public function getTemplateOptionsTab() { $tplOptsData = array('main' => array('title' => 'Main', 'content' => $this->getMainOptionsHtml())); $tplOptsData = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('adminTemplateOptions', $tplOptsData); $this->assign('tplOptsData', $tplOptsData); return parent::getContent('templateOptionsTab'); }
/** * Write to the log backup settings * @param array $settingsArray */ public function writeBackupSettings($settingsArray) { $text = __('Backup settings: ', BUP_LANG_CODE); $settingsStringArray = array(); if (!empty($settingsArray['full'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Full backup', BUP_LANG_CODE); } if (!empty($settingsArray['wp_core'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Wordpress Core', BUP_LANG_CODE); } if (!empty($settingsArray['plugins'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Plugins folder', BUP_LANG_CODE); } if (!empty($settingsArray['themes'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Themes folder', BUP_LANG_CODE); } if (!empty($settingsArray['uploads'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Uploads folder', BUP_LANG_CODE); } if (!empty($settingsArray['any_directories'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Any folder inside wp-content', BUP_LANG_CODE); } if (!empty($settingsArray['database'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('changeDBSettingStringInLog', 'Database backup'); } if (!empty($settingsArray['exclude'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Exclude: ', BUP_LANG_CODE) . $settingsArray['exclude']; } if (!empty($settingsArray['email_ch'])) { $settingsStringArray[] = __('Email notification: ', BUP_LANG_CODE) . $settingsArray['email']; } $text .= implode('; ', $settingsStringArray) . '.'; $this->add($text); }
public function indexAction() { $model = $this->getModel(); $backups = $model->getBackupsList(); $providers = array(); $old = $model->getOldBackupsList(); return $this->render('index', array('backups' => $backups, 'old' => $old, 'providers' => dispatcherBup::applyFilters('adminSendToLinks', $providers))); }
public function initMenu() { $accessCap = 'manage_options'; $subMenuTabs = array(1 => array('parentSlug' => $this->_file, 'pageTitle' => __('Overview', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'capability' => $accessCap, 'menuSlug' => 'admin.php?page=supsystic-backup&tab=overview'), 2 => array('parentSlug' => $this->_file, 'pageTitle' => __('Backup', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'capability' => $accessCap, 'menuSlug' => $this->_file), 3 => array('parentSlug' => $this->_file, 'pageTitle' => __('Schedule', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'capability' => $accessCap, 'menuSlug' => 'admin.php?page=supsystic-backup&tab=bupSchedule'), 4 => array('parentSlug' => $this->_file, 'pageTitle' => __('Restore', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'capability' => $accessCap, 'menuSlug' => 'admin.php?page=supsystic-backup&tab=bupLog'), 5 => array('parentSlug' => $this->_file, 'pageTitle' => __('Migration', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'capability' => $accessCap, 'menuSlug' => 'admin.php?page=supsystic-backup&tab=migration')); $subMenuTabs = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('addAdminSubMenuTabs', $subMenuTabs); ksort($subMenuTabs); add_menu_page(__('Backup by Supsystic', BUP_LANG_CODE), __('Backup by Supsystic', BUP_LANG_CODE), $accessCap, $this->_file, array(frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getView(), 'getAdminPage')); foreach ($subMenuTabs as $tab) { add_submenu_page($tab['parentSlug'], $tab['pageTitle'], $tab['pageTitle'], $tab['capability'], $tab['menuSlug']); } }
public function getComingSoonPageHtml() { $this->_beforeShow(); $this->assign('msgTitle', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('msg_title')); $this->assign('msgTitleColor', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('msg_title_color')); $this->assign('msgTitleFont', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('msg_title_font')); $msgTitleStyle = array(); if (!empty($this->msgTitleColor)) { $msgTitleStyle['color'] = $this->msgTitleColor; } if (!empty($this->msgTitleFont)) { $msgTitleStyle['font-family'] = $this->msgTitleFont; $this->_styles[] = '' . $this->msgTitleFont . '&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext'; } $this->assign('msgTitleStyle', utilsBup::arrToCss($msgTitleStyle)); $this->assign('msgText', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('msg_text')); $this->assign('msgTextColor', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('msg_text_color')); $this->assign('msgTextFont', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('msg_text_font')); $msgTextStyle = array(); if (!empty($this->msgTextColor)) { $msgTextStyle['color'] = $this->msgTextColor; } if (!empty($this->msgTextFont)) { $msgTextStyle['font-family'] = $this->msgTextFont; if ($this->msgTitleFont != $this->msgTextFont) { $this->_styles[] = '' . $this->msgTextFont . '&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext'; } } $this->assign('msgTextStyle', utilsBup::arrToCss($msgTextStyle)); if ($this->_useSubscribeForm && frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('sub_enable')) { $this->_scripts[] = frameBup::_()->getModule('subscribe')->getModPath() . 'js/frontend.subscribe.js'; $this->assign('subscribeForm', frameBup::_()->getModule('subscribe')->getController()->getView()->getUserForm()); } if ($this->_useSocIcons) { $this->assign('socIcons', frameBup::_()->getModule('social_icons')->getController()->getView()->getFrontendContent()); } if (file_exists($this->getModule()->getModDir() . 'css/style.css')) { $this->_styles[] = $this->getModule()->getModPath() . 'css/style.css'; } $this->assign('logoPath', $this->getModule()->getLogoImgPath()); $this->assign('bgCssAttrs', dispatcherBup::applyFilters('tplBgCssAttrs', $this->getModule()->getBgCssAttrs())); $this->assign('styles', dispatcherBup::applyFilters('tplStyles', $this->_styles)); $this->assign('scripts', dispatcherBup::applyFilters('tplScripts', $this->_scripts)); $this->assign('initJsVars', dispatcherBup::applyFilters('tplInitJsVars', $this->initJsVars())); $this->assign('messages', frameBup::_()->getRes()->getMessages()); $this->assign('errors', frameBup::_()->getRes()->getErrors()); return parent::getContent($this->getCode() . 'BUPHtml'); }
/** * Get an associative array with dropbox metadata from sandbox * @return array|null */ public function getUploadedFiles($stacksFolder = '') { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { return null; } $url = self::API_URL . 'metadata/sandbox' . $this->getDropboxPath() . $stacksFolder; $request = curlBup::createGetRequest($url, array('file_limit' => 25000, 'list' => 'true', 'locale' => 'en')); $request->setAuthorization($this->getToken()); // try { $response = json_decode($request->exec(), true); // } catch (RuntimeException $e) { // exit (sprintf('Dropbox Client error: %s\nTry to refresh page', $e->getMessage())); // } if (isset($response['error'])) { return null; } // Formatting uploading data files for use their on backups page $files = array(); if (!$stacksFolder) { foreach ($response['contents'] as $file) { $pathInfo = pathinfo($file['path']); $backupInfo = $this->getBackupInfoByFilename($pathInfo['basename']); if (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'sql') { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql'] = $file; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql']['backupInfo'] = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('addInfoIfEncryptedDb', $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql']['backupInfo']); } else { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['zip'] = $file; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['zip']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; } } unset($response['contents']); $response['contents'] = $files; } else { foreach ($response['contents'] as $file) { $pathInfo = pathinfo($file['path']); $files[] = basename($pathInfo['dirname']) . '/' . basename($file['path']); } $response = $files; } return $response; }
public function getMainOptionsTab() { if (!isset($this->optModel)) { $this->assign('optModel', $this->getModel()); } $backupPlaces = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('getBackupDestination', array()); // sorting $backupPlaces by $backupPlaces['sortNum'] $sort = array(); foreach ($backupPlaces as $key => $row) { $sort[$key] = $row['sortNum']; } array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $backupPlaces); $backupDest = frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('glb_dest'); $zipNotExtMsg = frameBup::_()->getModule('backup')->getController()->checkExtensions(); $zipExtExist = $zipNotExtMsg !== true ? 'disabled' : true; $this->assign('zipExtExist', $zipExtExist); $this->assign('zipNotExtMsg', $zipNotExtMsg); $this->assign('backupPlaces', $backupPlaces); $this->assign('backupDest', $backupDest); $this->assign('backupOptions', parent::getContent('backupOptions')); return parent::getContent('mainOptionsTab'); }
public function getDestinationHandlers() { $handlers = array(); $handlers = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('adminBackupUpload', $handlers); return $handlers; }
