public function getLinks()
     if ($this->context->isModuleAction('dmAdmin', 'index')) {
         return array();
     $module = $this->record ? $this->record->getDmModule() : $this->context->getModuleManager()->getModuleBySfName($this->context->getRequest()->getParameter('module'));
     $links = array();
     $links['home'] = array();
     if ($module) {
         $space = $module->getSpace();
         $type = $space->getType();
         $links['module_type'] = array('type' => $type);
         $links['module_space'] = array('space' => $space);
         $links['module'] = array('module' => $module);
         if ($this->record) {
             $links['object'] = array('object' => $this->record);
         } elseif (($action = $this->context->getActionName()) !== 'index') {
             $links['action'] = array('action' => dmString::humanize('create' === $action ? 'new' : $action));
      * Allow listeners of dm.bread_crumb.filter_links event
      * to filter and modify the links list
     return $this->context->getEventDispatcher()->filter(new sfEvent($this, 'dm.bread_crumb.filter_links'), $links)->getReturnValue();
Пример #2
 public function getWidgetTypes()
     if (null === $this->widgetTypes) {
         $cache = $this->serviceContainer->getService('cache_manager')->getCache('dm/widget/' . sfConfig::get('sf_app') . sfConfig::get('sf_environment'));
         $this->widgetTypes = $cache->get('types');
         if (empty($this->widgetTypes)) {
             $internalConfigFile = $this->serviceContainer->getService('config_cache')->checkConfig($this->getOption('config_file'));
             $internalConfig = (include $internalConfigFile);
             $this->widgetTypes = array();
             $controller = $this->serviceContainer->getService('controller');
             foreach ($internalConfig as $moduleKey => $actions) {
                 $this->widgetTypes[$moduleKey] = array();
                 foreach ($actions as $actionKey => $action) {
                     $fullKey = $moduleKey . dmString::camelize($actionKey);
                     $name = dmArray::get($action, 'name', dmString::humanize($actionKey));
                     $widgetTypeConfig = array('full_key' => $moduleKey . ucfirst($actionKey), 'name' => $name, 'public_name' => dmArray::get($action, 'public_name', dmString::humanize($name)), 'form_class' => dmArray::get($action, 'form_class', $fullKey . 'Form'), 'view_class' => dmArray::get($action, 'view_class', $fullKey . 'View'), 'use_component' => $this->componentExists($moduleKey, $fullKey), 'cache' => dmArray::get($action, 'cache', false));
                     $this->widgetTypes[$moduleKey][$actionKey] = new dmWidgetType($moduleKey, $actionKey, $widgetTypeConfig);
             foreach ($this->serviceContainer->getService('module_manager')->getProjectModules() as $moduleKey => $module) {
                 $this->widgetTypes[$moduleKey] = array();
                 foreach ($module->getComponents() as $componentKey => $component) {
                     $baseClass = 'dmWidget' . dmString::camelize($component->getType());
                     $widgetTypeConfig = array('full_key' => $moduleKey . ucfirst($componentKey), 'name' => $component->getName(), 'public_name' => $module->getName() . ' ' . dmString::humanize($component->getName()), 'form_class' => $baseClass . 'Form', 'view_class' => $baseClass . 'View', 'use_component' => $this->componentExists($moduleKey, $componentKey), 'cache' => $component->isCachable());
                     $this->widgetTypes[$moduleKey][$componentKey] = new dmWidgetType($moduleKey, $componentKey, $widgetTypeConfig);
             $cache->set('types', $this->widgetTypes);
     return $this->widgetTypes;
Пример #3
 protected function generateHeader()
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($this->getFields() as $field => $fieldName) {
         $fields[] = $this->i18n->__(dmString::humanize($fieldName));
     return $fields;
Пример #4
 protected function generateHeader()
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($this->fields as $field => $fieldName) {
         $fields[] = dm::getI18n()->__(dmString::humanize($fieldName));
     return $fields;
Пример #5
 protected function getAvailableOrderFields()
     $fields = array();
     $allowedTypes = array('time', 'timestamp', 'date', 'enum', 'integer', 'string');
     foreach ($this->dmModule->getTable()->getColumns() as $columnName => $column) {
         if (in_array($column['type'], $allowedTypes)) {
             $fields[$columnName] = $this->__(dmString::humanize($columnName));
     return $fields;
Пример #6
 public function addWidgets()
     $moduleManager = $this->serviceContainer->getService('module_manager');
     foreach ($this->serviceContainer->get('widget_type_manager')->getWidgetTypes() as $space => $widgetTypes) {
