  * Render an checklist of terms.
  * This is the Connections equivalent of @see wp_terms_checklist() in WordPress core ..wp-admin/wp-includes/template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  8.2
  * @static
  * @param array $atts {
  *     Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     NOTE: Additionally, all valid options as supported in @see cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms().
  * @type bool   $show_count        Whether or not to display the category count.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type string $name              The select name attribute.
  *                                 Default: 'cat'
  * @type int    $depth             Controls how many levels in the hierarchy of categories are to be included in the list.
  *                                 Default: 0
  *                                 Accepts: 0  - All categories and child categories.
  *                                          -1 - All Categories displayed  flat, not showing the parent/child relationships.
  *                                          1  - Show only top level/root parent categories.
  *                                          n  - Value of n (int) specifies the depth (or level) to descend in displaying the categories.
  * @type string $taxonomy          The taxonomy tree to display.
  *                                 Default: 'category'
  *                                 Accepts: Any registered taxonomy.
  * @type mixed  $selected          The selected term ID(s) the term ID or array of term ID/s that are selected.
  *                                 Default: 0
  * @type bool   $return            Whether or not to return or echo the resulting HTML.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * }
  * @return string
 public static function render($atts = array())
     $out = '';
     $defaults = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => FALSE, 'hide_empty' => FALSE, 'name' => 'entry_category', 'depth' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'selected' => 0, 'return' => FALSE);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     if (!is_array($atts['selected'])) {
         $atts['selected'] = array(absint($atts['selected']));
     } else {
         array_walk($atts['selected'], 'absint');
     $walker = new self();
     $walker->tree_type = $atts['taxonomy'];
     $terms = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], $atts);
     if (!empty($terms)) {
         $out .= '<ul id="' . esc_attr($atts['taxonomy']) . 'checklist" class="' . esc_attr($walker->tree_type) . 'checklist form-no-clear">';
         $out .= $walker->walk($terms, $atts['depth'], $atts);
         $out .= '</ul>';
     if ($atts['return']) {
         return $out;
     echo $out;
  * Prepare links for the request.
  * @since 8.5.26
  * @param object $term Term object.
  * @return array Links for the given term.
 protected function prepare_links($term)
     $base = $this->namespace . '/' . $this->base;
     $links = array('self' => array('href' => rest_url(trailingslashit($base) . $term->term_id)), 'collection' => array('href' => rest_url($base)), 'about' => array('href' => rest_url(sprintf('cn-api/v1/taxonomies/%s', $this->taxonomy))));
     if ($term->parent) {
         $parent_term = cnTerm::get((int) $term->parent, $term->taxonomy);
         if ($parent_term) {
             $links['up'] = array('href' => rest_url(trailingslashit($base) . $parent_term->term_id), 'embeddable' => TRUE);
     //$taxonomy_obj = get_taxonomy( $term->taxonomy );
     //if ( empty( $taxonomy_obj->object_type ) ) {
     //	return $links;
     //$post_type_links = array();
     //foreach ( $taxonomy_obj->object_type as $type ) {
     //	$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $type );
     //	if ( empty( $post_type_object->show_in_rest ) ) {
     //		continue;
     //	}
     //	$rest_base         = ! empty( $post_type_object->rest_base ) ? $post_type_object->rest_base : $post_type_object->name;
     //	$post_type_links[] = array(
     //		'href' => add_query_arg( $this->rest_base, $term->term_id, rest_url( sprintf( 'wp/v2/%s', $rest_base ) ) ),
     //	);
     //if ( ! empty( $post_type_links ) ) {
     //	$links['https://api.w.org/post_type'] = $post_type_links;
     return $links;
  * Returns category by ID.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return object
 public function category($id)
     return cnTerm::get($id, 'category');
Пример #4
  * Add the the current Connections category description or entry bio excerpt as the page meta description.
  * @access private
  * @since  0.7.8
  * @static
  * @uses   cnQuery::getVar()
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   strip_shortcodes()
 public static function metaDesc()
     // Whether or not to filter the page title with the current directory location.
     if (!cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'seo_meta', 'page_desc')) {
     $description = '';
     if (cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-slug')) {
         // If the category slug is a descendant, use the last slug from the URL for the query.
         $categorySlug = explode('/', cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-slug'));
         if (isset($categorySlug[count($categorySlug) - 1])) {
             $categorySlug = $categorySlug[count($categorySlug) - 1];
         $term = cnTerm::getBy('slug', $categorySlug, 'category');
         $category = new cnCategory($term);
         $description = $category->getExcerpt(array('length' => 160));
     if (cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat')) {
         if (is_array(cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat'))) {
         $categoryID = cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat');
         $term = cnTerm::getBy('id', $categoryID, 'category');
         $category = new cnCategory($term);
         $description = $category->getExcerpt(array('length' => 160));
     if (cnQuery::getVar('cn-entry-slug')) {
         // Grab an instance of the Connections object.
         $instance = Connections_Directory();
         $result = $instance->retrieve->entries(array('slug' => urldecode(cnQuery::getVar('cn-entry-slug'))));
         // Make sure an entry is returned and then echo the meta desc.
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $entry = new cnEntry($result[0]);
             $description = $entry->getExcerpt(array('length' => 160));
     if (0 == strlen($description)) {
     echo '<meta name="description" content="' . esc_attr(trim(strip_shortcodes(strip_tags(stripslashes($description))))) . '"/>' . "\n";
  * Recursive function prepend a terms parent name and slug to the hierarchy string.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.5.5
  * @param object $term
  * @param string $text
 private function _buildHierarchy($term, &$text)
     if ($term->parent) {
         $parent = cnTerm::get($term->parent, $term->taxonomy);
         if (0 == strlen($text)) {
             $text = "{$parent->name}|{$parent->slug}";
         } else {
             $text = "{$parent->name}|{$parent->slug}" . ' > ' . $text;
         $this->_buildHierarchy($parent, $text);
  * Render the term name column.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.2
  * @uses   cnFormObjects::tokenURL()
  * @uses   apply_filters()
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   cnTerm::permalink()
  * @uses   WP_List_Table::row_actions()
  * @param  object $term
  * @return string
 public function column_name($term)
     $form = new cnFormObjects();
     $actions = array();
     $out = '';
     $pad = str_repeat('&#8212; ', max(0, $this->level));
      * Filter display of the term name in the terms list table.
      * The default output may include padding due to the term's
      * current level in the term hierarchy.
      * @since 8.2
      * @see   WP_Terms_List_Table::column_name()
      * @param string $pad_tag_name The term name, padded if not top-level.
      * @param object $term         Term object.
     $name = apply_filters('cn_term_name', $pad . ' ' . $term->name, $term);
     if ($term->term_id != $this->default_term) {
         $editURL = $form->tokenURL('admin.php?page=connections_categories&cn-action=edit_category&id=' . $term->term_id, 'category_edit_' . $term->term_id);
         $deleteURL = $form->tokenURL('admin.php?cn-action=delete_category&id=' . $term->term_id, 'category_delete_' . $term->term_id);
         $out .= '<strong><a class="row-title" href="' . $editURL . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Edit &#8220;%s&#8221;', 'connections'), $name)) . '">' . $name . '</a></strong><br />';
         $actions['edit'] = '<a href="' . $editURL . '">' . __('Edit', 'connections') . '</a>';
         $actions['delete'] = "<a class='delete-tag' href='" . $deleteURL . "'>" . __('Delete', 'connections') . "</a>";
         $actions['view'] = '<a href="' . cnTerm::permalink($term) . '">' . __('View', 'connections') . '</a>';
     } else {
         $out .= '<strong>' . $name . '</strong><br>';
      * Filter the action links displayed for each term in the terms list table.
      * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug.
      * @since 8.2
      * @param array  $actions An array of action links to be displayed. Default
      *                        'Edit', 'Delete', and 'View'.
      * @param object $term    Term object.
     $actions = apply_filters("cn_{$this->taxonomy}_row_actions", $actions, $term);
     $out .= $this->row_actions($actions);
     return $out;
Пример #7
  * Retrieve the entry terms by taxonomy.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.2
  * @static
  * @param int    $id
  * @param string $taxonomy
  * @param array  $atts     Optional. An array of arguments. @see cnTerm::getRelationships() for accepted arguments.
  * @return mixed array|WP_Error An array of terms by taxonomy associated to an entry.
 public static function entryTerms($id, $taxonomy, $atts = array())
     /** @todo Check that entry exists */
     //if ( ! $id = get_entry( $id ) ) {
     //	return false;
     $terms = cnTerm::getRelationshipsCache($id, $taxonomy);
     if (FALSE === $terms) {
         $terms = cnTerm::getRelationships($id, $taxonomy, $atts);
         wp_cache_add($id, $terms, "cn_{$taxonomy}_relationships");
     } else {
          * Filter the list of terms attached to the given entry.
          * @since 8.2
          * @param array|WP_Error $terms    List of attached terms, or WP_Error on failure.
          * @param int            $id       Post ID.
          * @param string         $taxonomy Name of the taxonomy.
          * @param array          $atts     An array of arguments for retrieving terms for the given object.
         $terms = apply_filters('cn_get_object_terms', $terms, $id, $taxonomy, $atts);
     return $terms;
  * Start the element output.
  * @see   Walker::start_el()
  * @since 8.1.6
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   number_format_i18n()
  * @uses   cnTerm::get()
  * @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
  * @param object $term   Term object.
  * @param int    $depth  Depth of category in reference to parents. Default 0.