?> </td> <td class="col-w-1perc"> <i class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php _e('Secret key for encrypting DB data', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> "></i> </td> <td class="col-w-1perc"> </td> </tr> <tr class="bupSecretKeyDBRow" style="display: none"> <td colspan="3"> <?php echo dispatcherBup::applyFilters('getInputForSecretKeyEncryptDb', ''); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="toeBupOptResponsive"> <h3><?php _e('Additional Settings', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> </h3> <hr/> <table class="form-table" style="width: 100% !important;">
public function init() { if (is_admin() && frameBup::_()->isPluginAdminPage()) { $this->_styles = array('styleBup' => array('path' => BUP_CSS_PATH . 'style.css'), 'adminStylesBup' => array('path' => BUP_CSS_PATH . 'adminStyles.css'), 'jquery-tabs' => array('path' => BUP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-tabs.css'), 'jquery-buttons' => array('path' => BUP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-buttons.css'), 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog' => array(), 'farbtastic' => array(), 'jquery-dialog' => array('path' => BUP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-dialog.css'), 'jquery-progress' => array('path' => BUP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-progress.css')); $defaultPlugTheme = frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('default_theme'); $ajaxurl = admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); if (frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('ssl_on_ajax')) { $ajaxurl = uriBup::makeHttps($ajaxurl); } $jsData = array('siteUrl' => BUP_SITE_URL, 'imgPath' => BUP_IMG_PATH, 'loader' => BUP_LOADER_IMG, 'close' => BUP_IMG_PATH . 'cross.gif', 'ajaxurl' => $ajaxurl, 'animationSpeed' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('js_animation_speed'), 'siteLang' => langBup::getData(), 'options' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getByCode(), 'BUP_CODE' => BUP_CODE); $jsData = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('jsInitVariables', $jsData); frameBup::_()->addScript('jquery'); frameBup::_()->addScript('jquery-ui-tabs', '', array('jquery')); frameBup::_()->addScript('jquery-ui-dialog', '', array('jquery')); frameBup::_()->addScript('jquery-ui-button', '', array('jquery')); frameBup::_()->addScript('farbtastic'); frameBup::_()->addScript('commonBup', BUP_JS_PATH . 'common.js'); frameBup::_()->addScript('coreBup', BUP_JS_PATH . 'core.js'); //installerBup::isUsed() ? frameBup::_()->addScript('adminOptionsBup', BUP_JS_PATH. 'admin.options.js') : false; frameBup::_()->addScript('adminOptionsBup', BUP_JS_PATH . 'admin.options.js'); frameBup::_()->addScript('ajaxupload', BUP_JS_PATH . 'ajaxupload.js'); frameBup::_()->addScript('postbox', get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/js/postbox.js'); frameBup::_()->addJSVar('coreBup', 'BUP_DATA', $jsData); /*$desktop = true; if(utilsBup::isTablet()) { $this->_styles['style-tablet'] = array(); $desktop = false; } elseif(utilsBup::isMobile()) { $this->_styles['style-mobile'] = array(); $desktop = false; } if($desktop) { $this->_styles['style-desctop'] = array(); }*/ foreach ($this->_styles as $s => $sInfo) { if (isset($sInfo['for'])) { if ($sInfo['for'] == 'frontend' && is_admin() || $sInfo['for'] == 'admin' && !is_admin()) { continue; } } $canBeSubstituted = true; if (isset($sInfo['substituteFor'])) { switch ($sInfo['substituteFor']) { case 'frontend': $canBeSubstituted = !is_admin(); break; case 'admin': $canBeSubstituted = is_admin(); break; } } if ($canBeSubstituted && file_exists(BUP_TEMPLATES_DIR . $defaultPlugTheme . DS . $s . '.css')) { frameBup::_()->addStyle($s, BUP_TEMPLATES_PATH . $defaultPlugTheme . '/' . $s . '.css'); } elseif ($canBeSubstituted && file_exists(utilsBup::getCurrentWPThemeDir() . 'csp' . DS . $s . '.css')) { frameBup::_()->addStyle($s, utilsBup::getCurrentWPThemePath() . '/toe/' . $s . '.css'); } elseif (!empty($sInfo['path'])) { frameBup::_()->addStyle($s, $sInfo['path']); } else { frameBup::_()->addStyle($s); } } add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'addInitJsVars')); } parent::init(); }
