/** * A wrapper to set a user preference that is module specific. * this method only applies to admin users. * * @param string $pref_name The preference name * @param string $value The preference value. */ public function CGSetUserPreference($pref_name, $value) { $key = '__' . $this->GetName() . '_' . $pref_name; return cms_userprefs::set($key, $value); }
public static function set_cwd($path) { $config = cmsms()->GetConfig(); if (startswith($path, $config['root_path'])) { $path = substr($path, strlen($config['root_path']) + 1); } $advancedmode = self::check_advanced_mode(); // validate the path. $prefix = $config['root_path']; $tmp = self::join_path($prefix, $path); $tmp = realpath($tmp); if (!is_dir($tmp)) { throw new Exception('Cannot set current working directory to an invalid path'); } if (!self::test_invalid_path($tmp)) { throw new Exception('Cannot set current working directory to an invalid path'); } $path = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($tmp, strlen($prefix) + 1)); cms_userprefs::set('filemanager_cwd', $path); }