  * @param array  $args   An array of arguments. @see CN_Walker_Term_List::render()
  * @param int    $id     ID of the current term.
 public function start_el(&$output, $term, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0)
     $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
     $count = $args['show_count'] ? '<span class="cn-cat-count">&nbsp;(' . esc_html(number_format_i18n($term->count)) . ')</span>' : '';
     $url = cnTerm::permalink($term, 'category', $args);
     $html = sprintf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a>', $url, esc_attr($term->name), esc_html($term->name) . $count);
      * Allows extensions to alter the HTML of term list item.
      * @since 8.5.18
      * @param string        $html  The HTML.
      * @param cnTerm_Object $term  The current term.
      * @param int           $depth Depth of category. Used for tab indentation.
      * @param array         $args  The method attributes.
     $html = apply_filters('cn_term_list_item', $html, $term, $depth, $args);
     $class = array('cat-item', 'cat-item-' . $term->term_id, 'cn-cat-parent');
     $termChildren = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($term->taxonomy, array('parent' => $term->term_id, 'hide_empty' => FALSE, 'fields' => 'count'));
     if (!empty($termChildren)) {
         $class[] = 'cn-cat-has-children';
     if (!empty($args['current_category'])) {
         if (is_numeric($args['current_category'])) {
             $_current_category = cnTerm::get($args['current_category'], $term->taxonomy);
             // cnTerm::get() can return NULL || an instance of WP_Error, so, lets check for that.
             if (is_null($_current_category) || is_wp_error($_current_category)) {
                 $_current_category = new stdClass();
                 $_current_category->parent = 0;
         } else {
             $_current_category = new stdClass();
             $_current_category->parent = 0;
         if ($term->slug == $args['current_category']) {
             $class[] = ' current-cat';
         } elseif ($term->term_id == $args['current_category']) {
             $class[] = ' current-cat';
         } elseif ($term->term_id == $_current_category->parent) {
             $class[] = ' current-cat-parent';
      * Allows extensions to add/remove class names to the current term list item.
      * @since 8.5.18
      * @param array         $class The array of class names.
      * @param cnTerm_Object $term  The current term.
      * @param int           $depth Depth of category. Used for tab indentation.
      * @param array         $args  The method attributes.
     $class = apply_filters('cn_term_list_item_class', $class, $term, $depth, $args);
     $class = cnSanitize::htmlClass($class);
     $output .= "{$indent}<li" . ' class="' . cnFunction::escAttributeDeep($class) . '"' . ">{$html}";
     // Do not add EOL here, it'll add unwanted whitespace if terms are inline.
  * Write the CSV rows for the current step.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.5.1
 public function writeRows()
     $results = $this->getData();
     $rows = '';
     if (!empty($results)) {
         // Go through each entry...
         foreach ($results as $entry) {
             $fieldCount = count($this->fields);
             $row = '';
             // ...and go through each cell the user wants to export, and match it with the cell in the entry...
             for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldCount; $i++) {
                 // ...then find out if it's a breakout cell and process it properly...
                 switch ($this->fields[$i]['type']) {
                     case 1:
                         // Export a standard breakout; just list them all in the order requested...
                         $row .= $this->exportBreakoutCell($this->fields[$i], $entry->id);
                     case 2:
                         // Process category table and list all categories in a single cell...
                         $terms = array();
                         $results = $this->getTerms($entry->id, 'category');
                         foreach ($results as $term) {
                             $terms[] = $term->name;
                         $row .= $this->escapeAndQuote(implode(',', $terms)) . ',';
                     case 3:
                         $count = $this->getTermCount('category');
                         $terms = array();
                         // Process the category table by breaking them out in separate cells,
                         // Prepare an empty frame of the category cells...
                         for ($j = 0; $j < $count + 1; $j++) {
                             // Make an array filled with empty cells
                             $terms[$j] = '"",';
                         // Now start filling in the empty cells with data...
                         $row = $this->getTerms($entry->id, 'category');
                         $j = 0;
                         foreach ($row as $result) {
                             $terms[$j] = $this->escapeAndQuote($result->name) . ',';
                         $row .= implode('', $terms);
                     case 4:
                         // Export breakout data from the serialized option cell.
                         $row .= $this->exportBreakoutOptionsCell($this->fields[$i], $entry);
                     case 5:
                         $data = '';
                         $meta = cnMeta::get('entry', $entry->id, $this->fields[$i]['field'], TRUE);
                         if (!empty($meta)) {
                             $data = cnFormatting::maybeJSONencode($meta);
                         $row .= $this->escapeAndQuote($data) . ',';
                     case 6:
                         $terms = array();
                         $parent = $this->fields[$i]['child_of'];
                         $results = $this->getTerms($entry->id, 'category');
                         foreach ($results as $term) {
                             $terms[] = $parent . ':' . $term->term_id;
                             if (cnTerm::isAncestorOf($parent, $term->term_id, 'category')) {
                                 $terms[] = $term->name;
                         $row .= $this->escapeAndQuote(implode(',', $terms)) . ',';
                         // If no breakout type is defined, only display the cell data...
                         $row .= $this->escapeAndQuote($entry->{$this->fields[$i]['field']}) . ',';
             // Trim the trailing comma and space, then add newline.
             $rows .= rtrim($row, ',') . "\r\n";
         // Now write the data...
         return $rows;
     return FALSE;
  * Start the element output.
  * @see   Walker::start_el()
  * @since 8.1.6
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   number_format_i18n()
  * @uses   cnTerm::get()
  * @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
  * @param object $term   Term object.
  * @param int    $depth  Depth of category in reference to parents. Default 0.
  * @param array  $args   An array of arguments. @see CN_Walker_Term_List::render()
  * @param int    $id     ID of the current term.
 public function start_el(&$output, $term, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0)
     $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
     $count = $args['show_count'] ? '&nbsp;(' . number_format_i18n($term->count) . ')' : '';
     $url = cnTerm::permalink($term, 'category');
     $link = sprintf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a>', $url, esc_attr($term->name), esc_html($term->name . $count));
     $class = 'cat-item cat-item-' . $term->term_id . ' cn-cat-parent';
     if (!empty($args['current_category'])) {
         if (is_numeric($args['current_category'])) {
             $_current_category = cnTerm::get($args['current_category'], $term->taxonomy);
         } else {
             $_current_category = new stdClass();
             $_current_category->parent = 0;
         if ($term->slug == $args['current_category']) {
             $class .= ' current-cat';
         } elseif ($term->term_id == $args['current_category']) {
             $class .= ' current-cat';
         } elseif ($term->term_id == $_current_category->parent) {
             $class .= ' current-cat-parent';
     $output .= "{$indent}<li" . ' class="' . $class . '"' . ">{$link}</li>" . PHP_EOL;
Пример #11
  * Deletes the category from the database via the cnTerm class.
  * @return bool The success or error message.
 public function delete()
     // @todo Add option for user to set the default category, which should not be able to be deleted.
     //$defaults['default'] = get_option( 'cn_default_category' );
     // Temporarily hard code the default category to the Uncategorized category
     // and ensure it can not be deleted. This should be removed when the default
     // category can be set by the user.
     $default_category = cnTerm::getBy('slug', 'uncategorized', 'category');
     $defaults['default'] = $default_category->term_id;
     // Do not change the default category.
     // This should be able to be removed after the user configurable default category is implemented.
     if ($this->id == $default_category->term_id) {
         cnMessage::set('error', 'category_delete_uncategorized');
         return FALSE;
     $result = cnTerm::delete($this->id, 'category');
     if (is_wp_error($result)) {
         cnMessage::set('error', $result->get_error_message());
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         cnMessage::set('success', 'category_deleted');
         return TRUE;
Пример #12
  * Add the "Uncategorized" category"
  * @access private
  * @since  0.7.5
  * @return void
 private static function addDefaultCategory()
     $term = cnTerm::getBy('slug', 'uncategorized', 'category');
     if (!$term) {
         $attributes['slug'] = '';
         $attributes['parent'] = 0;
         $attributes['description'] = __('Entries not assigned to a category will automatically be assigned to this category and deleting a category which has been assigned to an entry will reassign that entry to this category. This category can not be edited or deleted.', 'connections');
         cnTerm::insert(__('Uncategorized', 'connections'), 'category', $attributes);
  * Render an checklist of terms.
  * This is the Connections equivalent of @see wp_terms_checklist() in WordPress core ..wp-admin/wp-includes/template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  8.2.4
  * @static
  * @uses   wp_parse_args()
  * @uses   cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms()
  * @uses   wp_parse_id_list()
  * @uses   is_wp_error()
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   apply_filters
  * @uses   checked()
  * @uses   esc_html()
  * @uses   Walker::walk()
  * @param array $atts {
  *     Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     NOTE: Additionally, all valid options as supported in @see cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms().
  * @type string $taxonomy        The taxonomy tree to display.
  *                               Default: 'category'
  * @type bool   $hierarchical    Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants, even if 'hide_empty' is set to TRUE.
  *                               Default: TRUE
  * @type string $name            The select name attribute.
  *                               Default: 'cn-cat'
  * @type bool   $show_select_all Whether or not to render the $show_option_all option.
  *                               Default: TRUE
  * @type string $show_option_all A non-blank value causes the display of a link to the directory home page.
  *                               Default: ''. The default is not to display a link.
  *                               Accepts: Any valid string.
  * @type bool   $show_count      Whether or not to display the category count.
  *                               Default: FALSE
  * @type bool   $hide_empty      Whether or not to display empty terms.
  *                               Default: FALSE
  * @type int    $depth           Controls how many levels in the hierarchy of categories are to be included in the list.
