Пример #1
         $cron->store_cron_log(1, sizeof($data_array[$key]) . $text, $data_array[$key], 1);
         //Store users for lookup later
         foreach ($data_array[$key] as $this_twitter_id) {
             $tw_user_cache = array('twitter_id' => $this_twitter_id);
 //Update flags to indicate cross matches
 $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "fw_" . $q1a['id'] . " fw,  " . DB_PREFIX . "fr_" . $q1a['id'] . " fr SET fw.otp = 1, fr.otp = 1 WHERE fw.twitter_id = fr.twitter_id AND fw.stp = 1 AND fr.stp = 1");
 //Unfollow people who aren't following
 if ((int) $q1a['auto_unfollow'] == 1 and $cron->get_fr_fw_issue() == 0) {
     //Get array of ids not to unfollow
     $never_unfollow = array();
     $never_unfollow = $cron->get_id_exclusions(1);
     //Loop through IDs we're following, but that aren't in followers table
     $unfollow_now = array();
     $qheck = $db->query("SELECT twitter_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "fr_" . $q1a['id'] . " WHERE otp = 0 AND stp = 1");
     while ($qchecka = $db->fetch_array($qheck)) {
         if (!in_array($qchecka['twitter_id'], $never_unfollow)) {
             $unfollow_now[] = (string) $qchecka['twitter_id'];
     //If we have people to unfollow, do so now
     if (sizeof($unfollow_now) > 0) {
         foreach ($unfollow_now as $this_id) {
             //Execute unfollow - not rate limited
             $content = $connection->post('friendships/destroy', array('user_id' => $this_id));
             if ($connection->http_code == 200) {
                 //Make use of the fact friendship create/destroy returns said user