function viewqueries() { global $tplname, $usr; global $viewquery_line, $noqueries, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2; $tplname = 'viewqueries'; $dbc = new dataBase(); $i = 0; $content = ''; //$rs = sql("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `queries` WHERE `user_id`='&1' ORDER BY `name` ASC", $usr['userid']); $query = "SELECT id, name FROM `queries` WHERE `user_id`=:1 ORDER BY `name` ASC"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $usr['userid']); if ($dbc->rowCount() != 0) { //while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) while ($r = $dbc->dbResultFetch()) { $thisline = $viewquery_line; $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{queryname}', htmlspecialchars($r['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{queryid}', htmlspecialchars($r['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thisline); if ($i % 2 == 1) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{bgcolor}', $bgcolor2, $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{bgcolor}', $bgcolor1, $thisline); } $content .= $thisline; $i++; } //mysql_free_result($rs); } else { $content = $noqueries; } unset($dbc); tpl_set_var('queries', $content); tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; }
function find_news($start, $end) { global $tpl; global $lang; global $znalezione; $wp = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['wp']); $query = "select id,type,user_id,date,text,deleted from cache_logs where cache_id = (select cache_id from caches where wp_oc = '" . $wp . "') order by date desc limit " . $start . "," . $end; $wynik = db_query($query); $query = "select name,cache_id from caches where cache_id = (select cache_id from caches where wp_oc = '" . $wp . "');"; $wynik2 = db_query($query); $caches = mysql_fetch_assoc($wynik2); $tpl->assign("name", $caches['name']); // detailed cache access logging global $enable_cache_access_logs; if (@$enable_cache_access_logs) { if (!isset($dbc)) { $dbc = new dataBase(); } $cache_id = $caches['cache_id']; $user_id = @$_SESSION['user_id'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['user_id'] : null; $access_log = @$_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VL_' . $user_id]; if ($access_log === null) { $_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VL_' . $user_id] = array(); $access_log = $_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VL_' . $user_id]; } if (@$access_log[$cache_id] !== true) { $dbc->multiVariableQuery('INSERT INTO CACHE_ACCESS_LOGS (event_date, cache_id, user_id, source, event, ip_addr, user_agent, forwarded_for) VALUES (NOW(), :1, :2, \'M\', \'view_logs\', :3, :4, :5)', $cache_id, $user_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $access_log[$cache_id] = true; $_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VL_' . $user_id] = $access_log; } } $znalezione = array(); while ($logs = mysql_fetch_assoc($wynik)) { if ($logs['deleted'] == 0) { $query = "select username from user where user_id = '" . $logs['user_id'] . "';"; $wynik3 = db_query($query); $user = mysql_fetch_row($wynik3); $logs2['id'] = $logs['id']; $logs2['user_id'] = $logs['user_id']; $logs2['newtype'] = $logs['type']; $logs2['newdate'] = date('j.m.Y', strtotime($logs['date'])); $logs2['username'] = $user[0]; $logs2['newtext'] = html2log($logs['text']); $znalezione[] = $logs2; } } $tpl->assign("wp_oc", $wp); $tpl->assign("logs", $znalezione); }
$logfunctions = $functions_start . $tmpedit . $functions_middle . $tmpRevert . $functions_middle . $functions_end; } } $tmplog = mb_ereg_replace('{logfunctions}', $logfunctions, $tmplog); // pictures //START: edit by FelixP - 2013'10 if ($record['picturescount'] > 0 && ($record['deleted'] == false || $usr['admin'])) { // show pictures if (any added) and ((not deleted) or (user is admin)) //END: edit by FelixP - 2013'10 $logpicturelines = ''; $append_atag = ''; if (!isset($dbc)) { $dbc = new dataBase(); } $thatquery = "SELECT `url`, `title`, `uuid`, `user_id`, `spoiler` FROM `pictures` WHERE `object_id`=:1 AND `object_type`=1"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($thatquery, $record['log_id']); $pic_count = $dbc->rowCount(); for ($j = 0; $j < $pic_count; $j++) { $pic_record = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); $thisline = $logpictureline; if ($disable_spoiler_view && intval($pic_record['spoiler']) == 1) { // if hide spoiler (due to user not logged in) option is on prevent viewing pic link and show alert $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{log_picture_onclick}', "alert('" . $spoiler_disable_msg . "'); return false;", $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{link}', 'index.php', $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{longdesc}', 'index.php', $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{log_picture_onclick}', "enlarge(this)", $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{link}', $pic_record['url'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{longdesc}', str_replace("images/uploads", "upload", $pic_record['url']), $thisline); } $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{imgsrc}', 'thumbs2.php?' . $showspoiler . 'uuid=' . urlencode($pic_record['uuid']), $thisline);
function removeDbEntery($code) { $db = new dataBase(); $query = 'DELETE FROM `PowerTrail_cacheCandidate` WHERE `link` = :1'; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $code); }
tpl_set_var('username', 'Nicht gefunden'); $userid = 0; $username = "******"; $notop5 = $user_notfound; } $i = 0; $content = ''; /* $rs = sql(" SELECT `cache_rating`.`cache_id` AS `cache_id`, `caches`.`name` AS `cachename`, `user`.`username` AS `ownername`, `user`.`user_id` AS `owner_id` FROM `cache_rating`, `caches`, `user` WHERE `cache_rating`.`cache_id` = `caches`.`cache_id` AND `caches`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id` AND `cache_rating`.`user_id`='&1' ORDER BY `caches`.`name` ASC", $userid); */ $query = "SELECT `cache_rating`.`cache_id` AS `cache_id`, `caches`.`name` AS `cachename`,\n `user`.`username` AS `ownername`, `user`.`user_id` AS `owner_id`\n FROM `cache_rating`, `caches`, `user`\n WHERE `cache_rating`.`cache_id` = `caches`.`cache_id`\n AND `caches`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n AND `cache_rating`.`user_id`= :1 ORDER BY `caches`.`name` ASC"; $dbc = new dataBase(); $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $userid); //if (mysql_num_rows($rs) != 0) if ($dbc->rowCount() != 0) { // while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) while ($r = $dbc->dbResultFetch()) { $thisline = $viewtop5_line; $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', htmlspecialchars($r['cachename'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', htmlspecialchars($r['cache_id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{ownername}', htmlspecialchars($r['ownername'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{owner_id}', htmlspecialchars($r['owner_id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $thisline); if ($i % 2 == 1) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{bgcolor}', $bgcolor2, $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{bgcolor}', $bgcolor1, $thisline); } $content .= $thisline;
