Пример #1
function get_relance($id_empr)
    global $dbh, $charset, $msg, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_amende;
    global $pmb_lecteurs_localises;
    // liste des relances
    if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
        $amende = new amende($id_empr);
        $level = $amende->get_max_level();
        $niveau_min = $level["level_min"];
        $id_expl = $level["level_min_id_expl"];
        $total_amende = $amende->get_total_amendes();
    $niveau_suppose = $level["level_normal"];
    $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 2);
    $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
    $frais_relance = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, $realisee = -1);
    if ($frais_relance < 0) {
        $frais_relance = -$frais_relance;
    } else {
        $frais_relance = 0;
    $empr = new emprunteur($id_empr, '', FALSE, 0);
    if (count($empr->groupes)) {
        $lib_groupes = strip_tags(implode(" / ", $empr->groupes));
    } else {
        $lib_groupes = "";
    $info_empr = "\n\t<td>" . $empr->cb . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->nom . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->prenom . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->adr1 . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->adr2 . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->cp . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->ville . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->mail . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->tel1 . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->tel2 . "</td>\n\t" . ($pmb_lecteurs_localises ? "<td>" . $empr->empr_location_l . "</td>" : "") . "\n\t<td>" . $empr->cat_l . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->cstat_l . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $empr->empr_statut_libelle . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $lib_groupes . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $niveau_suppose . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $total_amende . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $frais_relance . "</td>\n\t";
    $reqexpl = "select pret_idexpl as expl from pret where pret_retour<CURDATE() and pret_idempr={$id_empr}";
    $resexple = pmb_mysql_query($reqexpl, $dbh);
    while ($liste = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resexple)) {
        $dates_resa_sql = " date_format(pret_date, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_pret_date, date_format(pret_retour, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_pret_retour ";
        $requete = "SELECT notices_m.notice_id as m_id, notices_s.notice_id as s_id, pret_idempr, expl_id, expl_cb,expl_cote, pret_date, pret_retour,\n\t\tniveau_relance,\n\t\tdate_relance,\n\t\tprinted,\t\t\n\t\ttdoc_libelle, section_libelle, location_libelle, trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if (mention_date!='', concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,''))) as tit, " . $dates_resa_sql . ", ";
        $requete .= " notices_m.tparent_id, notices_m.tnvol ";
        $requete .= " FROM (((exemplaires LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON expl_notice = notices_m.notice_id ) LEFT JOIN bulletins ON expl_bulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), docs_type, docs_section, docs_location, pret ";
        $requete .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $liste->expl . "' and expl_typdoc = idtyp_doc and expl_section = idsection and expl_location = idlocation and pret_idexpl = expl_id  ";
        $res_det_expl = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
        $expl = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_det_expl);
        $amd = $amende->get_amende($liste->expl);
        $reqlog = "select sum(log.log_printed) as printed, sum(log.log_mail) as mail\n\t\t\tfrom log_retard as log, log_expl_retard  as expl where log.idempr={$id_empr} and  log.niveau_reel='" . $expl->niveau_relance . "'\n\t\t \tand expl.num_log_retard=log.id_log and expl_id='" . $liste->expl . "' ";
        $reslog = pmb_mysql_query($reqlog);
        if ($log = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($reslog)) {
            $printed = $log->printed;
            $mail = $log->mail;
        } else {
            $printed = 0;
            $mail = 0;
