Пример #1
 public function actionTest()
     echo 'Login controller<br /><br />';
     if (isset($_GET['lgt'])) {
     echo 'Logged in: ' . (e107::getUser()->isUser() ? 'true' : 'false');
     $provider = e107::getUser()->getProvider();
     if ($provider) {
     echo '<br /><br /><a href="' . e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/test?lgt') . '">Test logout</a>';
     echo '<br /><a href="' . e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/login?provider=Facebook') . '">Test login with Facebook</a>';
     echo '<br /><a href="' . e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/signup?provider=Facebook') . '">Test signup with Facebook</a>';
Пример #2
 public function actionTest()
     echo '<h3>Social Login Tester</h3>';
     if (getperms('0')) {
         echo e107::getMessage()->addError("Please logout of e107 before testing the new-user login/signup procedure.")->render();
     if (isset($_GET['lgt'])) {
     $profileData = null;
     $provider = e107::getUser()->getProvider();
     if ($provider) {
         $profileData = $provider->getUserProfile();
         if (!empty($profileData)) {
     echo 'Logged in: ' . (e107::getUser()->isUser() && !empty($profileData) ? '<span class="label label-success">true</span>' : '<span class="label label-danger">false</span>');
     $testUrl = SITEURL . "?route=system/xup/test";
     $providers = e107::getPref('social_login', array());
     foreach ($providers as $key => $var) {
         if ($var['enabled'] == 1) {
             echo '<h3>' . $key . '</h3><ul>';
             echo '<li><a class="btn btn-default" href="' . e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/login?provider=' . $key . '&back=' . base64_encode($testUrl)) . '">Test login only with ' . $key . '</a></li>';
             echo '<li><a class="btn btn-default" href="' . e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/signup?provider=' . $key . '&back=' . base64_encode($testUrl)) . '">Test signup/login with ' . $key . '</a></li>';
             echo "</ul>";
         //	print_a($var);
     echo '<br /><br /><a class="btn btn-default" href="' . e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/test?lgt') . '">Test logout</a>';
     		echo '<h3>Facebook</h3>';
     		echo '<br /><a href="'.e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/login?provider=Facebook').'">Test login with Facebook</a>';
     		echo '<br /><a href="'.e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/signup?provider=Facebook').'">Test signup with Facebook</a>';
     		echo '<h3>Twitter</h3>';
     		echo '<br /><a href="'.e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/login?provider=Twitter').'">Test login with Twitter</a>';
     		echo '<br /><a href="'.e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/signup?provider=Twitter').'">Test signup with Twitter</a>';
Пример #3
 function processUpload()
     $ns = e107::getRender();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $error = false;
     $postemail = '';
     if (($_POST['file_email'] || USER == TRUE) && $_POST['file_name'] && $_POST['file_description'] && $_POST['download_category']) {
         //	$uploaded = file_upload(e_FILE."public/", "unique");
         $fl = e107::getFile();
         $uploaded = $fl->getUploaded(e_UPLOAD, "unique", array('max_file_count' => 2, 'extra_file_types' => TRUE));
         //      $uploaded = process_uploaded_files(e_UPLOAD, "unique", array('max_file_count' => 2, 'extra_file_types' => TRUE));
         // First, see what errors the upload handler picked up
         if ($uploaded === FALSE) {
             $error = true;
         // Now see if we have a code file
         if (count($uploaded) > 0) {
             if ($uploaded[0]['error'] == 0) {
                 $file = $uploaded[0]['name'];
                 $filesize = $uploaded[0]['size'];
             } else {
                 $error = true;
         // Now see if we have an image file
         if (count($uploaded) > 1) {
             if ($uploaded[1]['error'] == 0) {
                 $image = $uploaded[1]['name'];
             } else {
                 $error = true;
         // The upload handler checks max file size
         $downloadCategory = intval($_POST['download_category']);
         if (!$downloadCategory) {
             $error = true;
         // an error - delete the files to keep things tidy
         if ($error) {
         } else {
             if (USER) {
                 $poster = USERID;
                 $row = e107::getUser()->toArray();
                 if ($row['user_hideemail']) {
                     $postemail = '-witheld-';
                 } else {
                     $postemail = USEREMAIL;
             } else {
                 $poster = "0";
                 //.$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_poster']);
                 $postemail = $tp->toDB($_POST['file_email']);
             if ($postemail != '-witheld-' && !check_email($postemail)) {
                 $error = true;
             } else {
                 if ($postemail == '-witheld-') {
                     $postemail = '';
                 $_POST['file_description'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['file_description']);
                 $file_time = time();
                 $sql->insert("upload", "0, '" . $poster . "', '" . $postemail . "', '" . $tp->toDB($_POST['file_website']) . "', '" . $file_time . "', '" . $tp->toDB($_POST['file_name']) . "', '" . $tp->toDB($_POST['file_version']) . "', '" . $file . "', '" . $image . "', '" . $tp->toDB($_POST['file_description']) . "', '" . $tp->toDB($_POST['file_demo']) . "', '" . $filesize . "', 0, '" . $downloadCategory . "'");
                 $edata_fu = array("upload_user" => $poster, "upload_email" => $postemail, "upload_name" => $tp->toDB($_POST['file_name']), "upload_file" => $file, "upload_version" => $_POST['file_version'], "upload_description" => $tp->toDB($_POST['file_description']), "upload_size" => $filesize, "upload_category" => $downloadCategory, "upload_website" => $tp->toDB($_POST['file_website']), "upload_image" => $image, "upload_demo" => $tp->toDB($_POST['file_demo']), "upload_time" => $file_time);
                 e107::getEvent()->trigger("fileupload", $edata_fu);
                 // BC
                 e107::getEvent()->trigger("user_file_upload", $edata_fu);
     } else {
         // Error - missing data
     echo e107::getMessage()->render();
Пример #4
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) {
/* done in class2
if (ADMIN) {
    define('ADMIN_PAGE', true);
    //don't include it if it'a an AJAX call or not wanted
    if (!e_AJAX_REQUEST && !defset('e_NOHEADER')) {
        // XXX LOGIN AS Temporary solution, we need something smarter, e.g. reserved message stack 'admin' which will be always printed
        // inside admin area
        if (e107::getUser()->getSessionDataAs()) {
            // TODO - lan
            $asuser = e107::getSystemUser(e107::getUser()->getSessionDataAs(), false);
            e107::getMessage()->addInfo('Successfully logged in as ' . ($asuser && $asuser->getValue('name') ? $asuser->getValue('name') : 'unknown') . ' <a href="' . e_ADMIN_ABS . 'users.php?logoutas">[logout]</a>');
        // NEW, legacy 3rd party code fix, header called inside the footer o.O
        if (deftrue('e_ADMIN_UI')) {
            // boot.php already loaded
            require_once e_ADMIN . "header.php";
        } else {
            // boot.php is included in admin dispatcher constructor, so do it only for legacy code
            require_once e_ADMIN . 'boot.php';
     * FIXME - missing $style for tablerender
     * The Solution: parse_admin() without sending it to the browser if it's an ajax call
     * The Problem: doubled render time for the ajax called page!!!
