function main() { global $CONFIG, $SCHEDULER_LAST; print "\n"; printd("start\n"); printd("cwd: " . getcwd() . "\n"); $date = date('Ymd'); fileWrite($CONFIG['PHPDL_STACK_PIDFILE'], posix_getpid()); $n = 0; while (!$SHUTDOWN) { $n++; $dbh = dbConnect(); $scheduler = scheduler($dbh); $filesDownloading = filesDownloading($dbh); if ($SCHEDULER_LAST != $scheduler) { plog("scheduler '{$scheduler}' matched\n"); $SCHEDULER_LAST = $scheduler; } $res = mysql_query("select id from packets where archive = '0' and active = '1' and ftime = '0' order by sortnr, id;", $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $packet = new dlpacket($CONFIG['DB_HOST'], $CONFIG['DB_NAME'], $CONFIG['DB_USER'], $CONFIG['DB_PASS']); if ($packet->loadById($row['id'])) { $packetDirBn = getPacketFilename($packet->get('id'), $packet->get('name')); $packetDownloadDir = 'downloads/loading/' . $packetDirBn; $packetFinishedDir = 'downloads/finished/' . $packetDirBn; if ($packet->loadFiles()) { if ($packet->filesUnfinished()) { if ($scheduler > 0) { if ($filesDownloading < $CONFIG['DL_SLOTS']) { if (!$packet->get('stime')) { $packet->save('stime', mktime()); } if ($nextfile = $packet->getFileNextUnfinished()) { while ($nextfile->get('error')) { printd("nextfile " . $nextfile->get('id') . "\n"); $nextfile = $packet->getFileNextUnfinished(); if (!$nextfile) { break; } sleep(1); } if ($nextfile) { printd("packet " . $packet->get('id') . ": download " . $nextfile->get('id') . "\n"); $sh = 'php wget.php ' . $nextfile->get('id') . ' 1>> log/wget.' . $date . '.log 2>> log/wget.' . $date . '.log &'; printd("exec '{$sh}'\n"); system($sh); sleep(1); break; } } } else { plog("no free download slots (" . $CONFIG['DL_SLOTS'] . ")\n"); } } } else { printd("packet " . $packet->get('id') . ": all files finished\n"); if (!$packet->get('stime')) { $packet->set('stime', mktime()); } $packet->save('ftime', mktime()); $packet->md5Verify(); $packet->sizeVerify(); if (!$packet->fileErrors()) { if (file_exists($packetFinishedDir)) { $files = scandir($packetDownloadDir); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && file_exists($packetDownloadDir . '/' . $file)) { rename($packetDownloadDir . '/' . $file, $packetFinishedDir . '/' . $file); } } reset($files); rmdir($packetDownloadDir); } else { rename($packetDownloadDir, $packetFinishedDir); } } } } } unset($packet); } } else { plog("no active download\n"); } dbClose($dbh); $SHUTDOWN = shutdownCheck(); sleep(5); } shutdown(); }
$packet->set('sizeVerified', 0); $packet->set('stime', 0); $packet->set('ftime', 0); $packet->save(); $dbh = dbConnect(); mysql_query("update files set pid = '0', md5Verified = '0', error = '0', stime = '0', ftime = '0' where _packet = '{$id}';", $dbh); dbClose($dbh); } if (!$noredirect) { header('Location: ?'); } break; case 'packetFilesErrorResetExec': $packet = new dlpacket($CONFIG['DB_HOST'], $CONFIG['DB_NAME'], $CONFIG['DB_USER'], $CONFIG['DB_PASS']); if ($packet->loadById($id)) { if ($user->get('id') == $packet->get('_user')) { if ($packet->loadFiles()) { foreach ($packet->files as $fileId => $file) { if ($file->get('error')) { $file->set('error', $DLFILE_ERROR['ERROR_NO_ERROR']); $file->set('pid', 0); $file->set('md5Verified', 0); $file->set('stime', 0); $file->set('ftime', 0); $file->save(); } } } $packet->set('archive', 0); $packet->set('md5Verified', 0); $packet->set('sizeVerified', 0);