        $info .= "\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t{$info_empr}\n\t\t\t<td>" . htmlentities($expl->tit, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . htmlentities($expl->expl_cb, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . format_date($expl->pret_date) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . format_date($expl->pret_retour) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $expl->niveau_relance . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . format_date($expl->date_relance) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . htmlentities($mail, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . htmlentities($printed, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . htmlentities($amd["valeur"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t";
    return $info;
Пример #2
function print_relance($id_empr, $mail = true)
    global $mailretard_priorite_email, $mailretard_priorite_email_3;
    global $dbh, $charset, $msg, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_amende;
    global $mail_sended;
    $mail_sended = 0;
    $not_mail = 0;
    if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
        $req = "delete from cache_amendes where id_empr=" . $id_empr;
        $amende = new amende($id_empr);
        $level = $amende->get_max_level();
        $niveau_min = $level["level_min"];
        $id_expl = $level["level_min_id_expl"];
        $total_amende = $amende->get_total_amendes();
    //Si mail de rappel affecté au groupe, on envoi au responsable
    $requete = "select id_groupe,resp_groupe from groupe,empr_groupe where id_groupe=groupe_id and empr_id={$id_empr} and resp_groupe and mail_rappel limit 1";
    $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
    if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
        $requete = "select empr_mail from empr where id_empr='" . pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 1) . "'";
        $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
        if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) {
            list($empr_mail) = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res);
    } else {
        $requete = "select empr_mail from empr where id_empr={$id_empr}";
        $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
        if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) {
            list($empr_mail) = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($resultat);
    if ($niveau_min) {
        //Si c'est un mail
        if (($mailretard_priorite_email == 1 || $mailretard_priorite_email == 2) && $empr_mail && ($niveau_min < 3 || $mailretard_priorite_email_3) && $mail) {
            if (send_mail($id_empr, $niveau_min)) {
                $requete = "update pret set printed=1 where pret_idexpl=" . $id_expl;
                pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
                $mail_sended = 1;
        } else {
            $requete = "update pret set printed=2 where pret_idexpl=" . $id_expl;
            pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
            $not_mail = 1;
            //Débit du compte lecteur
            		global $$frais;
            		if ($$frais) {
            			if ($id_compte) {
            				$cpte=new comptes($id_compte);
    $req = "delete from cache_amendes where id_empr=" . $id_empr;
    //On loggue les infos de la lettre
    $niveau_courant = $niveau_min;
    if ($niveau_courant) {
        $niveau_suppose = $level["level_normal"];
        $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 2);
        $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
        $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
        $frais_relance = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, $realisee = -1);
        if ($frais_relance < 0) {
            $frais_relance = -$frais_relance;
        } else {
            $frais_relance = 0;
        $req = "insert into log_retard (niveau_reel,niveau_suppose,amende_totale,frais,idempr,log_printed,log_mail) values('" . $niveau_courant . "','" . $niveau_suppose . "','" . $total_amende . "','" . $frais_relance . "','" . $id_empr . "', '" . $not_mail . "', '" . $mail_sended . "')";
        pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh);
        $id_log_ret = pmb_mysql_insert_id();
        $reqexpl = "select pret_idexpl as expl from pret where pret_retour<\tCURDATE() and pret_idempr={$id_empr}";
        $resexple = pmb_mysql_query($reqexpl, $dbh);
