Пример #1
function include_racestats_text()
    // Get Total Number of Tribes
    $strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total " . "FROM " . TBL_STAT . " " . "WHERE " . ALLIANCE . " > 10";
    $iTotal = mysql_result(mysql_query($strSQL), 0, 0);
    $iTotal2 = 0;
    // Get All Races
    include_once 'inc/classes/clsRace.php';
    $arrRaces = clsRace::getRaces();
    $arrActiveRaces = clsRace::getActiveRaces();
    // Begin Create Table
    $strRaceStatsTable = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="small">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="2">' . "Racial Stats" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . '<tr class="subheader">' . "<th>" . "Race" . "</th>" . '<th class="right">' . "%" . "</th>" . "</tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrRaces); $i++) {
        // Give each 3rd row a border down
        $strStyle = '';
        //if (($i % 3) == 0) { $strStyle = ' class = "bsdown" '; }
        if (!in_array($arrRaces[$i], $arrActiveRaces)) {
            $strStyle = ' style="font-style:italic;"';
        // Get Number of Tribes of the Current Race
        $SQL = "SELECT id FROM " . TBL_STAT . " " . "WHERE " . RACE . " = '{$arrRaces[$i]}' AND " . ALLIANCE . " > 10";
        $count[$i] = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($SQL));
        $iTotal2 += $count[$i];
        $strRaceStatsTable .= '<tr class="data">' . "<th{$strStyle}>" . $arrRaces[$i] . "</th>" . "<td{$strStyle}>" . round($count[$i] / $iTotal * 100, 2) . " %</td>" . "</tr>";
    $strRaceStatsTable .= '<tr class="data">' . "<th>" . "Unknown" . "</th>" . "<td>" . round(($iTotal - $iTotal2) / $iTotal * 100, 2) . " %</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>";
    echo $strRaceStatsTable;
Пример #2
function getRaces($strFamily = 'All')
    return clsRace::getRaces($strFamily);
Пример #3
function include_targetfinder_text()
    global $Host;

    // value initializations for the echos in the form

        if(empty($_POST["races"])) {
            echo "<div class=\"center negative\">You need to select at least 1 race</div>";
            $races[0] = "";
        } else {
        // adding a lil check or max was higher then min
            echo "<div class=\"center negative\">Your land minimum is higher than land maximum!</div>";
            echo "<div class=\"center negative\">Your strength minimum is higher than strength maximum!</div>";
            echo "<div class=\"center negative\">Your fame minimum is higher than fame maximum!</div>";
            echo "<div class=\"center negative\">You must fill at least one search criterium!</div>";

        /*$races[0]="Uruk Hai";
        $races[1]="Oleg Hai";
        $races[2]="Mori Hai";
        $races[3]="Dark Elf";
        $races[4]="Wood Elf";
        $races[5]="High Elf";
        $races = clsRace::getRaces();

<form id="tFinder" method="post" action="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=targetfinder&amp;z=do">
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <tr class="header">
                <th colspan="3">Target Finder</th>
            <tr class="subheader">
                <th colspan="2">Option</th>
            <tr class="data">
                <th>Land Size: </th>
                <td>From <input type="text" name="landMin" size="8" maxlength="6" value="<? echo $landMin; ?>" /></td>
                <td>To <input type="text" name="landMax" size="8" maxlength="6" value="<? echo $landMax; ?>" /></td>
            <tr class="data">
                <th>Strength: </th>
                <td>From <input type="text" name="strMin" size="8" maxlength="8" value="<? echo $strMin; ?>" /></td>
                <td>To <input type="text" name="strMax" size="8" maxlength="8" value="<? echo $strMax; ?>" /></td>
            <tr class="data">
                <th>Fame: </th>
                <td>From <input type="text" name="fameMin" size="8" maxlength="6" value="<? echo $fameMin; ?>" /></td>
                <td>To <input type="text" name="fameMax" size="8" maxlength="6" value="<? echo $fameMax; ?>" /></td>
            <tr class="data">
                <td colspan="2" class="center">
/*                            <tr class="data">
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Uruk Hai" <? if(in_array("Uruk Hai",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Uruk Hai</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Oleg Hai" <? if(in_array("Oleg Hai",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Oleg Hai</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Mori Hai" <? if(in_array("Mori Hai",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Mori Hai</td>
                            <tr class="data">
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Dark Elf" <? if(in_array("Dark Elf",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Dark Elf</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Wood Elf" <? if(in_array("Wood Elf",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Wood Elf</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="High Elf" <? if(in_array("High Elf",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> High Elf</td>
