Пример #1
 static function querySelect($table_name, $field, $tablefields)
     $db_factory = new db_factory();
     $fori = 0;
     $forlimit = 500;
     $sqlCount = $db_factory->get_count("select count(*) from " . $table_name);
     if (!$sqlCount) {
         return false;
     $tabledump = '';
     $numfields = count($tablefields);
     while ($fori <= $sqlCount) {
         $sql = $db_factory->query("select * from " . $table_name . " limit " . $fori . "," . $forlimit);
         foreach ($sql as $r) {
             $row = array_values($r);
             $sqlmsg = $comma = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < $numfields; $i++) {
                 $sqlmsg .= $comma . (!empty($row[$i]) && (self::strexists($tablefields[$i]['Type'], 'char') || self::strexists($tablefields[$i]['Type'], 'text')) ? '0x' . bin2hex($row[$i]) : '\'' . mysql_escape_string($row[$i]) . '\'');
                 $comma = ',';
             $tabledump .= " INSERT INTO " . $table_name . "  VALUES(" . $sqlmsg . ") ;\n";
         $fori += $forlimit;
     return $tabledump;
Пример #2
function case_obj_exists($id, $obj = 'task')
    if ($obj == 'task') {
        $search_obj = db_factory::get_count(sprintf("select count(task_id) from %switkey_task where task_id='%d' ", TABLEPRE, $id));
    } elseif ($obj == 'service') {
        $search_obj = db_factory::get_count(sprintf("select count(service_id) from %switkey_service where service_id='%d' ", TABLEPRE, $id));
    if ($search_obj) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Пример #3
 function order_charge()
     global $_K;
     $order_id = $this->_order_id;
     $sid = $this->_obj_id;
     $uid = $this->_uid;
     $user_info = $this->_userinfo;
     $order_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf(" select order_status,order_uid,order_username,seller_uid,seller_username from %switkey_order where order_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $order_id));
     $url = $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=user&view=finance&op=order&obj_type=service&role=2&order_id=" . $order_id;
     $s_order_link = "<a href=\"" . $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=user&view=finance&op=order&obj_type=service&role=1&order_id=" . $order_id . "\">" . $order_info['order_name'] . "</a>";
     $b_order_link = "<a href=\"" . $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=user&view=finance&op=order&obj_type=service&role=2&order_id=" . $order_id . "\">" . $order_info['order_name'] . "</a>";
     if ($order_info['order_status'] == 'wait') {
         $service_info = keke_shop_class::get_service_info($sid);
         $service_status = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select service_status from %switkey_service where service_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $sid));
         if ($service_status == '2') {
             $data = array(':service_id' => $service_info['service_id'], ':title' => $service_info['title']);
             keke_finance_class::init_mem('buy_service', $data);
             $this->_total_fee > 0 and $res = keke_finance_class::cash_out($uid, $this->_total_fee, 'buy_service', '0', 'service', $order_id);
             if ($res) {
                 db_factory::execute(sprintf(" update %switkey_order set order_status='ok' where order_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $order_id));
                 $v_arr = array('用户名' => $order_info['order_username'], '网站名称' => $kekezu->_sys_config['website_name'], '用户' => $_lang['you'], '动作' => $_lang['haved_confirm_pay'], '订单编号' => $order_id, '订单链接' => $b_order_link);
                 keke_shop_class::notify_user($order_info['order_uid'], $order_info['order_username'], "order_change", $_lang['goods_order_confirm_pay'], $v_arr);
                 $v_arr = array('用户名' => $order_info['order_username'], '网站名称' => $kekezu->_sys_config['website_name'], '用户' => $order_info['order_username'], '动作' => $_lang['haved_confirm_pay'], '订单编号' => $order_id, '订单链接' => $s_order_link);
                 keke_shop_class::notify_user($order_info['seller_uid'], $order_info['seller_username'], "order_change", $_lang['goods_order_confirm_pay'], $v_arr);
                 $notice = $_lang['goods_pay_success'];
                 $type = 'success';
             } else {
                 $notice = $_lang['goods_pay_fail'];
                 $type = 'warning';
         } else {
             db_factory::execute(sprintf(" update %switkey_order set order_status='close' where order_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $order_id));
             $v_arr = array('用户名' => $order_info['seller_username'], '网站名称' => $kekezu->_sys_config['website_name'], "用户" => $_lang['system'], '动作' => $_lang['stop_your_order_and_your_cash_return'], '订单编号' => $order_id, '订单链接' => $s_order_link);
             keke_shop_class::notify_user($order_info['seller_uid'], $order_info['seller_username'], "order_change", $_lang['goods_order_close'], $v_arr);
             $v_arr = array('用户名' => $order_info['order_username'], '网站名称' => $kekezu->_sys_config['website_name'], "用户" => $_lang['system'], '动作' => $_lang['stop_your_order_and_your_cash_return'], '订单编号' => $order_id, '订单链接' => $b_order_link);
             keke_shop_class::notify_user($order_info['order_uid'], $order_info['order_username'], "order_change", $_lang['goods_order_close'], $v_arr);
             $notice = $_lang['goods_pay_fail'];
             $type = 'warning';
     } else {
         $notice = $_lang['goods_pay_success'];
         $type = 'success';
