private function _prepare() { db::connect(); dibi::addSubst('table', 'students'); dibi::addSubst('courses_students', 'courses_students'); dibi::addSubst('courses', 'courses'); }
public function renderDefault($url) { $res = dibi::query(' SELECT workId, url as file, title, text,', Model::sqlCategory() . ' as category, authorUrl, CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) as authorName, year,', Model::sqlWorkClassName() . 'as workClass,', 'award, type, pages, words, characters, [read], added, edited FROM [works] join [authors] on author = authorId WHERE `url`=%s', $url)->fetchAll(); //$res[0]['award'] = ($res[0]['award'] != 99) ? $res[0]['award'] . ". místo" : "nominaci"; //2010-08-19 22:43:25 $res[0]['added'] = preg_replace('/(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})/', '$3.$2.$1 $4:$5', $res[0]['added']); $res[0]['edited'] = preg_replace('/(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})/', '$3.$2.$1 $4:$5', $res[0]['edited']); $this->template->data = $res[0]; $this->template->files = FileModel::getFiles($res[0]['workId']); Model::increaseRead($res[0]['workId']); }
/** * Nacte data. * * @return Bobr_Page_Page * @throws Bobr_Page_PageIAException Pokud neni vyplnena vlastnosti id. * @throws Bobr_Page_PageException Pokud nenajde zadne data. */ public function load() { if (0 > $this->id) { throw new Bobr_Page_PageIAException('Neni zadano pageId ktere se ma nacist.'); } if (!$this->loadFromCache()) { $query = 'SELECT `container_id`, `block_id`, `weight` FROM `' . Config::DB_PREFIX . 'pageid_container_block` WHERE `pageid_id` = ' . $this->id . ' ORDER BY `container_id`, `weight`'; $data = dibi::query($query)->fetchAssoc('container_id,block_id'); if (empty($data)) { throw new Bobr_Page_PageException('Zadana stranka nema zadne data.'); } // Naimportujem data. $this->importRecord($data); try { $this->setPageId(new Bobr_Page_PageId($this->id)); } catch (Bobr_Page_PageIdException $e) { // Nelze nacist PageId nelze sestavit Page. throw new Bobr_Page_PageException($e->getMessage()); } // Ulozime Page do cache. $this->saveToCache(); } return $this; }
/** * */ public function indexAction() { die('todo'); $overwrite = !is_null(Core_Request::getInstance()->getArgv(4)) ? Core_Request::getInstance()->getArgv(4) : false; foreach (dibi::getDatabaseInfo()->getTables() as $table_data) { if ($table_data->getName() == Migration_MigrationModel::getTableName()) { continue; } $ddl_data = dibi::query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table_data->getName())->fetch()->toArray(); $ddl_query = $ddl_data['Create Table']; $migration_time = time(); $migration_name = 'Create' . ucfirst($table_data->getName()); $migration_name = str_replace(' ', '', $migration_name); $migration_name = str_replace('-', '', $migration_name); $migration_name = str_replace('_', '', $migration_name); $filename = cfg()->migration_path . $migration_name . '.php'; if (Core_Files::fileSize($filename) && !$overwrite) { echo PHP_EOL . 'Migration "Create ' . ucfirst($table_data->getName()) . '" Exists' . PHP_EOL; continue; } $template_data = Core_Files::getContent(cfg()->migration_path . Migration_FilesHelper::TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME); $template_data = str_replace('Template', $migration_name, $template_data); $template_data = str_replace('__NAME__', $migration_name, $template_data); $template_data = str_replace('__CREATED_AT__', $migration_time, $template_data); $template_data = str_replace('__CREATED_CFG__', Core_Request::getInstance()->getArgv(1), $template_data); $template_data = preg_replace('#//__UP_ACTION__#', $ddl_query, $template_data); $down_query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table_data->getName() . '`'; $template_data = preg_replace('#//__DOWN_ACTION__#', $down_query, $template_data); Core_Files::putContent($filename, $template_data); echo PHP_EOL . 'Migration ' . $filename . ' created' . PHP_EOL; } }
