  * @param array $session_vars An array of values that set how the class functions.
  * 	-'cookie_path' _string_: The path where the cookie is to be stored
  * 	-'cookie_domain' _string_: The domain the that the cookie resides on
  * 	-'cookie_secure' _boolean_: Access the cookie only over an secure connection
  * 	-'cookie_httponly' _boolean_: Write to the cookie only over an http(s) connection
  * 	-'cookie_lifetime' _int_: The amount of time the cookie is active for
  * 	-'hash_cookie' _boolean_ :Hash the cookie to its value is not easily readable
  * 	-'hash_session' _boolean: Has a season so its value is not easily readable
  * 	-'session_name' _string_ : Name of the current session
  * 	-'session_lifetime' _int_: The life time of the session, in seconds
  * 	-'session_path' _string_: The path of the session.
  * 	-'session_domain' _string_: The domain of the session. Default is current.
  * 	-'session_secure'_boolean_: Access the session only over a secure connection
  * 	-'session_httponly' _boolean: Writes to the session only over an http connection
  * 	-'hash_storage_key' _boolean: Session/Cookie Storage key will be hashed.
  * 	-'storage_key' _string: Session/Cookie Key to Store Like Data
 public function __construct($vars = array())
     $defaults = array('cookie_path' => '/', 'cookie_domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'cookie_secure' => false, 'cookie_httponly' => false, 'cookie_lifetime' => time() + 30 * 24 * 60, 'hash_storage_key' => true, 'session_lifetime' => 2000, 'session_path' => '/', 'session_domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'session_secure' => false, 'session_httponly' => false, 'session_start' => true, 'storage_key' => 'social_like_locker_data');
     $vars += $defaults;
     self::$cookie_path = $vars['cookie_path'];
     self::$cookie_domain = $vars['cookie_domain'];
     self::$cookie_secure = $vars['cookie_secure'];
     self::$cookie_httponly = $vars['cookie_httponly'];
     self::$cookie_lifetime = $vars['cookie_lifetime'];
     self::$session_path = $vars['session_path'];
     self::$session_domain = $vars['session_domain'];
     self::$session_secure = $vars['session_secure'];
     self::$session_httponly = $vars['session_httponly'];
     self::$session_lifetime = $vars['session_lifetime'];
     self::$hash_storage_key = $vars['hash_storage_key'];
     $this->storage_key = $vars['storage_key'];