                            <tr class="data">
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Dwarf" <? if(in_array("Dwarf",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Dwarf</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Brittonian" <? if(in_array("Brittonian",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Brittonian</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Viking" <? if(in_array("Viking",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Viking</td>
                            <tr class="data">
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Raven" <? if(in_array("Raven",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Raven</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Dragon" <? if(in_array("Dragon",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Dragon</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Eagle" <? if(in_array("Eagle",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Eagle</td>
                            <tr class="data">
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Nazgul" <? if(in_array("Nazgul",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Nazgul</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Undead" <? if(in_array("Undead",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Undead</td>
                                <td class="left"><input name="races[]" type="checkbox" value="Spirit" <? if(in_array("Spirit",$races)) echo "checked=\"checked\""; ?> /> Spirit</td>
                            </tr> */
foreach (clsRace::getRaces() as $number => $race) {
    if ($number % 3 == 0) {
        echo '<tr class="data">';
    echo "<td class=\"left\"><input name=\"races[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$race}\" ";
    if (in_array($race, $races)) {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
    echo " /> {$race}</td>";
    if ($number % 3 == 2) {
        echo '</tr>';
                    <a href="#" onclick="var races=document.getElementById('tFinder')['races[]']; for(var i=0,len=races.length;i<len;i++) races[i].checked=true;">Check All</a>
                    <a href="#" onclick="var races=document.getElementById('tFinder')['races[]']; for(var i=0,len=races.length;i<len;i++) races[i].checked=false;">Uncheck All</a>
            <tr class="data">
                <th>Sort By: </th>
                <td colspan="2">
                    <select name="sort">
                        <option value="land" <? if($sort=="land") echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>>Land</option>
                        <option value="nw" <? if($sort=="nw") echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>>Strength</option>
                        <option value="fame" <? if($sort=="fame") echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>>Fame</option>
            <tr class="data">
                <th>Sort Type: </th>
                <td colspan="2">
                    <select name="sortType">
                        <option value="DESC" <? if($sortType=="DESC") echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>>Descending</option>
                        <option value="ASC" <? if($sortType=="ASC") echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>>Ascending</option>
            <tr class="data">
                <td colspan="3"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Find Targets" /></td>
<br />
        if(!$error) // call the actual search & print function if something is filled
Пример #4
function include_rankings_text()
    global $Host;
    require_once 'inc/races/clsRace.php';
    include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
    $objGame = new clsGame();
    $iAgeNumber = $objGame->get_game_time(AGE_NUMBER);
    $show = 'alliance';
    if (isset($_GET['show'])) {
        $show = $_GET['show'];
    echo get_rankings_links($show);
    $link = "main.php?cat=game&amp;page=rankings&amp;show={$show}&amp;type=";
    $rankingsText = '<div id="textBig">';
    switch ($show) {
        case "annual":
            $rankingsText .= "<h2>History Rankings</h2>" . "<h3>Alliance</h3>" . "<p>" . " | <a href=\"" . $link . "currentage\">Current Age</a> |" . "   <a href=\"" . $link . "topalli\">King Of The Hill</a> |" . "   <a href=\"" . $link . "topland\">Largest Alliance</a> |" . "</p>";
            if (!isset($_GET['type'])) {
                $_GET['type'] = 'currentage';
        case "personal":
            $rankingsText .= "<h2>Personal Rankings</h2>" . "<p> | <a href=\"" . $link . "pland\">Land</a> |" . "   <a href=\"" . $link . "pstr\">Strength</a> |" . "   <a href=\"" . $link . "pfame\">Fame</a> |" . "</p><p>";
            //modified to find out about races dynamically - AI 17/02/2007
            $races = clsRace::getRaces();
            $active_races = clsRace::getActiveRaces();
            foreach ($races as $number => $race) {
                if ($number % 3 == 0) {
                    $rankingsText .= '- ';
                $style = '';
                if (!in_array($race, $active_races)) {
                    $style = 'style="font-style:italic;"';