     return pay_return_fac_class::struct_response($_lang['operate_notice'], $notice, $url, $type);
Пример #4
 public static function bindingAccount($uid, $username, $arrSaveinfo)
     $returnValue = FALSE;
     $strSql = "select count(id) from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_member_oauth\n\t\t\t\twhere source ='" . $arrSaveinfo['type'] . "' and oauth_id='{$arrSaveinfo['account']}' and uid=" . $uid;
     $isBind = db_factory::get_count($strSql);
     if (!$isBind) {
         $objMemberOauth = new Keke_witkey_member_oauth_class();
         $intRes = $objMemberOauth->create_keke_witkey_member_oauth();
         $intRes and $returnValue = TRUE or $returnValue = FALSE;
     return $returnValue;
Пример #5
 public function alipay_trust_response($url)
     global $_lang;
     switch ($this->_action) {
         case "sns_bind":
             switch ($this->_data['is_success']) {
                 case "T":
                     $uid = $this->_data['sns_user_id'];
                     $username = db_factory::get_count(sprintf("select username from %switkey_member where uid='%d'", TABLEPRE, $uid));
                     $key = $this->_data['key'];
                     $account = $this->_data['alipay_login_id'];
                     $oauth_id = $this->_data['alipay_card_no'];
                     $id = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select id from %switkey_member_oauth where uid='%d' and username='******' and source='alipay_trust'", TABLEPRE, $uid, $username));
                     if ($id) {
                         $sql = " update %switkey_member_oauth set account='%s',oauth_id='%s',bind_key='%s' where id='%d'";
                         $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf($sql, TABLEPRE, $account, $oauth_id, $key, $id));
                     } else {
                         $sql = " insert into %switkey_member_oauth values('','alipay_trust','%s','%d','%s','%d','%s','%s')";
                         $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf($sql, TABLEPRE, $account, $uid, $username, time(), $oauth_id, $key));
                 case "F":
                     $res = false;
             $res and $this->notify($url, $_lang['alipay_db_bind_success']) or $this->notify($url, $_lang['alipay_db_bind_fail'], "fail");
         case "cancel_bind":
             switch ($this->_data['is_success']) {
                 case "T":
                     $uid = $this->_data['sns_user_id'];
                     $sql = " delete from  %switkey_member_oauth where uid='%d' and source='alipay_trust'";
                     $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf($sql, TABLEPRE, $uid));
                 case "F":
                     $res = false;
             $res and $this->notify($url, $_lang['alipay_db_unbind_success']) or $this->notify($url, $_lang['alipay_db_unbind_fail'], "fail");
Пример #6
 public function dispose_task()
     global $kekezu, $_lang;
     $prom_obj = $objProm = keke_prom_class::get_instance();
     $model_code = $this->_model_code;
     $agree_info = $this->_agree_info;
     $cash_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf(" select task_cash,task_union,real_cash from %switkey_task where task_id = '%d'", TABLEPRE, $this->_task_id));
     keke_user_mark_class::create_mark_log($model_code, '1', $agree_info['seller_uid'], $agree_info['buyer_uid'], $agree_info['work_id'], $cash_info['task_cash'], $this->_task_id, $this->_seller_username, $this->_buyer_username);
     keke_user_mark_class::create_mark_log($model_code, '2', $agree_info['buyer_uid'], $agree_info['seller_uid'], $agree_info['work_id'], $cash_info['real_cash'], $this->_task_id, $this->_buyer_username, $this->_seller_username);
     $site_profit = $cash_info['task_cash'] - $cash_info['real_cash'];
     $task_title = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select task_title from %switkey_task where task_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $this->_task_id));
     $data = array(':task_id' => $this->_task_id, ':task_title' => $task_title);
     keke_finance_class::init_mem('task_bid', $data);
     keke_finance_class::cash_in($agree_info['seller_uid'], $cash_info['real_cash'], 'task_bid', '', 'task', $this->_task_id, $site_profit);
     $feed_arr = array("feed_username" => array("content" => $this->_seller_uid, "url" => "index.php?do=seller&id={$this->_seller_uid}"), "action" => array("content" => $_lang['success_bid_haved'], "url" => ""), "event" => array("content" => $task_title, "url" => "index.php?do=task&id={$this->_task_id}", 'cash' => $cash_info['real_cash']));
     kekezu::save_feed($feed_arr, $this->_seller_uid, $this->_seller_username, 'work_accept', $this->_task_id);
     $prom_obj->dispose_prom_event("bid_task", $agree_info['seller_uid'], $this->_task_id);
     $prom_obj->dispose_prom_event("pub_task", $agree_info['buyer_uid'], $this->_task_id);
Пример #7
 public static function install_auth($auth_dir)
     global $_lang;
     $tab_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance("witkey_auth_item");
     if ($auth_dir) {
         $file_path = S_ROOT . "./auth/" . $auth_dir . "/admin/auth_config_inc.php";
         if (file_exists($file_path)) {
             require $file_path;
             $exists = db_factory::get_count(" select auth_code from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_auth_item where auth_dir = '{$auth_dir}'");
             $exists and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['auth_item_exist_add_fail'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '3', '', 'error');