/** * Spoji se z databzi. * * @return Bobr_Bobr * @throws DibiDriverException */ private function connectToDatabase() { // @todo odchytavat vyjimku pri nepovedenem spojeni. $config = new Config(); $connect = dibi::connect(array('driver' => 'postgre', 'string' => ' host=' . $config->dbHost . ' port=' . $config->dbPort . ' dbname=' . $config->dbName . ' user='******' password='******'', 'persistent' => $config->dbPersistent), $config->dbConnectionName); return $this; }
function __construct() { //-----vytvorenie objektu menu $menu = new MenuItem(); $menu->menuAction(); //-----vytvorenie objektu node $node = new node(); $node->nodeAction(); MT::addContent($menu->render(), 'leftHolder'); try { if (isset($_GET['id_menu_item']) or isset($_GET['addMenuItem']) or isset($_GET['changeMenuItem'])) { MT::addTemplate(APP_DIR . '/templates/admin/modulHolder.phtml', 'modulHolder'); MT::addVar('modulHolder', 'type_modul', dibi::fetchAll("SELECT * FROM [type_modul] WHERE visible_for_user='******'")); } //zobrazenie zmeny polozky pre menu if (isset($_GET['changeMenuItem'])) { $menu->showChangeMenuItem($_GET['id_menu_item']); } if (isset($_GET['id_menu_item']) and !isset($_GET['changeMenuItem'])) { $node->showModul(); } //pridanie polozky do menu if (isset($_GET['addMenuItem'])) { $menu->showAddMenuItem(); } //zachytenie vynimie } catch (NodeException $e) { echo '<div style="border: 2px solid red; padding: 5px;">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; exit; } }
/** * Maps HTTP request to a PresenterRequest object. * @param Nette\Web\IHttpRequest * @return PresenterRequest|NULL */ public function match(IHttpRequest $context) { \Nette\Diagnostics\FireLogger::log('-------------'); \Nette\Diagnostics\FireLogger::log($context); return NULL; if (!preg_match('#^/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/?$#', $context->getUri()->path, $matches)) { return NULL; } $id = $matches[1]; if (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabulka_produktu WHERE nameid=%s", $id)) { $presenter = 'Front:Product'; } elseif (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabulka_kategorie WHERE nameid=%s", $id)) { $presenter = 'Front:Category'; } elseif (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabulka_s_clanky WHERE nameid=%s", $id)) { $presenter = 'Front:Article'; } else { return NULL; } // alternativa: použít jednu tabulku s páry URL -> jméno Presenteru // výhoda: jeden lookup místo (až) tří, neměřitelně vyšší rychlost ;) // nevýhoda: nutnost ji udržovat :-( // alternativa č.2: místo COUNT(*) načíst z DB celý záznam a předat v parametru presenteru // výhoda: stejně jej bude potřebovat // nevýhoda: nadstandardní závislost mezi routerem a presenterem $params = $context->getQuery(); $params['id'] = $id; return new PresenterRequest($presenter, $context->getMethod(), $params, $context->getPost(), $context->getFiles(), array('secured' => $context->isSecured())); }
/** * Maps HTTP request to a PresenterRequest object. * @param Nette\Web\IHttpRequest * @return PresenterRequest|NULL */ public function match(IHttpRequest $context) { if (!preg_match('#^/([a-z0-9]{1,3})/(.*?)/?$#', $context->getUri()->path, $matches)) { return NULL; } $lang = $matches[1]; $categories = $matches[2]; $pom = explode("/", $categories); $last = end($pom); if (dibi::fetchSingle("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t category\n\t\t\t JOIN category_lang USING(id_category)\n\t\t\t JOIN [lang] USING(id_lang)\n\t\t\tWHERE iso=%s", $lang, "AND link_rewrite = %s", $last)) { $presenter = 'Front:Eshop'; } elseif (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM menu_item WHERE lang = %s", $lang, "AND url_identifier=%s", $last)) { $presenter = 'Front:List'; } else { return NULL; } // alternativa: použít jednu tabulku s páry URL -> jméno Presenteru // výhoda: jeden lookup místo (až) tří, neměřitelně vyšší rychlost ;) // nevýhoda: nutnost ji udržovat :-( // alternativa č.2: místo COUNT(*) načíst z DB celý záznam a předat v parametru presenteru // výhoda: stejně jej bude potřebovat // nevýhoda: nadstandardní závislost mezi routerem a presenterem $params = $context->getQuery(); // $params['link_rewrite'] = $last; $params['lang'] = $lang; return new NPresenterRequest($presenter, $context->getMethod(), $params, $context->getPost(), $context->getFiles(), array('secured' => $context->isSecured())); }