  *                               Default: 0
  *                               Accepts: 0  - All categories and child categories.
  *                                        -1 - All Categories displayed  flat, not showing the parent/child relationships.
  *                                        1  - Show only top level/root parent categories.
  *                                        n  - Value of n (int) specifies the depth (or level) to descend in displaying the categories.
  * @type array  $parent_id
  * @type array  $selected        The selected term IDs.
  *                               Default: 0
  * @type string $before          Content to be render before the label and select.
  *                               Default: ''
  * @type string $after           Content to be render after the label and select.
  *                               Default: ''
  * @type bool $return Whether or not to return or echo the resulting HTML.
  *                               Default: FALSE
  * }
  * @return string
 public static function render($atts = array())
     $out = '';
     $defaults = array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'hierarchical' => TRUE, 'name' => 'cn-cat', 'show_select_all' => TRUE, 'show_option_all' => __('Select Category', 'connections'), 'show_count' => FALSE, 'hide_empty' => FALSE, 'depth' => 0, 'parent_id' => array(), 'selected' => 0, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'return' => FALSE);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     $walker = new self();
     $walker->tree_type = $atts['taxonomy'];
     if (empty($atts['parent_id'])) {
         $terms = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], $atts);
     } else {
         $atts['parent_id'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['parent_id']);
         $terms = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], array_merge($atts, array('include' => $atts['parent_id'], 'child_of' => 0)));
         // If any of the `parent_id` is not a root parent (where $term->parent = 0) set it parent ID to `0`
         // so the term tree will be properly constructed.
         foreach ($terms as $term) {
             if (0 !== $term->parent) {
                 $term->parent = 0;
         foreach ($atts['parent_id'] as $termID) {
             $children = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], array_merge($atts, array('child_of' => $termID)));
             if (!is_wp_error($children)) {
                 $terms = array_merge($terms, $children);
     if (!empty($terms)) {
         $out .= '<ul class="cn-' . esc_attr($atts['taxonomy']) . '-radio-group">' . PHP_EOL;
         if ($atts['show_select_all'] && $atts['show_option_all']) {
             /** This filter is documented in includes/template/class.template-walker-term-select.php */
             $show_option_all = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_all']);
             $type = esc_attr($walker->tree_type);
             $out .= "<li id='cn-{$type}-0'>" . '<label><input value="0" type="radio" name="' . esc_attr($atts['name']) . '" id="cn-in-' . $type . '-0"' . checked(in_array(0, (array) $atts['selected']), TRUE, FALSE) . ' /> ' . esc_html($show_option_all) . '</label>';
             $out .= '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
         $out .= $walker->walk($terms, $atts['depth'], $atts);
         $out .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
     $out = (empty($atts['before']) ? '' : $atts['before']) . $out . (empty($atts['after']) ? '' : $atts['after']);
     if ($atts['return']) {
         return $out;
     echo $out;
Пример #14
  * Add, update or delete the entry categories.
  * @access public
  * @since  0.8
  * @param  string $action The action to being performed to an entry.
  * @param  int    $id     The entry ID.
  * @return void
 public static function processEntryCategory($action, $id)
     // Grab an instance of the Connections object.
     $instance = Connections_Directory();
      * Save the entry category(ies). If none were checked, send an empty array
      * which will add the entry to the default category.
     if (isset($_POST['entry_category']) && !empty($_POST['entry_category'])) {
         $instance->term->setTermRelationships($id, $_POST['entry_category'], 'category');
     } else {
         // @todo Add option for user to set the default category, which should not be able to be deleted.
         //$defaults['default'] = get_option( 'cn_default_category' );
         // Temporarily hard code the default category to the Uncategorized category
         // and ensure it can not be deleted. This should be removed when the default
         // category can be set by the user.
         $default_category = cnTerm::getBy('slug', 'uncategorized', 'category');
         $instance->term->setTermRelationships($id, $default_category->term_id, 'category');
Пример #15
  * Get the default category ID.
  * NOTE: This is also the callback for the `default_option_{name}` filter @see get_option().
  * NOTE: Uses the @see get_option() and @see update_option() functions instead of the @see cnSettingsAPI()
  *       because it is used in places where the cnSettingsAPI() has not yet been fully initialized.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.3.3
  * @static
  * @uses   remove_filter()
  * @uses   get_option()
  * @uses   cnTerm::exists()
  * @uses   cnTerm::getBy()
  * @uses   cnTerm::insert()
  * @uses   update_option()
  * @uses   is_wp_error()
  * @uses   add_filter()
  * @return int
 public static function getDefaultCategoryID()
     $id = 0;
     // Remove filter to prevent an infinite loop.
     remove_filter('default_option_cn_default_category', array(__CLASS__, 'getDefaultCategoryID'));
     // Use get_option() rather than cnSettingsAPI::get() because the class may not yet be initialized.
     $category = get_option('connections_category');
     // Check to ensure the default category ID is saved in the options table before returning it.
     if (FALSE === $category || !isset($category['default']) || empty($category['default'])) {
         // If there was no default category set, check for the "Uncategorized" category. If it exists return its
         // `id` and if it does not, then create it an return the `id`.
         if (cnTerm::exists('uncategorized', 'category')) {
             $category = cnTerm::getBy('slug', 'uncategorized', 'category', ARRAY_A);
             // Ensure nothing went wrong when checking for the "Uncategorized" category.
             // If not, save the `id` in the options table.
             if (FALSE !== $category) {
                 $id = $category['term_id'];
                 // Use update_option() rather than cnSettingsAPI::set() because the class may not yet be initialized.
                 update_option('connections_category', array('default' => $id));
         } else {
             $category = cnTerm::insert(__('Uncategorized', 'connections'), 'category');
             // Ensure nothing went wrong when inserting the "Uncategorized" category.
             // If not, save the `id` in the options table.
             if (!is_wp_error($category)) {
                 $id = $category['term_id'];
                 // Use update_option() rather than cnSettingsAPI::set() because the class may not yet be initialized.
                 update_option('connections_category', array('default' => $id));
     } else {
         $id = $category['default'];
     // Add the filter back.
     add_filter('default_option_cn_default_category', array(__CLASS__, 'getDefaultCategoryID'));
      * Allows the opportunity to change the default category.
      * @since 8.3.3
      * @param int $id The default category ID.
     return apply_filters('cn_default_category', $id);
Пример #16
  * Deletes the category from the database via the cnTerm class.
  * @return bool The success or error message.
 public function delete()
     $default = get_option('cn_default_category');
     if ($this->id == $default) {
         cnMessage::set('error', 'category_delete_default');
         return FALSE;
     $result = cnTerm::delete($this->id, 'category');
     if (is_wp_error($result)) {
         cnMessage::set('error', $result->get_error_message());
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         cnMessage::set('success', 'category_deleted');
         return TRUE;
Пример #17
  * Retrieve the terms in a given taxonomy or list of taxonomies.
  * NOTE: This is the Connections equivalent of @see get_terms() in WordPress core ../wp-includes/taxonomy.php
  * Filters:
  *    cn_get_terms_atts - The method variables.
  *        Passes: (array) $atts, (array) $taxonomies
  *        Return: $atts
  *    cn_get_terms_fields - The fields for the SELECT query clause.
  *        Passes: (array) $select, (array) $atts, (array) $taxonomies
  *        Return: $select
  *    cn_term_inclusions - Query clause which includes terms.
  *        Passes: (string) $inclusions, (array) $atts, (array) $taxonomies
  *        Return: $inclusions
  *    cn_term_exclusions - Query clause which excludes terms.
  *        Passes: (string) $exclusions, (array) $atts, (array) $taxonomies
  *        Return: $exclusions
  *    cn_term_orderby - The ORDER BY query clause.
  *        Passes: (string) $orderBy, (array) $atts, (array) $taxonomies
  *        Return: $orderBy
  *    cn_terms_clauses - An array containing the the query clause segments.
  *        Passes: (array) $pieces, (array) $taxonomies, (array) $atts
  *        Return: $pieces
  * Accepted option for the $atts property are:
  *    get ( string )
  *        Default: ''
  *        Valid:   all
  *        If set to 'all' instead of its default empty string,
  *        returns terms regardless of ancestry or whether the terms are empty.
  *    fields ( string )
  *        Default: 'all'
  *        Valid:   all | ids | id=>parent | names | count | id=>name | id=>slug
  *        Default is 'all', which returns an array of term objects.
  *        If 'fields' is 'ids' or 'names', returns an array of integers or strings, respectively.
  *    include ( string | array )
  *        Default: array()
  *        Valid:   An indexed array, comma- or space-delimited string of term_id.
  *    exclude_tree ( string | array )
  *        Default: array()
  *        Valid:   An indexed array, comma- or space-delimited string of term_id.
  *        If 'include' is non-empty, 'exclude_tree' is ignored.
  *    exclude ( string | array )
  *        Default: array()
  *        Valid:   An indexed array, comma- or space-delimited string of term_id.
  *        If 'include' is non-empty, 'exclude' is ignored.
  *    slug ( string | array  )
  *        Default: ''
  *        Slug or array of slugs to return term(s) for.
  *    hide_empty ( bool )
  *        Default: TRUE
  *        Will not return empty terms, which means terms whose count is 0.
  *    hierarchical ( bool )
  *        Default: TRUE
  *        Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants, even if 'hide_empty' is set to TRUE.
  *    orderby ( string | array )
  *        Default: name
  *        Valid:   term_id | name | slug | term_group | parent | count | include
  *    order ( string | array )
  *        Default: ASC
  *        Valid:   ASC | DESC
  *    number ( int )
  *        Default: 0
  *        The maximum number of terms to return. Default is to return them all.
