if ($txid_elements->length >= 1) {
                     $txid_element = $txid_elements->item(0);
                 //then create
                 $txidNode = $doc->createElement("txid", $txid);
                 //handle and store the userid
                 //remove first if exists
                 $userid_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('userid');
                 if ($userid_elements->length >= 1) {
                     $userid_element = $userid_elements->item(0);
                 //then create
                 $useridNode = $doc->createElement("userid", $userid);
                 //handle and store the pseudocardpan
                 if ($http->hasPostVariable('truncatedcardpan')) {
                     //remove first if exists
                     $tpan_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('truncatedcardpan');
                     if ($tpan_elements->length >= 1) {
                         $tpan_element = $tpan_elements->item(0);
                     //then create
                     $truncatedcardpan_node = $doc->createElement("truncatedcardpan", $http->postVariable('truncatedcardpan'));
                 if ($json_response->status === "REDIRECT") {
                     //remove first if exists
                     $cc3d_sec_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('cc3d_reserved');
                     if ($cc3d_sec_elements->length >= 1) {
                         $cc3d_sec_element = $cc3d_sec_elements->item(0);
                     //save reserved flag false for now
                     $reservedFlag = $doc->createElement("cc3d_reserved", "false");
                 } else {
                     //remove cc3d_reserved if exists. this case could occure if someone changed from 3d CC to normal CC.
                     $cc3d_sec_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('cc3d_reserved');
                     if ($cc3d_sec_elements->length >= 1) {
                         $cc3d_sec_element = $cc3d_sec_elements->item(0);
                 //i must store here redundant otherwise the order will not be stored since its stuck in a transaction
                 //store it
                 $order->setAttribute('data_text_1', $doc->saveXML());
                 if ($json_response->status === "REDIRECT") {
                     eZLog::write("PENDING in step 2 ('preauthorisation') ::3D Secure Card detected - REDIRECTING to creditcard institute check :: for order ID " . $order_id, $logName = 'xrowpayone.log', $dir = 'var/log');
                     //do redirect to 3d secure password confirm page
                 } else {
                     eZLog::write("SUCCESS in step 2 ('preauthorisation') for order ID " . $order_id, $logName = 'xrowpayone.log', $dir = 'var/log');
                     return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
             } else {
                 eZLog::write("FAILED in step 2 ('preauthorisation') for order ID " . $order_id . " with ERRORCODE " . $json_response->errorcode . " Message: " . $json_response->errormessage, $logName = 'xrowpayone.log', $dir = 'var/log');
                 if ($payoneINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'CustomErrorNode') === "disabled") {
                     //use default error of payone
                     $errors = array($json_response->customermessage);
                 } else {
                     //use customized errors
                     $response["errorcode"] = $json_response->errorcode;
                     $response["errormessage"] = $json_response->errormessage;
                     $errors = array(xrowPayoneHelper::generateCustomErrorString($order, $response));
         } else {
             eZLog::write("ERROR: Remote content not found in file " . __FILE__ . " on line " . __LINE__, $logName = 'xrowpayone.log', $dir = 'var/log');
     } else {
         if (is_object($paymentObj)) {
             //that means, that we have a paymentobject which is not approved. its not approved because the payment has failed so we return a array
             $errors = array(ezpI18n::tr('extension/xrowpayone', 'Error occured during payment process. Please choose your payment option again.'));
     $process->Template = array();
     $process->Template['templateName'] = xrowPayoneCreditCardGateway::TEMPLATE;
     $process->Template['path'] = array(array('url' => false, 'text' => ezpI18n::tr('extension/xrowpayone', 'Payment Information')));
     $process->Template['templateVars'] = array('errors' => $errors, 'order' => $order, 'event' => $event);
     // return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_REJECTED;
     return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_FETCH_TEMPLATE_REPEAT;
Пример #6
$script = eZScript::instance( array( 'description' => ( "eZ Publish Country update script\n\n" .
                                                        "Upgrades db table in addition with upgrade from 3.9.2 to 3.9.3\n" .
                                                        "Fixes bug with aplying VAT rules" ),
                                      'use-session' => false,
                                      'use-modules' => true,
                                      'use-extensions' => true ) );

$options = $script->getOptions(  );


$db = eZDB::instance();

$countries = $db->arrayQuery( "SELECT country_code from ezvatrule;" );
$iniCountries = eZCountryType::fetchCountryList();

$updatedRules = 0;

foreach ( $countries as $country )
    foreach ( $iniCountries as $iniCountry )
        if ( $iniCountry['Name'] == $country['country_code'] )
            $countryName = $country['country_code'];
            $countryCode = $iniCountry['Alpha2'];
            $db->query( "UPDATE ezvatrule SET country_code='" . $db->escapeString( $countryCode ) . "' WHERE country_code='" . $db->escapeString( $countryName ) . "'" );