Пример #5
  * Constructor
  * @param array $user_data trusted data, loaded from DB
  * @return void
 public function __construct($user_data = array())
Пример #6
 function sc_comment_share($parm = '')
     if (!($xup = e107::getUser()->getProviderName())) {
     list($prov, $id) = explode("_", $xup);
     $prov = strtolower($prov);
     if ($prov == 'facebook' || $prov == 'twitter') {
         //TODO Move styling to e107.css
         $text = "<img src='" . e_IMAGE . "xup/" . $prov . ".png' style='display:inline-block;width:26px;height:26px;vertical-align:middle' alt='Share' />";
         $text .= e107::getForm()->checkbox('comment_share', $prov, true);
         $text .= "Share";
         return $text;
Пример #7
  * Check persmission for current action
  * @return boolean
 protected function checkActionPermissions()
     // per action restrictions
     $action = $this->getRequest()->getAction();
     if (isset($this->access[$action]) && !e107::getUser()->checkClass($this->access[$action], false)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #8
    /* update time delay every couple of minutes.
     * Benefit: account for user time corrections and changes in internet delays
     * Drawback: each update may cause all server times to display a bit different
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
    echo "\tSyncWithServerTime('', '{$_serverPath}', '{$_serverDomain}');\n";
    //tdOffset disabled as it can't live together with HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH (page load speed)
    //echo "	SyncWithServerTime('{$_serverTime}', '{$_serverPath}', '{$_serverDomain}');\n";
    echo "</script>\n";
// H Final HTML
// browser cache control - FIXME - use this value as AJAX requests cache control!
// TODO - create the $bcache string via e107 class method, use it in the canCache() method
$uclist = e107::getUser()->getClassList();
sort($uclist, SORT_NUMERIC);
$bcache = (deftrue('e_NOCACHE') ? time() : e107::getPref('e_jslib_browser_cache')) . '.' . implode(',', $uclist);
echo "\n<!-- " . md5($bcache) . " -->\n";
unset($uclist, $bcache);
$show = deftrue('e_POWEREDBY_DISABLE') ? "none" : "block";
// Let search engines find us to increase e107.org ranking - even if hidden.
//XXX Must not contain IDs or Classes
// echo "<div style='text-align:center; display:".$show."; position: absolute; width:99%; height:20px; margin-top:-30px; z-index:30000; opacity:1.0; color: silver'>Proudly powered by <a style='color:silver' href='http://e107.org/' title='e107 Content Management System'>e107</a></div>";
echo "\n</body>\n</html>";
// Shutdown
// I Send the buffered page data, along with appropriate headers
Пример #9
 function options($val, $mode)
     $controller = $this->getController();
     if ($controller->getMode() != 'main' || $controller->getAction() != 'list') {
     $row = $controller->getListModel()->getData();
     if (!getperms('4')) {
         //	return;
     $text = "";
     $head = "<div>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='userid[{$user_id}]' value='{$user_id}' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='userip[{$user_id}]' value='{$user_ip}' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<select name='useraction[{$user_id}]' onchange='this.form.submit()' class='e-select tbox' data-placement='left' title='Modify' style='text-align:left;width:75%'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<option selected='selected' value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
     if ($user_perms != "0") {
         // disabled user info <option value='userinfo'>".USRLAN_80."</option>
         $text .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value='usersettings'>" . LAN_EDIT . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         // login/logout As
         if (getperms('0') && !($row['user_admin'] && getperms('0', $row['user_perms']))) {
             if (e107::getUser()->getSessionDataAs() == $row['user_id']) {
                 $text .= "<option value='logoutas'>" . sprintf(USRLAN_AS_2, $row['user_name']) . "</option>";
             } else {
                 $text .= "<option value='loginas'>" . sprintf(USRLAN_AS_1, $row['user_name']) . "</option>";
         switch ($user_ban) {
             case 0:
                 $text .= "<option value='ban'>" . USRLAN_30 . "</option>\n";
             case 1:
                 // Banned user
                 $text .= "<option value='unban'>" . USRLAN_33 . "</option>\n";
             case 2:
                 // Unverified
                 $text .= "<option value='ban'>" . USRLAN_30 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='verify'>" . USRLAN_32 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='resend'>" . USRLAN_112 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='test'>" . USRLAN_118 . "</option>";
             case 3:
                 // Bounced
                 // FIXME wrong lan for 'reqverify' - USRLAN_181, wrong lan for 'verify' (USRLAN_182), changed to USRLAN_32
                 $text .= "<option value='ban'>" . USRLAN_30 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='reqverify'>Make not verified</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='verify'>" . USRLAN_32 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='test'>" . USRLAN_118 . "</option>";
         if (!$user_admin && !$user_ban && $user_ban != 2 && getperms('3')) {
             $text .= "<option value='admin'>" . USRLAN_35 . "</option>\n";
         } else {
             if ($user_admin && $user_perms != "0" && getperms('3')) {
                 $text .= "<option value='adminperms'>" . USRLAN_221 . "</option>\n";
                 $text .= "<option value='unadmin'>" . USRLAN_34 . "</option>\n";
     if ($user_perms == "0" && !getperms("0")) {
         $text .= "";
     } elseif ($user_id != USERID || getperms("0")) {
         //	$text .= "<option value='userclass'>".USRLAN_36."</option>\n"; // DEPRECATED. inline & batch should be enough.