         $spaceName = ($module = $moduleManager->getModuleOrNull($space)) ? $module->getName() : dmString::humanize(str_replace('dmWidget', '', $space));
         $spaceMenu = $this->addChild($space)->label($this->getI18n()->__($spaceName))->ulClass('clearfix level2')->liClass('dm_droppable_widgets');
         foreach ($widgetTypes as $key => $widgetType) {
             $spaceMenu->addChild($widgetType->getName())->label($this->getI18n()->__($widgetType->getName()))->setOption('widget_type', $widgetType);
         if (!$spaceMenu->hasChildren()) {
     return $this;
 public function execute($configFiles)
     $config = array();
     $behaviors = array();
     foreach ($configFiles as $file) {
         $tmp = $this->parseYaml($file);
         if (!isset($tmp['dmBehaviors'])) {
         foreach ($tmp['dmBehaviors'] as $key => $value) {
             $sectionKey = dmString::slugify($value['section']);
             if (!isset($config[$sectionKey])) {
                 $config[$sectionKey] = array('section_name' => $value['section'], 'behaviors' => array());
             $config[$sectionKey]['behaviors'][$key] = array('name' => isset($value['name']) ? $value['name'] : dmString::humanize($key), 'icon' => isset($value['icon']) ? $value['icon'] : '/dmCorePlugin/images/16/gear.png', 'form' => isset($value['form']) ? $value['form'] : 'dm' . dmString::camelize($key) . 'BehaviorForm', 'view' => isset($value['view']) ? $value['view'] : 'dm' . dmString::camelize($key) . 'BehaviorView', 'cache' => isset($value['cache']) ? (bool) $value['cache'] : true);
             $behaviors[$key] = $config[$sectionKey]['behaviors'][$key];
     $retval = sprintf("<?php\n" . "// auto-generated by %s\n" . "// date: %s\nsfConfig::set('dm_behaviors_menu_items', \n%s\n);\n sfConfig::set('dm_behaviors', \n%s\n); \n ?>", __CLASS__, date('Y/m/d H:i:s'), var_export($config, true), var_export($behaviors, true));
     return $retval;
Пример #8
 protected function loadSettings()
     $array = array('site_name' => array('default_value' => dmString::humanize(dmProject::getKey()), 'description' => 'The site name', 'group_name' => 'site'), 'site_active' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 1, 'description' => 'Is the site ready for visitors ?', 'group_name' => 'site'), 'site_indexable' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 1, 'description' => 'Is the site ready for search engine crawlers ?', 'group_name' => 'site'), 'site_working_copy' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 1, 'description' => 'Is this site the current working copy ?', 'group_name' => 'site'), 'ga_key' => array('description' => 'The google analytics key without javascript stuff ( e.g. UA-9876614-1 )', 'group_name' => 'tracking', 'credentials' => 'google_analytics'), 'ga_token' => array('description' => 'Auth token gor Google Analytics, computed from password', 'group_name' => 'internal', 'credentials' => 'google_analytics'), 'gwt_key' => array('description' => 'The google webmaster tools filename without google and .html ( e.g. a913b555ba9b4f13 )', 'group_name' => 'tracking', 'credentials' => 'google_webmaster_tools'), 'xiti_code' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'description' => 'The xiti html code', 'group_name' => 'tracking', 'credentials' => 'xiti'), 'search_stop_words' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'description' => 'Words to exclude from searches (e.g. the, a, to )', 'group_name' => 'search engine', 'credentials' => 'search_engine'), 'base_urls' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'description' => 'Diem base urls for different applications/environments/cultures', 'group_name' => 'internal', 'credentials' => 'system'), 'image_resize_method' => array('type' => 'select', 'default_value' => 'center', 'description' => 'Default method when an image needs to be resized', 'params' => 'fit=Fit scale=Scale inflate=Inflate top=Top right=Right left=Left bottom=Bottom center=Center', 'group_name' => 'interface', 'credentials' => 'interface_settings'), 'image_resize_quality' => array('type' => 'number', 'default_value' => 95, 'description' => 'Jpeg default quality when generating thumbnails', 'group_name' => 'interface', 'credentials' => 'interface_settings'), 'link_external_blank' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 0, 'description' => 'Links to other domain get automatically a _blank target', 'group_name' => 'interface', 'credentials' => 'interface_settings'), 'link_current_span' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 1, 'description' => 'Links to current page are changed from <a> to <span>', 'group_name' => 'interface', 'credentials' => 'interface_settings'), 