        while ($liste = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resexple)) {
            $dates_resa_sql = " date_format(pret_date, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_pret_date, date_format(pret_retour, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_pret_retour ";
            $requete = "SELECT notices_m.notice_id as m_id, notices_s.notice_id as s_id, pret_idempr, expl_id, expl_cb,expl_cote, pret_date, pret_retour, tdoc_libelle, section_libelle, location_libelle, trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if (mention_date!='', concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,''))) as tit, " . $dates_resa_sql . ", ";
            $requete .= " notices_m.tparent_id, notices_m.tnvol ";
            $requete .= " FROM (((exemplaires LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON expl_notice = notices_m.notice_id ) LEFT JOIN bulletins ON expl_bulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), docs_type, docs_section, docs_location, pret ";
            $requete .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $liste->expl . "' and expl_typdoc = idtyp_doc and expl_section = idsection and expl_location = idlocation and pret_idexpl = expl_id  ";
            $res_det_expl = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
            $expl = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_det_expl);
            if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
                $amd = $amende->get_amende($liste->expl);
            $req_ins = "insert into log_expl_retard (titre,expl_id,expl_cb,date_pret,date_retour,amende,num_log_retard) values('" . addslashes($expl->tit) . "','" . $expl->expl_id . "','" . $expl->expl_cb . "','" . $expl->pret_date . "','" . $expl->pret_retour . "','" . $amd["valeur"] . "','" . $id_log_ret . "')";
            pmb_mysql_query($req_ins, $dbh);
    return $not_mail;
 function fetch_data()
     global $dbh;
     global $msg;
     global $charset;
     global $val_list_empr;
     global $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_abonnement, $pmb_gestion_tarif_prets, $pmb_gestion_amende;
     global $deflt_docs_location;
     if (!$this->id_empr || !$dbh) {
         return FALSE;
     $requete = "SELECT e.*, c.libelle AS code1, s.libelle AS code2, es.statut_libelle AS empr_statut_libelle, allow_loan, allow_book, allow_opac, allow_dsi, allow_dsi_priv, allow_sugg, allow_prol, d.location_libelle as localisation, date_format(empr_date_adhesion, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_empr_date_adhesion, date_format(empr_date_expiration, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_empr_date_expiration FROM empr e left join docs_location as d on e.empr_location=d.idlocation, empr_categ c, empr_codestat s, empr_statut es ";
     $requete .= " WHERE e.id_empr='" . $this->id_empr . "' ";
     $requete .= " AND c.id_categ_empr=e.empr_categ";
     $requete .= " AND s.idcode=e.empr_codestat";
     $requete .= " AND es.idstatut=e.empr_statut";
     $requete .= " LIMIT 1";
     $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error() . " " . $requete);
     if (!pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         return FALSE;
     $empr = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
     // affectation des propriétés
     $this->empr_cb = $empr->empr_cb;
     // code barre emprunteur
     $this->empr_nom = $empr->empr_nom;
     // nom emprunteur
     $this->empr_prenom = $empr->empr_prenom;
     // prénom mprunteur
     $this->empr_adr1 = $empr->empr_adr1;
     // adresse ligne 1
     $this->empr_adr2 = $empr->empr_adr2;
     // adresse ligne 2
     $this->empr_cp = $empr->empr_cp;
     // code postal
     $this->empr_ville = $empr->empr_ville;
     // ville
     $this->empr_pays = $empr->empr_pays;
     // ville
     $this->empr_mail = $empr->empr_mail;
     // adresse email
     $this->empr_tel1 = $empr->empr_tel1;
     // téléphone 1
     $this->empr_tel2 = $empr->empr_tel2;
     // téléphone 2
     $this->empr_prof = $empr->empr_prof;
     // profession
     $this->empr_year = $empr->empr_year;
     // année de naissance
     $this->empr_categ = $empr->empr_categ;
     // catégorie emprunteur
     $this->empr_codestat = $empr->empr_codestat;
     // code statistique
     $this->empr_creation = $empr->empr_creation;
     // date de création
     $this->empr_modif = $empr->empr_modif;
     // date de modification