             $res = $tab_obj->save($auth_config);
             if (file_exists(S_ROOT . "./auth/" . $auth_dir . "/admin/install_sql.php")) {
                 require S_ROOT . "./auth/" . $auth_dir . "/admin/install_sql.php";
             $res and kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['add_auth_item'] . "{$res}");
             $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['auth_item_add_success'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '3', '', 'success');
         } else {
             kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['unknow_error_add_fail'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '3', '', 'error');
     } else {
         kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['unknow_error_add_fail'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '3', '', 'error');
Пример #8
function analysis_data($path, $every_year = false)
    global $year_arr, $_lang;
    $detail_arr = array($_lang['total'], $_lang['witkey_task'], $_lang['witkey_shop'], $_lang['payitem_service'], $_lang['user_auth']);
    if (strtolower(CHARSET) == 'gbk') {
        $detail_arr = kekezu::gbktoutf($detail_arr);
    $series = '';
    $total = $bid_ins = $service_ins = $item_ins = $auth_ins = 0;
    foreach ($year_arr as $key => $value) {
        $bid_in = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(site_profit) as cash from %switkey_finance where (fina_action='task_bid' or fina_action='pub_task') and site_profit>0   and (fina_type='in' or fina_type='out') and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(fina_time))=%d", TABLEPRE, $value['year']));
        $bid_ins += $bid_in;
        $service_in = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(site_profit) as cash from %switkey_finance where fina_action='sale_service' and fina_type='in' and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(fina_time))=%d", TABLEPRE, $value['year']));
        $service_ins += $service_in;
        $item_in = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(site_profit) as cash from %switkey_finance where fina_action='payitem' and fina_type='out' and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(fina_time))=%d", TABLEPRE, $value['year']));
        $item_ins += $item_in;
        $auth_in = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(site_profit) as cash from %switkey_finance where INSTR(fina_action,'_auth') and fina_type='out' and YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(fina_time))=%d", TABLEPRE, $value['year']));
        $auth_ins += $auth_in;
        $point = '';
        $point .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['1'] . '" y="' . $bid_in . '"/>';
        $point .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['2'] . '" y="' . $service_in . '"/>';
        $point .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['3'] . '" y="' . $item_in . '"/>';
        $point .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['4'] . '" y="' . $auth_in . '"/>';
        if ($every_year == true) {
            $year_path = sprintf($path, $value['year']);
            update_xml($year_path, '<data><series name="Series 1">' . $point . '</series></data>', 'analysis');
    $str = '';
    $str .= '<series name="Series 1">';
    $str .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['1'] . '" y="' . $bid_ins . '"/>';
    $str .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['2'] . '" y="' . $service_ins . '"/>';
    $str .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['3'] . '" y="' . $item_ins . '"/>';
    $str .= '<point name="' . $detail_arr['4'] . '" y="' . $auth_ins . '"/>';
    $str .= '</series>';
    return update_xml(sprintf($path, 'total'), '<data>' . $str . '</data>', 'analysis');
Пример #9

defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$strNavActive = 'articlelist';
$strUrl = $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=articlelist";
$catid and $strUrl .= "&catid=" . intval($catid);
$intPage and $strUrl .= "&intPage=" . $intPage;
$arrArtCats = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_article_category", "cat_type='article' and art_cat_pid=1", "listorder asc", "", "", "", null);
$page and $intPage = intval($page);
$intPage = intval($intPage) ? $intPage : 1;
$intPagesize = intval($intPagesize) ? $intPagesize : 20;
intval($catid) and $intCatid = intval($catid) or $intCatid = intval($arrArtCats['0']['art_cat_id']);
$intCatid and $strWhere .= " and a.art_cat_id = " . intval($intCatid);
$strWhere .= " and a.is_show!=2";
$strWhere .= " order by is_recommend desc,a.listorder asc,pub_time desc";
$strSql = "select a.* ,b.cat_name from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article_category b on a.art_cat_id=b.art_cat_id where b.cat_type='article'  {$strWhere}";
$strCsql = "select count(a.art_id) as c  from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article_category b on a.art_cat_id=b.art_cat_id where b.cat_type='article'  {$strWhere}";
$intCount = intval(db_factory::get_count($strCsql, 0, NULL, 10 * 60));
$strPages = $kekezu->_page_obj->getPages($intCount, $intPagesize, $intPage, $strUrl);
$arrArticleLists = db_factory::query($strSql . $strPages['where'], 5 * 60);
foreach ($arrArtCats as $k => $v) {
    intval($v['art_cat_id']) == $intCatid and $articleType = $v['cat_name'];
list($strPageTitle, $strPageKeyword, $strPageDescription) = keke_seo_class::getListSEO(0, 0, array('资讯分类' => $articleType), 'article', true);