$CalcCoordinates = true; } $distance_unit = 'km'; $sql = 'SELECT '; if (isset($lat_rad) && isset($lon_rad)) { if ($CalcDistance) { $sql .= getCalcDistanceSqlFormula($usr !== false, $lon_rad * 180 / 3.14159, $lat_rad * 180 / 3.14159, 0, $multiplier[$distance_unit]) . ' `distance`, '; } } else { if ($usr === false) { if ($CalcDistance) { $sql .= '0 distance, '; } } elseif ($CalcDistance) { //get the users home coords $dbc->multiVariableQuery("SELECT `latitude`, `longitude` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`=:1", $usr['userid']); $record_coords = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); if ($record_coords['latitude'] == NULL || $record_coords['longitude'] == NULL || ($record_coords['latitude'] == 0 || $record_coords['longitude'] == 0)) { $sql .= '0 distance, '; } else { //TODO: load from the users-profile $distance_unit = 'km'; $lon_rad = $record_coords['longitude'] * 3.14159 / 180; $lat_rad = $record_coords['latitude'] * 3.14159 / 180; $sql .= getCalcDistanceSqlFormula($usr !== false, $record_coords['longitude'], $record_coords['latitude'], 0, $multiplier[$distance_unit]) . ' `distance`, '; } $dbc->reset(); } } $sql .= ' `caches`.`name` `name`, `caches`.`status` `status`, `caches`.`wp_oc` `wp_oc`, `caches`.`difficulty` `difficulty`, `caches`.`terrain` `terrain`, `caches`.`desc_languages` `desc_languages`,
/** * after delete a log it is a good idea to full recalculate stats of user, that can avoid * possible errors which used to appear when was calculated old method. * * by Andrzej Łza Woźniak, 10-2013 * */ function recalculateUserStats($userId) { $query = "\n UPDATE `user`\n SET `founds_count` = (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `user_id` =:1 AND TYPE =1 AND `deleted` =0 ),\n `notfounds_count`= (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `user_id` =:1 AND TYPE =2 AND `deleted` =0 ),\n `log_notes_count`= (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `user_id` =:1 AND TYPE =3 AND `deleted` =0 )\n WHERE `user_id` =:1\n "; $db = new dataBase(); $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $userId); }
function getUserRow($userId) { require_once __DIR__ . '/Database/Db.php'; $db = new dataBase(); $db->multiVariableQuery('SELECT username, hidden_count, log_notes_count, founds_count, notfounds_count, email, country, latitude, longitude FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`=:1', $userId); return $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly(); }
// Another instance of the script is running - exit echo "Another instance of run_notify.php is currently running.\nExiting.\n"; fclose($lock_file); exit; } // No other instance - do normal processing $db = new dataBase(); $rsNotifyQuery = " SELECT `notify_waiting`.`id`, `notify_waiting`.`cache_id`, `notify_waiting`.`type`,\n `user`.`username`, user.user_id as cache_owner_id,\n user.hidden_count as hidden, user.notfounds_count as dnf, user.founds_count as found,\n `user2`.`email`, `user2`.`username` as `recpname`, `user2`.`latitude` as `lat1`, `user2`.`longitude` as `lon1`, `user2`.`user_id` as `recid`,\n `caches`.`name` as `cachename`, `caches`.`date_hidden`, `caches`.`latitude` as `lat2`, `caches`.`longitude` as `lon2`, `caches`.`wp_oc`,\n `caches`.`type` as `cachetype`,\n `caches`.`size` as `cachesize`\n FROM `notify_waiting`, `caches`, `user`, `user` `user2`\n WHERE `notify_waiting`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n AND `notify_waiting`.`user_id`=`user2`.`user_id`\n AND `caches`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n AND `notify_waiting`.`id` > :1\n ORDER BY `notify_waiting`.`id`\n LIMIT 0,100\n"; /* init caches container */ $cacheCntainer = cache::instance(); $cacheTypes = $cacheCntainer->getCacheTypes(); $cacheSizes = $cacheCntainer->getCacheSizes(); $cacheTypeIcons = $cacheCntainer->getCacheTypeIcons(); $id = 0; do { $db->multiVariableQuery($rsNotifyQuery, $id); $rsNotify = $db->dbResultFetchAll(); foreach ($rsNotify as $rNotify) { $id = $rNotify['id']; /* send out everything that has to be sent */ if (process_new_cache($rNotify) == 0) { $db->multiVariableQuery("DELETE FROM `notify_waiting` WHERE `id` =:1", $rNotify['id']); } } if (count($rsNotify) > 0) { sleep(5); } else { break; } } while (true); // Release lock
function outputSearchForm($options) { global $stylepath, $usr, $error_plz, $error_locidnocoords, $error_ort, $error_noort, $error_nofulltext; global $default_lang, $search_all_countries, $cache_attrib_jsarray_line, $cache_attrib_img_line; global $lang, $language, $config; //simple mode (only one easy filter) $filters = read_file($stylepath . '/search.simple.tpl.php'); tpl_set_var('filters', $filters, false); tpl_set_var('formmethod', 'get'); // checkboxes if (isset($options['sort'])) { $bBynameChecked = $options['sort'] == 'byname'; } else { $bBynameChecked = $usr['userid'] == 0; } tpl_set_var('byname_checked', $bBynameChecked == true ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); if (isset($options['sort'])) { $bBydistanceChecked = $options['sort'] == 'bydistance'; } else { $bBydistanceChecked = $usr['userid'] != 0; } tpl_set_var('bydistance_checked', $bBydistanceChecked == true ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); if (isset($options['sort'])) { $bBycreatedChecked = $options['sort'] == 'bycreated'; } else { $bBycreatedChecked = $usr['userid'] == 0; } tpl_set_var('bycreated_checked', $bBycreatedChecked == true ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('hidopt_sort', $options['sort']); tpl_set_var('f_inactive_checked', $options['f_inactive'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('hidopt_inactive', $options['f_inactive'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_ignored_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_ignored_disabled', $options['f_ignored'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_ignored', $options['f_ignored'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_userfound_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_userfound_disabled', $options['f_userfound'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_userfound', $options['f_userfound'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_userowner_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_userowner_disabled', $options['f_userowner'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_userowner', $options['f_userowner'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_watched_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_watched_disabled', $options['f_watched'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_watched', $options['f_watched'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_geokret_checked', $options['f_geokret'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('hidopt_geokret', $options['f_geokret'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); if (isset($options['cacherating'])) { tpl_set_var('all_caches_checked', $options['cacherating'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('recommended_caches_checked', $options['cacherating'] > 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('cache_min_rec', $options['cacherating'] > 0 ? $options['cacherating'] : 0); tpl_set_var('min_rec_caches_disabled', $options['cacherating'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); } if (isset($options['cacherating'])) { tpl_set_var('cacherating', htmlspecialchars($options['cacherating'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cacherating', ''); } if (isset($options['region'])) { tpl_set_var('region', htmlspecialchars($options['region'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('region', ''); } if (isset($options['country'])) { tpl_set_var('country', htmlspecialchars($options['country'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('country', ''); } if (isset($options['cachetype'])) { tpl_set_var('cachetype', htmlspecialchars($options['cachetype'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachetype', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_1'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_1', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_2', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_3'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_3', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_3'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_3', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_4'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_4', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_4'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_4', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_5'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_5', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_5'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_5', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_6'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_6', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_6'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_6', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_7'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_7', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_7'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_7', ''); } if (isset($options['cachevote_1']) && isset($options['cachevote_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cachevote_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cachevote_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cachevote_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cachevote_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachevote_1', ''); tpl_set_var('cachevote_2', ''); } if (isset($options['cachenovote'])) { tpl_set_var('cachenovote', htmlspecialchars($options['cachenovote'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachenovote', ''); } if (isset($options['cachedifficulty_1']) && isset($options['cachedifficulty_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cachedifficulty_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cachedifficulty_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_1', ''); tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_2', ''); } if (isset($options['cacheterrain_1']) && isset($options['cacheterrain_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cacheterrain_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cacheterrain_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_1', ''); tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_2', ''); } // cachename tpl_set_var('cachename', isset($options['cachename']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['cachename'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); // koordinaten if (!isset($options['lat_h'])) { if ($usr !== false) { $rs = sql('SELECT `latitude`, `longitude` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`=\'' . sql_escape($usr['userid']) . '\''); $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); $lon = $record['longitude']; $lat = $record['latitude']; mysql_free_result($rs); if ($lon < 0) { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ' selected="selected"'); $lon = -$lon; } else { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ''); } if ($lat < 0) { tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ' selected="selected"'); $lat = -$lat; } else { tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ''); } $lon_h = floor($lon); $lat_h = floor($lat); $lon_min = ($lon - $lon_h) * 60; $lat_min = ($lat - $lat_h) * 60; tpl_set_var('lat_h', $lat_h); tpl_set_var('lon_h', $lon_h); tpl_set_var('lat_min', sprintf("%02.3f", $lat_min)); tpl_set_var('lon_min', sprintf("%02.3f", $lon_min)); } else { tpl_set_var('lat_h', '00'); tpl_set_var('lon_h', '000'); tpl_set_var('lat_min', '00.000'); tpl_set_var('lon_min', '00.000'); tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ''); } } else { tpl_set_var('lat_h', isset($options['lat_h']) ? $options['lat_h'] : '00'); tpl_set_var('lon_h', isset($options['lon_h']) ? $options['lon_h'] : '000'); tpl_set_var('lat_min', isset($options['lat_min']) ? $options['lat_min'] : '00.000'); tpl_set_var('lon_min', isset($options['lon_min']) ? $options['lon_min'] : '00.000'); if ($options['lonEW'] == 'W') { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', 'selected="selected"'); } else { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ''); } if ($options['latNS'] == 'S') { tpl_set_var('latS_sel', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('latN_sel', 'selected="selected"'); } } tpl_set_var('distance', isset($options['distance']) ? $options['distance'] : 20); if (!isset($options['unit'])) { $options['unit'] = 'km'; } if ($options['unit'] == 'km') { tpl_set_var('sel_km', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('sel_sm', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_nm', ''); } else { if ($options['unit'] == 'sm') { tpl_set_var('sel_km', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_sm', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('sel_nm', ''); } else { if ($options['unit'] == 'nm') { tpl_set_var('sel_km', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_sm', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_nm', 'selected="selected"'); } } } // plz tpl_set_var('plz', isset($options['plz']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['plz'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); tpl_set_var('ort', isset($options['ort']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['ort'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); // owner tpl_set_var('owner', isset($options['owner']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['owner'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); // finder tpl_set_var('finder', isset($options['finder']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['finder'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); //countryoptions $countriesoptions = $search_all_countries; $rs = sql('SELECT `short` FROM `countries` WHERE `short` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `country` FROM `caches`) '); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); if ($record['short'] == $options['country']) { $countriesoptions .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['short'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars(tr($record['short']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; } else { $countriesoptions .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['short'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars(tr($record['short']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; } $countriesoptions .= "\n"; } tpl_set_var('countryoptions', $countriesoptions); //regionoptions $regionsoptions = '<option value="" selected="selected">' . tr('all_regions') . '</option>'; tpl_set_var('regionoptions', $regionsoptions); // Typ skrzynki $cachetype_options = ''; if (checkField('cache_type', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `&1`, `icon_large` FROM `cache_type` ORDER BY `sort`', $lang_db); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); /* if ($record['id'] == $options['cachetype']) $cachetype_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; else $cachetype_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; */ $c_rec_id = $record['id'] - 1; $cachetype_icon = $record['icon_large']; // if ($options['cachetype'][$c_rec_id] == '1') { // $cachetype_options .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" value="1" id="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript:sync_options(this)" checked="checked" /><label for="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</label>'; // } else { // $cachetype_options .