Пример #1
    $id = $_POST['faq_parent'];
if (isset($_POST['faq_edit_submit'])) {
    if ($_POST['faq_question'] != "" || $_POST['data'] != "") {
        $faq_question = $aj->formtpa($_POST['faq_question'], "on");
        $data = $aj->formtpa($_POST['data'], "on");
        $sql->db_Update("faqs", "faq_parent='" . $_POST['faq_parent'] . "', faq_question ='{$faq_question}', faq_answer='{$data}', faq_comment='" . $_POST['faq_comment'] . "'  WHERE faq_id='" . $idx . "' ");
        $message = FAQ_ADLAN_29;
        unset($faq_question, $data);
    } else {
        $message = FAQ_ADLAN_30;
if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
    $pid = isset($_POST['pid']) ? $_POST['pid'] : 0;
    $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], "faq", $idx, $pid, $_POST['subject']);
// Actions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
$faq = new faq();
$faqpref = e107::getPlugConfig('faqs')->getPref();
if ($action == "" || $action == "main") {
    if (vartrue($faqpref['classic_look'])) {
        $ftmp = $faq->show_existing_parents($action, $sub_action, $id, $from, $amount);
        $caption = FAQLAN_41;
    } else {
        $srch = vartrue($_GET['srch']);
        $ftmp = $faq->view_all($srch);
        $caption = FAQLAN_FAQ;
    $pageTitle = '';
    //	define("e_PAGETITLE", $ftmp['caption']);
Пример #2
        case 'user':
            if (!$sql->db_Select('user', 'user_name', '`user_id` =' . $id)) {
    $pid = intval(varset($_POST['pid'], 0));
    // ID of the specific comment being edited (nested comments - replies)
    $editpid = intval(varset($_POST['editpid'], 0));
    // ID of the specific comment being edited (in-line comments)
    $clean_authorname = $_POST['author_name'];
    $clean_comment = $_POST['comment'];
    $clean_subject = $_POST['subject'];
    $cobj->enter_comment($clean_authorname, $clean_comment, $table, $id, $pid, $clean_subject);
    if ($table == "news") {
    } else {
    if ($editpid) {
        $redirectFlag = $id;
        /*		$redir = preg_replace("#\.edit.*#si", "", e_QUERY);
        		header('Location: '.e_SELF.'?{$redir}');
        		exit;  */
if (isset($_POST['replysubmit'])) {
    // Reply to nested comment being posted
    if ($table == "news" && !$sql->select("news", "news_allow_comments", "news_id='{$nid}' ")) {
Пример #3
        require_once FOOTERF;
        // Add other 'cases' here
// End switch ($action)
if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
    if (!$sql->db_Select("download", "download_comment", "download_id = '{$id}' ")) {
        header("location:" . e_BASE . "index.php");
    } else {
        $dlrow = $sql->db_Fetch();
        if ($dlrow['download_comment'] && (ANON === TRUE || USER === TRUE)) {
            $clean_authorname = $_POST['author_name'];
            $clean_comment = $_POST['comment'];
            $clean_subject = $_POST['subject'];
            $cobj->enter_comment($clean_authorname, $clean_comment, "download", $id, $pid, $clean_subject);
            //			$e107cache->clear("comment.download.{$sub_action}");	$sub_action not used here
//				LIST
if ($action == "list") {
    $total_downloads = $sql->db_Count("download", "(*)", "WHERE download_category = '{$id}' AND download_active > 0 AND download_visible REGEXP '" . e_CLASS_REGEXP . "'");
    require_once HEADERF;
    /* SHOW SUBCATS ... */
    if ($sql->db_Select("download_category", "download_category_id", "download_category_parent='{$id}' ")) {
        /* there are subcats - display them ... */
        $qry = "\n\t\t   SELECT dc.*, dc2.download_category_name AS parent_name, dc2.download_category_icon as parent_icon, SUM(d.download_filesize) AS d_size,\n\t\t   COUNT(d.download_id) AS d_count,\n\t\t   MAX(d.download_datestamp) as d_last,\n\t\t   SUM(d.download_requested) as d_requests\n\t\t   FROM #download_category AS dc\n\t\t   LEFT JOIN #download AS d ON dc.download_category_id = d.download_category AND d.download_active > 0 AND d.download_visible IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ")\n\t\t   LEFT JOIN #download_category as dc2 ON dc2.download_category_id='{$id}'\n\t\t   WHERE dc.download_category_class IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . ") AND dc.download_category_parent='{$id}'\n\t\t   GROUP by dc.download_category_id ORDER by dc.download_category_order\n\t\t";
Пример #4
    $loop_uid = $id;
    $ret = e107::getEvent()->trigger("showuser", $id);
    $ret2 = e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_profile_display', $id);
    if (!empty($ret) || !empty($ret2)) {