$arrHotNews = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article where cat_type='article'  order by views desc limit 10");
$arrRecommShops = db_factory::query(sprintf("select a.username,a.uid,b.indus_id,b.indus_pid,a.shop_name,if(b.seller_total_num>0,b.seller_good_num/b.seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from %switkey_shop a " . " left join %switkey_space b on a.uid=b.uid  where b.recommend=1 and b.status=1 and IFNULL(a.is_close,0)=0 and shop_status=1 order by  good_rate desc limit 0,5", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
$_SESSION['spread'] = 'index.php?do=articlelist';
Пример #10
        case '3':
            $strWhere .= " order by a.price desc ";
        case '4':
            $strWhere .= " order by a.price asc ";
} else {
    $strWhere .= " order by a.goodstop desc, a.on_time desc ";
$strPages = $kekezu->_page_obj->getPages($intCount, $intPagesize, $intPage, $strUrl);
$strWhere .= $strPages['where'];
$arrServices = db_factory::query($strSql . $strWhere);
if (is_array($arrServices)) {
    foreach ($arrServices as $k => $v) {
        $arrFavorite = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and obj_id = %d and keep_type = "service"', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_favorite', intval($gUid), intval($v['service_id'])));
        if ($arrFavorite) {
            $arrServices[$k]['favorite'] = true;
$arrFeedPubs = kekezu::get_feed("(feedtype='pub_task' or feedtype='pub_service')", "feed_time desc", 8);
$arrRecommShops = db_factory::query(sprintf("select a.username,a.uid,b.indus_id,b.indus_pid,a.shop_name,if(b.seller_total_num>0,b.seller_good_num/b.seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from %switkey_shop a " . " left join %switkey_space b on a.uid=b.uid  where b.recommend=1 and b.status=1 and IFNULL(a.is_close,0)=0 and shop_status=1 order by good_rate desc limit 0,5", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
$arrGoodsType = array('6' => '文件', '7' => '服务');
$data = array('地区' => $arrCityone['name'] . $arrCitytwo['name'] . $arrCitythree['name'], '商品类型' => $arrGoodsType[$m], '行业' => $arrIndusPInfo['indus_name'], '子行业' => $arrIndusInfo['indus_name']);
list($strPageTitle, $strPageKeyword, $strPageDescription) = keke_seo_class::getListSEO($pd, $i, $data, 'goods', true);
$_SESSION['spread'] = 'index.php?do=goodslist';
function get_good_rate($rateuid)
    $good_rate = db_factory::get_one("select if(seller_total_num>0,seller_good_num/seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_space where uid=" . intval($rateuid));
Пример #11
 public static function get_order_id($obj_type, $obj_id)
     $sql = "select order_id from %switkey_order_detail where obj_type='%s' and obj_id='%d'";
     return db_factory::get_count(sprintf($sql, TABLEPRE, $obj_type, $obj_id));
Пример #12
                case 'W':
                    $strWhere .= " and task_status=0 ";
                    $intTaskStatus = -1;
    } else {
        $intTaskStatus = -1;
    $strSql = "SELECT task_id, model_id, task_title, task_cash, task_cash_coverage, start_time, task_status FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task` WHERE (task_id IN ( SELECT task_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_bid WHERE uid = " . $gUid . " ) OR task_id IN ( SELECT task_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_work WHERE uid = " . $gUid . " ) )";
    $strCountSql = "SELECT count(*) count FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task` WHERE ( task_id IN ( SELECT task_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_bid WHERE uid = " . $gUid . " ) OR task_id IN ( SELECT task_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_work WHERE uid = " . $gUid . " ) )";
    in_array($strOrder, array_keys($arrListOrder)) and $strWhere .= " order by " . $strOrder or $strWhere .= " order by task_id desc";
    $intCount = intval(db_factory::get_count($strCountSql . $strWhere));
    $strPages = $page_obj->getPages($intCount, $intPagesize, $intPage, $strUrl);
    $arrTaskLists = db_factory::query($strSql . $strWhere . $strPages['where']);
    if ($arrTaskLists) {
        foreach ($arrTaskLists as $k => $v) {
            if (in_array($v['model_id'], array('4', '5'))) {
                $bidInfo = db_factory::get_one("SELECT bid_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_bid WHERE uid = " . $gUid . "  and task_id = " . $v['task_id'] . " ORDER BY bid_id DESC LIMIT 1");
                $arrTaskLists[$k]['bid_id'] = $bidInfo['bid_id'];
            } else {
                $bidInfo = db_factory::get_one("SELECT work_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_work WHERE uid = " . $gUid . "  and task_id = " . $v['task_id'] . " ORDER BY work_id DESC LIMIT 1");
                $arrTaskLists[$k]['work_id'] = $bidInfo['work_id'];
function wiki_opera($m_id, $t_id, $w_id, $url)
Пример #13

defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
if (isset($submit)) {
    $basic_obj = new Keke_witkey_basic_config_class();
    foreach ($conf as $k => $v) {
        $basic_obj->setWhere("k = '{$k}'");
        $res .= $basic_obj->edit_keke_witkey_basic_config();
    !empty($api) and $attent_api = $api or $attent_api = array();
    $basic_obj->setWhere("k = 'attent_api_open'");
    kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['weibo_view_config_success'], "index.php?do=msg&view=attention", 3, '', 'success');
} else {
    $attent_api = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select v from %switkey_basic_config where type='attent_api'", TABLEPRE));