  *    offset ( int )
  *        Default: 0
  *        The number by which to offset the terms query.
  *    search ( string )
  *        Default: ''
  *        Returned terms' names will contain the value of 'search', case-insensitive.
  *    name__like ( string )
  *        Default: ''
  *        Return terms' names will contain the value of 'name__like', case-insensitive.
  *    description__like ( string )
  *        Default: ''
  *        Return terms' descriptions will contain the value of 'description__like', case-insensitive.
  *    child_of ( int )
  *        Default: 0
  *        The 'child_of' argument, when used, should be set to the integer of a term ID.
  *        If set to a non-zero value, all returned terms will be descendants
  *        of that term according to the given taxonomy.
  *        Hence 'child_of' is set to 0 if more than one taxonomy is passed in $taxonomies,
  *        because multiple taxonomies make term ancestry ambiguous.
  *    parent ( string | int )
  *        Default: ''
  *        The integer of a term ID.
  *        If set to an integer value, all returned terms will have as an immediate
  *        ancestor the term whose ID is specified by that integer according to the given taxonomy.
  *        The 'parent' argument is different from 'child_of' in that a term X is considered a 'parent'
  *        of term Y only if term X is the father of term Y, not its grandfather or great-grandfather, etc.
  *    pad_counts ( bool )
  *        Default: FALSE
  *        If set to true, include the quantity of a term's children
  *        in the quantity of each term's 'count' property.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.1
  * @static
  * @global $wpdb
  * @param  string|array $taxonomies Taxonomy name or array of taxonomy names.
  * @param  array        $atts
  * @uses   apply_filters()
  * @uses   wp_parse_args()
  * @uses   wp_parse_id_list()
  * @uses   sanitize_title()
  * @uses   wpdb::prepare()
  * @uses   $wpdb::esc_like()
  * @uses   absint()
  * @uses   wpdb::get_results()
  * @uses   cnTerm::filter()
  * @uses   cnTerm::descendants()
  * @uses   cnTerm::childrenIDs()
  * @uses   cnTerm::padCounts()
  * @uses   cnTerm::children()
  * @return array|WP_Error Indexed array of term objects. Will return WP_Error, if any of $taxonomies do not exist.*
 public static function getTaxonomyTerms($taxonomies = array('category'), $atts = array())
     /** @var $wpdb wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     $select = array();
     $where = array();
     $orderBy = array();
     $orderByClause = '';
      * @TODO $taxonomies need to be checked against registered taxonomies.
      * Presently $taxonomies only support a string rather than array.
      * Additionally, category is the only supported taxonomy.
     $single_taxonomy = !is_array($taxonomies) || 1 === count($taxonomies);
     if (!is_array($taxonomies)) {
         $taxonomies = array($taxonomies);
     $defaults = array('get' => '', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => TRUE, 'exclude' => array(), 'exclude_tree' => array(), 'include' => array(), 'fields' => 'all', 'slug' => '', 'parent' => '', 'hierarchical' => TRUE, 'child_of' => 0, 'name__like' => '', 'meta_query' => array(), 'pad_counts' => FALSE, 'offset' => 0, 'number' => 0, 'search' => '');
      * Filter the terms query arguments.
      * @since 8.1
      * @param array        $atts       An array of arguments.
      * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
     $atts = apply_filters('cn_get_terms_args', $atts, $taxonomies);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     // @TODO Implement is_taxonomy_hierarchical().
     if (!$single_taxonomy || '' !== $atts['parent'] && 0 !== $atts['parent']) {
         $atts['child_of'] = 0;
         $atts['hierarchical'] = FALSE;
         $atts['pad_counts'] = FALSE;
     if ('all' == $atts['get']) {
         $atts['child_of'] = 0;
         $atts['hide_empty'] = 0;
         $atts['hierarchical'] = FALSE;
         $atts['pad_counts'] = FALSE;
     if ($atts['child_of']) {
         $hierarchy = self::childrenIDs(reset($taxonomies));
         if (!isset($hierarchy[$atts['child_of']])) {
             return array();
     if ($atts['parent']) {
         $hierarchy = self::childrenIDs(reset($taxonomies));
         if (!isset($hierarchy[$atts['parent']])) {
             return array();
     // $args can be whatever, only use the args defined in defaults to compute the key
     $filter_key = has_filter('cn_term_exclusions') ? serialize($GLOBALS['wp_filter']['cn_term_exclusions']) : '';
     $key = md5(serialize(wp_array_slice_assoc($atts, array_keys($defaults))) . serialize($taxonomies) . $filter_key);
     $last_changed = wp_cache_get('last_changed', 'cn_terms');
     if (!$last_changed) {
         $last_changed = microtime();
         wp_cache_set('last_changed', $last_changed, 'cn_terms');
     $cache_key = "cn_get_terms:{$key}:{$last_changed}";
     $cache = wp_cache_get($cache_key, 'cn_terms');
     if (FALSE !== $cache) {
          * Filter the given taxonomy's terms cache.
          * @since 8.1.6
          * @param array        $cache      Cached array of terms for the given taxonomy.
          * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
          * @param array        $args       An array of arguments to get terms.
         $cache = apply_filters('cn_terms', $cache, $taxonomies, $atts);
         return $cache;
      * Construct the ORDER By query clause.
     if (is_array($atts['orderby'])) {
         foreach ($atts['orderby'] as $i => $value) {
             if (!isset($order)) {
                 $order = 'ASC';
             switch ($value) {
                 case 'id':
                 case 'term_id':
                     $orderField = 't.term_id';
                 case 'slug':
                     $orderField = 't.slug';
                 case 'include':
                     $include = implode(',', wp_parse_id_list($atts['include']));
                     $orderField = "FIELD( t.term_id, {$include} )";
                 case 'term_group':
                     $orderField = 't.term_group';
                 case 'none':
                     $orderField = '';
                     // If an `none` order field was supplied, break out of both the switch and foreach statements.
                     break 2;
                 case 'parent':
                     $orderField = 'tt.parent';
                 case 'count':
                     $orderField = 'tt.count';
                     $orderField = 't.name';
             // Set the $order to align with $atts['orderby'].
             if (is_array($atts['order']) && isset($atts['order'][$i])) {
                 $order = $atts['order'][$i];
                 // If an aligned $atts['order'] does not exist use the last $order set otherwise use $atts['order'].
             } else {
                 $order = is_array($atts['order']) ? $order : $atts['order'];
             $order = strtoupper($order);
             $order = in_array($order, array('ASC', 'DESC')) ? $order : 'ASC';
             $orderBy[] = sprintf('%s %s', $orderField, $order);
         // The @var $value will be set to the last value from the $atts['orderby'] foreach loop.
         // If a `none` $atts['orderby'] was found in the supplied array, no order by clause will be set.
         if (!empty($orderBy) && $value != 'none') {
             $orderByClause = 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orderBy);
     } else {
         switch ($atts['orderby']) {
             case 'id':
             case 'term_id':
                 $atts['orderby'] = 't.term_id';
             case 'slug':
                 $atts['orderby'] = 't.slug';
             case 'include':
                 $include = implode(',', wp_parse_id_list($atts['include']));
                 $atts['orderby'] = "FIELD( t.term_id, {$include} )";
             case 'term_group':
                 $atts['orderby'] = 't.term_group';
             case 'none':
                 $atts['orderby'] = '';
             case 'parent':
                 $atts['orderby'] = 'tt.parent';
             case 'count':
                 $atts['orderby'] = 'tt.count';
                 $atts['orderby'] = 't.name';
         if (is_array($atts['order'])) {
             // $atts['orderby'] was a string but an array was passed for $atts['order'], assume the 0 index.
             $order = $atts['order'][0];
         } else {
             $order = $atts['order'];
         if (!empty($atts['orderby'])) {
             $order = strtoupper($order);
             $order = in_array($order, array('ASC', 'DESC')) ? $order : 'ASC';
             $orderByClause = 'ORDER BY ' . sprintf('%s %s', $atts['orderby'], $order);
      * Filter the ORDER BY clause of the terms query.
      * @since 8.1
      * @param string       $orderBy    ORDER BY clause of the terms query.
      * @param array        $atts       An array of terms query arguments.
      * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
     $orderBy = apply_filters('cn_terms_orderby', $orderByClause, $atts, $taxonomies);
      * Start construct the WHERE query clause.
     $where[] = 'tt.taxonomy IN (\'' . implode('\', \'', $taxonomies) . '\')';
      * Define the included terms.
     $inclusions = '';
     if (!empty($atts['include'])) {
         $atts['exclude'] = '';
         $atts['exclude_tree'] = '';
         $inclusions = implode(',', wp_parse_id_list($atts['include']));
     if (!empty($inclusions)) {
         $inclusions = 'AND t.term_id IN ( ' . $inclusions . ' )';
      * Filter the terms to be included in the terms query.
      * @since 8.1
      * @param string       $inclusions IN clause of the terms query.
      * @param array        $atts       An array of terms query arguments.
      * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
     $inclusions = apply_filters('cn_term_inclusions', $inclusions, $atts, $taxonomies);
     if (!empty($inclusions)) {
         $where[] = $inclusions;
      * Define the excluded terms.