     $this->empr_sexe = $empr->empr_sexe;
     // sexe de l'emprunteur
     $this->empr_login = $empr->empr_login;
     // login pour services OPAC
     $this->empr_password = $empr->empr_password;
     // mot de passe OPAC
     $this->empr_ldap = $empr->empr_ldap;
     $this->type_abt = $empr->type_abt;
     // type d'abonnement
     $this->empr_location = $empr->empr_location;
     // localisation
     $this->empr_location_l = $empr->localisation;
     // localisation
     $this->date_fin_blocage = $empr->date_fin_blocage;
     // Date de fin de blocage de l'emprunteur
     $this->empr_statut = $empr->empr_statut;
     $this->empr_statut_l = $empr->empr_statut_libelle;
     $this->total_loans = $empr->total_loans;
     $this->date_adhesion = $empr->empr_date_adhesion;
     // début adhésion
     $this->date_expiration = $empr->empr_date_expiration;
     // fin adhésion
     $this->aff_date_adhesion = $empr->aff_empr_date_adhesion;
     // début adhésion
     $this->aff_date_expiration = $empr->aff_empr_date_expiration;
     // fin adhésion
     $this->empr_msg = $empr->empr_msg;
     // message emprunteur
     $this->cat_l = $empr->code1;
     // libellé catégorie emprunteur
     $this->cstat_l = $empr->code2;
     // libellé code statistique. voir ce bug avec Eric
     $this->allow_loan = $empr->allow_loan;
     $this->allow_book = $empr->allow_book;
     $this->allow_opac = $empr->allow_opac;
     $this->allow_dsi = $empr->allow_dsi;
     $this->allow_dsi_priv = $empr->allow_dsi_priv;
     $this->allow_sugg = $empr->allow_sugg;
     $this->allow_prol = $empr->allow_prol;
     global $selector_prop_ajout_caddie_empr, $empr_show_caddie;
     if ($empr_show_caddie) {
         $this->img_ajout_empr_caddie = "<img src='./images/basket_empr.gif' align='middle' alt='basket' title=\"{$msg[400]}\" onClick=\"openPopUp('./cart.php?object_type=EMPR&item=" . $this->id . "', 'cart', 600, 700, -2, -2, '{$selector_prop_ajout_caddie_empr}')\">";
     } else {
         $this->img_ajout_empr_caddie = "";
     $this->lien_nom_prenom = "<a href='./circ.php?categ=pret&form_cb=" . rawurlencode($this->cb) . "'>{$this->nom},&nbsp;{$this->prenom}</a>";
     $date_blocage = array();
     $date_blocage = explode("-", $this->date_fin_blocage);
     if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_blocage[1], $date_blocage[2], $date_blocage[0]) > time()) {
         $this->blocage_active = true;
     $requete = "select id_groupe, libelle_groupe from groupe, empr_groupe where empr_id='" . $this->id . "' and id_groupe=groupe_id";
     $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete);
     if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         while ($grp_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
             $this->groupes[] = "<a href='./circ.php?categ=groups&action=showgroup&groupID=" . $grp_temp->id_groupe . "'>" . htmlentities($grp_temp->libelle_groupe, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>";
     } else {
         $this->groupes = array();
     //Paramètres perso
     //Liste des champs
     $p_perso = new parametres_perso("empr");
     $perso_ = $p_perso->show_fields($this->id_empr);
     $perso = "";
     $class = "colonne3";
     $c = 0;
     if (count($perso_["FIELDS"])) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($perso_["FIELDS"]); $i++) {
             $p = $perso_["FIELDS"][$i];
             $perso .= "<div class='{$class}'>";
             $perso .= "<div class='row'>" . $p["TITRE"];
             $perso .= $p["AFF"] . "</div>";
             $perso .= "</div>";
             if ($c == 0) {
                 $c = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($c == 1) {
                     $class = "colonne_suite";
                     $c = 2;
                 } else {
                     if ($c == 2) {
                         $class = "colonne3";
                         $c = 0;
         $reste = 2 - $c;
         if ($c != 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $reste; $i++) {
                 $perso .= "<div class='colonne3'>&nbsp;</div>";
             $perso .= "<div class='colonne_suite'>&nbsp;</div>";
     $this->perso = $perso;
     //Comptes si gestion financiere
     if ($pmb_gestion_financiere) {
         $compte = "";
         $n_c = 0;
         $neg = "<span class='erreur'>%s</span>";
         $pos = "%s";
         $compte .= "<div class='row'><hr /></div><div class='row'>";