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" value="1" id="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript:sync_options(this)" /><label for="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</label>'; // } $cachetype_icon = str_replace("mystery", "quiz", $cachetype_icon); // mystery is an outdated name, we use 'quiz' now :-) $cachetype_icon_bw = $cachetype_icon; $cachetype_icon = str_replace(".png", "-i.png", $cachetype_icon); $cachetype_icon_bw = str_replace(".png", "-i-bw.png", $cachetype_icon_bw); $cachetype_icon = str_replace(".gif", "-i.png", $cachetype_icon); $cachetype_icon_bw = str_replace(".gif", "-i-bw.png", $cachetype_icon_bw); $hidden_css = "position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"; // css required to hide an image // this marks saved user preference for searching, if 1, the cache is by default searched // and thus making the colour image visibile if (isset($options['cachetype'][$c_rec_id]) && $options['cachetype'][$c_rec_id] == '1') { $icon_hidden = ""; $icon_bw_hidden = $hidden_css; } else { $icon_hidden = $hidden_css; $icon_bw_hidden = ""; } $hidden_css = "position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"; $cachetype_options .= '<img id="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars($stylepath . "/images/" . $cachetype_icon, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" onmousedown="javascript:switchCacheType(\'cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '\')" style="cursor: pointer;' . $icon_hidden . '" />'; $cachetype_options .= '<img id="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '_bw" src="' . htmlspecialchars($stylepath . "/images/" . $cachetype_icon_bw, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" onmousedown="javascript:switchCacheType(\'cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '\')" style="cursor: pointer;' . $icon_bw_hidden . '" />'; if ($i == 2) { $cachetype_options .= ' '; } $cachetype_options .= "\n"; } tpl_set_var('cachetype_options', $cachetype_options); //Rozmiar skrzynki $cachesize_options = ''; if (checkField('cache_size', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `&1` FROM `cache_size` ORDER BY `id`', $lang_db); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); $cachesize_options .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cachesize_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" value="1" id="l_cachesize_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript:sync_options(this)" checked="checked" /><label for="l_cachesize_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</label>'; $cachesize_options .= "\n"; } tpl_set_var('cachesize_options', $cachesize_options); // gpxlogLimit if ($options['gpxLogLimit'] == false) { tpl_set_var('gpxLogLimitUserChoice', 5); } else { tpl_set_var('gpxLogLimitUserChoice', $options['gpxLogLimit']); } function attr_jsline($tpl, $options, $id, $textlong, $iconlarge, $iconno, $iconundef, $category) { $line = $tpl; $line = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $id, $line); if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs']) === false) { if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs_not']) === false) { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', 0, $line); } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', 2, $line); } } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', 1, $line); } $line = mb_ereg_replace('{text_long}', addslashes($textlong), $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconlarge, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon_no}', $iconno, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon_undef}', $iconundef, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{category}', $category, $line); return $line; } function attr_image($tpl, $options, $id, $textlong, $iconlarge, $iconno, $iconundef, $category) { $line = $tpl; $line = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $id, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{text_long}', $textlong, $line); if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs']) === false) { if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs_not']) === false) { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconundef, $line); } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconno, $line); } } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconlarge, $line); } return $line; } // cache-attributes $attributes_jsarray = ''; $attributes_img = ''; $attributesCat2_img = ''; // select attributes depend on specified language. $database = new dataBase(false); $query = "SELECT `id`, `text_long`, `icon_large`, `icon_no`, `icon_undef`, `category` FROM `cache_attrib` WHERE `language` LIKE :1 ORDER BY `id`"; $database->multiVariableQuery($query, strtoupper($lang)); // if specified language is in database if ($database->rowCount() <= 0) { // if we have not specified language in db, just use english. $database->multiVariableQuery($query, 'EN'); } $rs = $database->dbResultFetchAll(); unset($database); foreach ($rs as $record) { // icon specified $line = attr_jsline($cache_attrib_jsarray_line, $options, $record['id'], $record['text_long'], $record['icon_large'], $record['icon_no'], $record['icon_undef'], $record['category']); if ($attributes_jsarray != '') { $attributes_jsarray .= ",\n"; } $attributes_jsarray .= $line; $line = attr_image($cache_attrib_img_line, $options, $record['id'], $record['text_long'], $record['icon_large'], $record['icon_no'], $record['icon_undef'], $record['category']); if ($record['category'] != 1) { $attributesCat2_img .= $line; } else { $attributes_img .= $line; } } $line = attr_jsline($cache_attrib_jsarray_line, $options, "99", tr("with_password"), $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][0], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][1], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][2], 0); $attributes_jsarray .= ",\n" . $line; $line = attr_image($cache_attrib_img_line, $options, "99", tr("with_password"), $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][0], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][1], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][2], 0); $attributes_img .= $line; tpl_set_var('cache_attrib_list', $attributes_img); tpl_set_var('cache_attribCat2_list', $attributesCat2_img); tpl_set_var('attributes_jsarray', $attributes_jsarray); tpl_set_var('hidopt_attribs', implode(';', $options['cache_attribs'])); tpl_set_var('hidopt_attribs_not', implode(';', $options['cache_attribs_not'])); tpl_set_var('fulltext', ''); tpl_set_var('ft_name_checked', 'checked="checked"'); tpl_set_var('ft_desc_checked', ''); tpl_set_var('ft_logs_checked', ''); tpl_set_var('ft_pictures_checked', ''); // fulltext options if ($options['searchtype'] == 'byfulltext') { if (!isset($options['fulltext'])) { $options['fulltext'] = ''; } tpl_set_var('fulltext', htmlspecialchars($options['fulltext'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); if (isset($options['ft_name']) && $options['ft_name'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_name_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_name_checked', ''); } if (isset($options['ft_desc']) && $options['ft_desc'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_desc_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_desc_checked', ''); } if (isset($options['ft_logs']) && $options['ft_logs'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_logs_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_logs_checked', ''); } if (isset($options['ft_pictures']) && $options['ft_pictures'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_pictures_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_pictures_checked', ''); } } // errormeldungen tpl_set_var('ortserror', ''); if (isset($options['error_plz'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_plz); } else { if (isset($options['error_ort'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_ort); } else { if (isset($options['error_locidnocoords'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_locidnocoords); } else { if (isset($options['error_noort'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_noort); } } } } tpl_set_var('fulltexterror', isset($options['error_nofulltext']) ? $error_nofulltext : ''); tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; }