<div class="backupBlock" align="right"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo '#' . $this->storageData[0] . ' ' . $this->storageData[1]; ?> </legend> <div align="left" id="MSG_EL_ID_<?php echo $this->storageData[0]; ?> "></div> <div class="bup_a_Send_to"><a href="javascript:void (0)">send to ></a></div> <div align="right" class="bup_Send_to"> <?php $storageProviders = array(); $storageProviders = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('adminSendToLinks', $storageProviders); ?> <?php foreach ($storageProviders as $provider) { ?> <a id="<?php echo $this->storageData[0]; ?> " rel="<?php echo implode(',', $this->storageData[2]) . ',log-id' . $this->storageData[0] . '.txt'; ?> " class="upload" href="javascript:void(0)" data-action="<?php
private function _flexRestore($filename) { $res = true; $permitted = array('CREATE', 'INSERT', 'DROP'); $query = ''; $allMetadata = array(); $metaDataValidated = false; $config = $this->getConfig(); $transaction = $this->getTransactionSupport(); $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); $handle = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('decryptDbData', $handle, $filename); $decryptKeyExist = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('checkIsSecretKeyToDecryptDBExist', false); $queriesStarted = false; $iteratorEmptyRow = 0; // This iterator used to control decrypted data, if data not decrypted - all query will be empty, well then secret key is wrong while (($row = fgets($handle)) !== false) { // Parse file row-by-row as it can be too large to store all data - in memory in one time $row = trim($row); $iteratorEmptyRow++; if (preg_match('/--\\s*@(.*);/', $row, $metadata)) { // At first - let's find metadata, it should be in the begining of file $metaKeyValue = array_map('trim', explode('=', $metadata[1])); $allMetadata[$metaKeyValue[0]] = $metaKeyValue[1]; continue; } if (!$metaDataValidated) { // If metadata was not validated - do not go futher if (empty($allMetadata)) { // At the begining of our sql file - no metadata for now, so just continue to search continue; } if ($this->validateMetadata($allMetadata) === false) { // Then - try to validate metadata $res = false; break; } else { $metaDataValidated = true; } // Validated - can go futher } if (!$queriesStarted) { // This code should be executed only when queries part started if (!$this->_startQueries($config, $transaction)) { break; } $queriesStarted = true; } $rowAplied = false; foreach ($permitted as $canStartQuery) { if (strpos($row, $canStartQuery) === 0) { // Check - if this is start of our query if (!empty($query)) { // If we have some not executed query (in some case) - execute it $this->_runQuery($query, $config, $transaction); $iteratorEmptyRow = 0; } $query = $row; $rowAplied = true; break; } } if (!empty($query) && !$rowAplied) { // Just continue to compose query if it was already started $query .= $row; } if (strpos($row, '#endQuery')) { // If this is end of query - just execute it and prepare for next one $this->_runQuery($query, $config, $transaction); $iteratorEmptyRow = 0; $query = ''; } if (empty($query) && empty($row) && $decryptKeyExist && $iteratorEmptyRow > 20) { do_action('bupClearSecretKeyToDecryptDb'); return array('error' => __('Secret key for decrypt DB data wrong! Please, try again.', BUP_LANG_CODE)); } } if ($queriesStarted) { // If queries was started - then let's finish it's execution correctly $this->_endQueries($config, $transaction); } fclose($handle); if ($this->haveErrors()) { return false; } }
/** * Restore Action * Restore system and/or database from backup */ public function restoreAction() { $request = reqBup::get('post'); $response = new responseBup(); $filename = $request['filename']; $model = $this->getModel(); // This block for pro-version module 'scrambler' $needKeyToDecryptDB = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('checkIsNeedSecretKeyToEncryptedDB', false, $filename, $request); if ($needKeyToDecryptDB) { $response->addData(array('need' => 'secretKey')); return $response->ajaxExec(); } $result = $model->restore($filename); if (false === $result) { $errors = array_merge($model->getDatabase()->getErrors(), $model->getFilesystem()->getErrors()); if (empty($errors)) { $errors = __('Unable to restore from ' . $filename, BUP_LANG_CODE); } $response->addError($errors); } elseif (is_array($result) && array_key_exists('error', $result)) { $response->addError($result['error']); } elseif (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) { $content = __('Unable to restore backup files. Check folder or files writing permissions. Try to set 766 permissions to the:', BUP_LANG_CODE) . ' <br>' . implode('<br>', $result); $response->addError($content); } else { $response->addData($result); $response->addMessage(__('Done!', BUP_LANG_CODE)); } $response->addData(array('result' => $result)); return $response->ajaxExec(); }