         if ($pmb_gestion_abonnement) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($this->id, 1);
             $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             if ($cpt_id) {
                 $compte .= "<div class='colonne3'><div><strong><a href='./circ.php?categ=pret&sub=compte&id=" . $this->id . "&typ_compte=1'>" . $msg["finance_solde_abt"] . "</a></strong> " . comptes::format($solde) . "</div>";
                 if ($novalid) {
                     $compte .= "<div>" . $msg["finance_not_validated"] . " : " . comptes::format($novalid) . "</div>";
                 $compte .= "</div>";
         if ($pmb_gestion_tarif_prets) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($this->id, 3);
             $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             if ($cpt_id) {
                 $compte .= "<div class='colonne3'><div><strong><a href='./circ.php?categ=pret&sub=compte&id=" . $this->id . "&typ_compte=3'>" . $msg["finance_solde_pret"] . "</a></strong> " . comptes::format($solde) . "</div>";
                 if ($novalid) {
                     $compte .= "<div>" . $msg["finance_not_validated"] . " : " . comptes::format($novalid) . "</div>";
                 $compte .= "</div>";
         if ($pmb_gestion_amende) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($this->id, 2);
             $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             if ($cpt_id) {
                 //Calcul des amendes
                 $amende = new amende($this->id);
                 $total_amende = $amende->get_total_amendes();
                 $compte .= "<div class='colonne3'><div><strong><a href='./circ.php?categ=pret&sub=compte&id=" . $this->id . "&typ_compte=2'>" . $msg["finance_solde_amende"] . "</a></strong> " . comptes::format($solde) . "</div>";
                 if ($novalid) {
                     $compte .= "<div>" . $msg["finance_not_validated"] . " : " . comptes::format($novalid) . "</div>";
                 if ($total_amende) {
                     $compte .= "<div> " . $msg["finance_pret_amende_en_cours"] . " : " . comptes::format($total_amende) . "</div>";
                 $compte .= "</div>";
         if ($n_c < 2) {
             for ($i = $n_c; $i < 3; $i++) {
                 $compte .= "<div class='colonne3'>&nbsp;</div>";
         $compte .= "</div><div class='row'></div>";
     $this->compte = $compte;
Пример #4
 public function get_data_empr($id_empr)
     global $dbh, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_abonnement, $pmb_gestion_tarif_prets, $pmb_gestion_amende;
     $empr = get_info_empr($id_empr);
     $i = count($this->data["empr_list"]);
     $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["name"] = $empr->nom;
     $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["fistname"] = $empr->prenom;
     $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["cb"] = $empr->cb;
     $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["aff_date_adhesion"] = $empr->aff_date_adhesion;
     $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["aff_date_expiration"] = $empr->aff_date_expiration;
     $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["categorie"] = $empr->cat_l;
     if ($pmb_gestion_financiere) {
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_abonnement"]["solde"] = "";
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_abonnement"]["novalid"] = "";
         // abonnement
         if ($pmb_gestion_abonnement) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 1);
             $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_abonnement"]["solde"] = $solde;
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_abonnement"]["novalid"] = $novalid;
         // prets
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_pret"]["solde"] = "";
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_pret"]["novalid"] = "";
         if ($pmb_gestion_tarif_prets) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 3);
             $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_pret"]["solde"] = $solde;
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_pret"]["novalid"] = $novalid;
         // amendes
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_amende"]["solde"] = "";
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_amende"]["novalid"] = "";
         if ($pmb_gestion_amende) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 2);
             $cpt = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_amende"]["solde"] = $solde;