} else { $user_id = $usr['userid']; } tpl_set_var('userid', $user_id); require $stylepath . '/'; require $stylepath . '/lib/'; $tplname = 'viewprofile'; if ($user_id != $usr['userid']) { // do not highlight My stats menu item if browsing other users stats $mnu_siteid = 'start'; } $stat_menu = array('title' => tr('Statictics'), 'menustring' => tr('Statictics'), 'siteid' => 'statlisting', 'navicolor' => '#E8DDE4', 'visible' => false, 'filename' => 'viewprofile.php?userid=' . $user_id, 'submenu' => array(array('title' => tr('graph_find'), 'menustring' => tr('graph_find'), 'visible' => true, 'filename' => 'ustatsg2.php?userid=' . $user_id, 'newwindow' => false, 'siteid' => 'findstat', 'icon' => 'images/actions/stat'), array('title' => tr('graph_created'), 'menustring' => tr('graph_created'), 'visible' => true, 'filename' => 'ustatsg1.php?userid=' . $user_id, 'newwindow' => false, 'siteid' => 'createstat', 'icon' => 'images/actions/stat'))); $content = ""; $database = new dataBase(); $rddQuery = "select TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`date_created`) `diff` from `user` WHERE user_id=:1 "; $database->multiVariableQuery($rddQuery, $user_id); $ddays = $database->dbResultFetch(); $query = "SELECT admin, guru, hidden_count, founds_count, is_active_flag, email, password, log_notes_count, notfounds_count, username, last_login, country, date_created, description, hide_flag FROM user WHERE user_id=:1 LIMIT 1"; $database->multiVariableQuery($query, $user_id); $user_record = $database->dbResultFetch(); tpl_set_var('username', $user_record['username']); if (date('m') == 4 and date('d') == 1) { tpl_set_var('username', tr('primaAprilis1')); } tpl_set_var('country', tr($user_record['country'])); tpl_set_var('registered', fixPlMonth(strftime($dateformat, strtotime($user_record['date_created'])))); $description = $user_record['description']; tpl_set_var('description', nl2br($description)); if ($description != "") { tpl_set_var('description_start', ''); tpl_set_var('description_end', '');
/** * @param type $db */ public static function getUserActiveCacheCountByType(dataBase $db, $userId) { $query = 'SELECT type, count(*) as cacheCount FROM `caches` WHERE `user_id` = :1 AND STATUS !=3 GROUP by type'; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $userId); $userCacheCountByType = $db->dbResultFetchAll(); $cacheLimitByTypePerUser = array(); foreach ($userCacheCountByType as $cacheCount) { $cacheLimitByTypePerUser[$cacheCount['type']] = $cacheCount['cacheCount']; } return $cacheLimitByTypePerUser; }
} else { if (isset($_GET['accept']) && $_GET['accept'] == 1) { $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2"; $potwierdzenie = $db->multiVariableQueryValue($sql, 0, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); if ($potwierdzenie > 0) { // zmiana wlasciciela tpl_set_var("error_msg", tr('adopt_30')); tpl_set_var("info_msg", ""); $db->beginTransaction(); require_once $rootpath . 'lib/'; $pco = new OrgCacheOwners($db); $pco->populateForCache($_GET['cacheid']); $oldOwnerId = getCacheOwner($_GET['cacheid']); $isCachePublished = isCachePublished($_GET['cacheid']); $sql = "DELETE FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); if ($isCachePublished) { $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2, org_user_id = IF(org_user_id IS NULL, :3, org_user_id) WHERE cache_id= :1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid'], $oldOwnerId); } else { $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2 WHERE cache_id= :1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); } $sql = "UPDATE pictures SET user_id = :2 WHERE object_id = :1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); // this should be kept consistent by a trigger //$sql = "UPDATE user SET hidden_count = hidden_count - 1 WHERE user_id = :1"; //$db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $oldOwnerId); //$sql = "UPDATE user SET hidden_count = hidden_count + 1 WHERE user_id = :1"; //$db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $usr['userid']); // ... but it's not
function run() { $db = new dataBase(); $db->switchDebug(false); $sql = "SELECT cache_id, status FROM caches"; $params = array(); if (isset($_GET['cache_id'])) { $sql .= ' where cache_id=:cache_id'; $params['cache_id']['value'] = intval($_GET['cache_id']); $params['cache_id']['data_type'] = 'integer'; } $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); $caches = $db->dbResultFetchAll(); set_time_limit(3600); $total_touched = 0; foreach ($caches as $cache) { $cache_id = $cache['cache_id']; // usuniecie falszywych ocen //echo "cache_logs.cache_id=".sql_escape($rs['cache_id']).", user.username="******"<br />"; //$sql = "DELETE FROM scores WHERE cache_id = '".sql_escape($rs['cache_id'])."' AND user_id = '".sql_escape($rs['user_id'])."'"; //mysql_query($sql); $db->multiVariableQuery("delete from scores where cache_id = :1 and user_id not in (\n select user_id from cache_logs where deleted=0 and cache_id = :2\n )", $cache_id, $cache_id); // zliczenie ocen po usunieciu $db->multiVariableQuery("SELECT avg(score) as avg_score, count(score) as votes FROM scores WHERE cache_id = :1", $cache_id); $row = $db->dbResultFetch(); if ($row == false) { $liczba = 0; $srednia = 0; } else { $liczba = $row['votes']; if ($liczba > 0) { $srednia = round($row['avg_score'], 4); } else { $srednia = 0; } } unset($row); $db->closeCursor(); // repair founds $founds = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND (type=1 OR type=7)", 0, $cache_id); $notfounds = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND (type=2 OR type=8)", 0, $cache_id); $notes = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND type=3", 0, $cache_id); $watchers = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_watches WHERE cache_id = :1", 0, $cache_id); $ignorers = $db->multiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_ignore WHERE cache_id = :1", 0, $cache_id); $sql = "\n UPDATE caches\n SET\n votes=:new_votes,\n score=:new_score,\n founds=:new_founds,\n notfounds=:new_notfounds,\n notes=:new_notes,\n watcher=:new_watchers,\n ignorer_count=:new_ignorers\n WHERE\n cache_id=:cache_id\n AND (\n votes is null\n OR score is null\n OR founds is null\n OR notfounds is null\n OR notes is null\n OR watcher is null\n OR ignorer_count is null\n OR votes!=:new_votes\n OR abs(score-:new_score)>0.0001\n OR founds!=:new_founds\n OR notfounds!=:new_notfounds\n OR notes!=:new_notes\n OR watcher!=:new_watchers\n OR ignorer_count!=:new_ignorers\n )\n "; $params = array(); $params['new_votes']['value'] = intval($liczba); $params['new_votes']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_score']['value'] = strval($srednia); $params['new_score']['data_type'] = 'string'; $params['new_founds']['value'] = intval($founds); $params['new_founds']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_notfounds']['value'] = intval($notfounds); $params['new_notfounds']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_notes']['value'] = intval($notes); $params['new_notes']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_watchers']['value'] = intval($watchers); $params['new_watchers']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['new_ignorers']['value'] = intval($ignorers); $params['new_ignorers']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $params['cache_id']['value'] = intval($cache_id); $params['cache_id']['data_type'] = 'integer'; $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); if ($db->rowCount() > 0) { echo "<b>cache_id={$cache_id}</b><br>"; echo "ratings={$liczba}<br>rating={$srednia}<br>"; echo "founds={$founds}<br>notfounds={$notfounds}<br>"; echo "notes={$notes}<br>watchers={$watchers}<br>"; echo "ignorers={$ignorers}<br>"; $total_touched++; } $db->closeCursor(); } set_time_limit(60); unset($db); echo "-----------------------------------<br>total_touched={$total_touched}<br>"; }