     if ($user_perms != "0") {
         $text .= "<option value='deluser'>" . LAN_DELETE . "</option>\n";
     $foot = "</select></div>";
     return $text ? $head . $text . $foot : "";
Пример #10
  * Set column preference array
  * @return boolean success
 public function setUserPref($new)
     //global $user_pref;
     //$user_pref['admin_cols_'.$this->getTableName()] = $new;
     //$this->fieldpref = $new;
     //return save_prefs('user');
     $this->fieldpref = $new;
     return e107::getUser()->getConfig()->set('admin_cols_' . $this->getTableName(), $new)->save();
Пример #11
 * The whole could happen inside e_user class
 * @return void
function init_session()
    # Validate user
    # - parameters none
    # - return boolean
    # - scope public
    // ----------------------------------------
    global $user_pref, $currentUser;
    $e107 = e107::getInstance();
    // New user model
    $user = e107::getUser();
    define('USERIP', e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE));
    define('POST_REFERER', md5($user->getToken()));
    // Check for intruders - outside the model for now
    // TODO replace __referer with e-token, remove the above
    if (isset($_POST['__referer']) && !$user->checkToken($_POST['__referer']) || isset($_GET['__referer']) && !$user->checkToken($_GET['__referer'])) {
        // Die, die, die! DIE!!!
        die('Unauthorized access!');
    if (e107::isCli()) {
        define('USER', true);
        define('USERID', 1);
        define('USERNAME', 'e107-cli');
        define('USERTHEME', false);
        define('ADMIN', true);
        define('GUEST', false);
        define('USERCLASS', '');
        define('USEREMAIL', '');
        define('USERCLASS_LIST', '');
        define('USERCLASS', '');
        define('USERJOINED', '');
    if ($user->hasBan()) {
        $msg = e107::findPref('ban_messages/6');
        if ($msg) {
            echo e107::getParser()->toHTML($msg);
    if (!$user->isUser()) {
        define('USER', false);
        define('USERID', 0);
        define('USERTHEME', false);
        define('ADMIN', false);
        define('GUEST', true);
        define('USERCLASS', '');
        define('USEREMAIL', '');
        define('USERSIGNATURE', '');
        if ($user->hasSessionError()) {
            define('LOGINMESSAGE', CORE_LAN10);
            define('CORRUPT_COOKIE', true);
    } else {
        // we shouldn't use getValue() here, it's there for e.g. shortcodes, profile page render etc.
        define('USERID', $user->getId());
        define('USERNAME', $user->get('user_name'));
        define('USERURL', $user->get('user_homepage', false));
        //required for BC
        define('USEREMAIL', $user->get('user_email'));
        define('USER', true);
        define('USERCLASS', $user->get('user_class'));
        define('USERIMAGE', $user->get('user_image'));
        define('USERPHOTO', $user->get('user_sess'));
        define('USERJOINED', $user->get('user_join'));
        define('USERVISITS', $user->get('user_visits'));
        define('USERSIGNATURE', $user->get('user_signature'));
        define('ADMIN', $user->isAdmin());
        define('ADMINID', $user->getAdminId());
        define('ADMINNAME', $user->getAdminName());
        define('ADMINPERMS', $user->getAdminPerms());
        define('ADMINEMAIL', $user->getAdminEmail());
        define('ADMINPWCHANGE', $user->getAdminPwchange());
        if (ADMIN) {
        define('USERLV', $user->get('user_lastvisit'));
        // BC - FIXME - get rid of them!
        $currentUser = $user->getData();
        $currentUser['user_realname'] = $user->get('user_login');
        // Used by force_userupdate
        $e107->currentUser =& $currentUser;
        // if(defined('SETTHEME')) //override - within e_module for example.
        // {
        // $_POST['sitetheme'] = SETTHEME;
        // $_POST['settheme'] = 1;
        // }
        // XXX could go to e_user class as well
        if ($user->checkClass(e107::getPref('allow_theme_select', false), false)) {
            // User can set own theme
            if (isset($_POST['settheme'])) {
                $uconfig = $user->getConfig();
                if (e107::getPref('sitetheme') != $_POST['sitetheme']) {
                    require_once e_HANDLER . "theme_handler.php";
                    $utheme = new themeHandler();
                    $ut = $utheme->themeArray[$_POST['sitetheme']];
                    $uconfig->setPosted('sitetheme', $_POST['sitetheme'])->setPosted('sitetheme_custompages', $ut['custompages'])->setPosted('sitetheme_deflayout', $utheme->findDefault($_POST['sitetheme']));
                } else {
        } elseif ($user->getPref('sitetheme')) {
        // XXX could go to e_user class as well END
        if (!defined("USERTHEME")) {
            define('USERTHEME', $user->getPref('sitetheme') && file_exists(e_THEME . $user->getPref('sitetheme') . "/theme.php") ? $user->getPref('sitetheme') : false);
        $user_pref = $user->getPref();
    define('USERCLASS_LIST', $user->getClassList(true));
    define('e_CLASS_REGEXP', $user->getClassRegex());
    define('e_NOBODY_REGEXP', '(^|,)' . e_UC_NOBODY . '(,|$)');
Пример #12
 public function cacheString($category, $type = 'sys')
     if (!isset($this->_md5cache[$category])) {
         $uclist = e107::getUser()->getClassList();
         sort($uclist, SORT_NUMERIC);
         $this->_md5cache[$category] = md5($category . $uclist);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'sys':
             return $this->cacheBase() . $this->_md5cache[$category];
         case 'md5':
             return $this->_md5cache[$category];
Пример #13
 function options()
     // return 'hello';
     $row = $this->getController()->getListModel()->getData();
     //	$this->getController()->getListModel()->
     //	return print_a($row,true);
     if (!getperms('4')) {
         //	return;
     $text .= "<div>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='userid[{$user_id}]' value='{$user_id}' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='userip[{$user_id}]' value='{$user_ip}' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<select name='useraction[{$user_id}]' onchange='this.form.submit()' class='tbox' style='width:75%'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<option selected='selected' value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
     if ($user_perms != "0") {