'link_use_page_title' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 1, 'description' => 'Add an automatic title on link based on the target page title', 'group_name' => 'interface', 'credentials' => 'interface_settings'), 'title_prefix' => array('default_value' => '', 'description' => 'Append something at the beginning of all pages title', 'group_name' => 'seo', 'credentials' => 'manual_metas'), 'title_suffix' => array('default_value' => ' | ' . dmString::humanize(dmProject::getKey()), 'description' => 'Append something at the end of all pages title', 'group_name' => 'seo', 'credentials' => 'manual_metas'), 'smart_404' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'default_value' => 1, 'description' => 'When a page is not found, user is redirect to a similar page. The internal search index is used to find the best page for requested url.', 'group_name' => 'seo', 'credentials' => 'url_redirection'));
     $existingSettings = dmDb::query('DmSetting s INDEXBY')->withI18n()->fetchRecords();
     foreach ($array as $name => $config) {
         if (!isset($existingSettings[$name])) {
             $setting = new DmSetting();
             $setting->set('name', $name);
         } elseif (!$existingSettings[$name]->hasCurrentTranslation()) {
              * Try to find an existing config from another culture
             $existing = dmDb::query('DmSettingTranslation s')->where(' = ?', $existingSettings[$name]->id)->limit(1)->fetchArray();
             if ($existing = dmArray::first($existing)) {
                 $config = $existing;
                 unset($config['id'], $config['lang']);
 protected function fixModuleConfig($moduleKey, $moduleConfig, $isInContent)
      * Extract plural from name
      * name | plural
     if (!empty($moduleConfig['name'])) {
         if (strpos($moduleConfig['name'], '|')) {
             list($moduleConfig['name'], $moduleConfig['plural']) = explode('|', $moduleConfig['name']);
     } else {
         $moduleConfig['name'] = dmString::humanize($moduleKey);
     if (empty($moduleConfig['model'])) {
         $candidateModel = dmString::camelize($moduleKey);
         $model = class_exists('Base' . $candidateModel, true) ? Doctrine_Core::isValidModelClass($candidateModel) ? $candidateModel : false : false;
     } else {
         $model = $moduleConfig['model'];
     // BC "actions" deprecated keyword becomes "components"
     if (isset($moduleConfig['actions'])) {
         $moduleConfig['components'] = $moduleConfig['actions'];
     //security features
     $securityConfig = $this->fixSecurityConfig($moduleKey, $moduleConfig);
     $moduleOptions = array('name' => (string) trim($moduleConfig['name']), 'plural' => (string) trim(empty($moduleConfig['plural']) ? $model ? dmString::pluralize($moduleConfig['name']) : $moduleConfig['name'] : $moduleConfig['plural']), 'model' => $model, 'credentials' => isset($moduleConfig['credentials']) ? is_string($moduleConfig['credentials']) ? trim($moduleConfig['credentials']) : (is_array($moduleConfig['credentials']) ? $moduleConfig['credentials'] : '') : ((bool) $isInContent ? 'content' : null), 'underscore' => (string) dmString::underscore($moduleKey), 'is_project' => (bool) $isInContent || dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'page', false) || count(dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'components', array())), 'plugin' => $moduleConfig['plugin'], 'overridden' => dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'overridden', false), 'has_admin' => (bool) dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'admin', $model || !$isInContent), 'has_front' => (bool) dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'front', true), 'components' => dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'components', array()), 'has_security' => is_array($securityConfig), 'security' => $securityConfig, 'i18n_catalogue' => isset($moduleConfig['i18n_catalogue']) ? $moduleConfig['i18n_catalogue'] : sfConfig::get('dm_i18n_catalogue'));
     if ($moduleOptions['is_project']) {
         $moduleOptions = array_merge($moduleOptions, array('parent_key' => dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'parent') ? dmString::modulize(trim(dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'parent'))) : null, 'has_page' => (bool) dmArray::get($moduleConfig, 'page', false)));
     // fix non array action filters
     foreach ($moduleOptions['components'] as $componentKey => $componentConfig) {
         if (is_array($componentConfig) && array_key_exists('filters', $componentConfig) && !is_array($componentConfig['filters'])) {
             $moduleOptions['components'][$componentKey]['filters'] = array($componentConfig['filters']);
     return $moduleOptions;
Пример #10
  * Returns HTML code for an action link.