     $exclusions = '';
     if (!empty($atts['exclude_tree'])) {
         $atts['exclude_tree'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['exclude_tree']);
         $excluded_children = $atts['exclude_tree'];
         foreach ($atts['exclude_tree'] as $extrunk) {
             $excluded_children = array_merge($excluded_children, (array) cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($taxonomies[0], array('child_of' => intval($extrunk), 'fields' => 'ids', 'hide_empty' => 0)));
         $exclusions = implode(',', array_map('intval', $excluded_children));
     if (!empty($atts['exclude'])) {
         $exterms = wp_parse_id_list($atts['exclude']);
         if (empty($exclusions)) {
             $exclusions = implode(',', $exterms);
         } else {
             $exclusions .= ', ' . implode(',', $exterms);
     if (!empty($exclusions)) {
         $exclusions = 'AND t.term_id NOT IN (' . $exclusions . ')';
      * Filter the terms to exclude from the terms query.
      * @since 8.1
      * @param string       $exclusions NOT IN clause of the terms query.
      * @param array        $atts       An array of terms query arguments.
      * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
     $exclusions = apply_filters('cn_term_exclusions', $exclusions, $atts, $taxonomies);
     if (!empty($exclusions)) {
         $where[] = $exclusions;
     if (!empty($atts['slug'])) {
         if (is_array($atts['slug'])) {
             $slug = array_map('sanitize_title', $atts['slug']);
             $where[] = " AND t.slug IN ('" . implode("', '", $slug) . "')";
         } else {
             $slug = sanitize_title($atts['slug']);
             $where[] = " AND t.slug = '{$slug}'";
     if (!empty($atts['name__like'])) {
         //$atts['name__like'] = like_escape( $atts['name__like'] );
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare(" AND t.name LIKE %s", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like($atts['name__like']) . '%');
         //$where[]            = $wpdb->prepare( 'AND t.name LIKE %s', '%' . $atts['name__like'] . '%' );
     if (!empty($atts['description__like'])) {
         //$atts['description__like'] = like_escape( $atts['description__like'] );
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare(" AND tt.description LIKE %s", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like($atts['description__like']) . '%');
         //$where[]                   = $wpdb->prepare( 'AND tt.description LIKE %s', '%' . $atts['description__like'] . '%' );
     if ('' !== $atts['parent']) {
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND tt.parent = %d', $atts['parent']);
     if ('count' == $atts['fields']) {
         $atts['hierarchical'] = FALSE;
     if ($atts['hide_empty'] && !$atts['hierarchical']) {
         $where[] = 'AND tt.count > 0';
     // Do not limit the query results when we have to descend the family tree.
     if ($atts['number'] && !$atts['hierarchical'] && !$atts['child_of'] && '' === $atts['parent']) {
         $atts['number'] = absint($atts['number']);
         $atts['offset'] = absint($atts['offset']);
         if ($atts['offset']) {
             $limit = $wpdb->prepare('LIMIT %d,%d', $atts['offset'], $atts['number']);
         } else {
             $limit = $wpdb->prepare('LIMIT %d', $atts['number']);
     } else {
         $limit = '';
     if (!empty($atts['search'])) {
         //$atts['search'] = like_escape( $atts['search'] );
         $atts['search'] = $wpdb->esc_like($atts['search']);
         $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND ( (t.name LIKE %s) OR (t.slug LIKE %s) )', '%' . $atts['search'] . '%', '%' . $atts['search'] . '%');
     switch ($atts['fields']) {
         case 'all':
             $select = array('t.*', 'tt.*');
         case 'ids':
         case 'id=>parent':
             $select = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count');
         case 'names':
             $select = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count', 't.name');
         case 'count':
             $orderBy = '';
             //$order   = '';
             $select = array('COUNT(*)');
         case 'id=>name':
             $select = array('t.term_id', 't.name');
         case 'id=>slug':
             $select = array('t.term_id', 't.slug');
      * Filter the fields to select in the terms query.
      * @since 8.1
      * @param array        $select     An array of fields to select for the terms query.
      * @param array        $atts       An array of term query arguments.
      * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
     $fields = implode(', ', apply_filters('cn_get_terms_fields', $select, $atts, $taxonomies));
     $join = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . ' AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id';
     $pieces = array('fields', 'join', 'where', 'orderBy', 'limit');
      * Filter the terms query SQL clauses.
      * @since 8.1
      * @param array        $pieces     Terms query SQL clauses.
      * @param string|array $taxonomies A taxonomy or array of taxonomies.
      * @param array        $atts       An array of terms query arguments.
     $clauses = apply_filters('cn_terms_clauses', compact($pieces), $taxonomies, $atts);
     foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
         ${$piece} = isset($clauses[$piece]) ? $clauses[$piece] : '';
     $sql = sprintf('SELECT %1$s FROM %2$s AS t %3$s WHERE %4$s %5$s%6$s', $fields, CN_TERMS_TABLE, $join, implode(' ', $where), $orderBy, empty($limit) ? '' : ' ' . $limit);
     if ('count' == $atts['fields']) {
         $term_count = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
         return $term_count;
     $terms = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     if ('all' == $atts['fields']) {
         foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
             update_term_cache($terms, 'cn_' . $taxonomy);
     if (empty($terms)) {
         wp_cache_add($cache_key, array(), 'cn_terms', DAY_IN_SECONDS);
         $terms = apply_filters('cn_terms', array(), $taxonomies, $atts);
         return $terms;
     if ($atts['child_of']) {
         $children = self::childrenIDs(reset($taxonomies));
         if (!empty($children)) {
             $terms = self::descendants($atts['child_of'], $terms, reset($taxonomies));
      * @todo Add method to adjust counts based on user visibility permissions.
     // Update term counts to include children.
     if ($atts['pad_counts'] && 'all' == $atts['fields']) {
         self::padCounts($terms, reset($taxonomies));
     // Make sure we show empty categories that have children.
     if ($atts['hierarchical'] && $atts['hide_empty'] && is_array($terms)) {
         foreach ($terms as $k => $term) {
             if (!$term->count) {
                 $children = self::children($term->term_id, reset($taxonomies));
                 if (is_array($children)) {
                     foreach ($children as $child_id) {
                         $child = self::filter($child_id, reset($taxonomies));
                         if ($child->count) {
                             continue 2;
                 // It really is empty
     $_terms = array();
     if ('id=>parent' == $atts['fields']) {
         while ($term = array_shift($terms)) {
             $_terms[$term->term_id] = $term->parent;
     } elseif ('ids' == $atts['fields']) {
         while ($term = array_shift($terms)) {
             $_terms[] = $term->term_id;
     } elseif ('names' == $atts['fields']) {
         while ($term = array_shift($terms)) {
             $_terms[] = $term->name;
     } elseif ('id=>name' == $atts['fields']) {
         while ($term = array_shift($terms)) {
             $_terms[$term->term_id] = $term->name;
     } elseif ('id=>slug' == $atts['fields']) {
         while ($term = array_shift($terms)) {
             $_terms[$term->term_id] = $term->slug;
     if (!empty($_terms)) {
         $terms = $_terms;
     if ($atts['number'] && is_array($terms) && count($terms) > $atts['number']) {
         $terms = array_slice($terms, $atts['offset'], $atts['number']);
     wp_cache_add($cache_key, $terms, 'cn_terms', DAY_IN_SECONDS);
     $terms = apply_filters('cn_terms', $terms, $taxonomies, $atts);
     return $terms;
  * Display or retrieve the HTML select list of terms.
  * This is the Connections equivalent of @see wp_dropdown_categories() in WordPress core ../wp-includes/category-template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  8.2.4
  * @static
  * @uses   wp_parse_args()
  * @uses   cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms()
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   sanitize_html_class()
  * @uses   apply_filters()
  * @uses   Walker::walk()
  * @uses   selected()
  * @param array $atts {
  *     Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     NOTE: Additionally, all valid options as supported in @see cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms().
  * @type string $taxonomy          The taxonomy tree to display.
  *                                 Default: 'category'
  * @type bool   $hierarchical      Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants, even if 'hide_empty' is set to TRUE.
  *                                 Default: TRUE
  * @type string $type              The output type of the categories.
  *                                 Default: select
  *                                 Accepts: select || multiselect
  * @type bool   $group             Whether or not to create option groups using the root parent as the group label.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type bool   $hide_if_empty     Whether or not to show the select if no terms are returned by term query.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type string $name              The select name attribute.
  *                                 Default: 'cn-cat'
  * @type string $id                The select id attribute.
  *                                 Default: ''
  * @type array  $class             An array if classes to applied to the select.
  *                                 Default: array('cn-category-select')
  * @type array  $style             An array of style to applied inline where the key is the style attribute and the value is the style attribute value.
  *                                 Default: array()
  * @type bool   $enhanced          Whether of not apply the required attributes for the Chosen jQuery plugin.
  *                                 Default: TRUE
  * @type string $on_change         An inline JavaScript on_change event.
  *                                 Default: ''
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid inline JavaScript.
  * @type int    $tab_index         The tab index of the select.
  *                                 Default: 0
  * @type bool   $show_select_all   Whether or not to render the $show_option_all option.
  *                                 Default: TRUE
  * @type string $show_option_all   A non-blank value causes the display of a link to the directory home page.
  *                                 Default: ''. The default is not to display a link.
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid string.
  * @type string $show_option_none  Set the text to show when no categories are listed.
  *                                 Default: 'No Categories'
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid string.
  * @type string $option_none_value Value to use when no term is selected.
  *                                 Default: -1
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid int/string for an option value attribute.
  * @type string $default           The default string to show as the first item in the list.
  *                                 Default: 'Select Category'
  * @type bool   $show_count        Whether or not to display the category count.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type bool   $hide_empty        Whether or not to display empty terms.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type int    $depth             Controls how many levels in the hierarchy of categories are to be included in the list.