         // disabled user info <option value='userinfo'>".USRLAN_80."</option>
         $text .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value='usersettings'>" . LAN_EDIT . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         // login/logout As
         if (getperms('0') && !($row['user_admin'] && getperms('0', $row['user_perms']))) {
             if (e107::getUser()->getSessionDataAs() == $row['user_id']) {
                 $text .= "<option value='logoutas'>" . sprintf(USRLAN_AS_2, $row['user_name']) . "</option>";
             } else {
                 $text .= "<option value='loginas'>" . sprintf(USRLAN_AS_1, $row['user_name']) . "</option>";
         switch ($user_ban) {
             case 0:
                 $text .= "<option value='ban'>" . USRLAN_30 . "</option>\n";
             case 1:
                 // Banned user
                 $text .= "<option value='unban'>" . USRLAN_33 . "</option>\n";
             case 2:
                 // Unverified
                 $text .= "<option value='ban'>" . USRLAN_30 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='verify'>" . USRLAN_32 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='resend'>" . USRLAN_112 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='test'>" . USRLAN_118 . "</option>";
             case 3:
                 // Bounced
                 $text .= "<option value='ban'>" . USRLAN_30 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='reqverify'>" . USRLAN_181 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='verify'>" . USRLAN_182 . "</option>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='test'>" . USRLAN_118 . "</option>";
         if (!$user_admin && !$user_ban && $user_ban != 2 && getperms('3')) {
             $text .= "<option value='admin'>" . USRLAN_35 . "</option>\n";
         } else {
             if ($user_admin && $user_perms != "0" && getperms('3')) {
                 $text .= "<option value='adminperms'>" . USRLAN_221 . "</option>\n";
                 $text .= "<option value='unadmin'>" . USRLAN_34 . "</option>\n";
     if ($user_perms == "0" && !getperms("0")) {
         $text .= "";
     } elseif ($user_id != USERID || getperms("0")) {
         $text .= "<option value='userclass'>" . USRLAN_36 . "</option>\n";
     if ($user_perms != "0") {
         $text .= "<option value='deluser'>" . LAN_DELETE . "</option>\n";
     $text .= "</select></div>";
     return $text;
Пример #14
  * Handle posted batch options routine
  * @param string $batch_trigger
  * @return e_admin_controller_ui
 protected function _handleListBatch($batch_trigger)
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     //$multi_name = vartrue($this->fields['checkboxes']['toggle'], 'multiselect');
     $multi_name = $this->getFieldAttr('checkboxes', 'toggle', 'multiselect');
     $selected = array_values($this->getPosted($multi_name, array()));
     $trigger = $tp->toDB(explode('__', $batch_trigger));
     if (empty($selected) && !$this->getPosted('etrigger_delete_confirm')) {
         $params = $this->getFieldAttr($trigger[1], 'writeParms', array());
         if (!is_array($params)) {
             parse_str($params, $params);
         if (!vartrue($params['batchNoCheck'])) {
             return $this;
     if ($selected) {
         foreach ($selected as $i => $_sel) {
             $selected[$i] = preg_replace('/[^\\w-:.]/', '', $_sel);
     //disable further triggering
     switch ($trigger[0]) {
         case 'delete':
             //FIXME - confirmation screen
             //method handleListDeleteBatch(); for custom handling of 'delete' batch
             // if(empty($selected)) return $this;
             // don't check selected data - subclass need to check additional post variables(confirm screen)
             $method = 'handle' . $this->getRequest()->getActionName() . 'DeleteBatch';
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
         case 'bool':
             if (empty($selected)) {
                 return $this;
             $field = $trigger[1];
             $value = $trigger[2] ? 1 : 0;
             //something like handleListBoolBatch(); for custom handling of 'bool' batch
             $method = 'handle' . $this->getRequest()->getActionName() . 'BoolBatch';
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                 $this->{$method}($selected, $field, $value);
         case 'boolreverse':
             if (empty($selected)) {
                 return $this;
             $field = $trigger[1];
             //something like handleListBoolreverseBatch(); for custom handling of 'boolreverse' batch
             $method = 'handle' . $this->getRequest()->getActionName() . 'BoolreverseBatch';
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                 $this->{$method}($selected, $field);
             // see commma, userclasses batch options
         // see commma, userclasses batch options
         case 'attach':
         case 'deattach':
         case 'addAll':
         case 'clearAll':
             $field = $trigger[1];
             $value = $trigger[2];
             if ($trigger[0] == 'addAll') {
                 $parms = $this->getFieldAttr($field, 'writeParms', array());
                 if (!is_array($parms)) {
                     parse_str($parms, $parms);
                 $value = $parms;
                 if (empty($value)) {
                     return $this;
                 if (!is_array($value)) {
                     $value = array_map('trim', explode(',', $value));
             if (method_exists($this, 'handleCommaBatch')) {
                 $this->handleCommaBatch($selected, $field, $value, $trigger[0]);
             // append to userclass list
         // append to userclass list
         case 'ucadd':
         case 'ucremove':
             //if(empty($selected)) return $this;
             $field = $trigger[1];
             $class = $trigger[2];
             $user = e107::getUser();
             $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass();
             // check userclass manager class
             if (!isset($e_userclass->class_tree[$class]) || !$user->checkClass($e_userclass->class_tree[$class])) {
                 return $this;
             if (method_exists($this, 'handleCommaBatch')) {
                 $trigger[0] = $trigger[0] == 'ucadd' ? 'attach' : 'deattach';
                 $this->handleCommaBatch($selected, $field, $class, $trigger[0]);