                $rankingsText .= "<span {$style}>{$race} [ " . "<a href=\"" . $link . "rland&amp;race={$number}\">Land</a> | " . "<a href=\"" . $link . "rstr&amp;race={$number}\">Strength</a> | " . "<a href=\"" . $link . "rfame&amp;race={$number}\">Fame</a> ]  </span>";
                if ($number % 3 == 2) {
                    $rankingsText .= '<br />';
            $rankingsText .= "</p>";
            if (!isset($_GET['type'])) {
                $_GET['type'] = 'pland';
        case "alliance":
            $rankingsText .= "<h2>Alliance Rankings</h2>" . "<p>| <a href=\"" . $link . "aland\">Land</a> | " . "   <a href=\"" . $link . "astr\">Strength</a> | " . "   <a href=\"" . $link . "afame\">Fame</a> | " . "<a href=\"" . $link . "support\">Top Voting Supporters</a></p>";
            if (!isset($_GET['type'])) {
                $_GET['type'] = 'aland';
    $rankingsText .= '</div>';
    echo $rankingsText;
    if (!isset($_GET['type'])) {
    $strType = $_GET["type"];
    if ($strType == "pstr") {
        $strTitle = "Individual Strength Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "p";
        $type = "Strength";
        $dbtype = "nw";
    } elseif ($strType == "pfame") {
        $strTitle = "Individual Fame Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "p";
        $type = "Fame";
        $dbtype = "fame";
    } elseif ($strType == "pland") {
        $strTitle = "Individual Land Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "p";
        $type = "Acres";
        $dbtype = "land";
    } elseif ($strType == "astr") {
        $strTitle = "Alliance Strength Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "a";
        $type = "Strength";
        $dbtype = "nw";
    } elseif ($strType == "aland") {
        $strTitle = "Alliance Land Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "a";
        $type = "Acres";
        $dbtype = "land";
    } elseif ($strType == "afame") {
        $strTitle = "Alliance Fame Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "a";
        $type = "Fame";
        $dbtype = "fame";
    } elseif ($strType == "rstr") {
        $strTitle = "Individual Race Strength Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "r";
        $type = "Strength";
        $dbtype = "nw";
    } elseif ($strType == "rland") {
        $strTitle = "Individual Race Land Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "r";
        $type = "Acres";
        $dbtype = "land";
    } elseif ($strType == "rfame") {
        $strTitle = "Individual Race Fame Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "r";
        $type = "Fame";
        $dbtype = "fame";
    } elseif ($strType == "support") {
        $strTitle = "Top Supporters";
        $strRankingType = "s";
    } elseif ($strType == "topalli") {
        $strTitle = "King Of The Hill History";
        $strRankingType = "ta";
    } elseif ($strType == "topland") {
        $strTitle = "Largest Alliance History";
        $strRankingType = "tl";
    } elseif ($strType == "currentage") {
        $strTitle = "Age {$iAgeNumber} Rankings";
        $strRankingType = "ca";
    //     elseif ($strType == "truetopalli") {
    //         $strTitle = "King Of The Hill (In Recent History)";
    //         $strRankingType = "tta";
    //         $dbtype = "alli_name";
    //     } elseif ($strType == "truetopalliid") {
    //         $strTitle = "King Of The Hill (In Recent History)";
    //         $strRankingType = "tta";
    //         $dbtype = "alli_id";
    //     }
    if (isset($_GET['race'])) {
        $race = $_GET['race'];
        //modified to be dynamic - AI 17/02/2007
        $races = clsRace::getRaces();
        $race = $races[$race];
    echo "<br />";
    if ($strRankingType == "p") {
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT id,tribe_name,race,alli_id," . $dbtype . " FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id > 10 ORDER BY " . $dbtype . " DESC LIMIT 200");
        echo "<table class=\"big\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"4\">" . $strTitle . "</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class=\"subheader\">";
        echo "<th>Tribe Name</th>";
        echo "<th>Race</th>";
        echo "<th>Alliance</th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\">" . $type . "</th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        $iCount = 1;
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th>{$iCount}. " . stripslashes($line["tribe_name"]) . "</th>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . $line["race"] . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . "(#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $line["alli_id"] . "\">" . $line["alli_id"] . "</a>)</td>";
            echo "<td>" . number_format($line[$dbtype]) . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    } elseif ($strRankingType == "a") {
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT id,alli_name,alli_desc," . $dbtype . " FROM rankings_alliance WHERE id > 10 ORDER BY " . $dbtype . " DESC LIMIT 50");
        echo "<table class=\"big\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"5\">" . $strTitle . "</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class=\"subheader\">";
