Пример #1
$session->site = 0;
// 0 = US;
$session->location = $location;
// Make AddItem, ReviseItem, and GetItem API calls to demonstate how to modify
// and item listing
try {
    $client = new eBaySOAP($session);
    $PrimaryCategory = array('CategoryID' => 357);
    $Item = array('ListingType' => 'Chinese', 'Currency' => 'USD', 'Country' => 'US', 'PaymentMethods' => 'PaymentSeeDescription', 'RegionID' => 0, 'ListingDuration' => 'Days_3', 'Title' => 'The new item title', 'SubTitle' => 'The new item subtitle', 'Description' => "It's a great new item", 'Location' => "San Jose, CA", 'Quantity' => 1, 'StartPrice' => 24.99, 'BuyItNowPrice' => 54.99, 'PrimaryCategory' => $PrimaryCategory);
    $params = array('Version' => $compatibilityLevel, 'Item' => $Item);
    $results = $client->AddItem($params);
    $ItemID = (string) $results->ItemID;
    print "Listed Item ID: {$ItemID} <br>\n";
    // Get it to confirm
    $params = array('Version' => $compatibilityLevel, 'ItemID' => $ItemID);
    $results = $client->GetItem($params);
    print "Got Item ID: {$ItemID} <br>\n";
    print "It has a title of: " . $results->Item->Title . " <br>\n";
    print "It has a BIN Price of: " . $results->Item->BuyItNowPrice->_ . ' ' . $results->Item->BuyItNowPrice->currencyID . " <br> \n";
    // Revise it and change the Title and raise the BuyItNowPrice
    $Item = array('ItemID' => $ItemID, 'Title' => 'The revised item title', 'BuyItNowPrice' => 99.98999999999999);
    $params = array('Version' => $compatibilityLevel, 'Item' => $Item);
    $results = $client->ReviseItem($params);
    print "<hr>Revised Item ID: {$ItemID} <br>\n";
    // Get it to confirm
    $params = array('Version' => $compatibilityLevel, 'ItemID' => $ItemID);
    $results = $client->GetItem($params);
    print "Got Item ID: {$ItemID} <br>\n";
    print "It has a title of: " . $results->Item->Title . " <br>\n";
    print "It has a BIN Price of: " . $results->Item->BuyItNowPrice->_ . ' ' . $results->Item->BuyItNowPrice->currencyID . " <br> \n";
} catch (SOAPFault $f) {