             // add all to userclass list
             // clear userclass list
         // add all to userclass list
         // clear userclass list
         case 'ucaddall':
         case 'ucdelall':
             $field = $trigger[1];
             $user = e107::getUser();
             $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass();
             $parms = $this->getFieldAttr($field, 'writeParms', array());
             if (!is_array($parms)) {
                 parse_str($parms, $parms);
             if (!vartrue($parms['classlist'])) {
                 return $this;
             $classes = $e_userclass->uc_required_class_list($parms['classlist']);
             foreach ($classes as $id => $label) {
                 // check userclass manager class
                 if (!isset($e_userclass->class_tree[$id]) || !$user->checkClass($e_userclass->class_tree[$id])) {
                     // TODO lan
                     $msg = $tp->lanVars("You don't have management permissions on [x]", $label);
                     unset($classes[$id], $msg);
             $this->handleCommaBatch($selected, $field, array_keys($classes), $trigger[0] === 'ucdelall' ? 'clearAll' : 'addAll');
             $field = $trigger[0];
             $value = $trigger[1];
             //something like handleListUrlTypeBatch(); for custom handling of 'url_type' field name
             $method = 'handle' . $this->getRequest()->getActionName() . $this->getRequest()->camelize($field) . 'Batch';
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                 $this->{$method}($selected, $value);
             //handleListBatch(); for custom handling of all field names
             if (empty($selected)) {
                 return $this;
             $method = 'handle' . $this->getRequest()->getActionName() . 'Batch';
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                 $this->{$method}($selected, $field, $value);
     return $this;
Пример #15
    function options($val, $mode)
        $controller = $this->getController();
        if ($controller->getMode() != 'main' || $controller->getAction() != 'list') {
        $row = $controller->getListModel()->getData();
        if (!getperms('4')) {
            //	return;
        $user_id = $row['user_id'];
        $user_ip = $row['user_ip'];
        $user_admin = $row['user_admin'];
        $text = "";
        $head = "<div>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='userid[{$user_id}]' value='{$user_id}' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='userip[{$user_id}]' value='{$user_ip}' />\r\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden'  class='user-action-hidden' id='user-action-" . $user_id . "' name='useraction[{$user_id}]' value='' />\r\n\t\t\t\t";
        //		<select name='useraction[{$user_id}]' onchange='this.form.submit()' class='e-select tbox' data-placement='left' title='Modify' style='text-align:left;width:75%'>
        //		<option selected='selected' value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
        $opts = array();
        if ($row['user_perms'] != "0") {
            // disabled user info <option value='userinfo'>".USRLAN_80."</option>
            //	$text .= "<option value='usersettings'>".LAN_EDIT."</option>";
            $opts['usersettings'] = LAN_EDIT;
            // login/logout As
            if (getperms('0') && !($row['user_admin'] && getperms('0', $row['user_perms']))) {
                if (e107::getUser()->getSessionDataAs() == $row['user_id']) {
                    //		    $text .= "<option value='logoutas'>".sprintf(USRLAN_AS_2, $row['user_name'])."</option>";
                    $opts['logoutas'] = e107::getParser()->lanVars(USRLAN_AS_2, $row['user_name']);
                } else {
                    //		    $text .= "<option value='loginas'>".sprintf(USRLAN_AS_1, $row['user_name'])."</option>";
                    $opts['loginas'] = e107::getParser()->lanVars(USRLAN_AS_1, $row['user_name']);
            switch ($row['user_ban']) {
                case 0:
                    //			$text .= "<option value='ban'>".USRLAN_30."</option>\n";
                    $opts['ban'] = USRLAN_30;
                case 1:
                    // Banned user
                    //		$text .= "<option value='unban'>".USRLAN_33."</option>\n";
                    $opts['unban'] = USRLAN_33;
                case 2:
                    // Unverified
                    /*		$text .= "<option value='ban'>".USRLAN_30."</option>
                    				<option value='verify'>".USRLAN_32."</option>
                    				<option value='resend'>".USRLAN_112."</option>
                    				<option value='test'>".USRLAN_118."</option>";*/
                    $opts['ban'] = USRLAN_30;
                    $opts['verify'] = USRLAN_32;
                    $opts['resend'] = USRLAN_112;
                    $opts['test'] = USRLAN_118;
                case 3:
                    // Bounced
                    // FIXME wrong lan for 'reqverify' - USRLAN_181, wrong lan for 'verify' (USRLAN_182), changed to USRLAN_32
                    /*	$text .= "<option value='ban'>".USRLAN_30."</option>
                    			<option value='reqverify'>Make not verified</option>
                    			<option value='verify'>".USRLAN_32."</option>
                    			<option value='test'>".USRLAN_118."</option>";
                    $opts['ban'] = USRLAN_30;
                    $opts['reqverify'] = "Make not verified";
                    $opts['verify'] = USRLAN_32;
                    $opts['test'] = USRLAN_118;
            if (!$user_admin && !$row['user_ban'] && $row['user_ban'] != 2 && getperms('3')) {
                //		$text .= "<option value='admin'>".USRLAN_35."</option>\n";
                $opts['admin'] = USRLAN_35;
            } else {
                if ($user_admin && $row['user_perms'] != "0" && getperms('3')) {
                    //		$text .= "<option value='adminperms'>".USRLAN_221."</option>\n";
                    //		$text .= "<option value='unadmin'>".USRLAN_34."</option>\n";
                    $opts['adminperms'] = USRLAN_221;
                    $opts['uadmin'] = USRLAN_34;
        if ($row['user_perms'] == "0" && !getperms("0")) {
            //	$text .= "";
        } elseif ($user_id != USERID || getperms("0")) {
            //	$text .= "<option value='userclass'>".USRLAN_36."</option>\n"; // DEPRECATED. inline & batch should be enough.