public function renderDefault() { //uvod $home = dibi::fetch("SELECT * FROM [menu_item] WHERE home = 1 AND lang = %s", $this->lang); if (!$home) { $home = dibi::fetch("SELECT * FROM [menu_item] WHERE lang = %s", $this->lang, "ORDER BY sequence LIMIT 1"); } $this->template->id_menu_item = $home['id_menu_item']; /* * META INFO */ $this['header']->addTitle($home['meta_title']); $this['header']->setDescription($home['meta_description']); $node = $this->getService('Node'); $query = $node->getAll($this->template->id_menu_item); $this->template->node_list = $query->fetchAll(); //produkty na uvode $list = dibi::select('id_product')->from('product')->where('home = 1'); $count_list = clone $list; $count = $count_list->removeClause('select')->select('COUNT(id_product)')->fetchSingle(); $vp = new VisualPaginator($this, 'paginator'); $paginator = $vp->getPaginator(); $paginator->itemsPerPage = 12; $paginator->itemCount = (int) $count; $this->template->products = $list->limit($paginator->offset . ',' . $paginator->itemsPerPage)->fetchAll(); $this->template->paginator = $paginator; foreach ($this->template->products as $k => $p) { $this->template->products[$k] = ProductModel::getProductWithParams($p['id_product'], $this->id_lang, $this->user); } /* widget */ $this['productNewsSaleAvaiableTable']->setIdLang($this->id_lang); $this['productNewsSaleAvaiableTable']->setUser($this->user); }
public function renderXml() { $this->template->items = dibi::query(' SELECT product.id_product AS id,, product_lang.description, product_lang.link_rewrite AS product_link, category_product.id_category AS id_category, AS category_name, category_lang.link_rewrite AS category_link FROM `product` LEFT JOIN product_lang USING (id_product) LEFT JOIN category_product USING (id_product) LEFT JOIN category_lang USING (id_category) WHERE product_lang.id_lang = 1 AND category_lang.id_lang = 1 GROUP BY (id_product)')->fetchAll(); $this->template->baseUri = ''; $this->id_lang = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->template->items); $i++) { $productWithLowestPrice = dibi::query('SELECT * FROM product_param WHERE id_product = %i', $this->template->items[$i]['id'], ' ORDER BY price LIMIT 0,1')->fetch(); $this->template->items[$i]['url'] = $this->getPresenter()->link('Eshop:current', array('categories' => $this->template->items[$i]['category_link'], 'url_identifier' => NStrings::webalize($this->template->items[$i]['product_link']))); $this->template->items[$i]['image'] = ProductModel::getImage($this->template->items[$i]['id']); $this->template->items[$i]['price_vat'] = round($productWithLowestPrice['price'], 2); $this->template->items[$i]['price'] = round($this->template->items[$i]['price_vat'] / 1.2, 2); $this->template->items[$i]['vat'] = '0.20'; $this->template->items[$i]['size'] = $productWithLowestPrice['size']; $this->template->items[$i]['material'] = $productWithLowestPrice['material']; } }
/** * Metainformation catalogue * -------------------------------------------------- * * MICKA_LIB_INSERT.PHP for MicKa * * @link * @package Micka * @category Metadata * @version 20101120 * @authors DZ */ function deleteMd($user, $type, $value, $mode, $par = NULL) { setMickaLog('micka_lib_insert.php (deleteMd)', 'DEBUG', "user={$user}, {$type}={$value}, mode={$mode}, par={$par}"); $rs = FALSE; // autorizace if ($user == 'guest' || !canAction()) { return $rs; } $record = getMdHeader($type, $value, $col = '', $fetch = array('all', '=')); if (isset($record[0]['RECNO']) && $record[0]['RECNO'] > -1) { if (!getMdRight('edit', $user, $record[0]['DATA_TYPE'], $record[0]['CREATE_USER'], $record[0]['EDIT_GROUP'], $record[0]['VIEW_GROUP'])) { return $rs; } else { $sql = array(); if ($mode == 'all') { array_push($sql, 'DELETE FROM [md_values] WHERE [recno]=%i;', $record[0]['RECNO']); array_push($sql, 'DELETE FROM [md] WHERE [recno]=%i;', $record[0]['RECNO']); } elseif ($mode == 'value') { array_push($sql, 'DELETE FROM [md_values] WHERE [recno]=%i AND md_id<>38;', $record[0]['RECNO']); } dibi::begin(); try { dibi::query($sql); dibi::commit(); $rs = TRUE; } catch (DibiException $e) { setMickaLog($e, 'ERROR', 'micka_lib_insert.php (deleteMd)'); dibi::rollback(); } } } //Debug::dump($rs); setMickaLog('micka_lib_insert.php (deleteMd)', 'DEBUG', "return={$rs}"); return $rs; }