        echo "<th width=\"25\">&nbsp;</th>";
        echo "<th>Alliance Name</th>";
        echo "<th class=\"left\">Alliance Description</th>";
        echo "<th>#</th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\">" . $type . "</th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        $iCount = 1;
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th class=\"left\">" . $iCount . ".</th>";
            echo "<th class=\"left\">" . stripslashes($line["alli_name"]) . "</th>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . stripslashes($line["alli_desc"]) . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . "(#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $line["id"] . "\">" . $line["id"] . "</a>) " . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . number_format($line[$dbtype]) . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    } elseif ($strRankingType == "r") {
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT id,tribe_name,race,alli_id," . $dbtype . " FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id > 10 AND race = '" . $race . "' ORDER BY " . $dbtype . " DESC LIMIT 50");
        echo "<table class=\"big\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"4\">" . $strTitle . "</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class=\"subheader\">";
        echo "<th>Tribe Name</th>";
        echo "<th>Race</th>";
        echo "<th>Alliance</th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\">" . $type . "</th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        $iCount = 1;
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th>{$iCount}. " . stripslashes($line["tribe_name"]) . "</th>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . $line["race"] . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . "(#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $line["alli_id"] . "\">" . $line["alli_id"] . "</a>)</td>";
            echo "<td>" . number_format($line[$dbtype]) . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    } elseif ($strRankingType == "s") {
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, vote_count FROM `" . ALLIANCE . "` WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY vote_count DESC  LIMIT 0 , 50");
        echo "<table class=\"big\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"2\">Top Supporters</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class=\"subheader\">";
        echo "<th>Alliance Name</th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\">Votes</th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        $iCount = 1;
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th>{$iCount}. " . stripslashes($line['name']) . " (#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $line['id'] . "\">" . $line['id'] . "</a>)</th>";
            echo "<td>" . number_format($line['vote_count']) . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    } elseif ($strRankingType == "ta") {
        include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
        $objGame = new clsGame();
        $iCurrentYear = $objGame->get_year_history();
        // Nuvarande
        $resSQL = mysql_query("SELECT alli_id, alli_name, alli_desc, year, land FROM rankings_history WHERE year = {$iCurrentYear} AND year > 105 LIMIT 1");
        // Alla genom history
        $resSQL2 = mysql_query("SELECT year, alli_id, alli_name, alli_desc FROM rankings_history WHERE alli_id > 10 AND year > 105 GROUP BY year ASC");
        // Lista Alla För att summera i PHP
        $old_id = 0;
        $iCount = 0;
        while ($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($resSQL2)) {
            $new_id = $arrRow['alli_id'];
            if ($new_id != $old_id) {
                // prepare for new alliance
                // Copy SQL result row
                $arrAlliance[$iCount] = $arrRow;
                // add a starting year column to display period, eg 100 - 106 OE
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['starting_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
                // add an ending year column to display period, eg 100 - 106 OE
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['ending_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
                // add a year counter column, starting value = 1
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['years'] = 1;
                // Save alliance id for next loop
                $old_id = $new_id;
            } elseif ($new_id == $old_id) {
                // add another year to our counter column
                // update ending year column
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['ending_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
        // Sort the array
        // Obtain the column to sorty by
        foreach ($arrAlliance as $key => $row) {
            $years[$key] = $row['years'];
        // Sort the data with years descending
        // Add $arrAlliance as the last parameter, to sort by the common key
        array_multisort($years, SORT_DESC, $arrAlliance);
        // Done sorting ;)