  *                                 Default: 0
  *                                 Accepts: 0  - All categories and child categories.
  *                                          -1 - All Categories displayed  flat, not showing the parent/child relationships.
  *                                          1  - Show only top level/root parent categories.
  *                                          n  - Value of n (int) specifies the depth (or level) to descend in displaying the categories.
  * @type array  $parent_id
  * @type array  $selected          The selected term IDs.
  *                                 Default: 0
  * @type string $label             The label to render with the select.
  *                                 Default: ''
  * @type string $before            Content to be render before the label and select.
  *                                 Default: ''
  * @type string $after             Content to be render after the label and select.
  *                                 Default: ''
  * @type string $layout            Tokens which can be sued to control the order of the label and select.
  *                                 Default: '%label%%field%'
  *                                 Accepts: %label% %field%
  * @type bool   $return            Whether or not to return or echo the resulting HTML.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * }
  * @return string
 public static function render($atts = array())
     $select = '';
     $out = '';
     $defaults = array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'hierarchical' => TRUE, 'type' => 'select', 'group' => FALSE, 'hide_if_empty' => FALSE, 'name' => 'cn-cat', 'id' => '', 'class' => array('cn-category-select'), 'style' => array(), 'enhanced' => TRUE, 'on_change' => '', 'tab_index' => 0, 'show_select_all' => TRUE, 'show_option_all' => '', 'show_option_none' => '', 'option_none_value' => -1, 'default' => __('Select Category', 'connections'), 'show_count' => FALSE, 'hide_empty' => FALSE, 'depth' => 0, 'parent_id' => array(), 'selected' => 0, 'label' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'layout' => '%label%%field%', 'return' => FALSE);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     if (wp_is_mobile()) {
         $atts['enhanced'] = FALSE;
     // The field parts to be searched for in $atts['layout'].
     $search = array('%label%', '%field%');
     // An array to store the replacement strings for the label and field.
     $replace = array();
     $walker = new self();
     $walker->tree_type = $atts['taxonomy'];
     if (!isset($atts['pad_counts']) && $atts['show_count'] && $atts['hierarchical']) {
         // Padding the counts is ideal, but really, really, bloats the memory required.
         $atts['pad_counts'] = FALSE;
     if (empty($atts['parent_id'])) {
         $terms = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], $atts);
     } else {
         $atts['parent_id'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['parent_id']);
         $terms = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], array_merge($atts, array('include' => $atts['parent_id'], 'child_of' => 0)));
         // If any of the `parent_id` is not a root parent (where $term->parent = 0) set it parent ID to `0`
         // so the term tree will be properly constructed.
         foreach ($terms as $term) {
             if (0 !== $term->parent) {
                 $term->parent = 0;
         foreach ($atts['parent_id'] as $termID) {
             $children = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], array_merge($atts, array('child_of' => $termID)));
             if (!is_wp_error($children)) {
                 $terms = array_merge($terms, $children);
     if (!$atts['hide_if_empty'] || !empty($terms)) {
         //$out .= PHP_EOL . "<select name='$name' id='$id' class='$class' $tab_index_attribute>" . PHP_EOL;
         // Add the 'cn-enhanced-select' class for the jQuery Chosen Plugin will enhance the drop down.
         if ($atts['enhanced']) {
             $atts['class'] = array_merge((array) $atts['class'], array('cn-enhanced-select'));
         // Create the field label, if supplied.
         $replace[] = !empty($atts['label']) ? cnHTML::label(array('for' => $atts['id'], 'label' => $atts['label'], 'return' => TRUE)) : '';
         $select .= sprintf('<select %1$s %2$s name="%3$s"%4$s%5$sdata-placeholder="%6$s"%7$s%8$s>' . PHP_EOL, empty($atts['class']) ? '' : cnHTML::attribute('class', $atts['class']), empty($atts['id']) ? '' : cnHTML::attribute('id', $atts['id']), $atts['type'] == 'multiselect' ? esc_attr($atts['name']) . '[]' : esc_attr($atts['name']), empty($atts['style']) ? '' : cnHTML::attribute('style', $atts['style']), $atts['type'] == 'multiselect' ? '' : (empty($atts['on_change']) ? '' : sprintf(' onchange="%s" ', esc_js($atts['on_change']))), esc_attr($atts['default']), $atts['type'] == 'multiselect' ? ' MULTIPLE' : '', (int) $atts['tab_index'] > 0 ? " tabindex=\"{$atts['tab_index']}\"" : '');
     } else {
         $select .= '';
     if (empty($terms) && !$atts['hide_if_empty'] && !empty($atts['show_option_none'])) {
         /** This filter is documented in includes/template/class.template-walker-term-select.php */
         $show_option_none = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_none']);
         $select .= "\t<option value='" . esc_attr($atts['option_none_value']) . "' selected='selected'>{$show_option_none}</option>" . PHP_EOL;
     if (!empty($terms)) {
         if ($atts['enhanced']) {
             $select .= "\t" . '<option value=""></option>';
         if ($atts['show_select_all'] && $atts['show_option_all']) {
             /** This filter is documented in includes/template/class.template-walker-term-select.php */
             $show_option_all = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_all']);
             $selected = !$atts['enhanced'] && is_numeric($atts['selected']) && '0' === strval($atts['selected']) ? " selected='selected'" : '';
             $select .= "\t<option value='0'{$selected}>{$show_option_all}</option>" . PHP_EOL;
         if ($atts['show_option_none']) {
             /** This filter is documented in includes/template/class.template-walker-term-select.php */
             $show_option_none = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_none']);
             $selected = selected($atts['option_none_value'], $atts['selected'], FALSE);
             $select .= "\t<option value='" . esc_attr($atts['option_none_value']) . "'{$selected}>{$show_option_none}</option>" . PHP_EOL;
         if ($atts['hierarchical']) {
             $depth = $atts['depth'];
             // Walk the full depth.
         } else {
             $depth = -1;
             // Flat.
         $select .= $walker->walk($terms, $depth, $atts);
     if (!$atts['hide_if_empty'] || !empty($terms)) {
         // If an option group was left open, ensure it is closed before closing the select.
         if ($walker->close_group) {
             $select .= "\t" . '</optgroup>' . PHP_EOL;
             $walker->close_group = FALSE;
         $select .= "</select>" . PHP_EOL;
         $replace[] = $select;
         $out = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $atts['layout']);
         $out = (empty($atts['before']) ? '' : $atts['before']) . $out . (empty($atts['after']) ? '' : $atts['after']);
      * Filter the taxonomy drop-down output.
      * @since 8.2.4
      * @param string $out  HTML output.
      * @param array  $atts Arguments used to build the drop-down.
     $out = apply_filters('cn_dropdown_cats', $out, $atts);
     if ($atts['return']) {
         return $out;
     echo $out;
Пример #19
  * Update the term taxonomy counts of the supplied entry IDs for the supplied taxonmies.
  * @access private
  * @since  8.2.5
  * @static
  * @param mixed $ids      array|string An array or comma separated list of entry IDs.
  * @param mixed $taxonomy array|string An array of taxonomies or taxonomy to update the term taxonomy count.
  * @return array|WP_Error An indexed array of term taxonomy IDs which have had their term count updated. WP_Error on failure.
 public static function updateTermCount($ids, $taxonomy = 'category')
     // Check for and convert to an array.
     $ids = wp_parse_id_list($ids);
     $result = cnTerm::getRelationships($ids, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'tt_ids'));
     if (!empty($result) && !is_wp_error($result)) {
         cnTerm::updateCount($result, $taxonomy);
     cnCache::clear(TRUE, 'transient', "cn_{$taxonomy}");
     return $result;
  * Helper function to insert a new term.
  * @access private
  * @since  8.5.5
  * @param string $name   The term name.
  * @param string $slug   The term slug.
  * @param string $desc   The term description.
  * @param int    $parent The term parent ID.
  * @return array|WP_Error An array containing the term_id and term_taxonomy_id, WP_Error otherwise.
 private function insertTerm($name, $slug = '', $desc = '', $parent = 0)
     $atts = array('slug' => $slug, 'description' => $desc, 'parent' => $parent);
     $result = cnTerm::insert($name, $this->type, $atts);
     if (is_wp_error($result)) {
         error_log('Term Import Error: ' . $result->get_error_message());
         error_log(' - Name: ' . print_r($name, TRUE));
         error_log(' - Slug: ' . print_r($slug, TRUE));
         error_log(' - Parent ID: ' . print_r($parent, TRUE));
     return $result;
  * Display a message box above the search results with information
  * about the current query and the option (a button) to clear results.
  * @access public
  * @since  0.8
  * @static
  * @param  array           $atts     The shortcode $atts array.
  * @param  array           $results  The cnRetrieve query results.
  * @param  cnTemplate|null $template An instance of the cnTemplate object.
  * @return string
 public static function searchingMessage($atts = array(), $results = array(), $template = NULL)
     // Check whether or not the category description should be displayed or not.
     if (!cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'connections_display_results', 'search_message')) {
         return '';
     $defaults = array('return' => FALSE);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     $out = array();
     // Get the directory home page ID.