    $attent_api = unserialize($attent_api);
    $attent_list = kekezu::get_table_data("k,v,desc", "witkey_basic_config", "type='attention'", 'listorder asc ', "", "", "k");
require keke_tpl_class::template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view);
Пример #14
 static function getmessagecount($uid)
     $intCountTrends = db_factory::get_count("select count(msg_id) from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_msg where uid<1 and view_status!=1 and type=1 and  to_uid=" . intval($uid));
     $intCountNotice = db_factory::get_count("select count(msg_id) from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_msg where uid<1 and view_status!=1 and type=2 and  to_uid=" . intval($uid));
     $intCountPrivate = db_factory::get_count("select count(msg_id) from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_msg where to_uid = " . intval($uid) . " and view_status!=1 and uid>0 and msg_status<>2 ");
     return intval($intCountTrends) + intval($intCountNotice) + intval($intCountPrivate);
Пример #15
$_footerAbouts = CommonClass::getFooterPage();
$log_account = null;
if (isset($_COOKIE['log_account'])) {
    $log_account = $_COOKIE['log_account'];
$wb_type = $_SESSION['wb_type'];
if ($wb_type && $_SESSION['auth_' . $wb_type]['last_key']) {
    $oa = new keke_oauth_login_class($wb_type);
    $oauth_user_info = $oa->get_login_user_info();
if (intval($u)) {
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['prom'])) {
        $objProm = keke_prom_class::get_instance();
$arrTopIndus = db_factory::query("SELECT count(task_id) as count ,indus_id FROM  " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_status>=2 group by indus_id order by count desc limit 5");
$arrDisplaypro = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name');
if ($gUid) {
    //2015-08-02 修改   task_status  由0->8
    $intWaitPay = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where uid=" . intval($gUid) . " and task_status=0");
    $intChoose = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where uid=" . intval($gUid) . " and task_status=3");
    $intShopPay = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail b on a.order_id=b.order_id\n\t\t where a.order_uid=" . intval($gUid) . " and a.order_status='wait' and b.obj_type='service'");
    $intMarkG = db_factory::execute("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_mark where mark_status=0 and mark_type=2 and by_uid=" . intval($gUid));
    $intMarkW = db_factory::execute("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_mark where mark_status=0 and mark_type=1 and by_uid=" . intval($gUid));
    $intService = db_factory::get_count("SELECT COUNT(*) as count2 FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order` AS a  LEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail AS b ON a.order_id = b.order_id  LEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service_order AS c ON b.order_id = c.order_id  WHERE  1=1  and a.seller_uid = " . $gUid . " and b.obj_type = 'service' and a.order_status ='seller_confirm' order by b.order_id desc");
    $intGy = db_factory::get_count("SELECT count(*) as count2 FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service_order` as a LEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail as b ON a.order_id = b.order_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order as c ON a.order_id = c.order_id\n\t\t\tWHERE 1=1  and c.seller_uid= " . $gUid . " and c.order_status!= 'close' and c.order_status ='seller_confirm' order by c.order_time desc");
require 'control/' . $do . '.php';
require $kekezu->_tpl_obj->template($do);
Пример #16
 public function public_pubservice()
     $std_obj = $this->_std_obj;
     $release_info = $std_obj->_release_info;
     $service_obj = $this->_service_obj;
     $txt_service_title = kekezu::str_filter($release_info['txt_title']);
     if ($release_info[submit_method] == 'inside') {
     $tar_content = kekezu::str_filter($release_info['tar_content']);
     $shop_id = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select shop_id from %switkey_shop where uid ='%d'", TABLEPRE, $this->_uid));
     $release_info['pic_patch'] and $service_obj->setPic($release_info['pic_patch']);
Пример #17
        $reg_uid = $reg_obj->user_register($fds['username'], $fds['password'], $fds['email'], null, false, $fds['password']);
        $arrAddUserInfo = array();
        $fds['truename'] and $arrAddUserInfo['truename'] = $fds['truename'];
        $fds['phone'] and $arrAddUserInfo['phone'] = $fds['phone'];
        $fds['indus_id'] and $arrAddUserInfo['indus_id'] = $fds['indus_id'];
        $fds['indus_pid'] and $arrAddUserInfo['indus_pid'] = $fds['indus_pid'];
        $fds['birthday'] and $arrAddUserInfo['birthday'] = $fds['birthday'];
        !empty($arrAddUserInfo) and db_factory::updatetable(TABLEPRE . 'witkey_space', $arrAddUserInfo, array('uid' => $reg_uid));
        is_null($fds['group_id']) or db_factory::execute(sprintf("update %switkey_space set group_id={$fds['group_id']} where uid={$reg_uid}", TABLEPRE));
        kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['add_member'] . $fds['username']);
        kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['operate_notice'], "index.php?do=user&view=add", 3, $_lang['user_creat_success'], 'success');
    } else {
        $uinfo = kekezu::get_user_info($edituid);
        if ($fds['password']) {
            $slt = db_factory::get_count(sprintf("select rand_code from %switkey_member where uid = '%d'", TABLEPRE, $edituid));