        echo "<table class=\"big\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"6\">" . $strTitle . "</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class=\"subheader\">";
        echo "<th colspan=\"2\"> Alliance Name </th>";
        echo "<th width=\"40%\"> Description </th>";
        echo "<th> # </th>";
        echo "<th> Period </th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\"> Years </th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        $iCount = 1;
        while ($arrAlliance1 = mysql_fetch_array($resSQL)) {
            // pick out the current year alliance from our history array
            foreach ($arrAlliance as $arrAlliance2) {
                if ($arrAlliance1['year'] == $arrAlliance2['ending_year']) {
                    $arrAlliance1 = $arrAlliance2;
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th width=\"25\" class=\"bsdown\">{$iCount}. </th>";
            echo "<th class=\"bsdown\">" . stripslashes($arrAlliance1['alli_name']) . "</th>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown left\">" . $arrAlliance1['alli_desc'] . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown left\">" . "(#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $arrAlliance1['alli_id'] . "\">" . $arrAlliance1['alli_id'] . "</a>)" . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown left\">" . $arrAlliance1['starting_year'] . ' - <strong>' . $arrAlliance1['ending_year'] . "</strong> OE</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown\">" . $arrAlliance1['years'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        foreach ($arrAlliance as $arrAlliance) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th width=\"25\">{$iCount}. </th>";
            echo "<th>" . stripslashes($arrAlliance['alli_name']) . "</th>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . $arrAlliance['alli_desc'] . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . "(#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . "\">" . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . "</a>)" . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"left\">" . $arrAlliance['starting_year'] . ' - ' . $arrAlliance['ending_year'] . " OE</td>";
            echo "<td>" . $arrAlliance['years'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
            //             if ($iCount == 10)
            //             {
            //                 break;
            //             }
    } elseif ($strRankingType == "tl") {
        include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
        $objGame = new clsGame();
        $iCurrentYear = $objGame->get_year_history();
        $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT alli_id,alli_name,alli_desc,year,land FROM rankings_history WHERE year = {$iCurrentYear} AND year > 105 LIMIT 1");
        echo "<table class=\"big\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        echo "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"5\">" . $strTitle . "</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class=\"subheader\">";
        echo "<th colspan=\"2\"> Alliance Name </th>";
        echo "<th> Description </th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\"> Year </th>";
        echo "<th class=\"right\"> Acres </th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        $iCount = 1;
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th width=\"25\" class=\"bsdown\">{$iCount}.</th>";
            echo "<th class=\"bsdown\">" . stripslashes($line['alli_name']) . " (#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $line['alli_id'] . "\">" . $line['alli_id'] . "</a>) </th>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown\">" . $line['alli_desc'] . "</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown\">" . $line['year'] . " OE</td>";
            echo "<td class=\"bsdown\">" . number_format($line['land']) . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT alli_id,alli_name,alli_desc,year,MAX(land) as land FROM rankings_history WHERE alli_id > 10 AND year > 105 GROUP BY alli_id ORDER BY land DESC");
        // GROUP BY alli_name
        while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
            echo "<tr class=\"data" . $cm . "\">";
            echo "<th width=\"25\">{$iCount}.</th>";
            echo "<th>" . stripslashes($line['alli_name']) . " (#<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $line['alli_id'] . "\">" . $line['alli_id'] . "</a>)" . "</th>";
            echo "<td>" . $line['alli_desc'] . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . $line['year'] . " OE</td>";
            echo "<td>" . number_format($line['land']) . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    } elseif ($strRankingType == "ca") {
        include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
        $objGame = new clsGame();
        $iCurrentYear = $objGame->get_year_history();
        $iAgeNumber = $objGame->get_game_time(AGE_NUMBER);
        include_once 'inc/classes/clsAge.php';
        $objNewAge = new clsAge();
        $iFirstYear = $objNewAge->getFirstYear();
        $iLastYear = $objNewAge->getLastYear();
        // Alla genom history
