public function show_upload_contacts_header($cuf_id) { $ObjCUF = new contactsUploadedFileModel(); $rows = $this->get_records(array('`cuf_id`=' => $cuf_id)); $used_fieldnames_array = $this->get_fieldname_to_array($rows); ob_start(); ?> <thead> <tr> <?php if ($rows) { ?> <th> <div class="checkbox_wrapper"> <input type="checkbox" name="check_all" value="all" /> </div> </th> <?php $n = 1; $column_count = count($rows); foreach ($rows as $col) { $cuff_id = $col->cuff_id; $column = $col->cuff_column; $name = $col->cuff_name; $fieldname = $col->cuff_fieldname; $status = $col->cuff_status; $edit = $col->cuff_edit; $button_wrapper = $this->column_buttons($status, $edit, $cuff_id, $n, $column_count); ?> <th> <div class="column_wrapper column<?php echo $n; ?> <?php echo $edit; ?> <?php echo $status; ?> "> <h5>Column <?php echo $n; ?> </h5> <h4 class="name"><?php echo $name ? $name : 'Unnamed'; ?> </h4> <div class="field_selection"> <?php if ($status == 'skip' && $edit == 'no') { ?> Skipped will not be imported. <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $ObjCUF->select_column_name($fieldname, $cuff_id, $used_fieldnames_array, $edit); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="button_wrapper"> <?php echo $button_wrapper; ?> </div> <?php //if( $edit == 'yes' ){ ?> <input type="hidden" name="record_cuff_id" value="<?php echo $cuff_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="record_column_no" value="<?php echo $n; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="record_status" value="<?php echo $status; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="record_edit" value="<?php echo $edit; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="record_fieldname" value="<?php echo $fieldname; ?> " /> <?php //} ?> </div> </th> <?php $n++; } } ?> </tr> </thead> <?php $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $result; }
public function update_column() { $ObjCUF = new contactsUploadedFileModel(); $ObjCUFF = new contactsUploadedFileFieldsModel(); $name = 'Unnamed'; $result = ''; $column_no_prev = Input::get('record_column_no'); $status_prev = Input::get('record_status'); $cuf_id = Input::get('cuf_id'); $cuff_id = Input::get('cuff_id'); $column_no = Input::get('column_no'); $fieldname = Input::get('fieldname'); $task = Input::get('task'); $cuff_id_list = Input::get('cuff_id_list'); $cuff_id_array = explode(',', $cuff_id_list); $cuff_count = count($cuff_id_array); $response['reply'] = FALSE; //$colprev = $ObjCUFF->get_record( array('`cuf_id`='=>$cuf_id,'`cuff_edit`='=>'yes') ); if ($cuff_id) { //if( $colprev ){ $edit_prev = 'no'; if ($task == 'back') { $status_prev = 'close'; $column_no_next = $column_no > 1 ? $column_no - 1 : 1; } elseif ($task == 'skip') { $status_prev = 'skip'; $column_no_next = $column_no < $cuff_count ? $column_no + 1 : 1; } else { $name = $ObjCUF->get_column_name_by_filename($fieldname); $data[$ObjCUFF->tblpref . 'name'] = $name; $data[$ObjCUFF->tblpref . 'fieldname'] = $fieldname; $status_prev = 'close'; $column_no_next = $column_no < $cuff_count ? $column_no + 1 : 1; } $cuff_id_prev = $cuff_id; //$cuff_id_prev = $colprev->cuff_id; //$data[$ObjCUFF->tblpref.'status'] = $status_prev; //$data[$ObjCUFF->tblpref.'edit'] = $edit_prev; //$result = $ObjCUFF->update_data( $data, $cuff_id_prev ); $data[$ObjCUFF->tblpref . 'status'] = $status_prev; $data[$ObjCUFF->tblpref . 'edit'] = $edit_prev; $result = $ObjCUFF->update_data($data, $cuff_id_prev); if ($result) { $status_next = 'open'; $edit_next = 'yes'; $button_prev = $ObjCUFF->column_buttons($status_prev, $edit_prev, $cuff_id_prev, $column_no, $cuff_count); $colprev = $ObjCUFF->get_record_by_id($cuff_id_prev); $fieldname_prev = $colprev->cuff_fieldname; $key = $column_no_next - 1; $cuff_id_new = $cuff_id_array[$key]; if ($column_no == $cuff_count) { $button_next = ''; } else { $data = array($ObjCUFF->tblpref . 'status' => $status_next, $ObjCUFF->tblpref . 'edit' => $edit_next); $result = $ObjCUFF->update_data($data, $cuff_id_new); $button_next = $ObjCUFF->column_buttons($status_next, $edit_next, $cuff_id_new, $column_no_next, $cuff_count); } $response['reply'] = TRUE; $colnext = $ObjCUFF->get_record_by_id($cuff_id_new); $fieldname_next = $colnext->cuff_fieldname; if ($task == 'skip' && $edit_next == 'no') { $field_selection_next = 'Skipped will not be imported.'; } else { $used_fieldnames_array = $ObjCUFF->get_used_fieldnames_by_cuf_id($cuf_id); $field_selection_next = $ObjCUF->select_column_name($fieldname_next, $cuff_id_new, $used_fieldnames_array, $edit_next); } if ($task == 'skip') { $field_selection_prev = 'Skipped will not be imported.'; } else { $used_fieldnames_array = $ObjCUFF->get_used_fieldnames_by_cuf_id($cuf_id); $field_selection_prev = $ObjCUF->select_column_name($fieldname_prev, $cuff_id_prev, $used_fieldnames_array, $edit_prev); } $response['button_wrapper_next'] = $button_next; $response['status_next'] = $status_next; $response['column_no_next'] = $column_no_next; $response['cuff_id_next'] = $cuff_id_new; $response['field_selection_next'] = $field_selection_next; } $response['name_prev'] = $name; $response['fieldname_prev'] = $fieldname_prev; $response['button_wrapper_prev'] = $button_prev; $response['status_prev'] = $status_prev; $response['field_selection_prev'] = $field_selection_prev; } echo json_encode($response); exit; }