        if ($row['user_perms'] != "0") {
            //	$text .= "<option value='deluser'>".LAN_DELETE."</option>\n";
            $opts['deldiv'] = 'divider';
            $opts['deluser'] = LAN_DELETE;
        //	$foot = "</select>";
        //	$foot = "</div>";
        $btn = '<div class="btn-group pull-right">

		<button aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-user-action dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
		<span class="user-action-indicators" id="user-action-indicator-' . $user_id . '">' . e107::getParser()->toGlyph('cog') . '</span>
		<span class="caret"></span>
		<ul class="dropdown-menu">

		<!-- dropdown menu links -->
        //<li class="dropdown-header text-right"><strong>'.$row['user_name'].'</strong></li>
        foreach ($opts as $k => $v) {
            if ($v == 'divider') {
                $btn .= '<li class="divider" ></li>';
            } else {
                $btn .= '<li class="danger user-action-' . $k . '"><a class="user-action text-right"  data-action-user="******" data-action-type="' . $k . '" >' . $v . '</a></li>';
        $btn .= '
        if (!empty($opts)) {
            return $head . $btn;
        } else {
            return '';
        // return ($text) ? $head.$text.$foot . $btn : "";
Пример #16
 public function login($redirectUrl = true)
     if (!e107::getPref('social_login_active', false)) {
         throw new Exception("Signup failed! This feature is disabled.", 100);
         // TODO lan
     if (!$this->getProvider()) {
         throw new Exception("Login failed! Wrong provider.", 22);
         // TODO lan
     if ($redirectUrl) {
         if (true === $redirectUrl) {
             $redirectUrl = SITEURL;
         } elseif (strpos($redirectUrl, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($redirectUrl, 'https://') !== 0) {
             $redirectUrl = e107::getUrl()->create($redirectUrl);
     if (e107::getUser()->isUser()) {
         if ($redirectUrl) {
         return true;
     $this->adapter = $this->hybridauth->authenticate($this->getProvider());
     $check = e107::getUser()->setProvider($this)->loginProvider($this->userId(), false);
     if ($redirectUrl) {
     return $check;
Пример #17
    $ns->tablerender($ccaption, $ctext);
} elseif ($action == 'forums') {
    require_once e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_class.php';
    $forum = new e107forum();
    $forumList = implode(',', $forum->getForumPermList('view'));
    		$uinfo = e107::user($id);
    		$fcaption = UP_LAN_0.' '.$uinfo['user_name'];
    		$user_name = 0;
    if ($id == e107::getUser()->getId()) {
        $user_name = USERNAME;
    } else {
        $user_name = e107::getSystemUser($id, false)->getName(LAN_ANONYMOUS);
    if (!$user_name) {
        header("Location:" . SITEURL);
    $fcaption = UP_LAN_0 . ' ' . $user_name;
    		if (file_exists(THEME.'userposts_template.php'))
Пример #18
  * Go online
  * @param boolean $online_tracking
  * @param boolean $flood_control
  * @return void
 public function goOnline($online_tracking = false, $flood_control = false)
     // global $pref, $e_event; // Not needed as globals
     //global $online_timeout, $online_warncount, $online_bancount;	// Not needed as globals
     //global $members_online, $total_online;						// Not needed as globals
     global $listuserson;
     // FIXME - remove it, make it property, call e_online signleton - e107::getOnline()
     $e107 = e107::getInstance();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $user = e107::getUser();
     if ($online_tracking || $flood_control) {
         $online_timeout = 300;
         list($ban_access_guest, $ban_access_member) = explode(',', e107::getPref('ban_max_online_access', '100,200'));
         $online_bancount = max($ban_access_guest, 50);
         // Safety net for incorrect values
         if ($user->isUser()) {
             $online_bancount = max($online_bancount, $ban_access_member);
         $online_warncount = $online_bancount * 0.9;
         // Set warning threshold at 90% of ban threshold
         //TODO Add support for all queries.
         // $page = (strpos(e_SELF, 'forum_') !== FALSE) ? e_SELF.'.'.e_QUERY : e_SELF;
         // $page = (strpos(e_SELF, 'comment') !== FALSE) ? e_SELF.'.'.e_QUERY : $page;
         // $page = (strpos(e_SELF, 'content') !== FALSE) ? e_SELF.'.'.e_QUERY : $page;
         $page = e_REQUEST_URI;
         // mod rewrite & single entry support
         // FIXME parse url, trigger registered e_online callbacks
         $page = e107::getParser()->toDB($page, true);
         /// @todo - try not to use toDB() - triggers prefilter
         $ip = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE);
         $udata = $user->isUser() && USER ? $user->getId() . '.' . $user->getName() : '0';
         // USER check required to make sure they logged in without an error.
         $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
         // XXX - more exceptions, e.g. hide online location for admins/users (pref), e_jlsib.php, etc
         // XXX - more advanced flod timing when  e_AJAX_REQUEST, e.g. $ban_access_ajax = 300
         $update_page = deftrue('e_AJAX_REQUEST') ? '' : ", online_location='{$page}'";
         $insert_query = array('online_timestamp' => time(), 'online_flag' => 0, 'online_user_id' => $udata, 'online_ip' => $ip, 'online_location' => $page, 'online_pagecount' => 1, 'online_active' => 0, 'online_agent' => $agent, 'online_language' => e_LAN);
         // !deftrue('e_AJAX_REQUEST')
         // TODO add option to hide users from online list? boolean online_hide field?
