Пример #1
 public function initialize(array $options)
      * Prepare some services for later access
     $this->user = $this->serviceContainer->getService('user');
     $this->i18n = $this->serviceContainer->getService('i18n');
     $this->widgetTypeManager = $this->serviceContainer->getService('widget_type_manager');
     $this->moduleManager = $this->serviceContainer->getService('module_manager');
Пример #2
 public function renderWidget(array $widget)
     //it the widget is called programmatically, it has no id and can not be edited
     if (!isset($widget['id'])) {
         return parent::renderWidget($widget);
     list($widgetWrapClass, $widgetInnerClass) = $this->getWidgetContainerClasses($widget);
      * Open widget wrap with wrapped user's classes
     $html = '<div class="' . $widgetWrapClass . '" id="dm_widget_' . $widget['id'] . '">';
      * Add edit button if required
     if ($this->user->can('widget_edit')) {
         try {
             $widgetPublicName = $this->serviceContainer->getService('widget_type_manager')->getWidgetType($widget)->getPublicName();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $widgetPublicName = $widget['module'] . '.' . $widget['action'];
         $title = $this->i18n->__('Edit this %1%', array('%1%' => $this->i18n->__($widgetPublicName)));
         $html .= '<a class="dm dm_widget_edit" title="' . $title . '"></a>';
      * Add fast record edit button if required
     if ('show' === $widget['action'] && $this->user->can('widget_edit_fast') && $this->user->can('widget_edit_fast_record')) {
         if ($module = $this->moduleManager->getModuleOrNull($widget['module'])) {
             if ($module->hasModel()) {
                 $html .= sprintf('<a class="dm dm_widget_record_edit" title="%s"></a>', $this->i18n->__('Edit this %1%', array('%1%' => $this->i18n->__($module->getName()))), $widget['id']);
     } elseif (!$this->user->can('widget_edit') && $this->user->can('widget_edit_fast')) {
         $fastEditPermission = 'widget_edit_fast_' . dmString::underscore(str_replace('dmWidget', '', $widget['module'])) . '_' . $widget['action'];
         if ($this->user->can($fastEditPermission)) {
             try {
                 $widgetPublicName = $this->serviceContainer->getService('widget_type_manager')->getWidgetType($widget)->getPublicName();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $widgetPublicName = $widget['module'] . '.' . $widget['action'];
             $html .= sprintf('<a class="dm dm_widget_fast_edit" title="%s"></a>', $this->i18n->__('Edit this %1%', array('%1%' => $this->i18n->__(dmString::lcfirst($widgetPublicName)))), $widget['id']);
      * Open widget inner with user's classes
     $html .= '<div class="' . $widgetInnerClass . '">';
      * get widget inner content
     $html .= $this->renderWidgetInner($widget);
      * Close widget inner
     $html .= '</div>';
      * Close widget wrap
     $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;