/** * Constractor creates connection and checks/creates tables stucture */ public function __construct() { $dibiConfig = dibi::getConnection()->getConfig(); $dbname = isset($dibiConfig['dbname']) ? $dibiConfig['dbname'] : $dibiConfig['database']; $config = array('driver' => 'sqlite', 'profiler' => Environment::getConfig('perform')->storage_profiler, 'database' => realpath(Environment::getConfig('perform')->modelCache) . '/' . $dbname . '-storage.sdb'); parent::__construct($config, 'storage'); if (!$this->getDatabaseInfo()->hasTable('fields')) { $this->query('CREATE TABLE [fields] ([id] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [name] VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, [table] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [hash] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, [type] VARCHAR(50)); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [fields_idx] on [fields] ( [name], [table]);'); } if (!$this->getDatabaseInfo()->hasTable('tables')) { $this->query('CREATE TABLE [tables] ( [id] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [name] VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [hash] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);'); } if (!$this->getDatabaseInfo()->hasTable('views')) { $this->query('CREATE TABLE [views] ( [id] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [name] VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, [hash] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);'); } if (!$this->getDatabaseInfo()->hasTable('indexes')) { $this->query('CREATE TABLE [indexes] ([id] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [name] VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, [table] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [hash] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, [unique] BOOLEAN); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [indexes_idx] on [indexes] ( [name], [table]);'); } }
protected function setUp() { $this->db = dibi::getConnection("ormion"); $this->db->delete("comments")->execute(); $this->db->delete("pages")->execute(); $this->db->query("insert into [pages]", array("name" => "Clanek", "description" => "Popis", "text" => "Text", "visits" => 0, "allowed" => true), array("name" => "Article", "description" => "Description", "text" => "Text emericky.", "visits" => 5, "allowed" => false), array("name" => "Nepovolený článek", "description" => "Popis nepovoleného článku", "text" => "Dlouhý text. By byl delší než tento.", "visits" => 3, "allowed" => false), array("name" => "Jinačí článek", "description" => "Ryze alternativní popis", "text" => "Duchaplný text.", "visits" => 8, "allowed" => true)); }
function renderXml_old() { //$this->id_lang $this->template->items = dibi::query(' SELECT product.id_product AS id,, product_lang.meta_description, product_lang.link_rewrite AS product_link, category_product.id_category AS id_category, AS category_name, category_lang.link_rewrite AS category_link FROM `product` LEFT JOIN product_lang USING (id_product) LEFT JOIN category_product USING (id_product) LEFT JOIN category_lang USING (id_category) WHERE product_lang.id_lang = 1 AND category_lang.id_lang = 1 GROUP BY (id_product)')->fetchAll(); $this->template->baseUri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this->id_lang = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->template->items); $i++) { $this->template->items[$i]['url'] = $this->link(':Front:Product:default', array('id' => $this->template->items[$i]['id'], 'id_category' => $this->template->items[$i]['id_category'])); $this->template->items[$i]['image'] = ProductModel::getImage($this->template->items[$i]['id']); $this->template->items[$i]['price_vat'] = round($productWithLowestPrice['price'], 2); $this->template->items[$i]['price'] = round($this->template->items[$i]['price_vat'] / 1.2, 2); $this->template->items[$i]['vat'] = '0.20'; $this->template->items[$i]['size'] = $productWithLowestPrice['size']; $this->template->items[$i]['material'] = $productWithLowestPrice['material']; } dde($this->template->items); }