         // don't do anything if main admin logged in as another user
         if ($user->isUser() && !$user->getParentId()) {
             // Find record that matches IP or visitor, or matches user info
             if ($sql->select('online', '*', "(`online_ip` = '{$ip}' AND `online_user_id` = '0') OR `online_user_id` = '{$udata}'")) {
                 $row = $sql->fetch();
                 if ($row['online_user_id'] == $udata) {
                     //Matching user record
                     if ($row['online_timestamp'] < time() - $online_timeout) {
                         //It has been at least 'online_timeout' seconds since this user's info last logged
                         //Update user record with timestamp, current IP, current page and set pagecount to 1
                         $query = "online_timestamp='" . time() . "', online_ip='{$ip}'{$update_page}, online_pagecount=1, `online_active` = 1 WHERE online_user_id='{$row['online_user_id']}'";
                     } else {
                         if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
                         // Update user record with current IP, current page and increment pagecount
                         $query = "online_ip='{$ip}'{$update_page}, `online_pagecount` = '" . intval($row['online_pagecount']) . "', `online_active` = 1 WHERE `online_user_id` = '{$row['online_user_id']}'";
                 } else {
                     //Found matching visitor record (ip only) for this user
                     if ($row['online_timestamp'] < time() - $online_timeout) {
                         // It has been at least 'timeout' seconds since this user has connected
                         // Update record with timestamp, current IP, current page and set pagecount to 1
                         $query = "`online_timestamp` = '" . time() . "', `online_user_id` = '{$udata}'{$update_page}, `online_pagecount` = 1,  `online_active` = 1 WHERE `online_ip` = '{$ip}' AND `online_user_id` = '0'";
                     } else {
                         // Another visit within the timeout period
                         if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
                         //Update record with current IP, current page and increment pagecount
                         $query = "`online_user_id` = '{$udata}'{$update_page}, `online_pagecount` = " . intval($row['online_pagecount']) . ", `online_active` =1  WHERE `online_ip` = '{$ip}' AND `online_user_id` = '0'";
                 $sql->update('online', $query);
             } else {
                 $sql->insert('online', $insert_query);
         } elseif (!$user->getParentId()) {
             //Current page request is from a guest
             if ($sql->select('online', '*', "`online_ip` = '{$ip}' AND `online_user_id` = '0'")) {
                 // Recent visitor
                 $row = $sql->fetch();
                 if ($row['online_timestamp'] < time() - $online_timeout) {
                     //Update record with timestamp, current page, and set pagecount to 1
                     $query = "`online_timestamp` = '" . time() . "'{$update_page}, `online_pagecount` = 1 WHERE `online_ip` = '{$ip}' AND `online_user_id` = '0'";
                 } else {
                     //Update record with current page and increment pagecount
                     //   echo "here {$online_pagecount}";
                     $query = "`online_pagecount` = {$row['online_pagecount']}{$update_page} WHERE `online_ip` = '{$ip}' AND `online_user_id` = '0'";
                 $sql->update('online', $query);
             } else {
                 // New visitor
                 $sql->insert('online', $insert_query);
         if ($user->isAdmin() || e107::getPref('autoban') != 1 && e107::getPref('autoban') != 2 || !isset($row['online_pagecount'])) {
             $row['online_pagecount'] = 1;
         // Always allow localhost - any problems are usually semi-intentional!
         if (varset($row['online_ip']) != '' && varset($row['online_ip']) != e107::LOCALHOST_IP && varset($row['online_ip']) != e107::LOCALHOST_IP2) {
             // Check for excessive access
             if ($row['online_pagecount'] > $online_bancount) {
                 e107::lan('core', 'banlist', true);
                 $reason = e107::getParser()->lanVars(BANLAN_78, $row['online_pagecount']);
                 //  str_replace('--HITS--',$row['online_pagecount'], BANLAN_78)
                 if (true === e107::getIPHandler()->add_ban(2, $reason, $ip, 0)) {
                     e107::getEvent()->trigger('flood', $ip);
                     e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_ban_flood', $ip);
             } elseif ($row['online_pagecount'] >= $online_warncount) {
                 echo "<div style='text-align:center; font: 11px verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;'><b>" . LAN_WARNING . "</b><br /><br />" . CORE_LAN6 . "<br /></div>";
         // Delete records for users (and guests) not seen for a while
         // FIXME - DB optimization - mark records as deleted (online_deleted=1), delete once per hour (could be pref) via e_cron
         // FIXME - Additional prefs for this (it does 2-3 more queries no matter someone need them), could be also separate method
         // Speed up ajax requests
         if (!deftrue('e_AJAX_REQUEST')) {
             $sql->delete('online', '`online_timestamp` < ' . (time() - $online_timeout));
             // FIXME - don't use constants below, save data in class vars, call e_online signleton - e107::getOnline()
             //	$total_online = $sql->db_Count('online'); // 1 less query! :-)
             if ($total_online = $sql->gen('SELECT o.*,u.user_image FROM #online AS o LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON o.online_user_id = u.user_id WHERE o.online_pagecount > 0 ORDER BY o.online_timestamp DESC')) {
                 $member_list = '';
                 $members_online = 0;
                 $listuserson = array();
                 while ($row = $sql->fetch()) {
                     $row['online_bot'] = $this->isBot($row['online_agent']);
                     // Sort into usable format and add bot field.
                     $user = array('user_location' => $row['online_location'], 'user_bot' => $this->isBot($row['online_agent']), 'user_agent' => $row['online_agent'], 'user_ip' => $row['online_ip'], 'user_currentvisit' => $row['online_timestamp'], 'user_online' => $row['online_flag'], 'user_pagecount' => $row['online_pagecount'], 'user_active' => $row['online_active'], 'user_image' => vartrue($row['user_image'], false), 'online_user_id' => $row['online_user_id'], 'user_language' => $row['online_language']);
                     if ($row['online_user_id'] != 0) {
                         $vals = explode('.', $row['online_user_id'], 2);
                         $user['user_id'] = $vals[0];
                         $user['user_name'] = $vals[1];
                         $member_list .= "<a href='" . SITEURL . "user.php?id.{$vals[0]}'>{$vals[1]}</a> ";
                         $listuserson[$row['online_user_id']] = $row['online_location'];
                         $this->users[] = $user;
                     } else {
                         $user['user_id'] = 0;
                         $user['user_name'] = 'guest';
                         // Maybe should just be an empty string?
