// we need to get the parent article(s) $expirationDuration = $dataMap['expiration_duration']->content(); $relatedArticles = array(); $relatedObjects = $node->object()->reverseRelatedObjectList(false, eZContentObjectTreeNode::classAttributeIDByIdentifier('download_ressource') ); if(!isset($articleId) && count($relatedObjects) > 1) { /* @var $Module eZModule */ header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); echo "<h1>Forbidden access</h1>\n"; eZExecution::cleanExit(); } if(isset($articleId)) { $article = eZContentObjectTreenode::fetch($articleId); if($article) { $dataMap = $article->dataMap(); if( isset($dataMap['online_date']) && $dataMap['online_date']->hasContent() ) { /* @type $onlineDateContent eZDate */ $onlineDateContent = $dataMap['online_date']->content(); $onlineDate = $onlineDateContent->timestamp(); $dates = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::getDatesPDFavailable($onlineDate,$expirationDuration); if( $dates['daysLeft'] > 0 ) { $articleObject = $article->object(); $relatedArticles[] = $articleObject;
/** * @param eZContentObjectTreenode $node * @param array $row * @return array */ protected static function nodeHasForbiddenWords( &$node, &$row ) { /* @type $clustersToHide array */ $clustersToHide = eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'PublishSettings', 'clustersToHide' ); $returnArray = array(); foreach ($clustersToHide as $cluster) { /* @type $languageList array */ $clusterIni = eZINI::fetchFromFile( "./extension/$cluster/settings/site.ini" ); $languageList = $clusterIni->variable('RegionalSettings', 'SiteLanguageList'); foreach( $languageList as $locale ) { /* @type $nodeDatamap eZContentObjectAttribute[] */ $nodeDatamap = $node->object()->fetchDataMap(false, $locale); if( !$nodeDatamap ) continue; if( $nodeDatamap['forbidden_article']->attribute('data_int') == 1 ) { // node is marked from publisher as containing some forbidden words = we hide $returnArray[$cluster] = array( 'toHide' => true, 'toDelete' => true, 'comment' => 'marked by publisher', ); break; } $forbiddenWordsArray = self::getForbiddenWordsArray($cluster); if(empty($forbiddenWordsArray)) { $returnArray[$cluster] = array( 'toHide' => false, 'toDelete' => true, 'comment' => 'no forbidden words on cluster', ); continue; } $lgExplode = explode('-', $locale); $languageFilter = $lgExplode[0] . '-*'; $params = array( 'indent' => 'on', 'qt' => 'standard', 'q' => '*:*', 'start' => 0, 'stop' => 0, 'fq' => implode(' AND ', array( 'meta_node_id_si:'.$node->attribute('node_id'), 'meta_language_code_ms:'.$languageFilter, 'meta_installation_id_ms:'.eZSolr::installationID() )), ); $isInSolrResult = SolrTool::rawSearch($params, 'php', false); if( !$isInSolrResult['response']['numFound'] ) { // the node is not in solr. We postpone its check if( $row['created'] < time() - 3600 * 4 ) { // the node was added more than 4 hours ago. It should be in solr. We ask for a reindex eZSearch::addObject( $node->object() ); $returnArray[$cluster] = array( 'toHide' => true, 'toDelete' => false, 'comment' => 'not indexed in solr yet', ); break; } if( $row['created'] < time() - 3600 * 48 ) { eZLog::write( sprintf( "%s\t Node %s still not in solr after 48h", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $node->attribute('node_id') ), 'updatevisibility.log' ); $returnArray[$cluster] = array( 'toHide' => true, 'toDelete' => true, 'comment' => 'node is taking too long to be indexed', ); break; } } $params['q'] = implode(' ', $forbiddenWordsArray); $solrResults = SolrTool::rawSearch($params, 'php', false); if( !$solrResults['response']['numFound'] ) { // content has forbidden words => we hide $returnArray[$cluster] = array( 'toHide' => true, 'toDelete' => true, 'comment' => 'has forbidden words', ); break; } } if ( !isset($returnArray[$cluster]) ) { $returnArray[$cluster] = array( 'toHide' => false, 'toDelete' => true, 'comment' => 'default case' ); } } return $returnArray; }