     $homeID = $atts['force_home'] ? cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'connections_home_page', 'page_id') : $atts['home_id'];
     //$addAction = cnSettingsAPI::get( 'connections', 'connections_home_page', 'page_id' ) != $atts['home_id'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // The base post permalink is required, do not filter the permalink thru cnSEO.
     if (!is_admin()) {
     $permalink = get_permalink($homeID);
     $permalink = apply_filters('cn_permalink', $permalink, $atts);
     // Re-enable the filter.
     if (!is_admin()) {
     // Store the query vars
     $queryVars = array();
     $queryVars['cn-s'] = get_query_var('cn-s') ? esc_html(get_query_var('cn-s')) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-char'] = get_query_var('cn-char') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-char'))) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-cat'] = get_query_var('cn-cat') ? get_query_var('cn-cat') : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-organization'] = get_query_var('cn-organization') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-organization'))) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-department'] = get_query_var('cn-department') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-department'))) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-locality'] = get_query_var('cn-locality') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-locality'))) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-region'] = get_query_var('cn-region') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-region'))) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-postal-code'] = get_query_var('cn-postal-code') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-postal-code'))) : FALSE;
     $queryVars['cn-country'] = get_query_var('cn-country') ? esc_html(urldecode(get_query_var('cn-country'))) : FALSE;
     // if ( get_query_var('cn-near-coord') ) $queryVars['cn-near-coord']     = get_query_var('cn-near-coord');
     // if ( get_query_var('cn-radius') ) $queryVars['cn-radius']             = get_query_var('cn-radius');
     // if ( get_query_var('cn-unit') ) $queryVars['cn-unit']                 = get_query_var('cn-unit');
     if ($queryVars['cn-cat']) {
         $categoryID = $queryVars['cn-cat'];
         $terms = array();
         // Since the `cn-cat` query var can be an array, we'll only add the category slug
         // template name when querying a single category.
         if (is_array($categoryID)) {
             foreach ($categoryID as $id) {
                 $term = cnTerm::getBy('id', $id, 'category');
                 $terms[] = esc_html($term->name);
         } else {
             $term = cnTerm::getBy('id', $categoryID, 'category');
             $terms[] = esc_html($term->name);
         $out[] = sprintf(__('You are searching within category(ies): %s', 'connections'), implode(', ', $terms));
     if ($queryVars['cn-s']) {
         // If value is a string, string the white space and covert to an array.
         if (!is_array($queryVars['cn-s'])) {
             $queryVars['cn-s'] = explode(' ', trim($queryVars['cn-s']));
         // Trim any white space from around the terms in the array.
         array_walk($queryVars['cn-s'], 'trim');
         $out[] = sprintf(__('You are searching for the keyword(s): %s', 'connections'), implode(', ', $queryVars['cn-s']));
     if ($queryVars['cn-char']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the character: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-char']);
     if ($queryVars['cn-organization']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the organization: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-organization']);
     if ($queryVars['cn-department']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the department: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-department']);
     if ($queryVars['cn-locality']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the locality: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-locality']);
     if ($queryVars['cn-region']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the region: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-region']);
     if ($queryVars['cn-postal-code']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the postal code: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-postal-code']);
     if ($queryVars['cn-country']) {
         $out[] = sprintf(__('The results are being filtered by the country: %s', 'connections'), $queryVars['cn-country']);
     // Convert the search messages in a HTML UL list.
     if (!empty($out)) {
         $out = '<li class="cn-search-message">' . implode('</li><li class="cn-search-message">', $out) . '</li>';
         $out = '<ul id="cn-search-message-list">' . $out . '</ul>';
         $out .= sprintf('<div id="cn-clear-search"><a class="button btn" id="cn-clear-search-button" href="%1$s">%2$s</a></div>', esc_url($permalink), __('Clear Search', 'connections'));
         $out = '<div id="cn-search-messages">' . $out . '</div>';
     } else {
         $out = '';
     return self::echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $out);
Пример #22
  * An indexed array of file names to be searched for.
  * The file names is an index array of file names where the
  * highest priority is first and the lowest priority is last.
  * @access private
  * @since  0.8
  * @uses   apply_filters()
  * @uses   get_query_var()
  * @param  string $base The base file name. Typically `card` for a template file and the template slug for CSS and JS files.
  * @param  string $name The template part name; such as `single` or `category`.
  * @param  string $slug The template part slug; such as an entry slug or category slug.
  * @param  string $ext  [optional] The template file name extension. Defaults to `php`.
  * @return array        An indexed array of file names to search for.
 private function fileNames($base, $name = NULL, $slug = NULL, $ext = 'php')
     $files = array();
     if (get_query_var('cn-cat')) {
         $categoryID = get_query_var('cn-cat');
         // Since the `cn-cat` query var can be an array, we'll only add the category slug
         // template name when querying a single category.
         if (!is_array($categoryID)) {
             $term = cnTerm::getBy('id', $categoryID, 'category');
             $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'category', $term->slug, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'category', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-cat-slug')) {
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'category', get_query_var('cn-cat-slug'), $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'category', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-country')) {
         $country = $this->queryVarSlug(get_query_var('cn-country'));
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'country', $country, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'country', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-region')) {
         $region = $this->queryVarSlug(get_query_var('cn-region'));
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'region', $region, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'region', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-postal-code')) {
         $zipcode = $this->queryVarSlug(get_query_var('cn-postal-code'));
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'postal-code', $zipcode, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'postal-code', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-locality')) {
         $locality = $this->queryVarSlug(get_query_var('cn-locality'));
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'locality', $locality, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'locality', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-organization')) {
         $organization = $this->queryVarSlug(get_query_var('cn-organization'));
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'organization', $organization, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'organization', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-department')) {
         $department = $this->queryVarSlug(get_query_var('cn-department'));
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'department', $department, $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'department', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     if (get_query_var('cn-entry-slug')) {
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, NULL, get_query_var('cn-entry-slug'), $ext);
         $files[] = $this->fileName($base, 'single', NULL, $ext);
         // var_dump( $files );
     // Add the base as the least priority, since it is required.
     $files[] = $this->fileName($base, NULL, NULL, $ext);
      * Allow template choices to be filtered.
      * The resulting array should be in the order of most specific first, least specific last.
      * e.g. 0 => card-single.php, 1 => card.php
     $files = apply_filters('cn_template_file_names-' . $this->slug, $files, $base, $name, $slug, $ext);
     // var_dump( $files );
     // Sort the files based on priority
     ksort($files, SORT_NUMERIC);
     // var_dump( $files );
     return array_filter($files);
  * The category metabox.
  * @access public
  * @since  0.8
  * @param  cnEntry $entry   An instance of the cnEntry object.
  * @param  array   $metabox The metabox options array from self::register().
  * @return string           The category metabox.
 public static function category($entry, $metabox)
     echo '<div class="categorydiv" id="taxonomy-category">';
     echo '<div id="category-all" class="tabs-panel">';
     cnTemplatePart::walker('term-checklist', array('selected' => cnTerm::getRelationships($entry->getID(), 'category', array('fields' => 'ids'))));
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
  * Retrieve category parents with separator.
  * NOTE: This is the Connections equivalent of @see get_category_parents() in WordPress core ../wp-includes/category-template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  8.5.18
  * @static
  * @param int    $id        Category ID.
  * @param array  $atts      The attributes array. {
  *     @type bool   $link       Whether to format as link or as a string.
  *                              Default: FALSE
  *     @type string $separator  How to separate categories.
  *                              Default: '/'
  *     @type bool   $nicename   Whether to use nice name for display.
  *                              Default: FALSE
  *     @type array  $visited    Already linked to categories to prevent duplicates.
  *                              Default: array()
  *     @type bool   $force_home Default: FALSE
  *     @type int    $home_id    Default: The page set as the directory home page.
  * }
  * @return string|WP_Error A list of category parents on success, WP_Error on failure.
 public static function getCategoryParents($id, $atts = array())
     $defaults = array('link' => FALSE, 'separator' => '/', 'nicename' => FALSE, 'visited' => array(), 'force_home' => FALSE, 'home_id' => cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'connections_home_page', 'page_id'));
     $atts = cnSanitize::args($atts, $defaults);
     $chain = '';
     $parent = cnTerm::get($id, 'category');
     if (is_wp_error($parent)) {
         return $parent;
     if ($atts['nicename']) {
         $name = $parent->slug;
     } else {
         $name = $parent->name;
     if ($parent->parent && $parent->parent != $parent->term_id && !in_array($parent->parent, $atts['visited'])) {
         $atts['visited'][] = $parent->parent;
         $chain .= self::getCategoryParents($parent->parent, $atts);
     if ($atts['link']) {
         $chain .= '<a href="' . esc_url(cnTerm::permalink($parent->term_id, 'category', $atts)) . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $atts['separator'];
     } else {
         $chain .= $name . esc_html($atts['separator']);
     return $chain;
  * Display or retrieve the HTML select list of terms.
  * This is the Connections equivalent of @see wp_dropdown_categories() in WordPress core ../wp-includes/category-template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  8.2
  * @static
  * @uses   wp_parse_args()
  * @uses   cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms()
  * @uses   esc_attr()
  * @uses   sanitize_html_class()
  * @uses   apply_filters()
  * @uses   Walker::walk()
  * @uses   selected()
  * @param array $atts {
  *     Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     NOTE: Additionally, all valid options as supported in @see cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms().
  * @type string $show_option_all   A non-blank value causes the display of a link to the directory home page.
  *                                 Default: ''. The default is not to display a link.
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid string.
  * @type string $show_option_none  Set the text to show when no categories are listed.
  *                                 Default: 'No Categories'
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid string.
  * @type bool   $show_count        Whether or not to display the category count.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type string $name              The select name attribute.
  *                                 Default: 'cat'
  * @type string $id                The select id attribute.
  *                                 Default: ''
  * @type string $class             The select class attribute.