                         $this->guests[] = $user;
             define('TOTAL_ONLINE', $total_online);
             define('MEMBERS_ONLINE', $members_online);
             define('GUESTS_ONLINE', $total_online - $members_online);
             define('ON_PAGE', $sql->db_Count('online', '(*)', "WHERE `online_location` = '{$page}' "));
             define('MEMBER_LIST', $member_list);
             //update most ever online
             $olCountPrefs = e107::getConfig('history');
             // Get historic counts of members on line
             $olCountPrefs->setParam('nologs', true);
             if ($total_online > $olCountPrefs->get('most_members_online') + $olCountPrefs->get('most_guests_online')) {
                 $olCountPrefs->set('most_members_online', MEMBERS_ONLINE);
                 $olCountPrefs->set('most_guests_online', GUESTS_ONLINE);
                 $olCountPrefs->set('most_online_datestamp', time());
                 $olCountPrefs->save(false, true, false);
     } else {
         define('e_TRACKING_DISABLED', true);
         // Used in forum, online menu
         define('TOTAL_ONLINE', '');
         define('MEMBERS_ONLINE', '');
         define('GUESTS_ONLINE', '');
         define('ON_PAGE', '');
         define('MEMBER_LIST', '');
Пример #19
 * Build admin menus - addmin menus are now supporting unlimitted number of submenus
 * TODO - add this to a handler for use on front-end as well (tree, sitelinks.sc replacement)
 * $e107_vars structure:
 * $e107_vars['action']['text'] -> link title
 * $e107_vars['action']['link'] -> if empty '#action' will be added as href attribute
 * $e107_vars['action']['image'] -> (new) image tag
 * $e107_vars['action']['perm'] -> permissions via getperms()
 * $e107_vars['action']['userclass'] -> user class permissions via check_class()
 * $e107_vars['action']['include'] -> additional <a> tag attributes
 * $e107_vars['action']['sub'] -> (new) array, exactly the same as $e107_vars' first level e.g. $e107_vars['action']['sub']['action2']['link']...
 * $e107_vars['action']['sort'] -> (new) used only if found in 'sub' array - passed as last parameter (recursive call)
 * $e107_vars['action']['link_class'] -> (new) additional link class
 * $e107_vars['action']['sub_class'] -> (new) additional class used only when sublinks are being parsed
 * @param string $title
 * @param string $active_page
 * @param array $e107_vars
 * @param array $tmpl
 * @param array $sub_link
 * @param bool $sortlist
 * @return string parsed admin menu (or empty string if title is empty)
function e_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl = array(), $sub_link = false, $sortlist = false)
    global $E_ADMIN_MENU;
    if (!$tmpl) {
        $tmpl = $E_ADMIN_MENU;
     * Search for id
    $temp = explode('--id--', $title, 2);
    $title = $temp[0];
    $id = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', varset($temp[1]));
     * SORT
    if ($sortlist == TRUE) {
        $temp = $e107_vars;
        $func_list = array();
        foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key) {
            $func_list[] = $temp[$key]['text'];
        usort($func_list, 'strcoll');
        foreach ($func_list as $func_text) {
            foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key) {
                if ($temp[$key]['text'] == $func_text) {
                    $e107_vars[] = $temp[$key];
    $kpost = '';
    $text = '';
    if ($sub_link) {
        $kpost = '_sub';
    } else {
        $text = $tmpl['start'];
    //FIXME - e_parse::array2sc()
    $search = array();
    $search[0] = '/\\{LINK_TEXT\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[1] = '/\\{LINK_URL\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[2] = '/\\{ONCLICK\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[3] = '/\\{SUB_HEAD\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[4] = '/\\{SUB_MENU\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[5] = '/\\{ID\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[6] = '/\\{SUB_ID\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[7] = '/\\{LINK_CLASS\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[8] = '/\\{SUB_CLASS\\}(.*?)/si';
    $search[9] = '/\\{LINK_IMAGE\\}(.*?)/si';
    foreach (array_keys($e107_vars) as $act) {
        if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['perm']) && !getperms($e107_vars[$act]['perm'])) {
        // check class so that e.g. e_UC_NOBODY will result no permissions granted (even for main admin)
        if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['userclass']) && !e107::getUser()->checkClass($e107_vars[$act]['userclass'], false)) {
        //  print_a($e107_vars[$act]);
        $replace = array();
        $rid = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $act) . ($id ? "-{$id}" : '');
        if ($active_page == $act && !is_numeric($act) || str_replace("?", "", e_PAGE . e_QUERY) == str_replace("?", "", $act)) {
            $temp = $tmpl['button_active' . $kpost];
        } else {
            $temp = $tmpl['button' . $kpost];
        //	$temp = $tmpl['button'.$kpost];
        //	echo "ap = ".$active_page;
        //	echo " act = ".$act."<br /><br />";
        if ($rid == 'adminhome') {
            $temp = $tmpl['button_other' . $kpost];
        if ($rid == 'home') {
            $temp = $tmpl['button_home' . $kpost];
        if ($rid == 'language') {
            $temp = $tmpl['button_language' . $kpost];
        if ($rid == 'logout') {
            $temp = $tmpl['button_logout' . $kpost];
        $replace[0] = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $e107_vars[$act]['text']);
        // valid URLs
        $replace[1] = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&'), array('&', '&amp;'), varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['link'], "#{$act}"));
        $replace[2] = '';
        if (varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['include'])) {
            $replace[2] = $e107_vars[$act]['include'];
            //$replace[2] = $js ? " onclick=\"showhideit('".$act."');\"" : " onclick=\"document.location='".$e107_vars[$act]['link']."'; disabled=true;\"";
        $replace[3] = $title;
        $replace[4] = '';
        $replace[5] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}'" : '';
        $replace[6] = $rid;
        $replace[7] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class']);
        $replace[8] = '';
        $replace[9] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['image']);
        if ($rid == 'logout' || $rid == 'home' || $rid == 'language') {
            $START_SUB = $tmpl['start_other_sub'];
        } else {
            $START_SUB = $tmpl['start_sub'];
        if (varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['sub'])) {
            $replace[6] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}-sub'" : '';
            $replace[7] = ' ' . varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class'], 'e-expandit');
            $replace[8] = ' ' . varset($e107_vars[$act]['sub_class'], 'e-hideme e-expandme');
            $replace[4] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $START_SUB);
            $replace[4] .= e_admin_menu(false, $active_page, $e107_vars[$act]['sub'], $tmpl, true, isset($e107_vars[$act]['sort']) ? $e107_vars[$act]['sort'] : $sortlist);
            $replace[4] .= $tmpl['end_sub'];
        $text .= preg_replace($search, $replace, $temp);
        //	echo "<br />".$title." act=".$act;
    $text .= !$sub_link ? $tmpl['end'] : '';
    if ($sub_link || empty($title)) {
        return $text;
    $ns = e107::getRender();
    $ns->tablerender($title, $text, array('id' => $id, 'style' => 'button_menu'));
    return '';