            $sec_code = keke_user_class::get_password($fds['password'], $slt);
            $fds['sec_code'] = $sec_code;
            $newpwd = $fds['password'];
            $pwd = md5($fds['password']);
            $fds[password] = $pwd;
            db_factory::execute(sprintf("update %switkey_member set password ='******' where uid=%d", TABLEPRE, $pwd, $edituid));
        } else {
        keke_user_class::user_edit($uinfo['username'], '', $newpwd, '', 1);
        $space_class->save($fds, array("uid" => "{$edituid}"));
        kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['edit_member'] . $member_arr[username]);
        kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['edit_success'], "index.php?do=user&view=add&edituid=" . $edituid, 3, '', 'success');
Пример #18
$arrAuthItems = keke_auth_fac_class::getAuthItemListByUid($id);
$arrSellerLevel = unserialize($arrSellerInfo['seller_level']);
$arrSellerMark = keke_user_mark_class::get_user_aid($arrSellerInfo['uid'], '2', null, '1');
foreach ($arrSellerMark as $k => $v) {
    $arrSellerMark[$k]['star'] = intval($v['avg']);
$arrFollow = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and fuid = %d', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_free_follow', intval($gUid), intval($arrSellerInfo['uid'])));
if ($arrFollow) {
    $arrSellerInfo['follow'] = 1;
} else {
    $arrSellerInfo['follow'] = 0;
if ($closeshop) {
    keke_shop_release_class::closeShop($arrSellerInfo['uid'], 3);
    kekezu::show_msg("店铺已关闭", null, null, NULL, 'success');
if ($openshop) {
    keke_shop_release_class::updateShopStatus($arrSellerInfo['uid'], 1);
    kekezu::show_msg("店铺已开张,可以添加商品哦!", null, null, NULL, 'success');
$intGoodsCount = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and service_status = 2 ', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_service ', $arrSellerInfo['uid']));
$intTaskCount = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and task_status >1', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_task', $arrSellerInfo['uid']));
$intCaseCount = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where shop_id = %d ', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_shop_case', $arrSellerInfo['shop_id']));
$intMarkCount = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where mark_status > 0  and uid = %d', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_mark', $arrSellerInfo['uid']));
$_SESSION['spread'] = 'index.php?do=seller&id=' . intval($id);
require $do . '/' . $view . '.php';
require $kekezu->_tpl_obj->template($do . '/' . $view);
Пример #19
 public static function payitem_exists($uid, $item_code = false, $obj_type = false, $payitem_arr = false)
     if ($payitem_arr) {
         foreach ($payitem_arr as $k => $v) {
             $buy_count = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(use_num) from %switkey_payitem_record where uid = '%d'  and item_code = '%s' and use_type = 'buy'", TABLEPRE, $uid, $v[item_code]));
             $use_count = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(use_num) from %switkey_payitem_record where uid = '%d'  and item_code = '%s' and use_type = 'spend'", TABLEPRE, $uid, $v[item_code]));
             $payitem_info[$v[item_code]] = intval($buy_count - $use_count);
     } else {
         $buy_count = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(use_num) from %switkey_payitem_record where uid = '%d' and item_code = '%s' and use_type = 'buy'", TABLEPRE, $uid, $item_code));
         $use_count = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select sum(use_num) from %switkey_payitem_record where uid = '%d'  and item_code = '%s' and use_type = 'spend'", TABLEPRE, $uid, $item_code));
         $payitem_info = intval($buy_count - $use_count);
     return $payitem_info;
Пример #20

defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$tag_obj = new Keke_witkey_tag_class();
$ad_obj = new Keke_witkey_ad_class();
$table_obj = new keke_table_class('witkey_tag');
$url = "index.php?do={$do}&view={$view}&order_type={$order_type}&w[tpl_type]={$w['tpl_type']}&w[page_size]={$page_size}&w[ord]={$w['ord']}&page={$page}";
if ($sbt_action == $_lang['mulit_delete'] || $ac == 'del') {
    if (!empty($delid)) {
        $ad_name = db_factory::get_count("select tagname from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_tag where tag_id = '{$delid}'");
        $ad_result = $ad_obj->del_keke_witkey_ad();
        $tag_obj->setWhere('tag_id=' . $delid);
        $result = $tag_obj->del_keke_witkey_tag();
        kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['delete_ads_tags_id'] . $delid . 'name:' . $ad_name . $_lang['corresponding_ads_data'] . $ad_result . $_lang['tiao']);
        kekezu::admin_show_msg($result ? $_lang['delete_ads_tags_success'] : $_lang['delete_fail'], $url, 3, '', $result ? 'success' : 'warning');
    } else {
        if (!empty($ckb)) {
            $ids = is_array($ckb) && count($ckb) > 0 ? implode(',', $ckb) : kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['delete_fail_select_operation'], $url, 3, '', 'warning');
            $tag_name_arr = db_factory::query(' select tagname from ' . TABLEPRE . "witkey_tag where tag_id in({$ids}) ");
            while (list($key, $value) = each($tag_name_arr)) {
                $ad_obj->setWhere('ad_name = "' . $value['tagname'] . '"');
                $ad_result .= $ad_obj->del_keke_witkey_ad();
            $tag_obj->setWhere('tag_id in(' . $ids . ')');
            $result = $tag_obj->del_keke_witkey_tag();
            kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['mulit_delete_ads_tags'] . $ids . $_lang['is_corresponding_ads_data'] . $ad_result . $_lang['tiao']);
            kekezu::admin_show_msg($result ? $_lang['mulit_delete_ads_tags_success'] : $_lang['delete_fail'], $url, 3, '', $res ? 'success' : 'warning');
Пример #21
    $arrNerLists = array();
    foreach ($arrSellerLists as $k => $v) {
        $arrService = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service where service_status=2 and uid=" . intval($v['uid']) . " order by sale_num desc limit 0,3");
        $arrNerLists[$k] = $v;
        $arrNerLists[$k]['service'] = $arrService;
        if (is_array($arrNerLists[$k]['service'])) {
            foreach ($arrNerLists[$k]['service'] as $kk => $vv) {
                $arrFavorite = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and obj_id = %d and keep_type = "service"', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_favorite', intval($gUid), intval($vv['service_id'])));
                if ($arrFavorite) {
                    $arrNerLists[$k]['service'][$kk]['favorite'] = true;
        $arrFollow = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and fuid = %d', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_free_follow', intval($gUid), intval($v['uid'])));
        if ($arrFollow) {
            $arrNerLists[$k]['follow'] = true;
if ($arrNerLists) {
    foreach ($arrNerLists as $k => $v) {
        $arrNerLists[$k]['pro_city'] = keke_shop_class::getUserAddress($v['uid'], 2, 1, 1, 0);
$arrShopIndusC = $kekezu->_indus_c_arr;
$arrShopIndusP = $kekezu->_indus_p_arr;
if (is_array($arrShopIndusC)) {
    $arrNewShopIndusC = array();
Пример #22
 public function check_bid()
     $count = db_factory::get_count(sprintf("select count(*) from %switkey_task_bid where task_id='%d' and uid='%d'", TABLEPRE, $this->_task_id, $this->_uid));
     if (intval($count) == 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #23
 function dispose_prom_event($action, $uid, $obj_id)
     $p_relation = $this->get_prom_relation($uid, $action);
     if ($p_relation && $p_relation['realtion_status'] != 3) {
         $prom_event = $this->get_prom_event($obj_id, $uid, $action);
     if ($prom_event) {
         if ($prom_event['action'] == 'reg') {
             if (!$this->_auth) {
                 keke_finance_class::cash_in($prom_event['parent_uid'], $prom_event['rake_cash'], "prom_" . $action);
                 $this->set_relation_status($p_relation['relation_id'], 2);
                 $result = $this->set_prom_event_status($prom_event['parent_uid'], $prom_event['username'], $prom_event['event_id'], 2);
             } else {
                 $auth = implode('","', $this->_auth);
                 $count = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and auth_code in ("%s") and auth_status = 1', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_auth_record', $prom_event['uid'], $auth));
                 if (intval($count) == count($this->_auth)) {
                     keke_finance_class::cash_in($prom_event['parent_uid'], $prom_event['rake_cash'], "prom_" . $action);
                     $this->set_relation_status($p_relation['relation_id'], 2);
                     $result = $this->set_prom_event_status($prom_event['parent_uid'], $prom_event['username'], $prom_event['event_id'], 2);
         } else {
             keke_finance_class::cash_in($prom_event['parent_uid'], $prom_event['rake_cash'], "prom_" . $action);
             $this->set_relation_status($p_relation['relation_id'], 2);
             $result = $this->set_prom_event_status($prom_event['parent_uid'], $prom_event['username'], $prom_event['event_id'], 2);
         return $result;
Пример #24
 public static function del_file($filepath, $is_db = true)
     if ($is_db or db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(file_id) from %switkey_file where save_name='%s'", TABLEPRE, $filepath))) {
         if (is_file($filepath)) {
             return unlink($filepath);
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return unlink($filepath);
Пример #25
     $p['anchor'] = '#detail';
     if ($st) {
         $p['url'] .= "&st=" . $st;
     if ($ut) {
         $p['url'] .= "&ut=" . $ut;
     $w['work_status'] = $st;
     $w['work_type'] = $ut;
     $arrWorkArrs = $objTask->get_work_info($w, $p);
     $strPages = $arrWorkArrs['pages'];
     $arrWorkInfo = $arrWorkArrs['work_info'];
     $arrMark = $arrWorkArrs['mark'];
     if (is_array($arrWorkInfo)) {
         foreach ($arrWorkInfo as $k => $v) {
             $arrFavorite = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and obj_id = %d and origin_id = %d and keep_type = "work"', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_favorite', intval($gUid), intval($v['work_id']), intval($arrTaskInfo['task_id'])));
             if ($arrFavorite) {
                 $arrWorkInfo[$k]['favorite'] = true;
     $arrMark = $arrWorkArrs['mark'];
 case 'comment':
     $objComment = keke_comment_class::get_instance('task');
     $strUrl .= "&view=comment";
     $arrCommentDatas = $objComment->get_comment_list($id, $strUrl, $page);
     $arrCommentLists = $arrCommentDatas['data'];
     $strPage = $arrCommentDatas['pages'];
     $arrReplyLists = $objComment->get_reply_info($id);
Пример #26
 public static function wiki_opera($m_id, $t_id, $w_id, $url)
     global $uid, $_K, $do, $view, $_lang;
     $status = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(' select task_status from %switkey_task where task_id=%d', TABLEPRE, $t_id, $uid), 0, 'task_status', 600);
