  * When the new datasource has been created, let's create the synchro_data table
  * that will hold the data records and the correspoding triggers which will maintain
  * both tables in sync
 protected function AfterInsert()
     $sTable = $this->GetDataTable();
     $sReplicaTable = MetaModel::DBGetTable('SynchroReplica');
     $aColumns = $this->GetSQLColumns();
     $aFieldDefs = array();
     // Allow '0', otherwise mysql will render an error when the id is not given
     // (the trigger is expected to set the value, but it is not executed soon enough)
     $aFieldDefs[] = "id INTEGER(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ";
     $aFieldDefs[] = "`primary_key` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL";
     foreach ($aColumns as $sColumn => $ColSpec) {
         $aFieldDefs[] = "`{$sColumn}` {$ColSpec} NULL DEFAULT NULL";
     $aFieldDefs[] = "INDEX (id)";
     $aFieldDefs[] = "INDEX (primary_key)";
     $sFieldDefs = implode(', ', $aFieldDefs);
     $sCreateTable = "CREATE TABLE `{$sTable}` ({$sFieldDefs}) ENGINE = " . MYSQL_ENGINE . " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;";
     $aTriggers = $this->GetTriggersDefinition();
     foreach ($aTriggers as $key => $sTriggerSQL) {
 protected function AfterInsert()