} require_once './lib/'; //Preprocessing if ($error == false) { $db = new dataBase(); $description = ""; //user logged in? if ($usr == false) { $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page()); tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target); } else { tpl_set_var('desc_updated', ''); tpl_set_var('displayGeoPathSection', displayGeoPatchSection('table')); if (isset($_POST['description'])) { $sql = "UPDATE user SET description = :1 WHERE user_id=:2"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, strip_tags($_POST['description']), (int) $usr['userid']); $db->reset(); tpl_set_var('desc_updated', "<font color='green'>" . tr('desc_updated') . "</font>"); } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sql = "UPDATE user SET get_bulletin = :1 WHERE user_id = :2 "; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, intval(sql_escape($_POST['bulletin'])), (int) $usr['userid']); $db->reset(); } $sql = "SELECT description, get_bulletin FROM user WHERE user_id = :1 LIMIT 1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, (int) $usr['userid']); $userinfo = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly(); $description = $userinfo['description']; $bulletin = $userinfo['get_bulletin']; tpl_set_var('bulletin_label', $bulletin == 1 ? tr('bulletin_label_yes') : tr('bulletin_label_no')); tpl_set_var('bulletin_value', $bulletin);
private function storeErrorsInDb($operationType, $dataSent, $response = null) { $db = new dataBase(); $query = "INSERT INTO `GeoKretyAPIerrors`(`dateTime`, `operationType`, `dataSent`, `response`)\n VALUES (NOW(),:1,:2,:3)"; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $operationType, addslashes(serialize($dataSent)), addslashes(serialize($response))); }
//user logged in? if ($usr == false) { $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page()); tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target); } else { $tplname = 'mycache_notes'; //get user record $userid = $usr['userid']; $tr_COG = tr('cog_user_name'); $no_found_date = '---'; $db = new dataBase(); if (isset($_REQUEST["delete"])) { $note_id = $_REQUEST["delete"]; //remove $query = "DELETE FROM `cache_notes` WHERE `note_id`=:1 AND `user_id`=:2"; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $note_id, $userid); } if (isset($_REQUEST["delete_coords"])) { $coords_id = $_REQUEST["delete_coords"]; //remove $query = "DELETE FROM `cache_mod_cords` WHERE `id`=:1 AND `user_id`=:2"; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $coords_id, $userid); } //$notes_rs = sql("SELECT `cache_notes`.`cache_id` `cacheid`, `caches`.`name` `cache_name`, `cache_type`.`icon_small` `icon_large` FROM `cache_notes` INNER JOIN caches ON (`caches`.`cache_id` = `cache_notes`.`cache_id`), `cache_type` WHERE `cache_notes`.`user_id`=&1 AND `cache_type`.`id`=`caches`.`type` GROUP BY `cacheid` ORDER BY `cacheid`,`date` DESC",$userid); $query = "\n SELECT `cache_notes`.`cache_id` `cacheid`,\n `cache_notes`.`desc` `notes_desc`,\n `caches`.`name` `cache_name`,\n `cache_type`.`icon_small` `icon_large`,\n `caches`.`type` `cache_type`,\n `caches`.`cache_id` `cache_id`,\n `caches`.`user_id` `user_id`,\n note_id,\n cl.text AS log_text,\n cl.type AS log_type,\n cl.user_id AS luser_id,\n AS log_date,\n cl.deleted AS log_deleted,\n log_types.icon_small AS icon_small,\n user.username AS user_name,\n as cache_mod_cords_id,\n cache_mod_cords.longitude,\n cache_mod_cords.latitude\n FROM\n `cache_notes`\n INNER JOIN `caches` ON (`cache_notes`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`)\n INNER JOIN cache_type ON (caches.type =\n left outer JOIN cache_logs as cl ON (caches.cache_id = cl.cache_id)\n left outer JOIN log_types ON (cl.type =\n left outer JOIN user ON (cl.user_id = user.user_id)\n left outer JOIN cache_mod_cords ON (\n cache_mod_cords.user_id = cache_notes.user_id\n AND cache_mod_cords.cache_id = cache_notes.cache_id\n )\n WHERE\n `cache_notes`.`user_id`=:1\n AND `cache_type`.`id`=`caches`.`type`\n AND\n ( is null or =\n ( SELECT id\n FROM cache_logs cl_id\n WHERE cl.cache_id = cl_id.cache_id and =\n\n ( SELECT max( )\n FROM cache_logs\n WHERE cl.cache_id = cache_id\n )\n limit 1\n ))\n GROUP BY `cacheid`\n UNION\n SELECT `cache_mod_cords`.`cache_id` `cacheid`,\n `cache_notes`.`desc` `notes_desc`,\n `caches`.`name` `cache_name`,\n `cache_type`.`icon_small` `icon_large`,\n `caches`.`type` `cache_type`,\n `caches`.`cache_id` `cache_id`,\n `caches`.`user_id` `user_id`,\n note_id,\n cl.text AS log_text,\n cl.type AS log_type,\n cl.user_id AS luser_id,\n AS log_date,\n cl.deleted AS log_deleted,\n log_types.icon_small AS icon_small,\n user.username AS user_name,\n as cache_mod_cords_id,\n cache_mod_cords.longitude,\n cache_mod_cords.latitude\n FROM\n cache_mod_cords\n INNER JOIN `caches` ON (`cache_mod_cords`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`)\n INNER JOIN cache_type ON (caches.type =\n left outer JOIN cache_logs as cl ON (caches.cache_id = cl.cache_id)\n left outer JOIN log_types ON (cl.type =\n left outer JOIN user ON (cl.user_id = user.user_id)\n left outer JOIN cache_notes ON (\n cache_notes.user_id = cache_mod_cords.user_id\n AND cache_notes.cache_id = cache_mod_cords.cache_id\n )\n WHERE\n `cache_mod_cords`.`user_id`=:1\n AND `cache_type`.`id`=`caches`.`type`\n AND\n ( is null or =\n ( SELECT id\n FROM cache_logs cl_id\n WHERE cl.cache_id = cl_id.cache_id and =\n\n ( SELECT max( )\n FROM cache_logs\n WHERE cl.cache_id = cache_id\n )\n limit 1\n ))\n GROUP BY `cacheid`\n ORDER BY `cache_name`, log_date DESC"; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $userid); //if (mysql_num_rows($notes_rs) != 0) $count = $db->rowCount(); if ($count != 0) { //$notes = '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1" style="margin-left: 10px; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 13px;" width="95%">'; //$notes .= '<tr><td width="22"> </td><td><strong>GeoCache</strong></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><hr></hr></td></tr>';