public function getToken() { session_start(); $code = $_REQUEST["code"]; if (empty($code)) { $_SESSION['state'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); //CSRF protection $dialog_url = "" . APP_ID . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode(REDIRECT_URI) . "&scope=" . PERMISSIONS . "&state=" . $_SESSION['state']; echo "<script> top.location.href='" . $dialog_url . "'</script>"; } if ($_SESSION['state'] && $_SESSION['state'] === $_REQUEST['state']) { $token_url = "" . "client_id=" . APP_ID . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode(REDIRECT_URI) . "&client_secret=" . APP_SECRET . "&code=" . $code; $response = file_get_contents($token_url); $params = null; parse_str($response, $params); $date = new DateTime(); $date->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $params["expires"] . 'S')); $arr = array('token' => $params['access_token'], 'expiration' => $date); dibi::query('TRUNCATE tokens'); dibi::query('INSERT INTO tokens', $arr); echo "Thanks for your token :)"; } else { echo "The state does not match. You may be a victim of CSRF."; } }
public function __construct(IComponentContainer $parent = NULL, $name = NULL) { parent::__construct($parent, $name); $this->db = dibi::getConnection(); self::$count++; // $this->setWebloaderPaths(); }
private function loadAll() { // @todo odchytavat vyjimky z dibi pro pripad neexistujici tabulky. $query = "SELECT `module_functions_id`, `webinstance_id`, `pageid_id`, `command` FROM `" . Config::DB_PREFIX . 'routedynamic_' . $this->langSymbol . "`"; $record = dibi::query($query)->fetchAll(); $this->importRecord($record); }
/** * Performs an authentication * * @param array * @return void * @throws AuthenticationException */ public function authenticate(array $credentials) { $username = $credentials[self::USERNAME]; $password = $credentials[self::PASSWORD]; $sql = dibi::query('SELECT * FROM [' . TABLE_USERS . '] WHERE name=%s;', $username); $sql->setType('permission', Dibi::BOOL); $row = $sql->fetch(); /*if (count($sql)==0) { throw new AuthenticationException('Unknown user', self::IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND); }*/ /*if ($row->password !== md5($password)) { throw new AuthenticationException('Password not match', self::INVALID_CREDENTIAL); }*/ if (count($sql) == 0 or $row->password !== md5($password)) { throw new AuthenticationException('Incorrect password or name', self::INVALID_CREDENTIAL); } // get roles $sql = dibi::query('SELECT r.key_name FROM [' . TABLE_ROLES . '] AS r RIGHT JOIN [' . TABLE_USERS_ROLES . '] AS us ON WHERE us.user_id=%i;', $row->id); $roles = $sql->fetchPairs(); unset($row->password); return new Identity($username, $roles, $row); }
/** * Translates the given string. * @param string translation string * @param int count (positive number) * @return string */ public function translate($message, $count = 1) { $message = (string) $message; // if (!empty($message) && isset($this->dictionary[$message])) { // $word = $this->dictionary[$message]; // if ($count === NULL) $count = 1; // // $s = preg_replace('/([a-z]+)/', '$$1', "n=$count;" . $this->meta['Plural-Forms']); // eval($s); // $message = $word->translate($plural); // } if (!isset($this->translate[$message]) or $this->translate[$message] == '') { $message = $message; // echo $message;exit; if (!dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT 1 FROM [lang_translate] WHERE [key] LIKE %s", $message, "AND [id_lang] = %i", $this->id_lang)) { // echo dibi::$sql; Lang::insertTranslateKey($message, $this->id_lang); } $this->translate[$message] = $message; Lang::invalidateCache(); } else { $message = $this->translate[$message]; } // // $args = func_get_args(); // if (count($args) > 1) { // array_shift($args); // $message = vsprintf($message, $args); // } // // return $message; }