     $site = $_K['siteurl'] . '/';
     $button = array();
     $button['view'] = array('href' => $site . 'index.php?do=task&id=' . $t_id . '&view=work&ut=my', 'desc' => $_lang['view_work'], 'ico' => 'book');
     switch ($status) {
         case 2:
         case 5:
             $button['workover'] = array('href' => "javascript:workOver(0,'{$t_id}');void(0);", 'desc' => '工作完成');
         case 8:
         case 9:
             $button['del'] = array('click' => "confirmOp('确定删除?','{$site}{$url}&action=delWork&objId={$w_id}',true)", 'desc' => $_lang['delete'] . '稿件', 'href' => 'javascript:void(0);');
     return $button;
Пример #27
 function user_intergration($username, $pwd)
     global $_lang;
     if ($this->_sys_config['user_intergration'] == 2) {
         require_once S_ROOT . '/uc_client/client.php';
         $uc_info = uc_user_login($username, $pwd);
         if ($uc_info['0'] > 0) {
             $u = array('uid' => $uc_info['0'], 'username' => $uc_info['1'], 'email' => $uc_info['3']);
         } else {
             $u = $uc_info['0'];
     if ($u == -2) {
         $this->show_msg($_lang['you_input_password_not_right'], 3);
     } elseif ($u == -1) {
         $this->show_msg($_lang['you_input_username_not_exist'], 4);
     } else {
         $exists = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select uid from %switkey_member where uid='%d' ", TABLEPRE, $u['uid']));
         if (!$exists) {
             $reg_obj = new keke_register_class();
             $reg_obj->_reg_pwd = md5($pwd);
             $reg_obj->save_userinfo($u['username'], $u['email'], $u['uid']);
     return $u;
Пример #28
     kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
 if ($city === '选择城市' || !$city) {
     $tips['errors']['city'] = '请选择城市';
     kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
 if (!$strBankFullName) {
     $tips['errors']['bank_full_name'] = '请输入开户行名称';
     kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
 if (!$strCardNum) {
     $tips['errors']['card_num'] = '请输入银行卡号';
     kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
 $strSql = sprintf(" select card_num from %switkey_member_bank where bind_status=1 and card_num='%s'", TABLEPRE, $strCardNum);
 if (db_factory::get_count($strSql)) {
     $tips['errors']['card_num'] = '此账号已被他人绑定';
     kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
 $arrDistrictData = CommonClass::getAllDistrict('id,upid,name');
 $province = $arrDistrictData[$province]['name'];
 $city = $arrDistrictData[$city]['name'];
 $strBankAddress = $province . "," . $city;
 if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') {
     $strTxtName = kekezu::utftogbk($strTxtName);
     $strBankName = kekezu::utftogbk($strBankName);
     $strBankAddress = kekezu::utftogbk($strBankAddress);
     $strBankFullName = kekezu::utftogbk($strBankFullName);
 $arrData = array($strInputName => $strTxtName, 'bank_name' => $strBankName, 'bank_address' => $strBankAddress, 'bank_full_name' => $strBankFullName, 'bank_type' => $intUserRole, 'card_num' => $strCardNum, 'uid' => $gUid, 'on_time' => time(), 'bind_status' => 1);
 $intBankId = $objMemBankT->save($arrData);
Пример #29
 public static function wiki_opera($m_id, $t_id, $w_id, $url)
     global $uid, $_K, $do, $view, $_lang;
     $status = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(' select task_status from %switkey_task where task_id=%d', TABLEPRE, $t_id, $uid), 0, 'task_status', 600);
     $model_id = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(' select model_id from %switkey_task where task_id=%d', TABLEPRE, $t_id, $uid), 0, 'model_id', 600);
     $intWorkStatus = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(' select work_status from %switkey_task_work where work_id=%d', TABLEPRE, $w_id, $uid), 0, 'work_status', 600);
     $site = $_K['siteurl'] . '/';
     $button = array();
     $button['view'] = array('href' => $site . 'index.php?do=taskhandle&op=workinfo&taskId=' . $t_id . '&workId=' . $w_id, 'desc' => '查看稿件', 'ico' => 'book');
     switch ($status) {
         case 2:
         case 6:
         case 13:
             if ($intWorkStatus == 4 && $model_id == 1) {
                 $agree_id = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(' select agree_id from %switkey_agreement where task_id=%d and seller_uid=%d', TABLEPRE, $t_id, $uid));
                 $button['agree'] = array('href' => $site . 'index.php?do=agreement&taskId=' . $t_id . '&agreeId=' . $agree_id, 'desc' => '交付详情');
         case 8:
         case 9:
             $button['del'] = array('click' => "confirmOp('确定删除?','{$site}{$url}&action=delWork&objId={$w_id}',true)", 'desc' => $_lang['delete'] . '稿件', 'href' => 'javascript:void(0);');
     return $button;
Пример #30
 function to_black($days)
     $uid = $this->_to_user_info['uid'];
     if ($days) {
         $sql = sprintf("update %switkey_space set status=2 where uid=%d", TABLEPRE, $uid);
     } else {
         return false;
     $expire = $days * 3600 * 24;
     $sql2 = sprintf("select count(*) as c  from %switkey_member_black where uid = %d ", TABLEPRE, $uid);
     if (db_factory::get_count($sql2)) {
         $sql3 = sprintf("update %switkey_member_black set expire = if(expire>unix_timestamp(),expire+%d, unix_timestamp()+%d) where uid = %d ", TABLEPRE, $expire, $expire, $uid);
     } else {
         $sql3 = sprintf("insert into %switkey_member_black (uid,expire,on_time) values (%d,%d,%d)", TABLEPRE, $uid, $expire, time());
     return true;