$cms = new cms(); //get the language file require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('cms'); $site_id = isset($_REQUEST['site_id']) ? $_REQUEST['site_id'] : 0; $task = isset($_REQUEST['task']) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : ''; $search_word_id = isset($_REQUEST['search_word_id']) ? $_REQUEST['search_word_id'] : 0; $return_to = isset($_REQUEST['return_to']) ? $_REQUEST['return_to'] : 'index.php'; $root_publish_path = $GO_CONFIG->get_setting('cms_publish_path'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $task == 'save_site') { $domain = $cms->prepare_domain(smart_addslashes(trim($_POST['domain']))); $name = smart_addslashes(trim($_POST['name'])); if ($domain == '' || $name == '') { $feedback = '<p class="Error">' . $error_missing_field . '</p>'; } else { if ($_POST['site_id'] > 0) { if (!($site = $cms->get_site($_POST['site_id']))) { $feedback = '<p class="Error">' . $strSaveError . '</p>'; } else { $existing_site = $cms->get_site_by_domain($domain); if ($existing_site && $existing_site['id'] != $_POST['site_id']) { $feedback = '<p class="Error">' . $cms_site_exists . '</p>'; } else { if (isset($_POST['secure'])) { if ($site['acl_read'] == 0) { if (!($acl_read = $GO_SECURITY->get_new_acl('cms read: ' . $domain))) { die($strAclError); } } else { $acl_read = $site['acl_read']; } } else {
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ require "../../Group-Office.php"; //authenticate the user $GO_SECURITY->authenticate(); //see if the user has access to this module //for this to work there must be a module named 'example' $GO_MODULES->authenticate('cms'); require $GO_MODULES->class_path . 'cms.class.inc'; $cms = new cms(); //get the language file require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('cms'); $site_id = isset($_REQUEST['site_id']) ? $_REQUEST['site_id'] : 0; if (!($site = $cms->get_site($site_id))) { header('Location: index.php'); } if (!$GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $site['acl_write'])) { require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "header.inc"; require $GO_CONFIG->root_path . 'error_docs/403.inc'; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "footer.inc"; exit; } //set the folder id we are in $folder_id = isset($_REQUEST['folder_id']) ? $_REQUEST['folder_id'] : $site['root_folder_id']; $link_back = $GO_MODULES->url . 'browse.php?site_id=' . $site_id . '&folder_id=' . $folder_id; //what to do before output $task = isset($_REQUEST['task']) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : ''; switch ($task) { case 'upload':
$image_string = ' <img src="' . $GO_THEME->image_url . 'buttons/arrow_up.gif" border="0" />'; $new_sort_order = "DESC"; } //adjust sorting because folders because they lack some columns switch ($cms_settings['sort_field']) { case 'cms_files.priority': $folders_sort = "priority"; break; case 'cms_files.time': $folders_sort = "time"; break; default: $folders_sort = "name"; break; } $site = $cms->get_site($site_id); if (!$GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $site['acl_write'])) { require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "header.inc"; require $GO_CONFIG->root_path . 'error_docs/403.inc'; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "footer.inc"; exit; } //set the folder id we are in $folder_id = isset($_REQUEST['folder_id']) ? $_REQUEST['folder_id'] : $site['root_folder_id']; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "header.inc"; $folder = $cms->get_folder($folder_id); echo '<h2>' . get_path($folder['parent_id']) . '/<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?site_id=' . $site_id . '&folder_id=' . $folder['id'] . '">' . $folder['name'] . '</a></h2>'; echo '<table border="0">'; if ($folder['parent_id'] != 0) { echo '<td align="center" width="60" nowrap>'; echo '<a class="small" href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?site_id=' . $site_id . '&folder_id=' . $folder['parent_id'] . '"><img src="' . $GO_THEME->images['uplvl_big'] . '" border="0" height="32" width="32" /><br />omhoog</a></td>';
Author: Merijn Schering <*****@*****.**> Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ require "../../Group-Office.php"; //load file management class require $GO_CONFIG->class_path . 'filetypes.class.inc'; $cms_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('cms'); require $cms_module['class_path'] . 'cms.class.inc'; $cms = new cms(); $filetypes = new filetypes(); $site = $cms->get_site($_REQUEST['site_id']); if ($site['acl_read'] > 0) { $GO_SECURITY->authenticate(); } if ($site['acl_read'] == 0 || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $site['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $site['acl_write'])) { if ($file = $cms->get_file($_REQUEST['file_id'])) { $browser = detect_browser(); //header('Content-Length: '.$file['size']); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); if ($browser['name'] == 'MSIE') { header('Content-Type: ' . $file['content_type']); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $file['name'] . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Type: ' . $file['content_type']);