} // use contact id in session variable in the delete contact method if (isset($_POST['delete_contact'])) { $transfer = $_SESSION['transfer']; $new = new contacts('', '', '', '', '', '', ''); //$new = new contacts($_POST['fname'],$_POST['lname'],$_POST['email'],$_POST['mobile'],$_POST['home'],$_POST['street'],$_POST['city']); $new->delete_contact(); header("Location: page_read.php"); } //acquire contact id from the get method and insert into a session variable to be used for the auto fill method if (isset($_GET['transfer'])) { $_SESSION['transfer'] = $_GET['transfer']; $transfer = $_SESSION['transfer']; echo $_SESSION['transfer']; $new = new contacts('', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $new->auto_fill(); list($fname, $lname, $email, $mobile, $home, $street, $city) = $new->auto_fill(); if ($mobile == 0) { $mobile = ""; } if ($home == 0) { $home = ""; } if ($home == 0 && $street == 0 && $city == 0) { $home = ""; $street = ""; $city = ""; } $_SESSION['fname'] = $fname; $_SESSION['lname'] = $lname; $_SESSION['email'] = $email;