        $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>" . $ret . "</div>";
        $ns->tablerender(LAN_USER_48, $text);
        require_once FOOTERF;
    if (vartrue($pref['profile_comments'])) {
        require_once e_HANDLER . "comment_class.php";
        $comment_edit_query = 'comment.user.' . $id;
    if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit']) && $pref['profile_comments']) {
        $cobj = new comment();
        $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], 'profile', $id, $pid, $_POST['subject']);
    if ($text = renderuser($id)) {
        $ns->tablerender(LAN_USER_50, $text);
    } else {
        $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>" . LAN_USER_51 . "</div>";
        $ns->tablerender(LAN_USER_48, $text);
    require_once FOOTERF;
$users_total = $sql->db_Count("user", "(*)", "WHERE user_ban = 0");
if (!$sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_ban = 0 ORDER BY user_id {$order} LIMIT {$from},{$records}")) {
    echo "<div style='text-align:center'><b>" . LAN_USER_53 . "</b></div>";
} else {
Пример #5
            $text .= "<br />" . EASYSHOP_SHOP_38;
        } else {
            $text .= "<br />" . EASYSHOP_SHOP_39 . ": " . General::getCommentTotal(easyshop, $item_id);
    // Render the value of $text in a table.
    $title = EASYSHOP_SHOP_00;
    $ns->tablerender($title, $text);
    if ($enable_comments == 1) {
        // Show comments and input comments form when setting is enabled
        // Show comments input section
        $comment_to = $item_id;
        $comment_sub = "Re: " . $tp->toFORM($item_name, false);
        $cobj->compose_comment("easyshop", "comment", $comment_to, $width, $comment_sub, $showrate = false);
        if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
            $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], "easyshop", $comment_to, $pid, $_POST['subject']);
            $target = 'easyshop.php?prod.' . $item_id;
            header("Location: " . $target);
//----------------------- Show All Categories ---------------------------------+
if ($action == "allcat" || $action == "catpage" || $action == "blanks") {
    $add_where = '';
    if ($action == "blanks") {
        $add_where = " AND category_main_id= '' ";
    $categories_count = $sql->db_Count(DB_TABLE_SHOP_ITEM_CATEGORIES, "(*)", "WHERE category_active_status = 2 " . $add_where . " AND (category_class IN (" . USERCLASS_LIST . "))");
    if ($categories_count > 0) {
Пример #6
        $from = array_shift($qs);
    } else {
        $from = "0";
include_lan(e_PLUGIN . "links_page/languages/" . e_LANGUAGE . ".php");
//submit comment
if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
    if (!$sql->db_Select("links_page", "link_id", "link_id = '" . intval($qs[1]) . "' ")) {
        header("location:" . e_BASE . "index.php");
    } else {
        $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
        if ($row[0] && (ANON === TRUE || USER === TRUE)) {
            $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], "links_page", $qs[1], $pid, $_POST['subject']);
//update refer
if (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "view" && isset($qs[1]) && is_numeric($qs[1])) {
    if ($sql->db_Select("links_page", "*", "link_id='" . intval($qs[1]) . "' AND link_class REGEXP '" . e_CLASS_REGEXP . "' ")) {
        $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
        $sql->db_Update("links_page", "link_refer=link_refer+1 WHERE link_id='" . intval($qs[1]) . "' ");
        //header("location:".$row['link_url']); exit;
require_once HEADERF;
if (is_readable(THEME . "links_template.php")) {
Пример #7
* Add comments to a plugins
* <p>This method returns the HTML for a comment form. In addition, it will post comments to the e107v7
* comments database and get any existing comments for the current item.</p>
* @param   string   a unique ID for this plugin, maximum of 10 character
* @param   int      id of the item comments are allowed for
* @return  string   HTML for existing comments for an item and the comments form to allow new comments to be posted
function ebGetComment($pluginid, $id)
    global $pref, $e107cache, $tp;
    // Include the comment class. Normally, this file is included at a global level, so we need to make the variable
    // it decalares global so it is available inside the comment class
    require_once e_HANDLER . "comment_class.php";
    require e_FILE . "shortcode/batch/comment_shortcodes.php";
    $GLOBALS["comment_shortcodes"] = $comment_shortcodes;
    $pid = 0;
    // What is this w.r.t. comment table? Parent ID?
