Пример #1
 **  This sample code demonstrate how to send sms through CoolSMS Rest API PHP v1.0
 **  for more info, visit
 **  www.coolsms.co.kr
include_once "../coolsms.php";
 **  api_key and api_secret can be obtained from www.coolsms.co.kr/credentials
$apikey = '#ENTER_YOUR_OWN#';
$apisecret = '#ENTER_YOUR_OWN#';
//initiate rest api sdk object
$rest = new coolsms($apikey, $apisecret);
$options->timestamp = (string) time();
// 등록된 sender_ids 전체 불러온후 발신번호 설정
$senderid = $rest->get_senderid_list($options)->getResult();
if (is_array($senderid) && count($senderid)) {
    $options->from = $senderid[0]->phone_number;
//기본설정된 전화번호만 불러온후 발송
$default = $rest->get_default($options)->getResult();
$options->from = $default->phone_number;
 **  5 options(timestamp, to, from, type, text) are mandatory. must be filled
$options->to = '01000000000';
$options->type = 'SMS';
$options->text = '안녕하세요. 10000건을 20초안에 발송하는 빠르고 저렴한 CoolSMS의 테스팅 문자입니다. ';