public function beforeRender() { $filters = $this->getUniqueValues(array('works' => array('year', 'award', 'type'), 'authors' => array('class'))); $temp = $filters['authors']; unset($filters['authors']); //$filters['works']['category'] = Model::palicky();// + array(5=>'palice'); // 'category'=>'Kategorie', $filters['works']['grade'] = Model::rocniky(); $filters['palicka']['category'] = Model::palicky(); $filters['authors'] = $temp; //{link :Front:Default:works "category"=>palicka} $this->template->filters = $filters; $this->template->schoolYear = Model::getSchoolYear(); $newest = dibi::query('SELECT url, title, CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) as authorName FROM [works] join [authors] on author = authorId', 'ORDER BY %by', array('added' => 'desc'), 'LIMIT %i', 2)->fetchAll(); $this->template->newest = $newest; $mostread = dibi::query('SELECT url, title, CONCAT_WS(" ", name, surname) as authorName FROM [works] join [authors] on author = authorId', 'ORDER BY %by', array('read' => 'desc'), 'LIMIT %i', 3)->fetchAll(); $this->template->mostread = $mostread; $user = Environment::getUser(); if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $this->template->adminMode = true; } }
public function __construct($app) { $app->post('/rest/login/', function () use($app) { $user = json_decode($app->request->getBody(), true); if (!isset($user['username']) || empty($user['username'])) { $app->error(); } if (!isset($user['password']) || empty($user['password'])) { $app->error(); } $result = \dibi::query('select username FROM ::user where username = %s and password = %s', $user['username'], md5($user['password']))->fetchAll(); if (sizeof($result) != 1) { return $app->error(); } $oldToken = \dibi::query('select token from ::oauth where username = %s', $user['username'])->fetch(); $token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)); $auth = array(); $auth["username"] = $user['username']; $auth["token"] = $token; if ($oldToken["token"]) { \dibi::query('update ::oauth set token = %s where username = %s', $token, $user['username']); } else { \dibi::query('insert into ::oauth', $auth); } echo json_encode($token); }); }
/** * Component factory. * @see Nette/ComponentContainer#createComponent() */ protected function createComponentDataGrid($name) { $grid = new DataGrid(); $grid->bindDataTable(dibi::getConnection()->dataSource('SELECT authorId as id, name, surname, class,', Model::sqlClassName(Model::getSchoolYear()) . 'as classMark, (SELECT COUNT(workId) FROM [works] WHERE author=authorId) as sum FROM [authors] ')); $grid->addColumn('name', 'Jméno'); $grid->addColumn('surname', 'Příjmení')->addDefaultSorting('asc'); $grid->addColumn('class', 'Maturita')->getCellPrototype()->style('text-align: center;'); $grid->addColumn('classMark', 'Třída')->getCellPrototype()->style('text-align: right;'); $grid->addColumn('sum', 'Počet prací')->getCellPrototype()->style('text-align: right;')->class('pages'); $grid->addActionColumn('Akce'); $grid->keyName = 'id'; $grid->addAction('Smazat', 'delete!', NULL, FALSE, DataGridAction::WITH_KEY); $grid['name']->addFilter(); $grid['surname']->addFilter(); $grid['class']->addSelectboxFilter(); $grid['classMark']->addSelectboxFilter(); $grid['sum']->addSelectboxFilter(); $grid->multiOrder = FALSE; $grid->itemsPerPage = $this->getCookiesItemsCount(15); $renderer = $grid->getRenderer(); $renderer->paginatorFormat = '%label% %input% z %count%'; $renderer->infoFormat = 'Autoři %from%. - %to%. z %count% | Zobrazit: %selectbox% | %reset%'; $renderer->onRowRender[] = array($this, 'OnRowRendered'); //$grid->rememberState = TRUE; $this->addComponent($grid, $name); return; }
public static function show() { if (isset($_GET['ajax_action_section']) and $_GET['ajax_action_section'] == 'save_description') { dibi::query("\n \t\t\tUPDATE [newsletter_emails] \n \t\t\tSET description = %s", $_POST['description'], "WHERE id_newsletter_emails = %i", $_POST['id_newsletter_emails']); exit; } MT::addTemplate(APP_DIR . '/require_modules/newsletter/default.phtml', 'newsletter'); $ds = NewsletterModel::getDatasource(); if (isset($_GET['id_newsletter_delete'])) { NewsletterModel::delete($_GET['id_newsletter_delete']); header('location: admin.php?section=newsletter'); exit; } if (isset($_GET['export'])) { $dse = clone $ds; MT::addVar('newsletter', 'export', $dse->where('active = 1 AND id_newsletter_emails IN %l', $_GET['id'])->fetchAll()); } if (@$_GET['order_by'] == 'email') { $ds->orderBy('email'); } else { $ds->orderBy('adddate'); } //$vp = new MyPaginator($ds, 10); MT::addVar('newsletter', 'emails', $ds->fetchAll()); // MT::addVar('newsletter', 'vp', $vp); }