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_amende"]["novalid"] = $novalid;
         // Autre compte
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_autre"]["solde"] = "";
         $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_autre"]["novalid"] = "";
         $transactype = new transactype_list();
         if ($transactype->get_count()) {
             $cpt_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 4);
             $cpte = new comptes($cpt_id);
             $solde = $cpt->update_solde();
             $novalid = $cpt->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0);
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_autre"]["solde"] = $solde;
             $this->data["empr_list"][$i]["compte_autre"]["novalid"] = $novalid;
     return $this->data["empr_list"][$i];
Пример #5
 function do_fiche_compte($typ_compte)
     global $msg, $charset;
     global $empr_comptes_tmpl;
     global $empr_autre_compte_tmpl;
     global $show_transactions, $date_debut;
     $this->fiche_compte = "";
     if ($typ_compte == 4) {
         $form = $empr_autre_compte_tmpl;
     } else {
         $form = $empr_comptes_tmpl;
     $form = str_replace("!!nom!!", $this->nom, $form);
     $form = str_replace("!!prenom!!", $this->prenom, $form);
     $form = str_replace("!!info_nb_pret!!", $this->nb_pret, $form);
     $form = str_replace("!!info_nb_resa!!", $this->nb_reservations, $form);
     $id_compte = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($this->id, $typ_compte);
     if ($id_compte) {
         $cpte = new comptes($id_compte);
         if (!$show_transactions) {
             $show_transactions = 2;
         $form = str_replace("!!id_compte!!", $id_compte, $form);
         $form = str_replace("!!type_compte!!", $cpte->get_typ_compte_lib($typ_compte), $form);
         $form = str_replace("!!typ_compte!!", $typ_compte, $form);
         $form = str_replace("!!solde!!", comptes::format($cpte->get_solde()), $form);
         $form = str_replace("!!non_valide!!", comptes::format($cpte->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, 0)), $form);
         $form = str_replace("!!show_transactions!!", $show_transactions, $form);
         $form = str_replace("!!date_debut!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($date_debut), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $form);
         if (!$show_transactions) {
             $show_transactions = 1;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
             if ($i == $show_transactions) {
                 $form = str_replace("!!checked{$i}!!", "checked", $form);
             } else {
                 $form = str_replace("!!checked{$i}!!", "", $form);
     if ($typ_compte == 4) {
         // autre compte: afficher les types de transaction...
         $transactype = new transactype_list();
         $type_transac_list = $transactype->get_data();
         foreach ($type_transac_list as $transac) {
             if ($transac["quick_allowed"] && $transac["unit_price"] > 0) {
                 $transac_form .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='button' class='bouton_small' value='" . htmlentities($transac["name"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t id='transactype_" . $transac["id"] . "' unit_price='" . $transac["unit_price"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t onclick=\"sel_type_transactype('" . $transac["id"] . "',this.id,this.value,this.getAttribute('unit_price'));\" align='middle'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t>";
             } elseif ($transac["quick_allowed"]) {
                 $transac_form .= "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='button' class='bouton_small' value='" . htmlentities($transac["name"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t id='" . $transac["id"] . "' unit_price='" . $transac["unit_price"] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t onclick=\"sel_type_transactype('" . $transac["id"] . "',this.id,this.value,this.getAttribute('unit_price'));\" align='middle'\n\t\t\t\t\t>";
         $form = str_replace("!!transactype_list!!", $transac_form, $form);
     $this->fiche_compte = $form;
Пример #6
 function lettre_retard_par_lecteur($id_empr)
     global $dbh, $msg, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_amende, $niveau;
     //Pour les amendes
     $valeur = 0;
     //Calcul des frais de relance