<?php global $titled_cache_nr_found, $titled_cache_period_prefix; require_once './lib/'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['CRON'])) { exit; } $dbc = new dataBase(); $start_date_alg = date("Y-m-d"); $date_alg = $start_date_alg; $queryS = " \r\n select\r\n top.cacheId, top.cacheName, top.cacheRegion, ifnull( nrT.nrTinR, 0) nrTinR,\r\n top.RATE, top.ratio, \r\n top.cRating, top.cFounds, top.cNrDays, top.cDateCrt\r\n \r\n from\r\n (\r\n SELECT caches.cache_id cacheId , cacheName, adm3 cacheRegion,\r\n user.user_id userId, user.username userName,\r\n \r\n round((r.rating/f.nr_founds) + DATEDIFF(caches.date_created, :1 )/5000,4) RATE, \r\n round((r.rating/f.nr_founds), 4) ratio,\r\n \r\n r.rating cRating, f.nr_founds cFounds, caches.date_created cDateCrt,\r\n DATEDIFF(caches.date_created, :1 ) cNrDays\r\n \r\n FROM `caches`\r\n \r\n JOIN\r\n (\r\n SELECT lcaches.cache_id cid, count(*) rating\r\n FROM `caches` lcaches\r\n INNER JOIN `cache_logs` ON `cache_logs`.`cache_id` = lcaches .`cache_id`\r\n JOIN cache_rating ON `cache_rating`.`cache_id` = `cache_logs`.`cache_id`\r\n AND `cache_rating`.`user_id` = `cache_logs`.user_id\r\n where\r\n `cache_logs`.`deleted` =0 AND `cache_logs`.`type` =1\r\n and cache_logs.date_created < :1\r\n \r\n group by 1\r\n )\r\n as r ON r.cid = caches.cache_id\r\n \r\n JOIN\r\n (\r\n SELECT fcaches.cache_id cid, count(*) nr_founds\r\n FROM\r\n caches fcaches\r\n JOIN cache_logs ON cache_logs.cache_id = fcaches.cache_id\r\n \r\n where\r\n cache_logs.deleted=0 AND cache_logs.type=1\r\n and cache_logs.date_created < :1\r\n \r\n group by 1\r\n )\r\n as f ON f.cid = caches.cache_id\r\n \r\n JOIN user ON `caches`.`user_id` = `user`.`user_id`\r\n JOIN `cache_location` ON `caches`.`cache_id` = `cache_location`.`cache_id`\r\n left JOIN cache_titled ON cache_titled.cache_id = caches.cache_id\r\n \r\n WHERE\r\n `status` =1\r\n AND `caches`.`type` <>4 AND `caches`.`type` <>5 AND caches.type <>6\r\n and f.nr_founds >= :2 and caches.date_created < :1\r\n and cache_titled.cache_id is NULL\r\n \r\n ORDER BY RATE DESC, founds DESC, caches.date_created DESC\r\n LIMIT 30) as top\r\n \r\n left join\r\n (\r\n select adm3 cacheRegion, count(*) nrTinR from cache_titled\r\n JOIN cache_location ON cache_titled.cache_id = cache_location.cache_id\r\n group by adm3\r\n ) as nrT on top.cacheRegion = nrT.cacheRegion\r\n order by nrTinR, cFounds DESC, cDateCrt, RATE DESC\r\n "; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryS, $date_alg, $titled_cache_nr_found); $rec = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); $queryL = "\r\n SELECT logId\r\n FROM\r\n (select, cache_logs.cache_id from\r\n cache_logs\r\n where\r\n cache_logs.cache_id = :1 and\r\n = \r\n (select id from cache_logs cl\r\n JOIN cache_rating ON `cache_rating`.`cache_id` = cl.`cache_id`\r\n AND `cache_rating`.`user_id` = cl.user_id\r\n where cl.cache_id = cache_logs.cache_id\r\n ORDER BY length(cl.text) DESC LIMIT 1 ) \r\n ) as i"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryL, $rec["cacheId"]); $recL = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); $queryI = "INSERT INTO cache_titled \r\n (cache_id, rate, ratio, rating, found, days, date_alg, log_id) \r\n VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8)"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryI, $rec["cacheId"], $rec["RATE"], $rec["ratio"], $rec["cRating"], $rec["cFounds"], $rec["cNrDays"], $date_alg, $recL["logId"]); $queryLogI = "INSERT INTO cache_logs \r\n (cache_id, user_id, type, date, \r\n text, text_html, text_htmledit, last_modified , okapi_syncbase, uuid, picturescount, mp3count, \r\n date_created, owner_notified, node, deleted, encrypt, \r\n del_by_user_id, last_deleted, edit_by_user_id, edit_count )\r\n VALUES ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8 , :9 , :10, :11, :12, :13, :14, :15, '0', '0', NULL , NULL , NULL , '0' )"; $SystemUser = -1; $LogType = 12; //OCTeam $ntitled_cache = $titled_cache_period_prefix . '_titled_cache_congratulations'; $msgText = tr($ntitled_cache); $LogUuid = create_uuid(); $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryLogI, $rec["cacheId"], $SystemUser, $LogType, $date_alg, $msgText, '1', '1', $date_alg, $date_alg, $LogUuid, '0', '0', $date_alg, '0', $oc_nodeid); unset($dbc);
/** * after add a log it is a good idea to full recalculate stats of cache, that can avoid * possible errors which used to appear when was calculated old method. * * TODO: (regarding issue #138) * 1. recalculate last_found from DB * 2. make this method a library method or so * 3. use this method in other places, where such recalculation is needed * * by Andrzej Łza Woźniak, 12-2013 */ function recalculateCacheStats($cacheId, $cacheType, $lastFoundQueryString) { if ($cacheType == 6) { // event (no idea who developed so irracional rules, not me!) $query = "\n UPDATE `caches`\n SET `founds` = (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND TYPE =7 AND `deleted` =0 ),\n `notfounds`= (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND TYPE =8 AND `deleted` =0 ),\n `notes`= (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND TYPE =3 AND `deleted` =0 )\n {$lastFoundQueryString}\n WHERE `cache_id` =:1\n "; } else { $query = "\n UPDATE `caches`\n SET `founds` = (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND TYPE =1 AND `deleted` =0 ),\n `notfounds`= (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND TYPE =2 AND `deleted` =0 ),\n `notes`= (SELECT count(*) FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND TYPE =3 AND `deleted` =0 )\n {$lastFoundQueryString}\n WHERE `cache_id` =:1\n "; } $db = new dataBase(); $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $cacheId); }
$record_logs = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); $tmp_cache = $cache_notpublished_line; $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheimage}', icon_cache_status($record_caches['status'], $record_caches['cache_status_text']), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cachestatus}', htmlspecialchars($record_caches['cache_status_text'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($record_caches['cache_id']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); if (is_null($record_caches['date_activate'])) { $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', $no_time_set, $tmp_cache); } else { $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', strftime($datetimeformat, strtotime($record_caches['date_activate'])), $tmp_cache); } $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', htmlspecialchars($record_caches['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $caches .= "\n" . $tmp_cache; } tpl_set_var('notpublishedcaches', $caches); } unset($dbc); // get number of sent emails $dbc = new dataBase(); $emails_sent = '0'; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `emails_sent` FROM `email_user` WHERE `from_user_id`=:1"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($sql, $usr['userid']); $row = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); if ($dbc->rowCount()) { $emails_sent = $row['emails_sent']; } tpl_set_var('emails_sent', $emails_sent); unset($dbc); } } //make the template and send it out tpl_BuildTemplate();
if ($BlogSwitchOn) { tpl_set_var('blogDisplay', 'block'); } else { tpl_set_var('blogDisplay', 'none'); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Titled Caches /////////////////////////////////////////////////// $usrid = -1; $TitledCaches = ""; $dbc = new dataBase(); if ($usr != false) { $usrid = $usr['userid']; } $query = "SELECT caches.cache_id, cacheName, adm1 cacheCountry, adm3 cacheRegion, caches.type cache_type, \n caches.user_id, user.username userName, cache_titled.date_alg, cache_logs.text, cache_desc.short_desc,\n logUser.user_id logUserId, logUser.username logUserName\nFROM cache_titled\nJOIN caches ON cache_titled.cache_id = caches.cache_id\nJOIN cache_desc ON caches.cache_id = cache_desc.cache_id and language=:1\nJOIN cache_location ON caches.cache_id = cache_location.cache_id\nJOIN user ON caches.user_id = user.user_id\n \nJOIN cache_logs ON = cache_titled.log_id \nJOIN user logUser ON logUser.user_id = cache_logs.user_id\n \nORDER BY date_alg DESC \nLIMIT 1"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $lang); $pattern = "<span style='font-size:13px'><img src='{cacheIcon}' class='icon16' alt='Cache' title='Cache' />\n <a href='viewcache.php?cacheid={cacheId}'><b>{cacheName}</b></a></span> \n \n <span style='font-size:11px'> " . tr('hidden_by') . "</span>\n <span style='font-size:13px'><a href='viewprofile.php?userid={userId}'><b>{userName}</b></a></span><br>\n \n <span style='font-size:11px;font-style:italic'>{cacheShortDesc}</span><br>\n \n <span class='content-title-noshade' style='font-size:11px'>{country} > {region}</span>\n <br><br> \n <table class='CacheTitledLog' >\n <tr><td>{logText}\n <br><br><img src='images/rating-star.png'/> Autor: <a href='viewprofile.php?userid={logUserId}'><b>{logUserName}<b></a></td></tr>\n </table>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $dbc->rowCount(); $i++) { $rec = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); $line = $pattern; $line = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheIcon}', myninc::checkCacheStatusByUser($rec, $usrid), $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{dateAlg}', $rec["date_alg"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheName}', $rec["cacheName"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{userId}', $rec["user_id"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{userName}', $rec["userName"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheId}', $rec["cache_id"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{country}', $rec["cacheCountry"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{region}', $rec["cacheRegion"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheShortDesc}', $rec["short_desc"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{logUserId}', $rec["logUserId"], $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{logUserName}', $rec["logUserName"], $line);
} if ($bOK == true) { if ($nHour < 24 && $nHour >= 0 && $nDay < 8 && $nDay > 0 && $nMode < 4 && $nMode >= 0) { $bOK = true; } else { $bOK = false; } } if ($bOK == true) { /* sql("UPDATE `user` SET `watchmail_mode`='&1', `watchmail_hour`='&2', `watchmail_day`='&3' WHERE `user_id`='&4'", $nMode, $nHour, $nDay, $usr['userid']); */ $query = "UPDATE `user` SET `watchmail_mode`=:1, `watchmail_hour`=:2, `watchmail_day`=:3 WHERE `user_id`=:4"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $nMode, $nHour, $nDay, $usr['userid']); tpl_set_var('commit', $commit); } else { tpl_set_var('commit', $commiterr); } } else { tpl_set_var('commit', ''); } // einstellungen auslesen $rs = sql("SELECT `watchmail_mode`, `watchmail_hour`, `watchmail_day` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $usr['userid']); $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); $tmpOptions = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $tmpOptions .= sprintf("<option value='%d' %s>%02d:00</option>\n", $i, $i == $r['watchmail_hour'] ? "selected='selected'" : "", $i); }
require_once './lib/'; //Preprocessing if ($error == false) { //user logged in? if ($usr == false) { $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page()); tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target); } else { include $stylepath . '/'; $tplname = 'myignores'; tpl_set_var('title_text', $title_text); $dbc = new dataBase(); //get all caches ignored //$rs = mysql_query('SELECT `cache_ignore`.`cache_id` AS `cache_id`, `caches`.`name` AS `name`, `caches`.`last_found` AS `last_found` FROM `cache_ignore` INNER JOIN `caches` ON (`cache_ignore`.`cache_id` = `caches`.`cache_id`) WHERE `cache_ignore`.`user_id`=\'' . addslashes($usr['userid']) . '\' ORDER BY `caches`.`name`', $dblink); $query = "SELECT `cache_ignore`.`cache_id` AS `cache_id`, `caches`.`name` AS `name`, `caches`.`last_found` AS `last_found` FROM `cache_ignore` INNER JOIN `caches` ON (`cache_ignore`.`cache_id` = `caches`.`cache_id`) WHERE `cache_ignore`.`user_id`= :1 ORDER BY `caches`.`name`"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $usr['userid']); $rowCount = $dbc->rowCount(); if ($rowCount == 0) { tpl_set_var('no_ignores', $no_ignores); tpl_set_var('ignores_caches', ''); tpl_set_var('title_text_tab', ''); } else { //tpl_set_var('title_text_tab', $title_text_lbl); tpl_set_var('no_ignores', ''); $ignores = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; $i++) { $record = $dbc->dbResultFetch(); //$tmp_ignore = $i % 2 == 0 ? $ignoree : $ignoreo; $bgcolor = $i % 2 ? $bgcolor1 : $bgcolor2; $tmp_ignore = $ignore; $tmp_ignore = str_replace('{cachename}', htmlspecialchars($record['name']), $tmp_ignore);
// detailed cache access logging global $enable_cache_access_logs; if (@$enable_cache_access_logs) { if (!isset($dbc)) { $dbc = new dataBase(); } $cache_id = $caches['cache_id']; $user_id = @$_SESSION['user_id'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['user_id'] : null; $access_log = @$_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VC_' . $user_id]; if ($access_log === null) { $_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VC_' . $user_id] = array(); $access_log = $_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VC_' . $user_id]; } if (@$access_log[$cache_id] !== true) { $dbc->multiVariableQuery('INSERT INTO CACHE_ACCESS_LOGS (event_date, cache_id, user_id, source, event, ip_addr, user_agent, forwarded_for) VALUES (NOW(), :1, :2, \'M\', \'view_cache\', :3, :4, :5)', $cache_id, $user_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $access_log[$cache_id] = true; $_SESSION['CACHE_ACCESS_LOG_VC_' . $user_id] = $access_log; } } $query = "select username from user where user_id = " . $caches['user_id'] . ";"; $wynik = db_query($query); $user = mysql_fetch_row($wynik); $query = "select cache_desc.desc,hint,short_desc from cache_desc where cache_id ='" . $caches['cache_id'] . '\''; $query .= ' order by field(`language`, \'pl\', \'en\', \'de\', \'nl\') ASC;'; $wynik = db_query($query); $i = 0; while ($rekord = mysql_fetch_assoc($wynik)) { if ($i > 0) { $cache_desc['desc'] .= "<br/><br/>";
$sPN = $nPeriod . $sPeriodName; echo "gcb.addColumn('number', '{$sPN}');"; $i = $i + 1; } //////////////////// //echo " var chartOpt = gcb.getChartOption();"; //echo " chartOpt.vAxis.title= '".tr2('NrCaches',$lang)."';"; echo "</script>"; unset($dbc); //////////////////////////// foreach ($asUserID as $sID) { $sCondition = " and cl.user_id = '" . $sID . "'"; $sCondition .= $sDateCondition; $dbc = new dataBase(); $query = "SELECT u.username username, u.user_id user_id,\n " . $sGranulate . ",\n COUNT(*) count\n\n FROM\n cache_logs cl\n join caches c on c.cache_id = cl.cache_id\n join user u on cl.user_id = u.user_id\n\n WHERE cl.deleted=0 " . $sTypeCondition . $sCondition . "GROUP BY period"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $nStart = 1; while ($record = $dbc->dbResultFetch()) { $nPeriod = $record['period']; $nVal = $record['count']; if ($nStart == 1) { $sUserName = $record['username']; $sUserName = str_replace("'", "`", $sUserName); $nUserId = $record['user_id']; echo "\n gcb.addEmptyRow();\n gcb.addToLastRow( 0, '{$sUserName}' );\n "; $nStart = 0; } $nrCol = $aNrColumn[$nPeriod]; echo "gcb.addToLastRow( {$nrCol}+1 , {$nVal} );"; }
$log_id = intval($_REQUEST['logid']); } //user logged in? if ($usr == false) { tpl_redirect('login.php'); } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST["logid"]) or !isset($_REQUEST["target"]) or !isset($_REQUEST["cacheid"]) or !isset($_REQUEST["posY"])) { tpl_redirect("index.php"); } else { $nLogId = $_REQUEST["logid"]; $sTarget = $_REQUEST["target"]; $sCacheId = $_REQUEST["cacheid"]; $nPosY = $_REQUEST["posY"]; $query = "SELECT 1 FROM log_rating WHERE log_id =:1 and user_id=:2"; $dbc = new dataBase(); $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $nLogId, $usr["userid"]); if ($dbc->rowCount() == 0) { //add $cDT = new DateTime(); $currDate = $cDT->format('Y-m-d H:m:s'); $query = "INSERT INTO log_rating (log_id, user_id, date) VALUES( :1, :2, :3 )"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $nLogId, $usr["userid"], $currDate); } else { $query = "DELETE FROM log_rating WHERE log_id =:1 and user_id=:2"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($query, $nLogId, $usr["userid"]); } } } $sTarget .= "?cacheid=" . $sCacheId . "&posY=" . $nPosY; tpl_redirect($sTarget); }