    // Define a comment object
    $cobj = new comment();
    // See if we need to post a comment to the database
    if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
        $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], $pluginid, $id, $pid, $_POST['subject']);
        if ($pref['cachestatus']) {
    // Specific e107 0.617 processing to render existing comments
    if (!isV07()) {
        $query = $pref['nested_comments'] ? "comment_item_id='{$id}' AND comment_type='{$pluginid}' AND comment_pid='0' ORDER BY comment_datestamp" : "comment_item_id='{$id}' AND comment_type='{$pluginid}' ORDER BY comment_datestamp";
        $mysql = new db();
        if ($comment_total = $mysql->db_Select("comments", "*", $query)) {
            $width = 0;
            while ($row = $mysql->db_Fetch()) {
                // ** Need to sort out how to do nested comments here
                if ($pref['nested_comments']) {
                    $text .= $cobj->render_comment($row, $pluginid, "comment", $id, $width, $subject, true);
                } else {
                    $text .= $cobj->render_comment($row, $pluginid, "comment", $id, $width, $subject, true);
            if (ADMIN && getperms("B")) {
                $text .= "<div style='text-align:right'><a href='" . e_ADMIN . "modcomment.php?{$pluginid}.{$id}'>" . LAN_314 . "</a></div>";
    // Get comment form - e107 sends this to the output buffer so we must grab it and assign to our return string
    if (isV07()) {
        // e107 0.7
        $cobj->compose_comment($pluginid, "comment", $id, $width, $subject, false);
    } else {
        // e107 0.617
        if (strlen($text) > 0) {
            $ns = new e107table();
            $ns->tablerender(LAN_5, $text);
        $cobj->form_comment("comment", $pluginid, $id, $subject, $content_type);
    $text = ob_get_contents();
    return $text;
Пример #8
 function pageComment($page_comment_flag)
     if ($page_comment_flag) {
         require_once e_HANDLER . "comment_class.php";
         $cobj = new comment();
         if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
             $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], "page", $this->pageID, $pid, $_POST['subject']);
             $e107cache = e107::getCache();
             $e107cache->clear("comment.page." . $this->pageID);
         return $cobj->compose_comment("page", "comment", $this->pageID, 0, $this->title, false, true);
Пример #9
//post comment
if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) {
    if (!is_object($sql)) {
        $sql = new db();
    if (!$sql->db_Select($plugintable, "content_comment", "content_id='" . intval($qs[1]) . "' ")) {
        //header("location:".e_BASE."index.php"); exit;
    } else {
        $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
        if (ANON === TRUE || USER === TRUE) {
            //enter_comment($author_name, $comment, $table, $id, $pid, $subject)
            $author = $_POST['author_name'] ? $_POST['author_name'] : USERNAME;
            $pid = "0";
            $rated = isset($_POST['rateindex']) ? $_POST['rateindex'] : "";
            $cobj->enter_comment($author, $_POST['comment'], $plugintable, $qs[1], $pid, $_POST['subject'], $rated);
            if ($qs[0] == "content" && is_numeric($qs[1])) {
                if (!isset($qs[2])) {
                    $cacheid = 1;
                } else {
                    $cacheid = $qs[2];
            if ($qs[0] == "cat" && is_numeric($qs[1])) {
            $main = $aa->getMainParent(is_numeric($qs[1]) ? $qs[1] : $qs[2]);