     if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
         $id_compte = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 2);
         if ($id_compte) {
             $cpte = new comptes($id_compte);
             $frais_relance = $cpte->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, $realisee = -1);
             if ($frais_relance < 0) {
                 $frais_relance = -$frais_relance;
             } else {
                 $frais_relance = 0;
     if ($niveau != 3) {
         $rqt = "select expl_cb from pret, exemplaires where pret_idempr='" . $id_empr . "' and pret_retour < curdate() and pret_idexpl=expl_id order by pret_date ";
         $req = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) or die($msg['err_sql'] . '<br />' . $rqt . '<br />' . mysql_error());
         while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
             $valeur += $this->expl_retard($data['expl_cb']);
         $this->print_amendes($valeur, $frais_relance);
         $retards = "\t<retards>\n" . $this->expl_info . "\t</retards>\n";
     } else {
         $requete = "select expl_cb from exemplaires, pret where pret_idempr={$id_empr} and pret_idexpl=expl_id and niveau_relance=3";
         $res_recouvre = mysql_query($requete);
         while ($rrc = mysql_fetch_object($res_recouvre)) {
             $liste_r3[] = $rrc->expl_cb;
         $rqt = "select expl_cb from pret, exemplaires where pret_idempr='" . $id_empr . "' and pret_retour < curdate() and pret_idexpl=expl_id order by pret_date ";
         $req = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) or die($msg['err_sql'] . '<br />' . $rqt . '<br />' . mysql_error());
         while ($data = mysql_fetch_object($req)) {
             // Pas répéter les retard si déjà en niveau 3
             if (in_array($data->expl_cb, $liste_r3) === false) {
                 $liste_r[] = $data->expl_cb;
         if ($liste_r) {
             // Il y a des retard simple: on affiche d'abord les retards simples
             foreach ($liste_r as $cb_expl) {
                 $valeur += $this->expl_retard($cb_expl);
             // affiche retards niveau 3
             foreach ($liste_r3 as $cb_expl) {
                 $valeur += $this->expl_retard($cb_expl, 3);
             $this->print_amendes($valeur, $frais_relance);
             $retards = "\t<retards>\n" . $this->expl_info . "\t</retards>\n";
         } else {
             // il n'y a que des retards niveau 3
             foreach ($liste_r3 as $cb_expl) {
                 $valeur += $this->expl_retard($cb_expl, 3);
                 $retards .= $this->expl_info;
             $this->print_amendes($valeur, $frais_relance);
             $retards = "\t<retards>\n" . $this->expl_info . "\t</retards>\n";
     return $retards;
Пример #7
function lettre_retard_par_lecteur($id_empr)
    global $ourPDF, $dbh, $msg, $nb_page, $nb_1ere_page, $nb_par_page, $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_amende, $niveau;
    global $pmb_pdf_font;
    // les variables sont lues en dehors
    global $marge_page_gauche, $marge_page_droite, $largeur_page, $fdp, $after_list, $limite_after_list, $before_list, $madame_monsieur, $nb_1ere_page, $nb_par_page, $taille_bloc_expl, $debut_expl_1er_page, $debut_expl_page, $before_recouvrement, $after_recouvrement;
    global $pmb_afficher_numero_lecteur_lettres;
    global $pmb_hide_biblioinfo_letter;
    //Pour les amendes
    $valeur = 0;
    date_jour(($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche) / 2, 98);
    if (!$pmb_hide_biblioinfo_letter) {
        biblio_info($marge_page_gauche, 15);
    lecteur_adresse($id_empr, $marge_page_gauche + 90, 45, $dbh, !$pmb_afficher_numero_lecteur_lettres, true, true);
    $rqt = "select empr_nom, empr_prenom from empr where id_empr='" . $id_empr . "'";
    $req = mysql_query($rqt) or die('Erreur SQL !<br />' . $rqt . '<br />' . mysql_error());
    $r = mysql_fetch_object($req);
    $texte_madame_monsieur = str_replace("!!empr_name!!", $r->empr_nom, $madame_monsieur);
    $texte_madame_monsieur = str_replace("!!empr_first_name!!", $r->empr_prenom, $texte_madame_monsieur);
    $ourPDF->SetXY($marge_page_gauche, 105);
    $ourPDF->setFont($pmb_pdf_font, '', 10);
    $ourPDF->multiCell($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 8, $texte_madame_monsieur, 0, 'L', 0);
    $ourPDF->SetXY($marge_page_gauche, $ourPDF->GetY() + 4);
    $ourPDF->multiCell($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 5, $before_list, 0, 'J', 0);