public function loadGroupsByUserId($id) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `pid`, `title`, `description` FROM\n\t\t\t`" . Config::DB_PREFIX . "user_groups` ug\n\t\t\tJOIN `" . Config::DB_PREFIX . "groups` g ON g.`id` = ug.`group_id`\n\t\t\tWHERE ug.`user_id` = " . $id; $result = dibi::query($query)->fetchAssoc('id'); $this->importRecord($result); return $this; }
static function createTable($table, $group) { // header $header = array(); $res = dibi::select('COLUMN_COMMENT, COLUMN_NAME')->from('information_schema.COLUMNS')->where('(TABLE_NAME = %s AND COLUMN_NAME = %s)', 'general', 'name')->or('(TABLE_NAME = %s AND COLUMN_NAME = %s)', 'general', 'id')->or('(TABLE_NAME = %s)', $table)->execute(); $header = $res->fetchAll(); // Changing header so that it fits the JOINed select $header[1]['COLUMN_COMMENT'] = 'Summoner name'; $header[1]['COLUMN_NAME'] = 'summoner_name'; // body $existing_players = $group->getExistingPlayers(); $t1_select = dibi::select('summoner_name, id')->as('id_general')->from('general'); $t2_select = dibi::select("*")->from($table); $res = dibi::select('*')->from($t1_select)->as('t1')->innerJoin($t2_select)->as('t2')->on('t1.id_general =')->where('( id, region) ')->in($existing_players); // create column names to check if table can be ordered $column_names = array(); foreach ($header as $column) { array_push($column_names, $column["COLUMN_NAME"]); } // check if ordering is set and according to it, rearrange selection from database if (isset($_SESSION["orderby"]) && isset($_SESSION["way"])) { if (in_array($_SESSION["orderby"], $column_names)) { $res = $res->orderBy($_SESSION["orderby"]); if ($_SESSION["way"] == "asc") { $res = $res->asc(); } else { $res = $res->desc(); } } } $res = $res->execute(); $body = $res->fetchAll(); $table_elements = array($header, $body); return $table_elements; }
public static function duplicate($id_node, $new_id_node) { // nacitanie, co ma skopirovat $values = dibi::fetch("SELECT * FROM [" . self::TABLE . "] WHERE id_node = %i", $id_node); //vytvorenie self::add($new_id_node); self::saveHome($values, $new_id_node); }
/** * Returns custom panels. * @return array */ public function getPanels() { $panels = array(); if ($this->sql !== NULL) { $panels['SQL'] = array('expanded' => TRUE, 'content' => dibi::dump($this->sql, TRUE)); } return $panels; }
/** * get owners' ids of packages containing checked file * * @return array */ public function getOwnersOfPackagesContainingFile() { if (empty($this->ownersOfPackagesContainingFile)) { $this->ownersOfPackagesContainingFile = dibi::select('owner_id')->from(BaseModel::CLIENT_PACKAGES_TABLE)->as('cp')->join(BaseModel::FILES_2_CLIENT_PACKAGES_TABLE)->as('f2cp')->on('f2cp.client_packages_id =')->where('f2cp.files_id = %i', $this->id)->fetchAssoc('owner_id'); $this->ownersOfPackagesContainingFile = array_keys($this->ownersOfPackagesContainingFile); } return $this->ownersOfPackagesContainingFile; }
/** * Use this function to connect, if you want to use dibi::setProxyOverride * * @param array $config * @param int $name * @return DibiConnection|void * @throws DibiProxyException */ public static function connect($config = array(), $name = 0) { if ($name !== 0) { throw new DibiProxyException('Named connection are not supported in this version of dibi, due to proxying issues.'); } $connection = new DibiProxyConnection($config, $name); parent::setConnection($connection); }
protected function _writeMethodsForEavAttributes($model, $table) { $query = 'SELECT attribute_code as Field FROM eav_attribute a JOIN eav_entity_type t ON t.entity_type_id = a.entity_type_id WHERE entity_model = %s'; $this->_writeMethodsForFields($model, $table, \dibi::query($query, $this->_classIdentifiers[$model]), 'eav'); }