        $resSQL2 = mysql_query("SELECT year, alli_id, alli_name, alli_desc FROM rankings_history WHERE alli_id > 10 AND year >= {$iFirstYear} AND year <= {$iLastYear} GROUP BY alli_id,year ASC");
        // Lista Alla För att summera i PHP
        $old_id = 0;
        $iCount = 0;
        while ($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($resSQL2)) {
            $new_id = $arrRow['alli_id'];
            if ($new_id != $old_id) {
                // prepare for new alliance
                // Copy SQL result row
                $arrAlliance[$iCount] = $arrRow;
                // add a starting year column to display period, eg 100 - 106 OE
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['starting_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
                // add an ending year column to display period, eg 100 - 106 OE
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['ending_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
                // add a year counter column, starting value = 1
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['years'] = 1;
                // Save alliance id for next loop
                $old_id = $new_id;
            } elseif ($new_id == $old_id) {
                // add another year to our counter column
                // update ending year column
                $arrAlliance[$iCount]['ending_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
        // Sort the array
        // Obtain the column to sorty by
        foreach ($arrAlliance as $key => $row) {
            $years[$key] = $row['years'];
        // Sort the data with years descending
        // Add $arrAlliance as the last parameter, to sort by the common key
        array_multisort($years, SORT_DESC, $arrAlliance);
        // Done sorting ;)
        echo '<div class="center">' . '<h1 style="margin-top: 0;">Age ' . $iAgeNumber . ' Rankings (' . $iFirstYear . ' - ' . $iLastYear . ' OE)</h1>' . '</div>';
        //             echo "<h2>Top Alliance History</h2>";
        $strTopAllianceCurrentTable = '<table class="big" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="5">King of the Hill</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="subheader">' . '<th>&nbsp;</th>' . '<th>Alliance Name</th>' . '<th>Alliance Description</th>' . '<th>#</th>' . '<th class="right">Years</th>' . '</tr>';
        $iCount = 1;
        foreach ($arrAlliance as $arrAlliance) {
            $strTopAllianceCurrentTable .= '<tr class="data">' . '<th width="25">' . $iCount . '.</th>' . '<th>' . stripslashes($arrAlliance['alli_name']) . '</th>' . '<td class="left">' . stripslashes($arrAlliance['alli_desc']) . '</td>' . '<td class="left">' . '(#<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=' . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . '">' . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . '</a>)' . '</td>' . '<td>' . $arrAlliance['years'] . ' years on top</td>' . '</tr>';
        $strTopAllianceCurrentTable .= '</table>';
        echo $strTopAllianceCurrentTable;
        // 2nd LIST
        function doit1()
            include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
            $objGame = new clsGame();
            $iCurrentYear = $objGame->get_year_history();
            $iAgeNumber = $objGame->get_game_time(AGE_NUMBER);
            include_once 'inc/classes/clsAge.php';
            $objNewAge = new clsAge();
            $iFirstYear = $objNewAge->getFirstYear();
            $iLastYear = $objNewAge->getLastYear();
            //             echo "<h2>Top Acreage History</h2>";
            echo '<br />';
            $strTopAcreageCurrentTable = '<table class="big" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="6">Largest Alliance</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="subheader">' . '<th>&nbsp;</th>' . '<th>Alliance Name</th>' . '<th>Alliance Description</th>' . '<th>#</th>' . '<th class="right">Year</th>' . '<th class="right">Acres</th>' . '</tr>';
            $iCount = 1;
            $query = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(land) as land,alli_id,year FROM rankings_history WHERE alli_id > 10 AND year >= {$iFirstYear} AND year <= {$iLastYear} GROUP BY alli_id ORDER BY land DESC");
            while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
                $line2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT year,alli_name,alli_desc FROM rankings_history WHERE land = {$line['land']} AND alli_id = {$line['alli_id']}"));
                $cm = $iCount % 2 == 0 ? " even" : " odd";
                $strTopAcreageCurrentTable .= '<tr class="data"' . $cm . '">' . '<th width="25">' . $iCount . '.</th>' . '<th>' . stripslashes($line2['alli_name']) . '</th>' . '<td class="left">' . stripslashes($line2['alli_desc']) . '</td>' . '<td class="left">(#<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=' . $line['alli_id'] . '">' . $line['alli_id'] . '</a>)' . '</td>' . '<td>(' . $line2['year'] . ' OE)</td>' . '<td>' . number_format($line['land']) . ' acres </td>' . '</tr>';
            $strTopAcreageCurrentTable .= '</table>';
            echo $strTopAcreageCurrentTable;
        // 3rd LIST