  * @param string  $actionName The action name
  * @param array   $params     The parameters
  * @param boolean $pk_link    Whether to add a primary key link or not
  * @return string HTML code
 public function getLinkToAction($actionName, $params, $pk_link = false)
     $action = isset($params['action']) ? $params['action'] : dmString::modulize($actionName);
     $url_params = $pk_link ? '?' . $this->getPrimaryKeyUrlParams() : '\'';
     return '[?php echo link_to(__(\'' . dmArray::get($params, 'label', dmString::humanize($actionName)) . '\', array(), \'' . $this->getI18nCatalogue() . '\'), \'' . $this->getModuleName() . '/' . $action . $url_params . ', ' . $this->asPhp($params['params']) . ') ?]';
Пример #11
  * Returns an array containing the subclasses inheriting using column_aggregate,
  * using their declared discriminant.
  * @return array the choices used by sfWidgetFormChoice and sfValidatorChoice
 public function getSubClassesChoices()
     $choices = array();
     $subClasses = $this->getTable()->getOption('subclasses');
     if (!empty($subClasses)) {
         foreach ($subClasses as $subClass) {
             $subTableInheritanceMap = dmDb::table($subClass)->getOption('inheritanceMap');
             if (!empty($subTableInheritanceMap)) {
                 $columnName = array_keys($subTableInheritanceMap);
                 $columnName = $columnName[0];
                 $discriminant = $subTableInheritanceMap[$columnName];
                 $choices[$discriminant] = ucfirst(dmString::humanize($discriminant));
     return $choices;
Пример #12
 protected function updateTemplate()
     $template = $this->getTemplate();
     $templateVars = array_keys($this->getValues());
     if ($template->get('vars') != implode(', ', $templateVars)) {
         $template->set('vars', implode(', ', $templateVars));
     if (!$template->get('body')) {
         $body = array();
         foreach ($this->getValues() as $key => $value) {
             $body[] = dmString::humanize($key) . ' : ' . $this->wrap($key);
         $template->set('body', implode("\n", $body));
     if ($template->isModified()) {
Пример #13
 protected function getFormDisplay()
     $fields = dmArray::valueToKey(array_diff($this->table->getAllColumnNames(), array_unique(array_merge($this->getFormExcludedFields(), $this->table->getPrimaryKeys(), array_keys((array) $this->table->getOption('inheritanceMap'))))));
      * Remove media fields not to see them in foreigns fields
     foreach ($this->table->getRelationHolder()->getLocalMedias() as $alias => $relation) {
         if (in_array($relation['local'], $fields)) {
     $sets = array();
     $sets['NONE'] = array();
     if (in_array($this->table->getIdentifierColumnName(), $fields)) {
         if ('embed' != sfConfig::get('dm_i18n_form') || !$this->table->hasI18n() || !$this->table->isI18nColumn($field)) {
             $sets['NONE'][] = $this->table->getIdentifierColumnName();
     foreach ($this->getBooleanFields($fields) as $field) {
         if (in_array($field, $fields)) {
             $sets['NONE'][] = $field;
     foreach ($this->table->getRelationHolder()->getLocals() as $alias => $relation) {
         if ($relation->getClass() == 'DmMedia') {
             $sets[dmString::humanize($relation['local'])] = array($relation['local'] . '_form', $relation['local'] . '_view');
         } else {
             $sets['NONE'][] = $relation->getLocalColumnName();
     foreach ($this->getTextFields($fields) as $field) {
         if (in_array($field, $fields)) {
             if ('embed' != sfConfig::get('dm_i18n_form') || !$this->table->hasI18n() || !$this->table->isI18nColumn($field)) {
                 $sets[dmString::humanize($field)][] = $field;
     foreach (array_merge($this->table->getRelationHolder()->getAssociations(), $this->table->getRelationHolder()->getForeigns()) as $alias => $relation) {
         if ($this->table->hasTemplate('DmGallery') && 'DmMedia' === $relation->getClass()) {
