$description = $_GET['description']; $sellingPrice = $_GET['sellingPrice']; $discount = $_GET['discount']; $timeCharge = $_GET['timeCharge']; $room = $_GET['room']; $chargeBy = $_GET['chargeBy']; $service = $_GET['service']; $title = $_GET['title']; $paidVia = $_GET['paidVia']; $cashPaid = $_GET['cashPaid']; $batchNo = $_GET['batchNo']; $username = $_GET['username']; $inventoryFrom = $_GET['inventoryFrom']; $ro = new database1(); if ($ro->selectNow("inventory", "quantity", "inventoryCode", $chargesCode) < 1) { $ro->getBack("Sorry, Out of Stock"); } echo "\n<style type='text/css'>\n.qty {\n\tborder: 1px solid #000;\n\tcolor: #000;\n\theight:25px;\n\twidth: 100px;\n\tpadding:4px 4px 4px 10px;\n}\n\n</style>\n\n"; //addCharges.php echo "<br><Br><Br>"; echo "<form method='get' action='http://" . $ro->getMyUrl() . "/COCONUT/availableSupplies/phicCovered.php'>"; echo "<center><div style='border:1px solid #000000; width:400px; height:100px;\t'>"; echo "<br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><font size=4>Quantity:</font></td>"; echo "<td><input type=text class='qty' name='quantity' value='1'></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><input type='button' class='button' value=' Back '\nonClick='javascript: history.go(-1)' style='border:1px solid #000000; background-color:transparent;'></td>"; echo "<td> </td>";
<?php include "../../myDatabase1.php"; $packageName = $_GET['packageName']; $packagePrice = $_GET['packagePrice']; $phicPrice = $_GET['phicPrice']; $ro = new database1(); if ($packageName == "") { $ro->getBack("Pls Type the Package Name"); } else { if ($packagePrice == "") { $ro->getBack("Pls Type the Package Price"); } else { echo "\n\n<frameset cols='150%,150%' framespacing='0' border='1'>\n <frame src='http://" . $ro->getMyUrl() . "/COCONUT/hospitalPackage/searchCharges.php?packageName={$packageName}&packagePrice={$packagePrice}&phicPrice={$phicPrice}' scrolling=no frameborder=1 framespacing=1 name='selection' />\n <frame src='http://" . $ro->getMyUrl() . "/COCONUT/hospitalPackage/showAddedPackage_update.php?packageName={$packageName}' />\n\n</frameset>\n\n\n"; } }
$username = $_GET['username']; $discount = $_GET['discount']; $inventoryFrom = $_GET['inventoryFrom']; $room = $_GET['room']; $quantity = $_GET['quantity']; $remarks = $_GET['remarks']; $ro = new database1(); $ro->getPHIClimit_setter($ro->selectNow("registrationDetails", "casetype", "registrationNo", $registrationNo)); $ro->getPatientProfile($registrationNo); // kunin ang data ng patient //$totalPrice = $sellingPrice * $quantity; //kunin ang total price //selectNow($table,$cols,$identifier,$identifierData) //$ro->selectNow("inventory","phic","inventoryCode",$chargesCode); // ttgnan kung cover ba ng philhealth ung medicine //number_format($ro->getCurrentPHIC_check($registrationNo,"MEDICINE") - $ro->getPHIClimit_medicine(),2) if ($quantity == 0) { $ro->getBack("Zero is not Allowed"); } else { $remainingLimit = $ro->getPHIClimit_suppliesOnly() - $ro->getTotal("phic", "SUPPLIES", $registrationNo); if ($ro->selectNow("inventory", "phic", "inventoryCode", $chargesCode) == "yes" && $ro->getPatientRecord_phic() == "YES") { //cover at pasok pa sa phic limit ng meds //$totalPrice = (($sellingPrice * 0.15) + $sellingPrice) * $quantity; //phic price $totalPrice = $sellingPrice * $quantity; // cashPrice muna for temporary if ($remainingLimit >= $totalPrice) { //cover lahat //check autoDispense???? if ($ro->selectNow("inventory", "autoDispense", "inventoryCode", $chargesCode) == "yes") { $currentQTY = $ro->selectNow("inventory", "quantity", "inventoryCode", $chargesCode); // current qty ng meds/sup sa inventory $newQTY = $currentQTY - $quantity; // less sa inventory as in qty after ibawas ung desired qty ng user