    //Calcul des frais de relance
    if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_amende) {
        $id_compte = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 2);
        if ($id_compte) {
            $cpte = new comptes($id_compte);
            $frais_relance = $cpte->summarize_transactions("", "", 0, $realisee = -1);
            if ($frais_relance < 0) {
                $frais_relance = -$frais_relance;
            } else {
                $frais_relance = 0;
    if ($niveau != 3) {
        $rqt = "select expl_cb from pret, exemplaires where pret_idempr='" . $id_empr . "' and pret_retour < curdate() and pret_idexpl=expl_id order by pret_date ";
        $req = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) or die($msg['err_sql'] . '<br />' . $rqt . '<br />' . mysql_error());
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
            if (($pos_page = $ourPDF->GetY()) > 260) {
                $pos_page = $debut_expl_page;
            $valeur += expl_retard($data['expl_cb'], $marge_page_gauche, $pos_page, $largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 10, $dbh);
        print_amendes($valeur, $frais_relance);
        $ourPDF->setFont($pmb_pdf_font, '', 10);
    } else {
        $requete = "select expl_cb from exemplaires, pret where pret_idempr={$id_empr} and pret_idexpl=expl_id and niveau_relance=3";
        $res_recouvre = mysql_query($requete);
        while ($rrc = mysql_fetch_object($res_recouvre)) {
            $liste_r3[] = $rrc->expl_cb;
        $rqt = "select expl_cb from pret, exemplaires where pret_idempr='" . $id_empr . "' and pret_retour < curdate() and pret_idexpl=expl_id order by pret_date ";
        $req = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) or die($msg['err_sql'] . '<br />' . $rqt . '<br />' . mysql_error());
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_object($req)) {
            // Pas répéter les retard si déjà en niveau 3
            if (in_array($data->expl_cb, $liste_r3) === false) {
                $liste_r[] = $data->expl_cb;
        if ($liste_r) {
            // Il y a des retard simple: on affiche d'abord les retards simples
            foreach ($liste_r as $cb_expl) {
                if (($pos_page = $ourPDF->GetY()) > 260) {
                    $pos_page = $debut_expl_page;
                $valeur += expl_retard($cb_expl, $marge_page_gauche, $pos_page, $largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 10, $dbh);
            $ourPDF->setFont($pmb_pdf_font, '', 10);
            $ourPDF->multiCell($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 5, $before_recouvrement, 0, 'J', 0);
            // affiche retards niveau 3
            foreach ($liste_r3 as $cb_expl) {
                if (($pos_page = $ourPDF->GetY()) > 260) {
                    $pos_page = $debut_expl_page;
                $valeur += expl_retard($cb_expl, $marge_page_gauche, $pos_page, $largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 10, $dbh);
            print_amendes($valeur, $frais_relance);
        } else {
            // il n'y a que des retards niveau 3
            foreach ($liste_r3 as $cb_expl) {
                if (($pos_page = $ourPDF->GetY()) > 260) {
                    $pos_page = $debut_expl_page;
                $valeur += expl_retard($cb_expl, $marge_page_gauche, $pos_page, $largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 10, $dbh);
            print_amendes($valeur, $frais_relance);
            $ourPDF->setFont($pmb_pdf_font, '', 10);
            $ourPDF->multiCell($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 5, $after_recouvrement, 0, 'J', 0);
        //if (($niveau==3)&&(($pmb_gestion_financiere)&&($pmb_gestion_amende))) {
    $pos_page = $ourPDF->GetY();
    //Récupère la position dans la page pour prendre en compte l'ajout ou non des informations d'amendes et éviter la superposition d'informations
    if ($pos_page + $taille_bloc_expl > $limite_after_list) {
        $pos_after_list = $debut_expl_page;
    } else {
        $pos_after_list = $pos_page + $taille_bloc_expl;
    $ourPDF->SetXY($marge_page_gauche, $pos_after_list);
    $ourPDF->setFont($pmb_pdf_font, '', 10);
    $ourPDF->multiCell($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 5, $after_list, 0, 'J', 0);
    $ourPDF->setFont($pmb_pdf_font, 'I', 10);
    $ourPDF->multiCell($largeur_page - $marge_page_droite - $marge_page_gauche, 5, $fdp, 0, 'R', 0);