  *                                 Default: 'postform'
  * @type int    $depth             Controls how many levels in the hierarchy of categories are to be included in the list.
  *                                 Default: 0
  *                                 Accepts: 0  - All categories and child categories.
  *                                          -1 - All Categories displayed  flat, not showing the parent/child relationships.
  *                                          1  - Show only top level/root parent categories.
  *                                          n  - Value of n (int) specifies the depth (or level) to descend in displaying the categories.
  * @type int    $tab_index         The select tab index.
  *                                 Default: 0
  * @type string $taxonomy          The taxonomy tree to display.
  *                                 Default: 'category'
  *                                 Accepts: Any registered taxonomy.
  * @type bool   $hide_if_empty     Whether or not to show the select if no terms are returned by term query.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * @type string $option_none_value Value to use when no term is selected.
  *                                 Default: -1
  *                                 Accepts: Any valid int/string for an option value attribute.
  * @type int    $selected          The selected term ID.
  * @type bool   $return            Whether or not to return or echo the resulting HTML.
  *                                 Default: FALSE
  * }
  * @return string
 public static function render($atts = array())
     $out = '';
     $defaults = array('show_option_all' => '', 'show_option_none' => '', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => FALSE, 'hide_empty' => FALSE, 'name' => 'cat', 'id' => '', 'class' => 'postform', 'depth' => 0, 'tab_index' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'hide_if_empty' => FALSE, 'option_none_value' => -1, 'selected' => 0, 'return' => FALSE);
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);
     $walker = new self();
     $walker->tree_type = $atts['taxonomy'];
     if (!isset($atts['pad_counts']) && $atts['show_count'] && $atts['hierarchical']) {
         $atts['pad_counts'] = TRUE;
     $tab_index_attribute = (int) $atts['tab_index'] > 0 ? " tabindex=\"{$atts['tab_index']}\"" : '';
     $terms = cnTerm::getTaxonomyTerms($atts['taxonomy'], $atts);
     $name = esc_attr($atts['name']);
     $class = sanitize_html_class($atts['class']);
     $id = $atts['id'] ? esc_attr($atts['id']) : $name;
     if (!$atts['hide_if_empty'] || !empty($terms)) {
         $out .= PHP_EOL . "<select name='{$name}' id='{$id}' class='{$class}' {$tab_index_attribute}>" . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         $out .= '';
     if (empty($terms) && !$atts['hide_if_empty'] && !empty($atts['show_option_none'])) {
          * Filter a taxonomy drop-down display element.
          * @since 8.2
          * @param string $element Taxonomy term name.
         $show_option_none = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_none']);
         $out .= "\t<option value='" . esc_attr($atts['option_none_value']) . "' selected='selected'>{$show_option_none}</option>\n";
     if (!empty($terms)) {
         if ($atts['show_option_all']) {
             /** This filter is documented in includes/template/class.template-walker-term-select.php */
             $show_option_all = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_all']);
             $selected = '0' === strval($atts['selected']) ? " selected='selected'" : '';
             $out .= "\t<option value='0'{$selected}>{$show_option_all}</option>\n";
         if ($atts['show_option_none']) {
             /** This filter is documented in includes/template/class.template-walker-term-select.php */
             $show_option_none = apply_filters('cn_list_cats', $atts['show_option_none']);
             $selected = selected($atts['option_none_value'], $atts['selected'], FALSE);
             $out .= "\t<option value='" . esc_attr($atts['option_none_value']) . "'{$selected}>{$show_option_none}</option>\n";
         if ($atts['hierarchical']) {
             $depth = $atts['depth'];
             // Walk the full depth.
         } else {
             $depth = -1;
             // Flat.
         $out .= $walker->walk($terms, $depth, $atts);
     if (!$atts['hide_if_empty'] || !empty($terms)) {
         $out .= "</select>" . PHP_EOL;
      * Filter the taxonomy drop-down output.
      * @since 8.2
      * @param string $out HTML output.
      * @param array  $atts      Arguments used to build the drop-down.
     $out = apply_filters('cn_dropdown_cats', $out, $atts);
     if ($atts['return']) {
         return $out;
     echo $out;
  * Returns the current category being viewed.
  * @access public
  * @since  8.5.18
  * @static
  * @return false|cnTerm_Object
 public static function getCurrent()
     $current = FALSE;
     if (cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-slug')) {
         $slug = explode('/', cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-slug'));
         // If the category slug is a descendant, use the last slug from the URL for the query.
         $current = end($slug);
     } elseif ($catIDs = cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat')) {
         if (is_array($catIDs)) {
             // If value is a string, strip the white space and covert to an array.
             $catIDs = wp_parse_id_list($catIDs);
             // Use the first element
             $current = reset($catIDs);
         } else {
             $current = $catIDs;
     if (!empty($current)) {
         if (ctype_digit((string) $current)) {
             $field = 'id';
         } else {
             $field = 'slug';
         $current = cnTerm::getBy($field, $current, 'category');
         // cnTerm::getBy() can return NULL || an instance of WP_Error, so, lets check for that.
         if (!is_a($current, 'cnTerm_Object')) {
             $current = FALSE;
     return $current;
  * Displays the category list in a HTML list or custom format.
  * NOTE: This is the Connections equivalent of @see get_the_category_list() in WordPress core ../wp-includes/category-template.php
  * @access public
  * @since  unknown
  * @param array $atts {
  * Optional. An array of arguments.
  *     @type string $container_tag    The HTML tag to be used for the container element.
  *                                    Default: div
  *     @type string $label_tag        The HTML tag to be used for the category label element.
  *                                    Default: span
  *     @type string $item_tag         The HTML tag to be used for the category element.
  *                                    Default: span
  *     @type string $type             The display type to be used to display the categories.
  *                                    Accepts: block|list
  *                                    Default: block
  *     @type string $list             If the $type is list, which type?
  *                                    Accepts: ordered|unordered
  *                                    Default: unordered
  *     @type string $label            The label to be displayed before the categories.
  *                                    Default: Categories:
  *     @type string $separator        The category separator used when separating categories when $type == list
  *                                    Default: ', '
  *     @type string $parent_separator The separator to be used when displaying the category's hierarchy.
  *                                    Default: ' &raquo; '
  *     @type string $before           String content to display before the categories.
  *     @type string $after            String content to display after the categories.
  *     @type bool   $link             Whether or not render the categories as permalinks.
  *                                    Default: false
  *     @type bool   $parents          Whether or not to display the category hierarchy.
  *                                    Default: false
  *     @type bool   $return           Whether or not to echo or return the HTML.
  *                                    Default: false
  * }
  * @return string
 public function getCategoryBlock($atts = array())
     global $wp_rewrite;
     $defaults = array('container_tag' => 'div', 'label_tag' => 'span', 'item_tag' => 'span', 'type' => 'block', 'list' => 'unordered', 'label' => __('Categories:', 'connections') . ' ', 'separator' => ', ', 'parent_separator' => ' &raquo; ', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link' => FALSE, 'parents' => FALSE, 'return' => FALSE);
      * All extensions to filter the method default and supplied args.
      * @since 8.5.18
     $atts = cnSanitize::args(apply_filters('cn_output_atts_category', $atts), apply_filters('cn_output_default_atts_category', $defaults));
     $categories = $this->getCategory();
     $count = count($categories);
     $html = '';
     $label = '';
     $items = array();
     if (empty($categories)) {
         return $html;
     if ('list' == $atts['type']) {
         $atts['item_tag'] = 'li';
     if (0 < strlen($atts['label'])) {
         $label = sprintf('<%1$s class="cn_category_label">%2$s</%1$s> ', $atts['label_tag'], esc_html($atts['label']));
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $text = '';
         if ($atts['parents']) {
             // If the term is a root parent, skip.
             if (0 !== $category->parent) {
                 $text .= cnTemplatePart::getCategoryParents($category->parent, array('link' => $atts['link'], 'separator' => $atts['parent_separator'], 'force_home' => $this->directoryHome['force_home'], 'home_id' => $this->directoryHome['page_id']));
         if ($atts['link']) {
             $rel = is_object($wp_rewrite) && $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ? 'rel="category tag"' : 'rel="category"';
             $url = cnTerm::permalink($category, 'category', array('force_home' => $this->directoryHome['force_home'], 'home_id' => $this->directoryHome['page_id']));
             $text .= '<a href="' . $url . '" ' . $rel . '>' . esc_html($category->name) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $text .= esc_html($category->name);
         $items[] = apply_filters('cn_entry_output_category_item', sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-category-name cn_category cn-category-%2$d">%3$s%4$s</%1$s>', $atts['item_tag'], $category->term_id, $text, $count > $i && 'list' !== $atts['type'] ? esc_html($atts['separator']) : ''), $category, $count, $i, $atts, $this);
         // Increment here so the correct value is passed to the filter.
      * Remove NULL, FALSE and empty strings (""), but leave values of 0 (zero).
      * Filter our these in case someone hooks into the `cn_entry_output_category_item` filter and removes a category
      * by returning an empty value.
     $items = array_filter($items, 'strlen');
     if ('list' == $atts['type']) {
         $html .= sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-category-list">%2$s</%1$s>', 'unordered' === $atts['list'] ? 'ul' : 'ol', implode('', $items));
     } else {
         $html .= implode('', $items);
     $html = apply_filters('cn_entry_output_category_container', sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-categories">%2$s</%1$s>' . PHP_EOL, $atts['container_tag'], $atts['before'] . $label . $html . $atts['after']), $atts);
     return $this->echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $html);