/** * Returns uploaded file to plugin's root folder * * @since 1.0 * @uses \Dropbox\Client * @see * @return null|array */ public function getUploadedFiles() { // never executed, but dont remove, ok? if ($this->isAuthenticated() === false) { return null; } // try { $client = new Dropbox\Client($this->getToken(), $this->applicationName); $response = $client->getMetadataWithChildren(rtrim($this->getDropboxPath(), '/')); // Formatting uploading data files for use their on backups page $files = array(); foreach ($response['contents'] as $file) { $pathInfo = pathinfo($file['path']); $backupInfo = $this->getBackupInfoByFilename($pathInfo['basename']); if (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'sql') { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql'] = $file; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql']['backupInfo'] = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('addInfoIfEncryptedDb', $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['sql']['backupInfo']); } elseif (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'zip') { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['zip'] = $file; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['dropbox']['zip']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; } } unset($response['contents']); $response['contents'] = $files; return $response; // } catch (Exception $e) { //echo sprintf('Dropbox client error: %s. Try to refresh page', $e->getMessage()); //} }
/** * Returns the list of the objects inside the folder. * @param string $folderId * @return stdClass[]|null */ public function getFolderObjects($folderId, $getStacksFolder = false) { $url = $this->buildUrl('{folder_id}/files?access_token={token}', array('folder_id' => $folderId, 'token' => $this->getAccessToken())); $response = wp_remote_get($url); if ($this->hasError($response)) { return null; } $body = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); if (!empty($body->data[0]->name) && strpos($body->data[0]->name, 'backup_') !== false) { if ($getStacksFolder) { $folders = array(); foreach ($body->data as $key => $folder) { $folders[] = $folder; } return $folders; } else { // Formatting uploading data files for use their on backups page $files = array(); foreach ($body->data as $key => $file) { $backupInfo = $this->getBackupInfoByFilename($file->name); if (empty($files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive'])) { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive'] = new stdClass(); } if (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'sql') { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive']->sql = $body->data[$key]; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive']->sql->backupInfo = $backupInfo; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive']->sql->backupInfo = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('addInfoIfEncryptedDb', $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive']->sql->backupInfo); } else { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive']->zip = $body->data[$key]; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['onedrive']->zip->backupInfo = $backupInfo; } } return $files; } } return $body->data; }
/** * Returns uploaded files to amazon s3 * * @since 1.1 * @uses \Aws\S3\S3Client * @see * @see * @see * @see * @see * @param boolean $match Show only backups files or show all files in bucket * @param integer $order ascending or descending * @return array */ public function getUploadedFiles($stacksFolder = '', $match = true, $order = amazonModelBup::ORDER_DESCENDING) { $credentials = $this->getCredentials(); $bucket = $this->getBucket(); $files = array(); // $pattern = '/([a-z_]+[0-9_-]{20}[a-z]{4,8}_id[0-9]+(.sql|.zip))/'; $pattern = '/(backup_.*)/'; $client = Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array('key' => $credentials['access'], 'secret' => $credentials['secret'])); $filesIterator = $client->getIterator('ListObjects', array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Prefix' => $this->getCurrentDomain() . '/' . $stacksFolder)); foreach ($filesIterator as $storageFile) { if ($match === true) { if (preg_match($pattern, $storageFile['Key'])) { $files[] = $storageFile['Key']; } } else { $files[] = $storageFile['Key']; } } if ($order = amazonModelBup::ORDER_DESCENDING) { krsort($files); } if ($stacksFolder) { return $files; } else { // Formatting uploading data files for use their on backups page $newFiles = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $pathElementsCount = explode('/', $file); // if $pathElementsCount contains 3 element - so this is filesystem backup with stacks, else backup with one big archive $oneFileBackup = count($pathElementsCount) > 2 ? false : true; $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($extension === 'sql' || $extension === 'zip' && $oneFileBackup) { $backupInfo = $this->getBackupInfoByFilename($file); } else { $backupInfo = $this->getBackupInfoByFilename(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); } if (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'sql') { $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['sql']['file'] = $file; $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['sql']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['sql']['backupInfo'] = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('addInfoIfEncryptedDb', $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['sql']['backupInfo']); } elseif (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'zip' && $oneFileBackup) { $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['zip']['file'] = $file; $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['zip']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; } else { $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['zip']['file'] = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); $newFiles[$backupInfo['id']]['amazon']['zip']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; } } return $newFiles; } }
public function checkCloudServiceRemoteServerIsAuth($destination) { $isAuthorized = false; $handlers = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('adminBackupUpload', array()); /* @var modelBup $handlerModel*/ $handlerModel = !empty($handlers[$destination][0]) ? $handlers[$destination][0] : null; if (is_a($handlerModel, 'modelBup')) { $isAuthorized = $handlerModel->isUserAuthorizedInService($destination); if (!$isAuthorized) { $this->pushError($handlerModel->getErrors()); } } else { $this->pushError(__('Unexpected error.', BUP_LANG_CODE)); } return $isAuthorized; }
public function getDomainFiles($stacksFolder = false, $getStacks = false) { $pageToken = null; $domain = $this->getDomain($stacksFolder); $child = array(); if (!$domain) { return null; } $client = $this->getClient(); $service = new Google_DriveService($client); do { try { $parameters = array(); if ($pageToken) { $parameters['pageToken'] = $pageToken; } $children = $service->children->listChildren($domain['id'], $parameters); $child = array_merge($child, $children['items']); $token = null; if (isset($children['nextPageToken'])) { $pageToken = $children['nextPageToken']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $pageToken = null; $this->pushError($e->getMessage()); return array(); } } while ($pageToken); // Formatting uploading data files for use their on backups page $files = array(); if ($getStacks) { $i = 0; foreach ($child as $file) { $fileInfo = $service->files->get($file['id']); if (!empty($fileInfo['downloadUrl']) && !empty($fileInfo['title'])) { $files[$i]['downloadUrl'] = $fileInfo['downloadUrl']; $files[$i]['title'] = $fileInfo['title']; $i++; } } } else { foreach ($child as $file) { $backupInfo = $service->files->get($file['id']); $backupInfo = $this->getBackupInfoByFilename($backupInfo['title']); if (!empty($backupInfo['ext']) && $backupInfo['ext'] == 'sql') { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['gdrive']['sql'] = $service->files->get($file['id']); $files[$backupInfo['id']]['gdrive']['sql']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; $files[$backupInfo['id']]['gdrive']['sql']['backupInfo'] = dispatcherBup::applyFilters('addInfoIfEncryptedDb', $files[$backupInfo['id']]['gdrive']['sql']['backupInfo']); } else { $files[$backupInfo['id']]['gdrive']['zip'] = $service->files->get($file['id']); $files[$backupInfo['id']]['gdrive']['zip']['backupInfo'] = $backupInfo; } } } return $files; }
<!-- Log modal window end --> <!-- Migrate promo modal window start --> <div id="bupShowMigratePromoDlg" title="<?php _e('Get PRO Verion!', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> " style="display: none"> <p id="bupMigratePromoText" class="supsystic-plugin"> <?php _e('Please, be advised, that this option is available only in PRO version. You can', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> <a class="button button-primary button-small" href="<?php echo frameBup::_()->getModule('promo_supsystic')->getMainLink(); ?> " target="_blank"><?php _e('Get PRO', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> </a> </p> </div> <!-- Migrate promo modal window end --> <?php echo dispatcherBup::applyFilters('getInputsForReplaceMigrationData', ''); ?> <?php echo dispatcherBup::applyFilters('getModalWindowForSecretKeyEncryptDB', ''); ?> </div> </div> </section>