        function doit()
            include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
            $objGame = new clsGame();
            $iCurrentYear = $objGame->get_year_history();
            $iAgeNumber = $objGame->get_game_time(AGE_NUMBER);
            include_once 'inc/classes/clsAge.php';
            $objNewAge = new clsAge();
            $iFirstYear = $objNewAge->getFirstYear();
            $iLastYear = $objNewAge->getLastYear();
            // Alla genom history
            $resSQL2 = mysql_query("SELECT year, alli_id, alli_name, alli_desc FROM rankings_history WHERE alli_id > 10 AND year >= {$iFirstYear} AND year <= {$iLastYear} GROUP BY year ASC");
            // Lista Alla För att summera i PHP
            $old_id = 0;
            $iCount = 0;
            while ($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($resSQL2)) {
                $new_id = $arrRow['alli_id'];
                if ($new_id != $old_id) {
                    // prepare for new alliance
                    // Copy SQL result row
                    $arrAlliance[$iCount] = $arrRow;
                    // add a starting year column to display period, eg 100 - 106 OE
                    $arrAlliance[$iCount]['starting_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
                    // add an ending year column to display period, eg 100 - 106 OE
                    $arrAlliance[$iCount]['ending_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
                    // add a year counter column, starting value = 1
                    $arrAlliance[$iCount]['years'] = 1;
                    // Save alliance id for next loop
                    $old_id = $new_id;
                } elseif ($new_id == $old_id) {
                    // add another year to our counter column
                    // update ending year column
                    $arrAlliance[$iCount]['ending_year'] = $arrRow['year'];
            // Sort the array
            // Obtain the column to sorty by
            foreach ($arrAlliance as $key => $row) {
                $years[$key] = $row['starting_year'];
            // Sort the data with years descending
            // Add $arrAlliance as the last parameter, to sort by the common key
            array_multisort($years, SORT_ASC, $arrAlliance);
            // Done sorting ;)
            //             echo '<div class="center"><h2>Timeline</h2></div>';
            echo '<br />';
            $strTimelineCurrentTable = '<table class="big" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="5">Timeline</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="subheader">' . '<th>Period</th>' . '<th>Alliance Name</th>' . '<th>Alliance Description</th>' . '<th>#</th>' . '<th class="right">Years</th>' . '</tr>';
            $iCount = 1;
            foreach ($arrAlliance as $arrAlliance) {
                $strTimelineCurrentTable .= '<tr class="data">' . '<td class="left">(' . $arrAlliance['starting_year'] . ' - ' . $arrAlliance['ending_year'] . ' OE) </td>' . '<th>' . stripslashes($arrAlliance['alli_name']) . '</th>' . '<td class="left">' . stripslashes($arrAlliance['alli_desc']) . '</td>' . '<td class="left">' . '(#<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=' . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . '">' . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . '</a>)</td>' . '<td>' . $arrAlliance['years'] . ' years on top </td>' . '</tr>';
            $strTimelineCurrentTable .= '</table>';
            echo $strTimelineCurrentTable;
    //     elseif ($strRankingType == 'tta')
    //     {
    //         $strTable =
    //             '<table class="medium" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' .
    //                 '<tr class="header">' .
    //                     '<th colspan="4">' .$strTitle . '</th>' .
    //                 '</tr>' .
    //                 '<tr class="subheader">' .
    //                     '<th>Alliance Name</th>' .
    //                     '<th>#</th>' .
    //                     '<th class="center">Years</th>' .
    //                     '<th class="right">Active</th>' .
    //                 '</tr>';
    //         $strSQL = "SELECT alli_name, alli_desc, alli_id, count(year) as years, year FROM rankings_history WHERE alli_id > 10 AND year > 105 GROUP BY $dbtype ORDER BY id DESC";
    //         $resSQL = mysql_query($strSQL);
    //         $iCount = 1;
    //         while ($arrAlliance = mysql_fetch_array($resSQL))
    //         {
    //             $strTable .=
    //                 '<tr class="data">' .
    //                     '<th>' . stripslashes($arrAlliance['alli_name']) . '</th>' .
    //                     '<td class="left">' . '(#<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=' . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . '">' . $arrAlliance['alli_id'] . '</a>)</td>' .
    //                     '<td class="center">' . $arrAlliance['years'] . '</td>' .
    //                     '<td>~' . $arrAlliance['year'] . ' OE</td>' .
    //                 '</tr>';
    //             $iCount++;
    //         }
    //         echo $strTable;
    //     }
    echo '</table>';