         if ($relation->getType() !== Doctrine_Relation::ONE && ($relationModule = $this->module->getManager()->getModuleByModel($relation->getClass()))) {
             $label = $relationModule->getPlural();
         } else {
         $sets[$label][] = dmString::underscore($alias) . '_list';
     if ($this->table->hasTemplate('DmGallery')) {
         $sets['Gallery'][] = 'dm_gallery';
     if ('embed' == sfConfig::get('dm_i18n_form') && $this->table->hasI18n()) {
         $sets['Lang'] = array();
         foreach (sfConfig::get('dm_i18n_cultures') as $culture) {
             $sets['Lang'][] = $culture;
     $sets['Others'] = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if ('embed' != sfConfig::get('dm_i18n_form') || !$this->table->hasI18n() || !$this->table->isI18nColumn($field)) {
             $sets['Others'][] = $field;
     return $this->removeEmptyValues($sets);
Пример #14
 protected function renderType(dmEventLogEntry $entry)
     return '<strong>' . $this->i18n->__(dmString::humanize($entry->get('type'))) . '</strong>';
Пример #15
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
    echo _tag('li.version_tab', _tag('a href=#revision_' . $revision->version, $revision->version));
echo _close('ul');
$model = get_class($record);
$revisionModel = get_class($revision);
$fields = array_diff($revisions[0]->getTable()->getFieldNames(), array('id', 'version', 'lang'));
$recordDiff = $sf_context->get('record_text_diff');
$table = _table();
$table->head(__('Field'), __('Difference'), __('Value'));
$nbRevisions = count($revisions);
foreach ($revisions as $index => $revision) {
    $recordDiff->compare(dmArray::get($revisions, $index + 1, new $revisionModel()), $revision);
    $diffs = $recordDiff->getHtmlDiffs($fields);
    $values = $recordDiff->getHtmlValues($fields);
    echo _open('div.revision.dm_data#revision_' . $revision->version);
    echo _open('div.revision_header');
    echo _link($record)->text(__('Back to %1%', array('%1%' => $record->__toString())))->set('.s16.s16_arrow_left.back_to_record');
    if ($index !== 0) {
        echo _link('+/dmAdminGenerator/revert')->textTitle(__('Revert to revision %1%', array('%1%' => $revision->version)))->set('.dm_medium_button.dm_js_confirm.revert_to_revision')->params(array('model' => $model, 'pk' => $record->getPrimaryKey(), 'version' => $revision->version));
    echo _tag('p.revision_title', __('Revision %number%', array('%number%' => $revision->version)) . (isset($values['updated_by']) ? ' - ' . $values['updated_by'] : '') . (isset($values['updated_at']) ? ' - ' . format_date($values['updated_at'], 'f') : ''));
    echo _close('div');
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $table->body(_tag('div', __(dmString::humanize($field))), _tag('div', $diffs[$field]), _tag('div', $values[$field]));
    echo $table;
    echo _close('div');
echo _close('div');
Пример #16
echo _open('div.dm_config_panel.mt10');
echo _open('ul');
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    echo _tag('li', sprintf('<a href="#%s">%s</a>', 'dm_setting_group_' . dmString::slugify($group), __(dmString::humanize($group))));
echo _close('ul');
echo $form->open('.dm_form.list');
foreach ($settings as $group => $groupSettings) {
    if ('internal' == $group) {
    echo _open('div#dm_setting_group_' . dmString::slugify($group));
    echo _tag('h2', __(dmString::humanize($group)));
    echo _open('ul.dm_setting_group.clearfix');
    $it = 0;
    foreach ($groupSettings as $setting) {
        $settingName = $setting->get('name');
        if (!($it % 2)) {
            echo _close('ul') . _open('ul.dm_setting_group.clearfix');
        echo _tag('li.dm_form_element.clearfix.setting_' . $setting->type, $form[$settingName]->label()->field()->error() . _tag('div.dm_help_wrap', escape(__($form[$settingName]->getHelp()))));
    echo _close('ul');
    echo _close('div');
echo $form->renderSubmitTag(__('Save modifications'));
echo '</form>';